

Katyro is a lifestyle blog that aims to inspire slow-living approach and deeper walk with Jesus


What are you most thankful for?


Do you believe that? Sometimes it's so easy to question if all things are possible with God especially when the going gets tough 😞⠀

Yet, spend any time reading God's word and the proof is in the pudding. God shows up, turns things inside out, upside down, and shakes things up 👏🏼 One key to seeing all things are possible is faith. Faith, not so much in what you are praying for but WHO you are praying too 🤍⠀

Matthew 19:26- Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."⠀

May our prayer today be, "Heavenly Father, we trust in who you are and that your Word is true. May I never forget that you, God, make all things possible. May I trust your leading no matter how hard things get. I have faith that you will work all things together for my good."


Amen 💗

Photos from Katyro's post 02/11/2023

Grief has a voice and with God’s help, it can teach some good life lessons. Here are just a few I’ve learned.


💯 👏🏼👏🏼


It doesn’t always seem so but God does use our battles to mold us. He purifies and refines the coarse and sharp edges of heart not to become a better version of ourselves, but so we become more like Him. ❤️


If you grew up with a works-based mentality, this blessing might still be hard to grasp. However, it doesn’t change the fact that it is 💯 true. Through faith in Christ, we have full access to God. The sooner we realize that the deeper our walk will be. 💕


We serve a God that has moved mountains and continues to do so. He encourages us to have faith to believe that we can too (Matt. 17:20). ⠀

There is nothing impossible for God. Here's a quote that is a great reminder-⠀

"Your faith can move mountains, but your doubt can create them." Unknown


Quote from a man that would be martyred shortly after. Jim Elliot understood the cost and value in serving Christ.

My prayer for myself and anyone reading this is to know the worth in following Jesus. He is worthy.


I love everything Fall. I have also come to love the winter season and the beauty it offers. For many of us, these two seasons mean hectic schedules.

Check my new blog post ://katyroblog.com/category/slow-living/ or click the link in profile for 10 tips on creating a slower paced Fall and Winter 2023 seasons.


Fall is right around the corner and it is my favorite season. I love everything about it! This got me thinking how easy it is for me accept all the changes that come from each season, but how much I struggle with my personal life's seasons. ⠀

I know I can't control the weather and seasonal changes. Much of life is like that, some things are beyond my control. There may be things in my life that need to fall off much like the leaves of the trees. Yet, I resist the shift knowing that it will be for my benefit, growth, and purpose. ⠀

So when I'm tempted to complain or compare about the season of life I am in may I put this verse on blast. ⠀




Amen to a God that delivers time and time again. The greatest deliverance is delivering me from myself and my sin. Oh where would I be if not for his help. ⠀

Proverbs 18:10 describes our God as a strong tower and deliverer. This is our hope we don't need to lean on ourselves for help, we can turn to a God that delivers. ⠀


The Christian journey has to be transformative. If it isn't then what sets us apart? Jesus is in the business of RE-REdeeming, REstoring, REmoving, REfreshing so there is less of us and more of him. So thankful for a God that promises to make us a new creation. 🤍🤍🤍⠀

II Cor. 5:16-17


One of the hardest things as a Christian is trusting. Our faith depends on that God is who he says he is and he will do what he says he will do. ⠀

Trusting God impacts everything that we say or do. Sometimes our trust wavers because we have held on for too long to a life script that we wrote for ourselves. Then we hope God would agree and bless it. ⠀

BUT when things don't go to plan, what then? Isn't interesting how our life plan or goals never include heartache, loss, sickness or the slew of things life will inevitably throw at us. Our trust in God may weaken or even fail. ⠀

Click the link in bio for today's devo on trusting God and letting go of the script. ⠀


Psalm 46:1 (NLT) is a great anchor to cling to in times of trouble. God is our source and our refuge. He longs for his children to turn to him, lean on him, and trust he will carry them through. He draws especially close in our time of need. We don’t have to go it alone. 🤍🤍


Time and time again through his word, God encourages his people to move from victim to victor. He calls, encourages, and challenges us to not allow our past or our mistakes to dictate our present or future. ⠀

Jesus is our prime example of victor. Through the lowest of lows, he overcame and we are called to do the same. We can because he did! 🤍⠀

I Cor 15:57⠀
Rom 8:37⠀


One of the most effective tools the enemy uses against God’s children is that God doesn’t see our struggles. So if he doesn’t seem them, he must not care. Yet in Genesis 16, we read of a beautiful example of the God who sees. If you are feeling unseen or overlooked today, visit www.katyroblog.com for some encouragement. 💕


So grateful for a God who sees beyond the mess. 💕


The Bible gives us a glimpse of how creative our God is. He invites and expects us to use all the gifts and talents for his glory. We are entrusted to steward those gifts and talents without fear.


Learning from the past is different than living in it. Living in the present and hoping for the future allows us to appreciate what God wants to do in us and through us.


Recovering perfectionist here! There’s always a price to pay and with perfectionism, the price can be high. For a devotional on toxic perfectionism and how God has helped overcome- visit the blog .katyroblog.com or click the link on my profile.


Check out my blog .com


What a comfort knowing we serve a God not limited by time. It’s hard sometimes to wrap our minds around that fact. We can trust fully in his restoration and redemption process because time is not a factor.


God is good! 💕


He is the Vine and we are the branches. We can hold unto this in the deepest and darkest of times. He is not a source but THE SOURCE. We may not be rescued from the valleys of life but He promises to be near. He can turn it all around.


To sustain is defined as to strengthen or to support. All I can say is I don't know where I would be if God had not sustained me. Well, that's not true- I know for a fact, I would have quit, checked out, been lost, walked away. You name it, I would have done it. ⠀

BUT GOD!! In his goodness, in his grace, and mercy- he sustained me. Amen!! ⠀

Isaiah 46:4 is such a reminder- "I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." ✨⠀

Comment if you agree! 🤍🤍⠀


Had a rough week? Such a great reminder to always lean and hold unto the One who knows your today and all your tomorrows

When you are hanging by a thread...make sure it's the hem of His garment🖤🖤🖤


Summer is fast approaching, are you looking for ways to create a slow living summer? ⠀

Today's blog post covers 11 activities you can try to have the best slow living summer yet. ⠀




My soul is on a budget-
I can’t afford stress, envy, negative vibes, doubt or deceit



AMAZON LINK: https://a.co/d/c8340m9


We live in a world obsessed with comparison. The counter to that is to be captivated by the purpose we were created for. We serve a purposeful God so let's partner with him to live out our purpose. 🤍🤍⠀


Reading God's word daily, we clearly see that God time and time again has proven he is victorious. His greatest victory which he so graciously shares with us is the death and resurrection of Jesus. ⠀

Whatever I am facing today, I can stand on this fact. Since God is victorious, I have the victory too. ⠀


We all pray with the hope that God will answer and give us what we want or feel we need. What happens when he doesn't? ⠀

On the blog, today's devotion covers the question of even if God doesn't. Pray you take a minute and pop over, take a read, and prayerfully be encouraged. 🤍🤍⠀


Says it all!


Last week had some tough days for me- have you had any of those lately? Came across this timely quote and it's just what I needed. ⠀

Today, we are taught to celebrate the celebrity, the influencer, the athlete. That's ok if we equally celebrate those who aren't- the lost, the outcast, the broken. This isn't a political perspective, it's a godly one I hope. ⠀

It's a response to what would Jesus do. I can tell you what he did. Last Friday, we were reminded that not only did he walk with the broken but he became broken for me and you. This isn't just an Easter message, it's an everyday message. To follow him means we will walk just as easily with the broken as we would with the great. ⠀


New post is up! Check it out- talking about guarding your heart and why it matters.


For a little encouragement visit www.katyroblog.com


I can make such a mess of life! So grateful for a God who doesn't run from my "hot mess" life. His grace is sufficient for me, his love knows no bounds. When I trust him fully with my mistakes and my weaknesses, he knows how to take the ashes and turn them into beauty. 🤍⠀

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Own Your Belovedness
Sharing some thoughts out of Job 42. Pray you are encouraged that no matter what you are walking through we have a God t...
