New Zealand's Gifted Adults Career Counselling Needs

New Zealand's Gifted Adults Career Counselling Needs

This FaceBook page is to get in touch with gifted adults of Aotearoa New Zealand to find out about the needs and issues in terms of their careers.

Here, we can map the situation, identify key points to address together.


What is High IQ career counselling?

Like with any career counselling you start with, together with your counsellor, identifying a goal you want to achieve - this can be a skill or work relationship or a new position. Then your counsellors guide you through the process, one or more steps at the time, to get to your goal. Your counsellor helps you define that goal, draw the path and the steps to get there, and will coach you through every one of those steps.

Your High Potential (HP) will make you pace through these steps at a different speed than other people and a specialised counsellor will be able to adjust to that. You will also have different information requirement with a deeper lever of understanding of underlying issues and phenomena.

Typically, count 4 to 6 sessions over 2 to 3 months for working on a goal and it can be done over Skype, Zoom or similar web tools.


Do High Potentials (HPs) need specialised career counselling?

Contrary to common belief, having a high IQ doesn’t mean everything comes easy. It doesn’t mean you are good at everything or can do everything. You do have a potential but it typically is in one or more specific areas. There are things, be they intellectual, social or physical, you are less talented in than others.

HPs also typically have had a different childhood learning experience than others and may there for also evolved differently in their work and career.
Like everybody else, HPs face issues in their work and career. However, the issues are specific to the way their brains work and how they perceive and interact with their environment. Your processor may work faster than other brains but it also works differently.

A specialised career counsellor is aware of those differences and takes the whole of you -what work well and what works less - into account in helping you get to know yourself better and find a better way to get the most out of yourself.


Welcome to gifted adults of Aotearoa New Zealand

Please share with us what kind of help or advice you would need for developing your career. You can also share about ressources you know of.

This page is to be a source of ressources and inspiration and mutual support. A place to gather and share your input on the situation in this country in terms of career support for gifted adults.

I am a Belgian career counsellor specialised in working with gifted adults, only recently arrived in NZ and eager to find out more.

Thank you for being civil, kind to others and yourself, and for sticking to the subject.
Inappropriate posts will be removed.
