Thanks, I Hate It. Games LLC

A place to discuss and display games brought to you by TIHI Games LLC.


Hello followers!

Today we are cancelling Titwhiskers!

We had a really good kickoff date, but there just wasn’t enough eyes on the campaign. I’ve been contacted by several successful campaign leaders and hosts and advertising agents, and I just didn’t have the funds ready to pay for advertisement. When people visited the campaign, we had a conversion rate of around 30% which is awesome!!

So - for now - I’ve cancelled the campaign. But we’ll be back! I just need a few months to get the funds saved up for advertisement so we can get more eyes on this. Thank you so much for your support and have a great weekend!

Coming soon: Titwhiskers 05/09/2020

If you’re terrible at describing things, you may not think of that as a very useful skill. In fact, it’s probably gotten you into more trouble than it’s gotten you out of.

Titwhiskers is different, though. This is a game that rewards people who are terrible at describing things. The worse you are, the better you’re going to do.

You try to guess what other people’s bad descriptions mean, and you try to keep them from doing the same. That’s all there is to it. This is a card game of simple, silly fun, and you can get your copy of it right now.

Yep, our crowdfunding campaign is live. Head over to and see!

Coming soon: Titwhiskers How badly can you describe technology?


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