Jordan Roscoe

Jordan Roscoe

Welcome! I'm Jordan Roscoe, The Journeyman Entrepreneur and founder of Unique Pro Media LLC.

I believe that we are all meant for more and success is truly within our grasp!


Whether I’m starting my day or finishing it, there’s just something about this gig that always makes me appreciate things for what they really are.

So grateful to be a part of this online movement and helping people locally and abroad.


Lead from the front and serve with passion!


Are you ready to take your social media skills up a notch? The Content Marketer position at Unique Pro Media could be for you...

Are you or someone you know searching for an opportunity to take your social media skills to the next level?

Wouldn't it be great if you could get paid to create??

Right now, Unique Pro Media is seeking creative individuals in the Hanover, PA area to help capture and create content for our clients.

If you think you'd be a great fit, text 'UNIQUE' to (717) 400-6882 and we will schedule a time to chat.


Need a new roof? Need an honest, open and willing contractor that treats you and your home with care and respect? For me, the choice is clear. Watch the video below to learn why you should choose Bealing Roofing and Exteriors, Inc for your next roof replacement project.

👍 Like & ➡️ Share


Ready to change your life?


Then it’s time to learn a new skill.

DM me if you’re ready.


Nearly four months ago, I claimed control of my own life.

I spent years doing what I thought I should be doing based on the advice of my peers.

However, I always felt that I was living under my potential, and I often thought about becoming more.

But over the last ten years, I lacked the courage and discipline to do whatever it would take to truly command my own life.

Then I got a nudge.

It was humiliating, but absolutely necessary.

I got fired from an extremely successful 10 year career.

Although I was ashamed, it forced me to realize that I was completely out of alignment with my purpose.

Now, I’m free.

I no longer require permission to live my life on my terms.

If you’re tired of asking for permission to live your life, it’s time get intentional.

Don’t wait forever to do what you feel you are truly called to do.

Your life is yours. Live it your way.

“Success is never owned, it is rented, and the rent is due everyday-the only question now is am I willing to pay a price that is greater than everyone else?”


I just took the 60 min Power Zone Endurance Ride with Matt Wilpers 04/09/2021

I just took the 60 min Power Zone Endurance Ride with Matt Wilpers Taken by JourneyPreneur on the Peloton Bike. Give it all with live & on-demand studio classes with world class instructors, right from home.

My Path to Entrepreneurship: The Past and The Future. - Jordan Roscoe 16/08/2021

My Path to Entrepreneurship: The Past and The Future.

My Path to Entrepreneurship: The Past and The Future. - Jordan Roscoe Along the path of entrepreneurship there are many ups and downs. By focusing on our goals and getting clear on our mission, we can achieve great things!

Timeline photos 16/08/2021

Unique Pro Media LLC is your one stop shop for digital marketing and web design. Whether you're looking to launch your business or scale your revenue, trust your local experts to get it done!

For a limited time, mention this post and you'll get $100 in account credits!

An overwhelming 88% of all buying decisions are made before entering a store. Take advantage of our award-winning digital advertising campaigns to find customers in their natural habitat: online! It’s a simple three-step process:

Step #1: Target people searching for your services and visiting your competitors’ businesses.

Step #2: Increase the number of phone calls you receive for your services and new customers that visit your business.

Step #3: Monitor and improve your return on investment with monthly proof-of-performance reports.

Give us a call and get started today! (717) 465-1808


Your success only grows to the extent that you do.

Never stop learning, never stop improving.

You deserve to be the best version of yourself, and you don’t need anyone’s permission to embark on that journey.

Don’t let anything hold you back. Life is too short to live with limits.

Remember, fear of anything never stopped you. You stopped you. Your emotions don’t control you, you control you.

Get intentional, lean into your fears, and take massive f***ing action! YOU’RE WORTH IT!!


Top of the month. Time to run it back. Now starting round 5.


is LIVE! Like and follow!👍


Family over everything.


No matter the circumstances, embrace what challenges you and move towards your goals with relentless determination!


Family time

Discover Insight. Discover The Best Version of Yourself! - Jordan Roscoe 14/07/2021

Hey there! I wanted to take some time to recap an event I recently attended. Over the last several months I've been on a mission to grow personally and professionally. It's been an incredible journey so far, and attending an event centered around discovering insight, intuition, and integrity was an unforgettable experience. Discover Insight. As some of you may know, I am a student of ENTRE Institute....

Discover Insight. Discover The Best Version of Yourself! - Jordan Roscoe Personal development is the key to professional success. Live events offer the opportunity to discover insight, and discover the best version of yourself.


Knowledge is only potential power. Implementing what you’ve learned, and sharing it with others with true power.

Never stop learning, and never stop growing.

Grab these titles for yourself and become more!


