Yoga for Wellness, LLC

Yoga for Wellness, LLC

Yoga for Wellness offers a hatha-style practice with mindful movement, intentional holds, and breath work. Group, Private and zoom classes available.

I am YA certified to teach adults (RYT 200) and children (RCYT).

Timeline photos 01/01/2024

We are so honored to offer Natasha’s services at Kindred Flow Yoga next month, and we hope the pregnant mama you know and love can take advantage of this amazing offering.

Join me with like minded moms on a 5 week journey of yoga,empowerment, breath and preparation of your upcoming birth.


For any yogis interested in joining a “Venmo what you can” zoom yoga class today at 5 pm, the zoom details are in the comments. (This is in lieu of the Thursday night class I thought I could teach virtually through Kindred Flow Yoga.) Looking forward to “seeing” whoever can make it! Be well!


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Good morning! BIG news here!

We have enjoyed a successful "soft opening" of Kindred Flow Yoga, above Half Day Café! I cannot wait to share this space with you – it has been carefully curated by some lovely minds/hearts in this community to be simple yet elegant. It is a safe space to gather and practice so we can once again foster this sense of connection to ourselves and each other.

I LOVE practicing and teaching in this space.

We have two other teachers on the schedule, with a couple more teachers to add (fingers crossed). Lots of classes and times to choose from, and we are open to suggestions!

We take COVID seriously and are taking precautions to keep everyone healthy and limit spread. There is a massive air purifier in the space and we keep windows cracked or open at all times. We sanitize in and out. We have enough time between classes to transition everyone out before new people come in, and to clean in between classes. Teachers remain masked during class, as well as anyone who is not two full weeks post their final vaccination. Anyone who IS two weeks post-vaccination is welcome to remove their mask at their mat for the duration of their practice.

Open House this afternoon (3:30-6 p.m.) for anyone interested in registering their primary/middle schoolers for three Monday classes. Bring your MS's mat and store it at the studio if you're registering your student for class!

Registration and waiver in the comments...

AND ... perhaps the biggest news of all ...
We are offering FREE yoga to the teachers and admins for the month of May. You may purchase a Wellness for Teachers class pass for your favorite teachers if you already know they love yoga. We are offering after-school classes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays especially for our teachers, but they are welcome to come to any class. They just have to register first.

Looking for Mother's Day gifts? A class pass for your favorite Mom might be the perfect gift. E-Gift cards also available.

We plan to enjoy this month of classes, enjoy some kids yoga half-day camps (see what I did there?) the first two weeks of summer vacation and later this summer too. We plan to garner enough support and interest to switch to a different scheduling platform in time for our Grand Opening in the fall. We plan to serve our community so we can feel connected (mind-body) and to each other, both on and off the mat!

Come enjoy a class at Kindred Flow Yoga!


If you’re enjoying a staycation this spring break, I am offering my Monday/Wednesday classes at Beyond the Barre, 9:30-10:45 a.m. Mixed levels, come as you are wearing a mask, yogi’s choice for many or few vinyasas you prefer! $12 cash, Venmo, or CC on file at BTB. Together, let’s do some spring cleaning for our bodies and our minds! 🌸 🌺 🌼 ☀️ ☔️ 🧘‍♀️ 🧘

Class Schedule for Kara Garrod 16/03/2021

There’s still time to register for this evening’s zoom yoga class: 5:30-6:30 pm
DM to Venmo me for the link, or register and pay here:

We will move, breathe, find stillness and strength.

Class Schedule for Kara Garrod Whether I’m practicing with kids or adults, I keep our movement mindful and intentionally paced, and strive for a blend of light and lively as we explore not only what our physical bodies can do, but also how our mental strength sustains us.

Welcome to | Bringing gratitude to life 23/01/2021

“Extend the circle of ‘us’ to include as much of the world as you possibly can.”


We are all connected. Find your wellness this weekend! (And if you’d like some assistance in doing that, DM me!)

Welcome to | Bringing gratitude to life Welcome to our online sanctuary where you can nourish and deepen grateful awareness. Join us to discover and savor a rich array of inspiration and daily practices. Grateful living brings gratitude to life…


If you (too) are feeling the need for more grounding this week, join Yoga For Wellness at Beyond the Barre! 9:30-10:45 am Monday and Wednesday; bring your own mat and mask. See you then!

