Greenwood Holistic Health Group

Greenwood Holistic Health Group

Carol Greenwood MFHT, Patricia Worby, PhD, Dr Rainer Viehweger and Bee Innes, IFM bring you a winnin

Online Community Membership 12/07/2022

Tomorrow at 4pm BST is the July Community Hub group session on Shame and the Narcissist. Please book here.

Online Community Membership

Chronic pain treatments are failing millions, say experts 11/05/2022

The health service doesn't recognise the mind body connection so can't treat this

Chronic pain treatments are failing millions, say experts Specialists warn the NHS is not set up to deal with such complex conditions.

Module 1 Q&A Session - My Emotional Audit 28/04/2022

Justine shares her experience of the first QnA/share session of The Emotional Audit Programme today organised by Patricia Worby PhD. .

Not too late to join in but I will be closing registrations next week as it's not fair to introduce new people after week 2. So much of recovery is about support for trauma which few few of us received at the time or subsequently. Find out more on

Module 1 Q&A Session - My Emotional Audit Some thoughts following the first question and answer session following module 1 of the My Emotional Audit course. Today we met the other course members vir...


An informal discussion around why I created the Thrive! course

Thrive! Live promo 17/3/22 20/03/2022

Thrive! Live promo 17/3/22 In this short 30 min promo I talk about my latest project - an online group programme - an introduction to emotional healing.Find out how stress impacts the ...

Why Emotions Create Symptoms 17/03/2022

Our latest blog...

Why Emotions Create Symptoms In this short blog I wanted to explain why : emotional healing is SO important to recovery from chronic exhaustive conditions and it’s often missed out. This could be for a variety of reasons because are concerned: you’ll be overwhelmed/it will make you worse it’s not relevant to you – you.....

Long covid: “Holistic” approach is best, given range of symptoms, say researchers 10/02/2022

This article in the British Medical Journal notes that an holistic approach is required, but also that the long covid clinics are inconsistent with their approach, provision (and I will add, results are not exciting).

Here at the Greenwood Holistic Health Group, and, we have been working with these symptoms for years, and as a cohesive multidisiplinary team, we have known the holistic approach is the only thing that does work. And using the expert training and experience of our team, really gets results.

Long covid: “Holistic” approach is best, given range of symptoms, say researchers New research on long covid in adults and children supports the multidisciplinary approach to clinical care that is being provided at long covid clinics in England, experts have said. “Long covid seems to be a condition where multiple symptoms are very common,” said Terence Stephenson, Nuffield p...

Team working - for health and vitality 10/02/2022

Why is working with a cohesive specialist recovery team so much more powerful that 1 specialist at a time?

Listen to Patricia Worby and Janie Perry, just 2 of our specialist recovery practitioners here at The Greenwood Holistic Health Group and, sharing their professional insights.

Enjoy, and have a thriving day! X

Team working - for health and vitality In this short 21 min video I discuss team working with one of my collaborators Janie Perry on how our clients make better progress when working with more tha...

The Birth of the Greenwood Holistic Health Group 08/02/2022

When you realize you need more than just one therapy to get your health back, its critical to get the right team, not just for your condition or illness, but also for you.

At the Greenwood Holistic Health Group, we provide a cohesive team of multi-disciplinary specialists in fatigue recovery. We tailor each package option to meet your unique needs and circumstances, but within a predictable framework, so you know where you are and what to expect.

In this blog, Carol, the founder of the group, tells you why she set up the team (and continues to grow the group).

If you suffer from a fatigue or exhaustion condition, or know someone who does, visit our website to get a feel of how we will support your recovery, and then book a free, no obligation Discovery Call where Carol will take you through the process and get you on your journey of root cause approaches to help you grow to new heights of wellbeing.

The Birth of the Greenwood Holistic Health Group Why is it important to have a cohesive team when you want to recover from a chonic condition like ME, Long Covid, Chronic Fatuge and the like? Learn why I created the perfect team, and how things will change for you by working with us towards your recovery.

Why Take an Emotional Audit of Your Life 26/01/2022

As part of the GHHG I am pleased to announce my new course launching February 24th 2022

Why Take an Emotional Audit of Your Life Learn how your body has held onto childhood embedded responses and beliefs, and how to unravel them…Are you suffering from long-term chronic conditions? Worr...

COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified 15/12/2021


COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified In the USA and Germany, high-level officials have used the term pandemic of the unvaccinated, suggesting that people who have been vaccinated are not relevant in the epidemiology of COVID-19. Officials’ use of this phrase might have encouraged one scientist to claim that “the unvaccinated threat...


Fabulous new website. Check it out. Https://


Radical times require a radical new approach. One that supports the natural healing capacity of the body not suppresses it

What my ME could teach long Covid sufferers 31/10/2021

Just what we have been saying

What my ME could teach long Covid sufferers Evan was diagnosed with ME in 2017, and she believes her experience can support long Covid sufferers.

