Grace in the Big Land

Grace in the Big Land

Lifestyle blog providing encouragement to those going through difficult times, biblical reflections,


After praying about it and talking it over with my husband, I am leaving social media. Maybe forever, maybe just for a time, but I’m feeling led to leave.

I plan on keeping up with my blog starting in the new year so you can still find me there. Thanks for the support and love.


With the start of September, my fundraiser is officially over and the numbers are in.

Thank you to all of you who purchased books this past month. In total we were able to raise just under $200 for Ugandan moms and babies.

In addition, we will be donating 13 books to the women's and children's organization here in Happy Valley - Goose Bay.

While both these numbers are under the goal I had set out for this fundraiser, I have learned so much putting on a fundraiser and am truly grateful for each and everyone of you who supported these causes.

For those who may still like to donate to Ugandan moms and babies you can submit a donation directly via this link

Once again thank-you so much!

Keep Going 21/08/2020

New blog post is live on my website. Read about my thoughts on Esther and not giving up no matter the circumstances.

Remember there's still another week of August left to donate books to our local women's and children's shelter with the commission from all sales supporting Compassion Canada's ministry in Uganda.

Here's the link to submit your order or send me a message and I'd be happy to submit the order for you and you can send me an e-transfer.

Keep Going  Reflections Keep Going ChantelAugust 21, 2020 It is now the end of week three of my fundraiser and it’s been tough. Having the gift of compassion, I feel the pain of those who do not have enough, and of those who are being oppressed. And at the same time, these compassionate feelings can overwhe...


Check out my reminder about my fundraiser!


An excellent thought to ponder as we enter week two of August.

Reflections on the Biblical Call of Caring for Others 07/08/2020

What is unity in the body of Christ and how does it relate to helping those who can't help themselves? Check out my blog post below for some of my reflections on this topic in my blog series on advocacy part II.

And remember, I'm still taking book orders for my fundraiser. Check out my page Big Land Books and my post on this page about the bundles I've created for you to purchase if you choose to support the vulnerable.

Reflections on the Biblical Call of Caring for Others  Reflections Reflections on the Biblical Call of Caring for Others ChantelAugust 7, 2020 Last week I wrote about how God was calling me to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves and asking Him to break my heart for what breaks His. This week I wanted to expand on this subject by refl...

Photos from Grace in the Big Land's post 06/08/2020

Not sure what books to order? I put together some bundles you can take advantage of during my fundraiser. All bundles are available while supplies last. See the graphics below.

If none of these bundles suit you, you can send me a message with the dollar amount you'd like to donate and I can make up a bundle for you.

If you put these bundles through the system at this link you will need to also pay for shipping (shipping cost explained in graphic below).

You can send me a message with what you'd like and I'll put them all under one order on Saturday and cover the shipping. You'll then just send me an e-transfer for the amount you bought.

Thanks so much for your fundraising support this month.

Photos from Grace in the Big Land's post 05/08/2020

Check out all these amazing new titles that are new this August!
With school just around the corner many of these new titles would be good for those of you who are choosing to keep your kids home to school them.

If you'd like suggestions on Usborne titles that could contribute to your child's homeschool, comment below or send me a message and I'd be happy to help out.

And don't forget, this month I'm donating all my commission to help moms and babies in Uganda and all the purchases that aren't wanted by will be donated to Mokami Status of Women's Council/Women's Shelter to provide for the mom's and children they support.


For those of you wondering what's so amazing about Usborne, or even, who Usborne is, check out the graphic below.

Usborne has had 27 years of solid success here in Canada with books geared for children up to about age 13. I hope you'll consider Usborne books as your children's book provider.

Many of you may be considering homeschooling your children this year in light of current events. Usborne makes it a little easier by offering a wide variety of books in all subject areas.

Or maybe you'd like to offer a gift to someone's children of Usborne books or support a local organization with a donation of books. Feel free to purchase books at this link and the books will be shipped directly to me to be delivered to Mokami Status of Women Council/Women's Centre here in Goose Bay.

Thanks for much for your support. And remember all the commission from any sale both large and small will go to supporting women and babies in Uganda.


Here is the link to purchase Usborne children's books. Should you need help in any way let me know.

When ordering, my address is automatically in the system to ship to. If you want to order books for yourself you'll need to change the shipping address where it asks you to.

If you need help let me know. The orders will be going in every week on Saturday and a new link will be posted on the same day.


