Saving Melted Ice Cream

Saving Melted Ice Cream

We’re long distance sisters, surviving the good and the bad of motherhood together. No matter how sim




Art by• courtneysonnerdesign Talk a little nicer to yourself today 🌻 .


Why does nobody ever warn you that rage cleaning is a thing?

Moms often find themselves furiously cleaning up, feeling angry and resentful. Sometimes they slam things down in frustration as they clean–other times they just clean in a silent rage.

What causes rage cleaning?

〰 Cleaning up a mess that’s not yours
〰 Somebody making a mess right after you cleaned
〰 Feeling like no one is helping
〰 Not being able to finish a task because of the mess
〰 Stepping on a toy
〰 Not being acknowledged for all that you do
〰 Feeling like you have no control
〰 Guilt and shame
〰 When somebody texts you that they are going to randomly stop by
〰 Feeling unappreciated

Rage cleaning doesn’t feel good. We often find ourselves growing more and more angry as we clean, unable to relax.

You can’t always control the mess. But you can be proactive about managing your reaction to it.

Mess is one of the biggest triggers for overstimulation. It can feel like a constant threat to see clutter and tasks you need to do everywhere you look.

If you missed our live workshop–Managing Overstimulation in Motherhood–you can still access the playback!

Learn how to take control of your body’s responses to overstimulation, develop effective calming techniques, and understand what triggers you.

Click the link in bio or head to to learn more!

Photos from Saving Melted Ice Cream's post 11/05/2022

Just having some fun on this beautiful day 😍🤣


Episode 3 is now streaming! Tune in to hear about how we handle dealing with motherhood's sh*ts and giggles.

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We've been holding onto this for awhile because life tends to get crazy. So we're sorry for the long wait!

In this episode, we dive into our own experiences with postpartum depression. How we recognized it and what we're doing today to continue coping.

🎧 Listen on the website:
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We did it! Recorded our first episode and will be posting it tomorrow 😄 Here's to a new adventure together 😍 Subscribe to get a notification once it's posted:



How are you Momma?

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

I always say I was asked all the wrong questions.

I suffered from postpartum rage with my first baby. But anger, frustration and passionate rage was never something I was asked about at the doctors nor was it brought to my attention that postpartum depression could present itself in such a way.

Postpartum rage needs to be brought to light more.

Anger is a distress signal. ⁣⁣
Anger in the postpartum period is a red flag that is being overlooked and misunderstood. ⁣⁣
Studies have shown that moms struggling with PPA/PPA are more likely to have symptoms of rage. ⁣⁣
This rage is often intense, hard to control and feels very uncharacteristic. ⁣⁣
Here is a short excerpt from Jill Bucher of ⁣⁣
“Anger is indeed a normal emotion that we can all have, but being prone to anger can indicate there’s something going on that needs to change.” She [Christine Ou] adds that there is some evidence that shows that if a woman is both angry and depressed, the depression can last longer and be more intense.⁣⁣
The things that moms are angry about postpartum aren’t earth-shattering. Some feel trapped or helpless as they shoulder so many new responsibilities caring for a new baby while their own needs are left unfulfilled. Others find the reality of motherhood and the supports they receive don’t live up to their expectations. And many feel guilty that they aren’t the picture of the idealized self-sacrificing mother that’s upheld in our society.⁣⁣
What’s more surprising is that no one’s thought to look at anger as a red flag for postpartum mood disorders sooner. Ou has a theory as to why it has been overlooked: “Culturally, we often aren’t comfortable with the emotion of anger because it can imply that you’re not in control—especially for women.” And women who’ve just had babies are expected to be particularly blissful.⁣⁣
If you are struggling with postpartum rage please visit . They have several resources and a directory that can help you find a maternal mental health provider in your area. ⁣⁣

Timeline photos 19/07/2020

We’ve collected thousands of DNA samples to progress our research, but we still have a long way to go. Help us rally more moms to donate their DNA to fight PPD, and when you receive your spit kit, you can proudly wear a denim patch of your own to show the world your fighting genes are hard at work to end PPD.

Finding Your Target Audience with Your Portfolio 26/06/2020

Every photographer at some point, has started a session with a new client who’s expectations are different than theirs. Maybe they want to dictate the poses, or didn’t agree with the lighting.

Sometimes they aren’t happy with the final edits…

Their disappointment in your work, leads to them re-editing your images or asking for a free reshoot. But what if this could have been avoided?

What if your portfolio made sure their expectations matched yours before they even contacted you?

Finding Your Target Audience with Your Portfolio Start setting expectations with potential clients, before they've even reached out to you. We've All Been There. Every photographer at some point, has started a session with a new client who’s expectations are different than theirs. Maybe they want to dictate the poses, or didn’t agree with the ...

Timeline photos 21/06/2020

We're allowed to be both ♡♡

Our Story

Oak - A symbol of solidity, strength, and longevity.
Five - The practice of mindfulness with the five senses to improve our mental health.
Studios - Making room for yourself and your mental health. And room for a creative outlet where mothers come together in a supportive, safe space.

Oak Five Studios is dedicated to helping moms find themselves and fight postpartum depression through career ambitions by providing a safe, expressive support system. Photography gives mothers an outlet for the thoughts we’re scared to say out loud. And while coping through our lenses, we can turn our fears into dreams. This creative outlet allows us to find ourselves, regain our identity, and chase our dreams.

Photography is a terrific creative outlet with the power to lessen anxiety, process difficult emotions, and find confidence and creativity each and every day. Whether you’re interested in becoming a hobbyist photographer or making it a career, our photographer pocket classes are designed for teaching you how to take better pictures. These skills can be used to passionately express your emotions through images or creatively photograph your daily life.

All of our services listed in our Etsy shop are designed to help grow your photography business. Explore how to find clients, grow your brand, and organically increase your leads with marketing tools specifically designed for photographers by a photographer with a successful marketing career.

You’re not alone. You’re not a bad mom. With the right support system, we can raise awareness and fight PPD. Join our postpartum Facebook support group. Full of moms who use their camera to cope with the hard motherhood emotions and find their identity. A safe place for mothers to express their dark thoughts through supportive forums, or creatively through the lens.

Photography is a terrific creative outlet with the power to lessen anxiety, process difficult emotions, and find confidence and creativity each and every day. Whether you’re interested in becoming a hobbyist photographer or making it a career, our photographer pocket classes are designed for teaching you how to take better pictures. These skills can be used to passionately express your emotions through images or creatively photograph your daily life.