Nourish with Megs

Nourish with Megs

Holistic wellness coach | Self love | Whole nutrition | raising your goddess energy | Teaching women


I’m so freaking excited and happy to be posting this- I’m hosting a FREE 21 day daily gratitude challenge right here on Instagram stories(which will be highlighted). I will be posting a daily journal prompt surrounded around gratitude- daily gratitude practice and journaling completely changed my life.

Looking to better your life, dive into yourself and create a new habit? I will be posting a journal post daily right here on Instagram-Grab a journal and pen. Let’s go ✨♥️

Comment below if you’re in ⭣


The past couple of weeks I have found “water-tok” on Tiktok and it has driven me absolutely nuts. If you aren’t familiar with it- it’s where you will add a skinny syrup and a powdered flavor pack and add it to water and it’s supposed to help you get your daily water intake by making your water taste good and more inclined to drink it. 🍓🫐

Here’s my take on it- ITS NOT WATER or GOOD FOR YOU. I understand the concept of it but there are SOOO many better and healthy options out there. Just because something says sugar free- doesn’t make it healthier honestly it’s worse for you with all of the other added things to it… both of of these products are LOADED with chemicals and terrible ingredients. ❌💦

A good way to get your water in or make it flavorful add fresh lemon, maybe a cucumber mint moment. There are so many yummy and healthy ways to make your water more flavorful and these two products are not it. 🍋🥒

I think it’s just a toxic and unhealthy trend- from the ingredients to a “weight loss/diet tip”

Do yourself a favor and skip this trend. ✨💕


The perfect treat to cure your sweet tooth 🍫♥️

Gluten free
RF sugar free
Dairy free

How to make:
•2 cups oat flour, 3/4 cup peanut butter (or nut butter of your choice) 1tsp of vanilla and 1/3 cup maple syrup
•Press into a cup parchment paper lined dish.
•Make topping by melting 1/4 dairy free milk + 3/4 cup chocolate chips (I use @ )
•Pour topping over peanut butter oat layer
•Refrigerate until hard

Save & enjoy 🫶🏻♥️


✨🦋 how to improve your health 🦋✨

More books-> less scrolling
Whole Foods -> processed junk
Time in the sun-> inside all day
Mindfulness -> poor me mentality
High vibrational people-> energy takers

Health is all encompassing- MIND. BODY. SOUL. Put good in and get good out 💕✨


Hi!! I haven’t posted on my page in forever- I changed the name and working on new things, new ideas and getting back to my roots. MIND. BODY. SOUL.

Stay tuned for my goodness ✨🦋

I decided to change my name (again…) I feel like I was having an identity crisis. I felt lost and what I wanted this page to be- since all of these crazy big life changes like a baby, moving and some health issues I really really felt lost and not passionate about this page. I was posting things that didn’t align with who I was and all felt so forced.

After some realization and thought I wanted to get back to my roots of MIND. BODY. SOUL. focus on self love and health as a whole. 💕

Let’s reconnect and get back to our roots ✨


I decided to change my name (again…) I feel like I was having an identity crisis. I felt lost and what I wanted this page to be- since all of these crazy big life changes like a baby, moving and some health issues I really really felt lost and not passionate about this page. I was posting things that didn’t align with who I was and all felt so forced.

After some realization and thought I wanted to get back to my roots of MIND. BODY. SOUL. focus on self love and health as a whole. 💕

Let’s reconnect and get back to our roots ✨


Did you know that sugar free and fat free/low fat/reduced fat products aren’t better for you? In fact there are MORE artificial sweeteners and sugar in those products? Plus all of the ingredients and chemicals 🧬🫣

Just because they slap a label on something saying it’s “fat free/sugar free” don’t mean it’s healthier for you. Pay attention to the products and ingredients you are putting into your body.

Put down the “diet foods” and eat REAL food.

Whole Foods for the win. 🫐🍓



I’m so freaking excited to announce that I started a podcast!! I’ve been working on this for awhile.

✨The Wellness Collective Podcast✨

It’s going to be all about all things wellness, health and bringing out that inner goddess energy -learning how to live a high vibe life.

Go follow and support, I can’t wait to see what this brings and so excited for this new journey 🌸🌿

First episode coming out soon-stay tuned for all the updates!!

Follow on instagram:


What does your morning routine look like?

I thrive off my morning routine- it’s a non negotiable. I mediate, read and journal EVERY morning. No if ands or buts about it. I set my alarm for 4:45am (I know I know that’s early) and start my morning. It has changed my life and I make it a priority everyday.