Class Schedule for Kara Garrod 12/01/2021

Zoom class tonight to stretch, breathe, ground and sweat your worries away! Join me on your mat from 5:30-6:30 pm — register at

Class Schedule for Kara Garrod undefined


Ready yourself for your next adventure! But take the lessons — and all of your micro-accomplishments — with you as you go. Cheers to the lessons of patience, letting go, and nurturing ourselves and our family unit that 2020 brought us.

Kids Yoga in January 30/12/2020

In-person or zoom kids yoga classes, Saturdays, Jan 9-30. Please contact me with any questions. I will do my best to provide a fun and safe yoga practice for your child, grades 1-5.

Kids Yoga in January Hi fellow Wyoming families! In lieu of Winter Enrichment, I am offering in-person kids yoga classes for four Saturdays this January in the ballroom at the Wyoming Fine Arts Center. It's a spacious room with an air purifier and windows that can be cracked open. All participants will wear masks. Class...


Happy Solstice!

Happy solstice everyone!! Here is the prayer from the Yule ritual that I did this morning. Please use it in your own solstice ritual if you find it helpful. If you want to learn how to create a winter solstice Yule ritual for yourself or with your family. You can find it on the replays at Revolution Within. Link in the bio.

Instagram Photos 17/12/2020


8 Fun and Easy Ways to Practice Mindfulness With Your Kids, Because It’s Never Too Early to Start 09/12/2020

“At its root, mindfulness is about friendly awareness — it’s paying attention with kindness and curiosity to yourself, other people, and the world around you.

Awareness doesn't get rid of life's challenges, but it does change our relationship to them. That, in and of itself, is a huge deal.”

- Susan Kaiser Greenland

Link to full article about ways to embrace mindfulness with your kiddos here:

8 Fun and Easy Ways to Practice Mindfulness With Your Kids, Because It’s Never Too Early to Start Raising mindful munchkins begins here.


Building authentic living ... one breath, one choice at a time! to our Newsletter and receive daily, mindful content straight to your inbox! 😍

Timeline photos 06/12/2020

Honor your needs this week by rolling out your mat: Monday evening via zoom, 5:30-6:30 pm (comment for link) or Wednesday morning 9:30-10:45 am at Beyond the Barre. See you then!

Yoga for Wellness LLC has eGift Cards available 03/12/2020

Whether you want to roll out your mat to practice online, or you are ready to practice in-person (outdoors or indoors, safely spaced and masked), Yoga for Wellness can help prioritize self-care for you or your loved ones. Your support means so much!

Thank you! Be well!
Kara, for Yoga for Wellness LLC

A gift for tomorrow

Yoga for Wellness LLC has eGift Cards available Click here for an update from Yoga for Wellness LLC!


Friends and yogis, if you feel so called ...

Would you mind commenting here, or emailing a quote describing a yoga class or yoga experience you have (or your child has) had with Yoga for Wellness?

I’m updating my website with a “Testimonials” page and I will happily include your quote and first name only.

Much thanks, and 🙏🏼 (as this yogi dons her business owner cap).


Use the RAIN approach for self-compassion and compassion for others.


Start this beautiful weekend the right way — on your mat: stretching, breathing, balancing, releasing.

FREE community yoga from 10-11 a.m. this (Saturday) morning!

Timeline photos 04/11/2020

Routines work! Jill can show you how!

Discover how to create your mindful morning with Jill Conyers Yoga, LLC! 🙏🏻☕️☀️

Ten Percent Challenge 26/10/2020

If you have yet to find an app, daily ritual or reason to maintain a daily meditation practice, maybe this election season will help? This is free through 10% happier. No pressure but wanted to pass it along...

Hey, it’s Kara. I'm doing the Election Sanity Challenge through the Ten Percent Happier app. Join me - it's free! Download the Ten Percent Happier app on the App Store or Play Store, then tap this link to add me as a friend

Ten Percent Challenge


No Yoga for Wellness class at Beyond the Barre this morning. See you on Wednesday, same 🦇 place, same 🦇 time. 9:30-10:45 am

Have a ghoulish week!


It will be chilly, but we will move and move and move ... And, we have the bright sun to stay warm. Come join me on the mat! I recommend layers and grippy socks! Free yoga, 10-11 am at the Green! 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️ ☀️


If you are not yet ready for indoor, in-person classes, I can zoom you in to Monday & Wednesday morning classes (9:30-10:45 am) at Beyond the Barre! Comment here and I’ll send you the zoom link before class.

If you are ready and plan to come, know that we are taking extra precautions and asking everyone to wear a mask. Try yours out upside down ahead of time! Be well!