It’s moments like this that remind me how lucky I am. Lucky to be a husband, lucky to be a father, and lucky to be alive.

Live every moment as if it were your last. Life is fragile and time is precious.

Be present. Be grateful.


I get up early.

It's Been Quite a While, It Feels Good To Be Back - Jordan Roscoe 30/06/2021

It's been quite a while, and honestly, it feels good to be back! I've been doing quite a bit of soul searching to determine who I am in the world. Ultimately, I arrived at the conclusion that I'm still me. The recent past has been troubling, but I'm still here. I know who I am, and I know what I'm here to do....

It's Been Quite a While, It Feels Good To Be Back - Jordan Roscoe The regularity of my posts was disrupted by a series of unfortunate events. It's been quite a while, but it feels good to be back.

I Survived: This Is My Second Chance - Jordan Roscoe 12/06/2021

The regularity of my posts was disrupted by several life changing events in very short succession. As mentioned in a previous post, I was recently fired from my job and began the search for new employment. Then, just a short 10 days later, I survived an extremely violent car accident. My vehicle was totaled, and I nearly lost my life in the crash....

I Survived: This Is My Second Chance - Jordan Roscoe To be given a second chance at life is a gift and should not be taken lightly. I survived, and now I'll use my second chance to live intentionally.

Photos from Jordan Roscoe's post 11/06/2021

I really considered NOT sharing this, but if it helps one person out there, it’s worth it.

I’ve never experienced anything more violent, and I’m so grateful to be alive and NOT injured.

I know that many people do not walk away from such accidents, and I can’t express how thankful I am to spend another day alive with my family.

Life is so fragile. I nearly lost mine. Find the time everyday to express gratitude for the life you’ve been given. As I’ve learned, it can be taken away in a matter seconds.

An event like this generally changes people’s perspective on life. I certainly have a much deeper appreciation for the gift of life, and I’m committed to a meaningful and purpose driven future.

My pride, ego, and my dream truck were severely damaged, but I’m still here. 🙏

Be careful out there!


Find the reflection of your success staring back at you in a puddle of determination.

Invest in yourself, and be the master of your life!

10X Traits and Habits of Successful People - Jordan Roscoe 08/06/2021

Over the last few months I've accumulated and consumed a number of books. Some I have read more than once, and some I have yet to read. But there's one that I can see myself reading over and over again for years to come. Below, I've listed 10 of my favorite 10X traits and habits of successful people as noted in the book…...

10X Traits and Habits of Successful People - Jordan Roscoe It's no secret that the most successful people operate on a different standard than most. These are their top 10X traits and habits.


The principles of success are simple and everlasting. Once the commitment to success is made, the principles below can be repeated over and over to acquire and sustain an abundant life...

* 10 Success Principles to Remember *

1. You are the only person responsible for your success.
2. You don’t have to invent the wheel.
3. There is no progress without action.
4. Persistence always wins.
5. Focus is everything.
6. Failure is necessary.
7. Positivity fuels productivity.
8. You must believe you can.
9. Helping others is a big part of being successful.
10. Success is a journey of countless baby steps.

Apply these principles and take persistent massive action daily. Don’t hesitate. Instead, run towards your fears, doubts, and challenges. Live with courage. Abundance awaits!


Regardless of the obstacles you will face, never give up on your goals and dreams.

Don’t hesitate. The time is always now. Take action and persistently reach for your highest potential!

Let Go of Shame and Guilt - Jordan Roscoe 06/06/2021

Over the last few days, I've struggled a bit with the drastic changes in my life. Each day has improved on the last, and I'm learning to use the fear of the unknown to fuel my determination to succeed. Knowing that my family is here to support me, I've been able to let go of the shame and guilt that was consuming my thoughts and feelings....

Let Go of Shame and Guilt - Jordan Roscoe It's not always easy to let go of shame or guilt. But with support from family and friends, it's not as hard as you may think.

A Hardened Reason Why - Jordan Roscoe 05/06/2021

While it's difficult to imagine my life without my previous career in place, I'm excited to change. I firmly believe that I am one skill away from a major breakthrough. It's a confusing time, but it's empowering having a hardened reason why I aspire to be an entrepreneur. Now, with my back against the wall, I can only go forward. The safety net is gone, and playing to win is the only option....

A Hardened Reason Why - Jordan Roscoe Having a reason why we do anything in life, will help speed you up on your journey of financial independence.

Take a Chance On Change - Jordan Roscoe 04/06/2021

I've reached a point in my life where it seems that a career change is in order. It saddens me to move away from a craft that I've selflessly dedicated myself to, but things change. When I started my career as a Lineman, I was strictly focused on exchanging time for money. Now, ten years later, my priorities have changed drastically....