The Importance of Community and Connection in Child Development 25/10/2021

I love having conversations with my dear friend and colleague Dr Patricia Worby , so here's one we recorded this morning!
What thoughts do you have? I'd love to hear them!

The Importance of Community and Connection in Child Development A 30 mins discussion of the importance of community and connection in child development with therapist and coach Carol Greenwood.Since the industrial revolut...

Trauma, trust and triumph: psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk on how to recover from our deepest pain 23/09/2021

Read this

Trauma, trust and triumph: psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk on how to recover from our deepest pain His 2014 book, The Body Keeps the Score, has become a huge pandemic hit, topping bestseller lists this summer and becoming a meme on social media. What does it tell us about the world we live in?


It's great to see clients making progress when they've been stuck in chronic illness for many years. This mind and body healing really works. It's such a different and valuable root cause approach which stops people languishing in the acute disease model. Thank you to Carol Greenwood for the inspiration and to all my colleagues Rainer Viehweger and Bee Innes for the fabulous teamwork


We are excited to inform everyone that we are back to work after the summer holidays. Our Founder Carol Greenwood having just moved to Cornwall to satisfy a long held dream and Rainer Viehweger now in his native Germany. Being an online virtual health group, location is immaterial so we look forward to welcoming new clients. with fatigue-related conditions.

AUDIT promo short - Create and share your videos with Clipchamp 04/08/2021

Fabulous course ahead

AUDIT promo short - Create and share your videos with Clipchamp Watch videos made with Clipchamp, the best video maker for everyone.

Power Of You - Thank You 28/07/2021

Healing work is an art. Learn about it here.

Power Of You - Thank You Your inward journey starts soon. Power of You: A Virtual Experience has been confirmed. Please check your inbox for more details. We’ll see you on August 6th! If you know of anyone who would be…

The Wisdom of Trauma – Gabor Mate Film 19/06/2021

Do catch The Wisdom of Trauma bonus replay weekend and particularly the talks afterwards with my heroes Peter Levine, Stephen Porges, Stan Grof and Esther Perel. All working to release humanity of suffering in diverse ways. In the future we are aiming for a trauma free population.. so much of what we see right now in the world is as a result of being passed down inter-generationally. -generational_trauma is both epigenetic and behavioural. A toxic world with stress and cultural values that promote competition and struggle for nothing to benefit humanity.

The Wisdom of Trauma – Gabor Mate Film Trauma is the invisible force that shapes our lives. It shapes the way we live, the way we love and the way we make sense of the world. It is the root of our deepest wounds. Dr. Maté gives us a new vision: a trauma-informed society in which parents, teachers, physicians, policy-makers and legal per...

Patricia Worby Alchemy Therapies - conversation 32 11/06/2021

Two of our team discuss why anxiety results from isolation

Patricia Worby Alchemy Therapies - conversation 32 In this 30 min video I talk my good friend and colleague Carol Greenwood about the collective trauma that has changed our view of eachother from safety to po...

Wisdom of Trauma - Movie Premiere | Wisdom of Trauma 09/06/2021

The importance of healing trauma

Wisdom of Trauma - Movie Premiere | Wisdom of Trauma the player above, you can click on CC and choose close captioning in English or translation on the following languages: Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and GermanWe hope you enjoy the film!If you feel inspired to deepen your understanding of ...

New Documentary Series Explores Proven Alternative Medicines For The Diseases Of Our Time 31/05/2021

Sign up here. This is going to be fabulous. Find out about medicine that works.

New Documentary Series Explores Proven Alternative Medicines For The Diseases Of Our Time Watch the trailer:

Patricia Worby Alchemy Therapies - conversation 30 - Long Covid 28/05/2021

Patricia Worby and Cath talk further about the complexity of long covid, and the actually quite simple steps towards recovery. A coordinated team approach, with trauma informed fatigue specialists, looking first perhaps at the gut through naturopathic nutrition, but also how critical the mental and emotional work is. Examining past events of toxic stress with Patricia Worby , and working with Carol Greenwood through coaching to examine your hidden values and beliefs, and re-framing them to ensure you don't fall prey again in the future.

If you, or anyone you know is suffering from long covid, or any chronic exhaustive condition, please visit and begin your journey to full recovery.

Patricia Worby Alchemy Therapies - conversation 30 - Long Covid In this conversation with Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist Cath Finegan, we talk about the suffering caused by Longhaul Covid. We cover the statistics, s...

