

Insta: https://instagram.com/unsemahroom?utm_medium

A student run charity that aims to provide a sustainable source of income for the underprivileged and alleviating the income gap between the social strata by starting different small businesses for them.

Photos from Uns-e-Mahroom's post 09/12/2021

After a successful first tenure, we have decided to rebrand our teams in order to ensure maximum efficiency and to galvanize our team even better than before.

Reminder: Our Executive Recruitment Drive is still ongoing.


Do you feel the pain of those in need when you see them suffering? Do you want to help the downtrodden with your abilities? Then Uns-e-Mahroom provides you a platform where you can be a ray of hope. Uns-e-Mahroom is proud to announce its executive recruitment drive for the tenure 2021-2022. So fill the recruitment form below and become a part of positive change in society.
*NOTE: This recruitment drive is only for students of NUST.

Photos from Uns-e-Mahroom's post 04/11/2021

Due to your unprecedented response, we have achieved our target ahead of time, thus putting an end to another successful case!
We thank everyone who shared our posts and contributed to the cause.
We, at Uns-e-Mahroom, recognize and applaud your generosity. You are truly a change maker!


A lady, after giving birth suffered from an allergic reaction due to certain drugs. As a consequence her internal organs have been affected negatively. She is a single mother who lives with her father who is unemployed. Their only source of income is the house maid work done by the patients mother. Apart from newborn she has 3 older children as well. To counter the allergic reaction the treatment prescribed by doctors costs 30,000. We need your support to help the desperate mother and her children in need.


Calm. Clinical. Composed.
Heartiest of congratulations to the Pakistan Cricket Team and our nation on this historic victory in the World Cup!

Photos from Uns-e-Mahroom's post 24/10/2021

We put the word out and you shared it. It's because of you guys that we managed to collect the required amount within a few days. Thank you for the overwhelming response! There's a long way to go and this is just the beginning! Keep sharing, keep donating! ❤


Alhamdulillah, Due to your unprecedented response and generous contributions, we have collected more than half of our intended target and are quickly approaching our goal.
Following this trajectory, we will soon be able to pay off a deserving student's tuition fees and facilitate her in her education.
Please continue donating to the cause and spread the word!


On behalf of all the members and volunteers, Unsemahroom wishes you the happiest of Eid Milad Un Nabi SAWW.
May Allah SWT guide us to live our lives in accordance to the Prophet's commandments and living example. (Ameen)


We have achieved one-third of our intended target of 80,000Pkr.
However, this is not the time to slow down. We still need your help to reach our goal.
Following are the ways you can help and be a part of this noble deed:
1. Contribute as much as you can
2. Share our posts and stories on your social media.
Spread the WORD!


A student of BSES at Bahria University Islamabad, is in dire need of your help due to her family's worsening financial condition. She and her elder sister have been supporting her family but due to covid and divorce of her parents, the two girls have the responsibility of their mother and younger siblings, as well as their own education fee, on their shoulders. She has only one year of university left but her education, along with her future, is dangling on the edge as she can no longer pay the education fee.
Lets come together and support such a hardworking and passionate individual, who has always seen her difficulties right in the eye and has held her own up till now. As they say "If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation"
Easypaisa: 03407556355 (Huda Fatima)
JazzCash: 03036465420 (Uzair Ali Khan)
Bank: (HBL) PK30 HABB 0022707901542303
(Muhammed Huzaifa)



By the will of Allah, sincere efforts of our
members and with your help Uns-e-Mahroom has successfully completed its first case.

Because of your donations, a destitute person in Mayo Hospital Lahore won't have to worry about the medical expenses required for treatment of his malfunctioning kidneys.

We applaud your generosity and kindness and
we promise you that we'll ain sincere to our
"Love For The Deprived"


A person with malfunctioning needs is in need of funds for dialysis at Mayo Hospital Lahore.
Our Case Verification team is satisfied that the patient is fully deserving of our funds.
Kindly donate as much as you can for the cause.

Feel free to get in touch with us for any further information.

Photos from Uns-e-Mahroom's post 15/08/2021

Do you have any qualms regarding the credibility of our team? No problem. Your concerns are genuine in this era of fraud. But we are here to ease your concerns. Our team of fellow NUSTians managed a class project to raise donations in Ramadan. With the grace of Allah Almighty we were able to help 26+ families with food supplies with an amount of 1 lac and 12 thousand rupees. This combined effort led us to start a new project to help the human kind even further. So now your queries have been addressed. Let's continue the Ramadan spirit through out this year and help those in need.


Never forget the sacrifice of thousands of people who laid down their lives for our beloved country.
Happy Independence day.


“Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over?"
(Qur’an, 2: 245).
And the True Blessing is that God does not care that Whether you Donate Millions or Only One Date, and what truly matters is the pureness of your intention.
This Muharram-ul-Haram lets us all try our best to be Of service to our Community and Help those In Need.
"And whoever gives charity in Muharram, it is like the charity of an entire year”.
(Ibn Rajab’s Lata’if al-Ma‘arif)

Photos from Uns-e-Mahroom's post 04/08/2021

Presenting to you the foundation for efficient working of our organization "OUR TEAMS"
These hardworking individuals work in harmony to make sure that your donations reach the most deserving of the society.


Uns-e-Mahroom translates to "love for the deprived", which is the very reason and motive behind this charity programme. Through this platform, we intend to help those in need around us while attaining self-sustainability at the same time.
To begin this journey, all we need is your support. Please spread the word in your circle, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Also, if you know someone who is going through some crisis, do reach out to us. Only through collective effort, we can make our society better!
Link to our page: https://www.facebook.com/UnseMahroom/
Our Instagram handle:
