

Sisters in Christ are sisters for life!I pray these daily words uplift you and draw you closer to God


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Julie Jacobsen-Manzo, Marion Weineck

Photos from Sisterhoodofchrist's post 19/08/2023

If you're in search of a delightful way to infuse your home with captivating fragrances, look no further! Get the best scents with Jess. Our store offers a wide range of warmers, wax melts, diffusers, and more - all carefully crafted to create an inviting and soothing atmosphere.
I am deeply grateful for your support in this new endeavor, and I warmly invite you to explore the scented wonders that await you. Let's fill your living spaces with amazing scents. Thank you in advance for joining me on this adventure. Blessings.


I am on an exciting new journey, and I couldn't be more thrilled to share it with you. If you're in search of a delightful way to infuse your home with captivating fragrances, look no further! Get the best scents with Jess. Our store offers a wide range of warmers, wax melts, diffusers, and more - all carefully crafted to create an inviting and soothing atmosphere.
I am deeply grateful for your support in this new endeavor, and I warmly invite you to explore the scented wonders that await you. Let's fill your living spaces with amazing scents. Tell your friends and family about it.
Thank you in advance for joining me on this adventure.


Luke15 :3-7
Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way, there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
Luke 15:3‭-‬7 NIV

If you are that one lost sheep the lord Is calling you back to the plans and the purpose he has for you. Don't get discouraged or turn away.
Repent and get back up, he is waiting on you so he can continue to complete good work in you. Trust the process and stay close to Jesus today and every day he wakes you up. Pray and continue to allow the word of God to strengthen you and mold you. In your breaking down the lord is building you up. Don't limit what the lord can do you through you. He is making all things new, keep fighting the good fight of faith. Keep running your race.
Jessica roman.


Such a beautiful view yesterday ❤️


It is important to study the word daily , not just when your going through things. Continue to seek the truth of God . You are called to be set apart from the people of this world. Live in a way that brings glory and honor to His name.
Jessica Roman


Let go of the hurt and let the lord have his way. Ask the Lord to remove anything that is not of him so you can be all that he is calling you to be. Break the cycle and strive to be christ-like. Let go of the pain, and praise God for your healing.Let go of any anger in your heart and forgive those who hurt you. Is that anger making you bitter or a better person? How can you experience all that the lord has for you if you are holding on to things that are not good for you spiritually? How are others supposed to feel the love of christ if you are not setting yourselves apart from the people of this world?I want to encourage you to let go of the things that are hindering you spiritually and let God have his way in your lives.
Jessica Roman


Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalms 51:10 NIV

Have you asked the Lord to check your heart?
It is important to let the Lord create a clean heart in you. Are you willing to let the Lord have his way in your lives? To rid you of the things that are not of him. Let him remove anything in your heart, so you can be all that the Lord is calling you to be.
When you choose to lay down the things that are not of him and let him have his way that is when you will see the transformation begin. Strive to give your heart unto the lord. Don't go back to the things that are not of him. Choose to cling to the things that will bring glory and honor to His name.
Jessica Roman


God is not done with you, keep fighting the good fight of faith. The challenges you are facing can't compare to the help of the Holy Spirit. Our God is bigger than any challenge you may be facing. He will make a way for you, even if you don't see it. Believe that He is working it out for your good and His glory. Don't allow the challenges you face to make you bitter but a better servant who is growing in their faith.
By Jessica roman


It is a new season, don't allow the things that weighed you down in 2022 to take root. Spend time in the word of God so you can produce fruit that will last. Choose to be rooted in Jesus, so you can learn about the word of God. As you learn about the word, the lord can begin to work through you to be used to plant the word of God in the lives of others. As you plant the seed begin to pray that it would take root and they would begin to receive all that the lord has for them. As believers, we are to be a witness to those who know Jesus and those who don't. Let us uplift, edify and encourage them in the lord.
By Jessica Roman


Keep putting what you read in the Bible into practice. Do not just be a hearer of the word but do what the word of God says. How are you going to put his word into practice if you don't read it? Open the word of God and strive to do what the father is telling you. We want the peace of God but we don't want to do what is required of us. Let us be obedient in doing what Jesus is calling us to do. If you love God do not delay in doing what he is calling you to do. Follow what his word says so his peace will always be with you. I am praying for unshakeable peace in Jesus' mighty name. Let nothing shake the peace that the lord has instilled in you.
By Jessica Roman


Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, and Make known his deeds among the people.
1 Chronicles 16:8 KJV

As children of God let us continue to call upon the name of Jesus. Don't just call on his name to ask him for things for he knows what you need, but call on His name to thank him. Every day that Jesus wakes you up is another opportunity to thank him for the day to glorify His Holy name, to thank him for what He is doing through you. Give thanks unto the Lord and testify to others the wonderful things he has done for you. If he can move Mountains for you he can do it for those around you. Begin to testify what God is doing and encourage those around you. Let us not be selfish and keep it to ourselves. How are others supposed to hear what Jesus is doing in our lives if we are keeping it ourselves? Let us testify today and every day that he wakes us up.
By Jessica Roman


