Me.mento 3D Interactive GmbH

Me.mento 3D Interactive GmbH

The me.mento 3D Interactive GmbH is a global 3D tech company based in the aspiring city of Berlin. S


Merry Christmas, everybody! We wish you a reflective and cheerful holiday time with your beloved ones. Enjoy and stay safe!

BILD testet Virtual-Reality-S*x 10/12/2020

Our Adult Simulation vrXcity has been featured on the German Bild news website. Read more about the topic: "BILD testet Virtual-Reality-S*x".

BILD testet Virtual-Reality-S*x Offizielle Pressemeldung der me.mento 3D Interactive GmbH zur Veröffentlichung in der BILD: "BILD testet Virtual-Reality-S*x"

Penthouse Deutschland: „Ungeahnte Möglichkeiten“ 07/12/2020

Our Adult Simulation vrXcity has been featured in the German December issue of Penthouse!

Topic: Unimagined Possibilities of VR

Penthouse Deutschland: „Ungeahnte Möglichkeiten“ Offizielle Pressemeldung der me.mento 3D Interactive GmbH zur Veröffentlichung im Penthouse (German): "Ungeahnte Möglichkeiten"

Photos from vrXcity's post 04/11/2020

Scan Days with our stars. Fun Times! 💯

vrXcity Compatible with Oculus Quest 13/10/2020

Good news for gamers and adult entertainment fans: vrXcity, the world’s first true interactive VR p**n simulation, is now compatible with Oculus Quest!

vrXcity Compatible with Oculus Quest vrXcity, the world’s first true interactive VR p**n simulation, is now compatible with Oculus Quest!

Wie Startups unser S*xleben digitalisieren wollen 27/08/2020

Interesting t3n Magazin feature about the digitization of our everyday s*x life.

Wie Startups unser S*xleben digitalisieren wollen Mit app-gesteuerten Toys, VR-P***os und Videotutorials wollen Startups unser S*xleben verbessern. Der Markt scheint riesig.


We have released a new update for our VR erotic simulation vrXcity!

Find out more:


We have updated our vrXcity website for a better user experience. 💯

Wer hat Angst vor Künstlicher Intelligenz? 17/07/2020

Ab Minute 39:00 redet unser CEO Tobias Platte bei rbbKultur über S*x in der Virtuellen Realität. 📣

Wer hat Angst vor Künstlicher Intelligenz? Von Carmen Gräf


Want to start a career in the gaming industry? 🎮
Start your career with us! 🤝


VR P***o: S*xworkerin Josefa Nereus testet den Virtual Reality Trend | TRACKSPLORER 10/07/2020

S*xworker Josefa Nereus went behind the scenes for Arte TRACKS, tested our game vrXcity and spoke to adult performer Texas Patti about the future of p**n! (German)

VR P***o: S*xworkerin Josefa Nereus testet den Virtual Reality Trend | TRACKSPLORER Technische Neuerungen sollen P***o auf das nächste Level bringen. TRACKS will herausfinden, was dran ist und begleitet die S*xworkerin und Youtuberin Josefa ...


The addition of Steve Holmes to our game vrXcity has made it into the AVN Media Network news!


We are still remaining in , keeping it safe during times. But not to worry: We keep working and will always be there for you! 🙌


Earlier this month, the TV team of Arte payed us a visit to cover our VR game vrXcity. We are looking forward to seeing the results!


Today we took the opportunity to have an interview with t3n Magazin about our VR product vrXcity. Stay tuned for the article 🙌🏼


In early June 2020, we have released the first full update of our adult entertainment VR game vrXcity 🙌

Press Release ➡