I want to do a quick shoutout to the organizations I’m partnering with during my fundraiser this month. Every book you purchase that you ship to me will be donated to Mokami Status of Women Council/Women's Centre in Goose Bay, NL. The books will help in their children’s program.

And the commissions from each purchase will be donated to Compassion Canada for their survival campaign for moms and babies in Uganda.

I’m so excited for the ability to partner with both these organizations with their missions for caring for women and children!

I’ll be posting links shortly where you can purchase books. Thanks so much for partnering with me to make a difference in someone’s life!

Break My Heart For What Breaks Yours 31/07/2020

Tomorrow is August 1st and I'm excited to announce my big news. You'll find most of the details in my new blog post but I'll give you a highlight. For the month of August I'm partnering with Compassion Canada to fundraise for their moms and babies campaign in Uganda! So for the month of August my commission from my Usborne book sales will be donated to Uganda and any of you who wish to support this amazing mission can purchase books.

For those of you without children in your life you can still purchase books and I will be donating to a local organization in Goose Bay who cares for both women and children in crisis in Goose Bay and surrounding areas.

More details to come tomorrow and in the coming weeks. Also, follow along as I do a blog series on advocating for the vulnerable and share statistics in Uganda and here at home.

Thanks so much for your care and support in giving back to those who need it most!

Break My Heart For What Breaks Yours  Uncategorized Break My Heart For What Breaks Yours ChantelJuly 31, 2020 How many of you know the song Hosanna? It’s sung in many church circles and lately this song has been running around in my head almost constantly, particularly these few lines. A lot of social media accounts I follow have be...


I've been a bit of a stranger on here but wanted to update you. If you've read some of my blog posts, I've said that I had double vision from a brain tumour and the subsequent surgery. Well unfortunately, my double vision has returned and I'm heading back to see my surgeon in just over a week. Along with the vision changes I'm also struggling with nausea and dizziness, a byproduct of the changing vision. So it's been a rough few weeks.

But I'm excited to share that I'm planning an event surrounding James 1:27 for the month of August with my Usborne books business and I really hope you'll join in with me. I have a few more loose ends to tie up and then I'll share all the details.

Along with the news, I will also be doing a blog series that I hope you'll stick around for.

Can't wait to be able to share it all with you!

Higher Education Thoughts 13/07/2020

Back from a weekend with family and finished up a new post reflecting about my higher education decisions.

Higher Education Thoughts  Reflections Higher Education Thoughts ChantelJuly 13, 2020 As I settle into life as a homemaker and a part-time online business I have been reflecting on my higher education. I’ve spent the last 10 years in post-secondary education (you’d think I’d be a doctor or lawyer by now!). And I’ve ...


Well, looks like I didn't kill all my zucchini plants like I thought I had. There's at least 3 zucchinis with blossoms. Can't wait until the zucchinis start coming. Back home, people joked the only time in our small town to lock our car doors was during zucchini season 😂 Don't think I'll get that many, so all of you out east should be safe 😄

Timeline photos 04/07/2020

A new blog post is up reflecting upon two passages that convicted me this week in my Bible study. I pray that my words will encourage you to take immediate, bold action in your faith.


There'll be a delay in my next blog post. But a new reflections post should be up tomorrow talking about some thoughts I've been having studying my Bible. Had a cute little girl with me all day busy rearranging my kitchen cupboards, lol!

Staying Encouraged through Tough Times 26/06/2020

Sorry for the long wait for another post, but here it is! I've been thinking a lot about how to stay encouraged through difficult circumstance as I once again am facing something I didn't think would happen for a few more years. I am thankful for my faith in Christ that helps to ease hardships because I know facing hardships with joy helps us to learn perseverance in our faith. Check out my post below.

Staying Encouraged through Tough Times  Encouragement Staying Encouraged through Tough Times ChantelJune 26, 2020 When I was going through my health trials, there were a few people who approached me and mentioned how inspired they were at my positivity through my whole ordeal and asked how I was able to be so calm and positive about eve...


I had a lovely conversation with two important ladies in my life this morning and afterwards this verse came to mind.

I had some discouraging news yesterday that I'm trying to process and talking with the ladies this morning really helped to encourage me. I pray that each and everyone of you will take the time to encourage those around you.

Meal Planning 17/06/2020

Meal planning. This is a hot topic in many of the Youtube videos I watch and the blogs I read. So is it worth it? Check out my new blog post for the answer. And if you like this post and want to see more like it please like my page, share with your friends, and leave a comment.