Thank you for registering to watch the Remedy Docuseries 18/05/2021

Sign up now

Thank you for registering to watch the Remedy Docuseries Thank You for registering for Proven: A New 9-Part Docuseries On The Power Of Alternative Medicines To Heal The Diseases Of Our Time Exclusive FREE Airing June 1st Through June 9th Just a Few Quick Steps To Get You All Set Up Step 1: Check Your Email In the next hour, you’ll get an email […]

Carol's Story: A Message of Hope - Fatigue Free 12/05/2021

Carol's Story: A Message of Hope - Fatigue Free Learning that you can recover from ME/CFS is SO important in /CFS_Awareness_week. Here's someone who did it and now teaches others

Carol's Story: A Message of Hope - Fatigue Free 12/05/2021

Website is now up and live for info and bookings. Here's a blog that summarises our approach which is learned from our own experience. Here our founder Carol shares a message of hope.

Carol's Story: A Message of Hope - Fatigue Free Learning that you can recover from ME/CFS is SO important in /CFS_Awareness_week. Here's someone who did it and now teaches others

Bee's Story - Fatigue Free 11/05/2021

Bee's story of recovery from ME/CFS. Bee is our resident naturopathic nutritionist with not only expert knowledge in her field, but also deep understanding of the difficulties faced by sufferers of chronic exhaustive conditions.

If you, or anyone you know is suffering from fatigue and exhaustion, share this post and get in contact with us at

[email protected]

Bee's Story - Fatigue Free Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), M.E. & Fibromyalgia Every year in May we see ME and Fibromyalgia Awareness day – the aimof which is to highlight the devastation that this condition causes to 17-20 million people worldwide. Fibromyalgia is estimated to affect between3-6% of people internationally a...

'My doctor prescribed rambling for lockdown anxiety' 29/04/2021

Lifestyle medicine on the NHS

'My doctor prescribed rambling for lockdown anxiety' An 84-year-old widower expected to receive medication after he felt isolated during the pandemic.

Inside a long Covid clinic: 'I want to play with my kids again' 27/04/2021

Find a different answer

Inside a long Covid clinic: 'I want to play with my kids again' Croydon University Hospital's clinic has already seen 1,000 patients, with another 500 on the waiting list.

Fatigue Super Conference 15/04/2021

Fatigue Super Conference The Fatigue Super Conference presents in-depth interviews with 40 of the world's top experts on fatigue. Plus a ton of extra resources, including inspirational recovery stories, in-depth case studies breaking down real life recovery stories from the practitioner perspective, and daily yoga and medit...


It's a special day today. It's our soft launch day!! woo hoo!. our website is up and running as an information portal (though bookings are not yet possible through that). In order to book our services you'll have to wait a little while longer as we get our services fully integrated across all platforms.

Women are more susceptible to long Covid, but will we listen to them? 25/03/2021

Something we've been aware of when working with fatigue conditions. Many reasons why this is:differences in immunity, hormones and stress response

Women are more susceptible to long Covid, but will we listen to them? We have a unique window to analyze how the virus overlaps with chronic illnesses – but medicine has a habit of dismissing women who suffer from them

Interview with Michael Roesslein Founder of Rebel Health Tribe - Rebel Health Radio 19/02/2021

Interview with Michael Roesslein Founder of Rebel Health Tribe - Rebel Health Radio Michael and I discuss his personal health journey and how it took him to the creation of Rebel Health Tribe. HIs peeling of the 'layers of the onion' came about from his own suffering with anxiety and the auto-immune condition of his wife. In his ...

13th Annual Tapping World Summit | Free Video Shares the Most Effective Way to Eliminate Stress, Reset Your Nervous System and Create Lasting Balance for Body, Mind and Spirit! 07/02/2021

Tapping, or EFT (emotional freedom technique), may sound woo woo and barmy unless you know the science or have tried it yourself. Many find working with a therapist is the best way to get started, I know that it helped me greatly.

Tapping is a life changing and life enhancing practice, helpful for a wide range of issues.

13th Annual Tapping World Summit | Free Video Shares the Most Effective Way to Eliminate Stress, Reset Your Nervous System and Create Lasting Balance for Body, Mind and Spirit! Best-Selling Authors, Nick Ortner and Mark Hyman, MD discuss how EFT Tapping can help you create a path to wellness.

Lockdown Winter Wellness 06/02/2021

Lockdown Winter Wellness New Year Challenges There is no doubt that this early part of 2021 continues to be challenging for us all. Many of us are feeling the bite of social isolation or maybe shielding for health reasons. Winter is always a more pressurised time for our local health services and that is more true in 2021 t...

Hugely Inspring Small-Scale Permaculture Homestead | 85% Self-Sufficient on Under an Acre 06/02/2021

Thought this woman's journey mirrored mine in some ways but certainly it's inspiring to know you can heal and create a new life thorough growing food yourself.
I hope one day this will be us at the Greenwood Centre

Hugely Inspring Small-Scale Permaculture Homestead | 85% Self-Sufficient on Under an Acre Order Liz's BRAND NEW book Grounded: my opinion, Byther Farm is one of the best examples of how you can produ...

Videos (show all)

Thrive! the why