How you start your day is how your day is going to play out. If you really are waking up on the wrong side of the bed and rushing in the morning do you think you are going to have a good, happy productive day or are you going to be a tad salty, non productive and crabby?

Tips for starting a mindful morning:
1. Go to bed early (believe it or not your morning starts at bedtime)
2. Don’t wake up and immediately check your phone
3. Hydrate before you caffeinate
4. Wake up a little bit earlier (even 15 minutes)
5. Find a quiet space to go to
6. Grab a notebook and pen -start journaling (even if it’s just affirmations)
7. Find a good book and read a couple of pages (need a good self empowerment book? I got you babe)

Even if you don’t have a lot of time in the mornings to dedicate you can still find at least 20 minutes for yourself. I promise you- you can ✨🌸

Set yourself up and your day - create magic in the mornings and give yourself some love.


I have a new blog post - check it out babes ✨🌸

Taking risks Happy Wednesday babes! How are you guys doing this week? I am currently watching a major throwback right now….. Laguna beach. I used to be...


Can we have a moment of silence for how AMAZING this looks? One of my favorite ways of eating is a nourish bowl - filled with tons of delicious things.

-Purple sweet potato
-Roasted chickpeas
-Shredded chicken
-Primal kitchen Buffalo sauce on top

Eating healthy doesn’t need to be complicated, you don’t need to be a kale eating green juice drinking queen to eat healthy. Find foods you enjoy and get creative in the kitchen.

Fuel your body properly and treat your body like the temple she is 🌸✨


Hello my goddess babes ✨🌸

Start showing up as HER. Show up as the woman you envision, the woman you want to be. The woman who has created the life of her dreams and healed from her past. Stop waiting to show up as her. Show up as her DAILY. 🦋🌻

Olympia friends looking for a photographer? Go see my bestie for your photo needs Sarah Zeutenhorst


Dinner last night was chef kiss 😋

I want to start incorporating more fish into my diet-it’s a great protein source, good way to get Omega 3s and helps make for happy hormones.

What did you have for dinner last night?


Happy Tuesday besties ✨🌸

You are worthy of your desires
You are capable of living your dream life
You are worthy of chasing your dreams
You are capable of manifesting your life

Manifest the life you want for yourself-show up everyday for yourself and become that version of her you want to be.

Stop allowing yourself to stay stagnant and just going through the motions, start living to your fullest potential and create the life you want.


5 reasons STOP skipping breakfast ↓

-Gives you energy
-Kick starts metabolism
-Improves focus
-Aids in sustainable weight-loss
-Stables blood sugar levels

Even if you aren’t a big breakfast eater in the morning- I highly encourage you to start eating in the morning. There are tons of quick and easy options out there 🌸✨

What’s your go to breakfast?

I’m a oatmeal girly through and through. I love my oats 🫐🍇

Wholistic Wellness 27/05/2022

HI!! I haven’t posted on here forever- but I restarted my blog and gave a little update.

Go check it out ✨🌸

Wholistic Wellness May 27, 2022 Where have I been? Hello sweet angels, How are you? Wow…. It’s been so long since I have posted. I think over a year? I had my old blog posts but I can’t find them anywhere and I had to create a new blog. I have truly missed writing and talking to you guys. A lot has happened, I....

Photos from Nourish with Megs's post 02/05/2022

let’s talk gut health…
Your gut health is so freaking important from your digestion, skin, immune system, energy and your sleep- your gut plays a huge part in your day to day life. If your gut health isn’t healthy and working properly how can you expect your body to work properly? Our body works all together, treat her like a temple.

🌱How can I improve my gut health?
-Probiotics (Probiotic supplements, kombucha, fermented foods, Kimchi)
-Eating a variety of foods
-Avoid processed foods
-Catch up on sleep
-Water, water, water!!

🌱What are signs of an unhealthy gut?
-Poor digestion
-Irritated skin
-Stomach issues (bloated, irregular movements, gas)
-Poor sleep (get in your Z’s!! Sleep is so important)

I encourage you to take a look at your diet and check in with your gut health and dialing it in. ✨🌿


You got this babe.

I believe in you.

You are capable of creating your dream life
You are worthy of that new job
You are worthy to start that business
You are worthy of your desires
You are allowed to set boundaries
You are allowed to say no
You don’t need to feel guilty for saying no to things that don’t align with your values
You are abundant
You radiate positivity
You are beautiful
You are fearless
You are successful
You are enough


Photos from Nourish with Megs's post 22/02/2022

Do you know what’s inside your protein powder?

Quality over quantity ladies ✨🌱

Photos from Nourish with Megs's post 22/02/2022

Ditch the protein powder ladies 🌱
So so so many people and your favorite influencers all promote protein powders but do you know what’s inside your protein powder?

Protein powders can cause a lot of issues on our bodies. Digestive problems, inflammation, spike your blood sugar levels and don’t forget all the toxic ingredients in them and heavy metals.(lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury)
The FDA doesn’t regulate what is in protein powders so you really don’t know what could be in your protein powder-What is in the bottle may not be on the label.

When it comes to protein, we don’t need much protein as we think we do. If are consuming too mush protein it can cause damage on your kidneys. There are so many other sources for protein, that are high quality and no toxic ingredients.

Before you go out and buy a protein your favorite influencer is promoting do your research and rethink your decision. ✨🌱

Photos from Nourish with Megs's post 19/02/2022

What should you eat post workout vs. not to eat

🌱High protein meal - ample amount of protein, tons of greens, healthy fats and carbs- keeps you full longer, not processed, no weird chemicals and whole ingredients. No hormone disrupters and creates happy hormones.

🌱Protein bar - extremely processed, tons of sugar, chemicals and doesn’t keep you full. They are major hormone disrupters. I see all over social media people will eat protein bars or shakes post workout and those are not a meal and they don’t refuel your body properly.

Take the time to cook your meals plus cooking can be fun. You can get creative in the kitchen and find new ways to cook your favorite things.

Food is medicine 🌿

Food should be healing and nourishing ✨💕


We are creating our reality with every single choice we make. We choose our energy. How are you choosing to show up today? What are you allowing in your life that you don’t actually want in your life? ⚡️🌿

Once you start realizing what you want in life, things will fall into place and you will be creating the life you want ✨🌸


Self love will heal you, empower you and open up new worlds within and around you.

It’s the key to your mental health and spiritual health.

Always always always give yourself love babe and show gratitude to for the things in your life.

Heal and empower yourself. ✨


Can we take a moment of silence for good this looks? 🌱✨

Organic toast
Organic PB
Organic apple sautéed with organic maple syrup and cinnamon.

I love super easy breakfasts and I wanted to switch it up from my daily oatmeal. (If you know me I love my oats)

Save and try for later 🌿🌻


I’m planning on hosting a 30 day shifting through love challenge. 30 days of learning to love and choose love.

In the program will include:
-4 pillars of work
-30 days of journal prompts

Shifting my mindset has changed my life and given me a different outlook on life.

Let me help you shift through love 💕✨


In case you haven’t told yourself this today…

You are worthy
You are magnificent
You are intelligent
You are beautiful
You are loved
You are brave

Your feelings are valid
You can create the life you want
You are allowed to say no
You are allowed to set boundaries
You are allowed to protect your energy

Take a deep breath and acknowledge how amazing you are and tell yourself you’re beautiful ✨💕


✨Thursday reminder✨

Show up daily
Drink your water
Daily movement
Practice daily gratitude
Read more books and less screen time

Do more for yourself and make yourself a priority babe.

It all starts with you and making a commitment to you. 🦄⚡️


Hi!! Would you be interested in a free 30 days of self love journal prompts? 🦄⚡️

Daily journaling has changed my life and dramatically shifted my mindset. I have created 30 days of journal prompts and they are perfect if you want to get into daily journaling but don’t know where to start! ✨💕

Drop your email below if you’re interested ↓


When you go to the grocery store do you pay attention to the ingredients? Do look for less ingredients on food labels? Do you look for less processed foods? Did you know that less fat and reduced sugar isn’t better? Do you know what to look for on labels? 🌱🧈

I wanted to introduce you guys to “This or that Thursday” every Thursday I’m going to dive into better alternatives to common household food items. It’s so important to pay attention to what you are putting into your body and the lower calorie option isn’t always better. The quality of the food you are eating is more important. ✨💘

Let’s kick off our first This or that Thursday with butter… I feel like one of the most common household butters is I can’t believe it’s not chemicals. I mean butter…. There are so so so so many ingredients and chemicals in it, you should hardly classify it as butter. A butter shouldn’t have a laundry list of ingredients.

A better option is Kerrygold Irish butter, it has minimal ingredients(3), no harsh chemicals and it’s all ingredients you can pronounce. There’s nothing weird or sketchy.

Like I said earlier just because it’s lower calorie doesn’t mean it’s better for you… Always always go for foods with less ingredients, minimally processed and no harsh chemicals, It’s so mind boggling to me that things like I can’t believe it’s not chemicals is deemed safe to eat. 🧈🥐