Meal Planning  Recipes Meal Planning ChantelJune 17, 2020 I know you can go on Youtube or Pinterest or Google and find hundreds of ideas for meal planning and how to do it. And really, this is where I learned about meal planning. Here are some of my thoughts around meal planning. Planning Meals Saves Time and Mo...

Why You Should Make Your Own Yogurt 12/06/2020

How many of you have tried making your own yogurt? How many of you would like to try? Well check out my new blog post where I provide three reasons why I chose to make our own yogurt. If you like the post, feel free to share my page with your friends and leave a comment.

Why You Should Make Your Own Yogurt  Recipes Why You Should Make Your Own Yogurt ChantelJune 12, 2020 I grew up on a farm where we milked our own cow and my mom would use the milk to create yogurt, mozzarella cheese, cottage cheese, and a whole host of more dairy products. During this time, my mom would show me how the process worked...

Baptized in the Spirit – Book Review 09/06/2020

Have you ever been curious about the Holy Spirit and different beliefs between denominations of who he is and his role in today's world? Well then I'd definitely recommend reading today's post!

Thanks for reading my posts and if you like what you're seeing, feel free to leave me a comment and share with others!

Baptized in the Spirit – Book Review  Book Reviews Baptized in the Spirit – Book Review ChantelJune 9, 2020 Over the past year or so, I’ve really become interested in who the Holy Spirit is and what role the Holy Spirit has in our world today. This book, Baptized in the Spirit by Randy Clark was so helpful in not only understandin...

The Blessing of Scripture Writing 05/06/2020

New post is live! How many of you scripture write? Have you ever considered scripture writing a whole book of the Bible?

The Blessing of Scripture Writing  Reflections The Blessing of Scripture Writing ChantelJune 5, 2020 How many of you scripture write? And when I say scripture writing I’m referring to writing out passages and books of the Bible word for word in a journal and reflecting upon God’s word more deeply. I’ve been doing scripture wr...


It's official! I'm a MA graduate! In celebration I've posted a new blog post on reflecting on our past. Check it out. Thanks for reading!

Planting Begins! 21/05/2020

Thesis defended - check; thesis edits approved - check; new blog post up - check! Much later than planned, but there is a new blog post up on gardening! Do you have any plans to garden this year?

Planting Begins!  Gardening Planting Begins! ChantelMay 21, 2020 It’s been entirely too long since my last post. But my thesis is defended, my edits are approved, and now its the waiting game for paperwork approval. So here I am biding my time and enjoying the spring/summer weather we’ve been having. Speaking o...

Always Waiting 29/04/2020

New post is live on the blog. Check it out!

Always Waiting  Reflections Always Waiting ChantelApril 29, 2020 Do you ever feel like you’re always waiting for the right moment to do something? To be old enough to do something? Or do people tell you you’re too young or inexperienced to complete something? This is something that I’ve felt most of my life...

Standing Strong 22/04/2020

Another post up on the blog about standing strong in the midst of COVID-19. Check it out here

Standing Strong  Encouragement Standing Strong ChantelApril 22, 2020 I don’t know about any of you, but this past week has been a rough one for me. We’re now into month 2 of the social distancing measures imposed upon us and I am going stir crazy. I like people and being at events and it’s hard to stay home ...

Crazy Love – Book Review 12/04/2020

The first book review is online. Check it out and let me know what you think or if you've read the book.

Crazy Love – Book Review  Book Reviews Crazy Love – Book Review ChantelApril 12, 2020 Francis Chan’s book Crazy Love addresses an important question: “What does authentic faith really look like?” It’s a question that I have often asked myself moving from place to place and experiencing different Christian circles...


Thanks for liking my page. I'm new in the blogging world but I'd love for you to stick around as I bring to you recipes, gardening tips, biblical reflections, encouragement, and Christian book reviews.
Be sure to check out my website for more great content and to follow me on social media as I share my life through this blog. And please bear with me as my website is still under construction but should be up and fully running soon.

Making Bread the Newfoundlander Way 17/03/2020

Check out my new post on making bread the Newfoundlander way with 'kiss slices'.

Making Bread the Newfoundlander Way If you have seen my about me page, you will know that I am not from here in Labrador. In fact, I actually grew up in Northern British Columbia in a small community of about 700 people.