Take a Chance On Change - Jordan Roscoe I’ve reached a point in my life where it seems that a career change is in order. It saddens me to move away from a craft that I’ve selflessly dedicated myself to, but things change. When I started my career as a Lineman, I was strictly focused on exchanging time for money. Now, ten years […]

Seasons of Life - Jordan Roscoe 03/06/2021

A few months ago, I wrote an article on the seasons of life. I identified the seasons I've been through and the season I'm currently in. In the aftermath of my recent termination, I still get up early and carry on with my regular day. And I've been fortunate enough to work with my step father over the last few days....

Seasons of Life - Jordan Roscoe A few months ago, I wrote an article on the seasons of life. I identified the seasons I’ve been through and the season I’m currently in. In the aftermath of my recent termination, I still get up early and carry on with my regular day. And I’ve been fortunate enough to work with my step […]

Dealing With Setbacks and How I Stay Positive - Jordan Roscoe 02/06/2021

Life has a tendency to throw us a curve ball once and a while. Sometimes we even seem to hit a wall that forces us to make challenging and difficult decisions. What's important is how to deal with setbacks and the actions we take to correct our course. Dealing with setbacks will be different for every one. Choose to overcome them!...

Dealing With Setbacks and How I Stay Positive - Jordan Roscoe Dealing with setbacks makes it hard to stay positive. But what we do when we're faced with adversity, defines our trajectory!

Thank You To All Those Who Serve - Jordan Roscoe 31/05/2021

On this day, we remember and thank all those who serve to protect our rights and freedom. I am incredibly grateful for our service men and women, and I applaud their dedication to serve a cause greater than themselves. It's people who serve that inspire me the most. Our law enforcement, military, and first responders hold a high place in my heart....

Thank You To All Those Who Serve - Jordan Roscoe Take time to thank those who have and continue to serve! We are all so lucky for the sacrifices you've made and continue to make.

Symptoms of Burnout and How to Get Through It - Jordan Roscoe 31/05/2021

As an aspiring entrepreneur, I am continually confronted with the challenge of rising above my fears and doubts. These are symptoms of burnout caused by stress and mental/physical exhaustion. There are times when it seems like quitting is the best option. The old me would have gave into those feelings and took the easy way out. But that's not who I am these days....

Symptoms of Burnout and How to Get Through It - Jordan Roscoe Understand the symptoms of burnout and learn how to cope with stresses associated with mental and physical exhaustion. You can get through it!

Creative Planning | Wealth Management 30/05/2021

Do you know how much your 401(k) is costing you? Have you ever seen or read an itemized fee schedule outlining the expenses you've paid to the manager of your plan? Chances are you haven't. Most plans charge between 0.02% - 1.0% or more and they skim it right off the top as part of their expense ratio. Combine this with several other "hidden fees", those that they may not even be legally required to report, and you could looking at 5% - 6% in annual fees!

Did you know that fees and taxes charged by your 401(k) plan provider could be potentially costing 10 years worth of retirement income? That's a massive blow to your ability to retire comfortably and on time.

It's important to understand how your plan is performing and what it's costing you in the long term. Ultimately, the more you pay in fees and taxes slashes your ability to benefit from compounding interest.

I recommend visiting and speak with one of their advisors and how they can assist you in maximizing your retirement funds. They will analyze your current plan and identify what it's really costing you. They offer unbiased advice with no hidden fees or commissions. As a legal fiduciary, they uphold your interests above their own. Schedule your consultation today!

Creative Planning | Wealth Management Creative Planning is a nationally recognized wealth management firm, providing financial peace of mind in all 50 states and abroad!

Studying great mentors is a key strategy in the pursuit of success. 30/05/2021

Seek and Study Great Mentors

Studying great mentors is a key strategy in the pursuit of success. Growth is the ultimate goal. Start by determining where you want to be. Then, seek and study great mentors that are already there. We don't have to reinvent the wheel.

Create Positive and Lasting Impacts 29/05/2021

In this new world of uncertainty, create opportunities to leave a lasting impact in the lives of others. If we remain focused on serving a meaningful cause, we are living a meaningful life!

Have a great holiday weekend!

Create Positive and Lasting Impacts In these unique times, it's important to seek out opportunities to create meaningful and lasting impacts in the lives of others! Create abundance in your life and share it with those you love!

Repetition and Determination for Success - Jordan Roscoe 27/05/2021

It’s no secret that if we focus on our goals, we will achieve those goals. I believe we are what we repeatedly do, and what we focus on expands.

Your repetition and determination will lead you to a happy and successful life! Stay focused and crush your goals!

Check out my latest blog post!

Repetition and Determination for Success - Jordan Roscoe We are what we repeatedly do. What you focus on expands. Repetition and determination are the key to a healthy successful life!