Whole Pet Journal

Whole Pet Journal

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Best Food For Cats With Allergies | 13/03/2021

If you have a cat who’s sensitive to certain ingredients you may be asking “what is the best food for cats with allergies?” Whether your cat has itchy skin or a chronic infection, it’s not uncommon for food to be the culprit.

Best Food For Cats With Allergies | Advertisement If you have a cat who’s sensitive to certain ingredients you may be asking “what is the best food for cats with allergies?” Whether your cat has itchy skin or chronic infection, it’s not uncommon for food to be the culprit. In this post, you’ll discover what causes allergies,...

5 Types of Puppy Aggression And How to Deal With it | 13/03/2021

It is hard to imagine that cute and tiny puppies can show signs of aggressive behavior.

While it’s not quite common in dogs at such a young age, paired with being falsely diagnosed very often, puppy aggression can occur.

5 Types of Puppy Aggression And How to Deal With it | Learn about 5 kinds of aggression in puppies and the different ways you can... kinds of aggression, Aggressive behavior problems in dogs...

Dangerous Foods You Should Never Give To Your Dog | 13/03/2021

Have you ever wondered why many dogs end up on the wrong side of the curb or death’s bed?

There are several prevalent, very poisonous foods that can kill your dog. In this article, we will discuss a few of these foods, as well as the ones you should avoid feeding your dog. Many of the foods listed here have been known to be fatal to dogs. Even though most foods are safe, you should still take precautions and never feed your dog anything poisonous, no matter how “tasty” it may seem.

Dangerous Foods You Should Never Give To Your Dog | There are several prevalent, very poisonous foods that can kill your dog. In this article, we will discuss a few of these foods, as.....

9 Surprising Signs Your Dog Has Suffered a Stroke | 13/03/2021

Recent research has revealed that strokes in dogs are far more common than previously thought.

As medicine advances, and specialized tests become more widely available; we are better ready to diagnose symptoms and understand the causes of strokes in animals.

9 Surprising Signs Your Dog Has Suffered a Stroke | Recent research has revealed that strokes in dogs are far more common than previously...we are ready to diagnose symptoms..understand strokes


+25 Useful Essentials You Need for an Epic Road Trip With Your Dog