If your cup is empty draw near to God and go to your secret place so he can fill you up with His living water. That way your soul won't thirst for the things of the world but you would begin to thirst for the things of God. Is your cup empty or full? Is your cup full of things that will do more harm to you spiritually? Or is it full of his living water? The Lord wants to fill you to overflow with his living water. Don't waste time filling your cup up with things that won't edify you but run to the altar and go get filled up with the Living Water
By Jessica Roman


You have been redeemed and set free, don't go back to the very same thing he saved you from. The Lord has called you to fulfill the purpose He has for you. Walk in a place of victory, you are a courageous mighty woman of God. The Lord has called you and you are His. Do not forget how special you are to Him. You are loved, you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
By Jessica Roman


If you are a wife & mom continue to trust fully in the lord. If you are a single woman of God continue to trust in Jesus. At times you may put your trust in people and sometimes they may let you down. But when you choose to trust in God things begin to change.Jesus shall supply all your needs, trust that Jesus will carry you through as draw near to him.
By Jessica Roman


Let us humble ourselves before the Lord and cry out to him. We are called to pray and to turn away from our sins.Draw near to Jesus to help you to turn away from those things that may be doing more harm than good. I want to encourage you to seek Jesus continually so you can be all that he is calling you to be.
By Jessica Roman


How can I pray for you on this glorious Sunday 🤗


Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9 NIV

Do not grow weary in doing good for the kingdom of God. In time you will reap a harvest if you don't give up. Don't keep pressing on for what's to come. Keep doing what God calls you to because you love him and his children. Now is not the time to grow tired in your reading, in sharing the word of God, and in prayer. Continue to meditate on the scriptures so you can keep fighting the good fight of faith. Strive to continue to share scriptures with yourself and others to encourage the hearts of his people. Keep on praying for the lord to have a mighty work in you and through you so he can work through you to help others in their walk; do not grow weary but continue to keep pressing through. Every day that God wakes you up is another opportunity to try again. Get back up, repent and ask the Lord to guide you throughout your day.
By Jessica Roman


Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.
1 Chronicles 16:10‭-‬11

The Lord is calling you to rejoice. Long to be in the presence of God, continually seeking His strength. When going through the motions, the best thing to do is to cry out to Jesus, seek his face, and meditate on the word of God. Allow his word to bring you strength and Joy. No matter what you face, choose to seek His face always. He will carry you through as you submit to Him
By Jessica Roman


Morning encouragement
Psalm 27


Do not allow the negative opinions of others to affect you in your walk with God. You are who God says you are. Begin to declare his word over your lives no matter what people say.
By Jessica Roman


In your breaking down, Jesus is building you up. He is building you up into a mighty warrior. Do not return to the same thing he saved you from. Continue to bring glory and honor to His name.
By Jessica Roman


You are a courageous, mighty warrior who can overcome any obstacle that comes your way. If you try to face them in your strength, you'll grow weary in your walk. When you realize who you are in Jesus and rely on his power, you will be able to face anything that comes your way. You are more than a conqueror through Jesus; You have the Holy Spirit's help to lead and guide you as you go throughout the day. Rely on his help to help you speak to the hearts of His people. Uplift and Edify someone on this beautiful, glorious day.
By Jessica Roman


Motivation Monday

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

The Lord commands us to be strong and courageous. Do not get discouraged but get encouraged that you are not alone. Jesus will give you the strength and courage you need to keep pressing through. Rely on the strength that Jesus provides and do not be afraid. The Lord is with you walking alongside you. Do not fear but draw near to Jesus and allow him to bring you to a place of victory.
By Jessica Roman


But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 NKJV
As women of God, we are to wait upon the lord so Jesus can renew us with His strength. Are you waiting fully upon the lord? Are you trusting him in the middle of the storm? As you rely on the strength that God provides you will be able to soar like an eagle and not grow faint. Do not grow weary but continue to rely on the strength that God provides so you can keep fighting the good fight of faith. Allow the trials you face to strengthen you and mold you into the servant that Jesus has called you to be.
By Jessica Roman


One touch from the lord can change everything, the lord has the power to transform your heart and mind. Don't go back to the very same thing he saved you from. Continue to remain in His love. Live in a way that is pleasing to the lord. Surrender your heart and mind unto the Lord so you can live in a way that brings glory and Honor to His name.
By Jessica Roman


Start every morning with Jesus, go into prayer and spend time in The word of God.
Stay with Jesus throughout the day, and depend on Him to give you the wisdom to speak to the hearts of His people. End the day reading, praying, and asking the lord for forgiveness. No matter what you are facing continue to make time for Jesus.
By Jessica Roman

Videos (show all)

Morning encouragement Psalm 27Ephesians6:10-18
“O taste and see that the LORD is good: Blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”‭‭Psalm‬ ‭34:8‬ ‭KJV
This is the day that lord has made . Let us rejoice and be glad in it . Go a little further and continue to keep your ey...
How can we pray for you?
1 Corinthians 5&6 Bible study
Encouragement challenge
Live Bible study from the sister's group. Romans 5 &6
My little prayer warrior