Save Ancient Studies Alliance - Ancient Studies in North Texas Network

Save Ancient Studies Alliance - Ancient Studies in North Texas Network

A hub for Ancient Studies related activity in the North Texas region, started by SASA North Texas


📣 Check out Ink of Ages Fiction Prize contest from our partner, World History Encyclopedia! ()

Submissions open 1 August to 15 September 2024

✨If you write historical or mythology-inspired short fiction, you can enter a story under 2,000 words to win some great prizes from World History Encyclopedia and Oxford University Press!

Our contest is free to enter and we accept submissions in English from anywhere in the world.

Ink of Ages Fiction Prize is run by World History Encyclopedia and generously sponsored by Oxford University Press.



📣Check out our new blog post on “SASA AEM Middle School Update Overview - Summer 2024 Progress Report”

Highlights include a brand new AEM that focuses on Ancient Egyptian religion that was created in collaboration with Brian Smith, a lecturer in Egyptian religion with the University of Chicago. Our existing AEMs are also being expanded to college-level coursework thanks to an NEH grant!

Make sure to read the article for more information on our AEMs, our AEM team, and the NEH grant that helps make all of this work possible!



🤩Want to take a deep dive into the topic of Mesopotamian religion but don't know where to start? Check out the SASA Intro Guide project to get basic overviews of this and other general and complex topics (large and small)!

The are thematic, geographic, or time-period based introductions to various topics in Ancient Studies. Each Intro Guide contains basic background information, lists of key terms and definitions, brief summaries of previous scholarship and important works in the field, lists of relevant online resources, and a bibliography–all written in plain language for non-specialists.

✨Current available Intro Guides:
Greek Sculptures
Greek Vases
Greek Funerary Sculpture
Athenian White-ground Lekythoi
Mesopotamian Religion

We also want your feedback–use the Google Form found at the link below to help us improve existing and future Intro Guides!

➡️ Check out our NEW Intro Guides, here:


📚SASA Book Club: “Daughters of Olympus” by Hannah Lynn, hosted by MJ Pankey. Join the chat for LIVE Q&A!

🗓August 25, 2024, 12PM - 1PM EDT

➡️Follow & Subscribe to join LIVE:

✨Join us as we interview Hannah Lynn on her novel, "Daughters of Olympus".

Demeter: a goddess of life, living half of one.
Demeter did not always live in fear. Once, she loved the world and the humans who inhabited it. After an act of devastating violence, though, she hides herself away among the grasses and wildflowers. Her only solace is her daughter...
Before she was Persephone, she was Core.
Core is as bright as summer and devoted to her mother, even during their millennia in exile from Olympus. But she craves freedom. Naïve and determined, she secretly builds a life of her own--and as she does so, she catches the eye of a powerful god...
The daughters of Olympus will have the last word...
Then Hades kidnaps Core and renames her as Queen of the Underworld. In the land without sun, she realizes she may have a chance to gain back what she thought she'd lost forever. But Demeter will destroy anything--even the humans she holds so dear--to bring her daughter back. A mother who has lost everything and a daughter with more to gain than she ever realized, they will irrevocably shape the world: all in the name of something as human as love.

💕10% of every book purchased through SASA's bookshop comes directly back to help us Save Ancient Studies!

Follow & Subscribe to find our live stream by searching Save Ancient Studies Alliance - SASA on & !


📚 RSVP NOW - FREE Reading Group: 'Uluburun: Secrets of a Bronze Age Shipwreck' with James Dean Parnau!!

✨Explore the unique opportunities for understanding ancient civilizations through underwater archeology. Focusing on the Uluburun Shipwreck, I plan to discuss how the artifacts found within the ship’s holds led to an enormous breakthrough in piecing together how extensive and far-reaching trade routes were at the height of the Bronze Age. From there, I would like to lead a discussion on commonly believed reasons for the Bronze Age Collapse, and whether or not the contents of the Uluburun Shipwreck hint at over dependence on foreign trade as a potential reason.

Students will enjoy a thorough look at the insights into the Bronze Age that have been discovered with the Uluburun Shipwreck. In both large and small group segments, students will analyze the artifacts found within the wreck, along with the remains of the ship itself, while also learning about how the information collected has been interpreted by professionals. By the end of the class, students will be able to explain how underwater archeology has contributed to our understanding of otherwise mysterious eras in history, such as the Bronze Age Collapse.

🗓 Tuesday, August 27th @ 3pm EST


💕 SASA Summer 2024 Reading Groups are a generous grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.


📣SASA is proud to announce a new partnership with a great project related to ancient studies on Port Ancient ⛵️

🎉 Old Stuff

New to writing for a public audience, Louie is hoping to hone his style whilst also telling interesting stories about the ancient world. Old Stuff seeks to investigate the ancient world through analyses of objects, rather than a heavy focus on literary sources. In doing so, the aim is to shed some light on the lives of ordinary people, the things they used, and the places they visited, rather than relying on the written work of a few individuals. Talking about these objects makes them more accessible to everyone and allows us to avoid solely using written evidence.

⚓️Substack -

✨ Want your project to be featured as well?✨
Reach out to us at [email protected] on how your project can set anchor at SASA’s Port Ancient gallery!


📣 Call for article submissions from our partner The Post Hole!

✨The Post Hole accepts submissions for both the blog and the journal from undergraduate and postgraduate students from any academic institution. Click the link below to find more information for authors, including details on how The Post Hole uses content provided by authors.

Submissions for the blog must not exceed 1,000 words. Shorter journal articles must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words. Longer journal articles must be between 2,500 - 3,000 words.

Post Hole aims to publish at least one issue of the journal every 10 weeks, although the frequency with which articles are submitted plays a critical role in that estimation.

➡️Learn more and submit your article, here:


✨Enjoyed our 2024 ‘Opening the Ancient World’ Virtual Conference? Now you can watch your FAVORITE sessions individually as many times as you want!

➡️Check out our NEW 2024 Virtual Conference playlist:

💕If you like this playlist subscribe to our Youtube channel and follow us for more extraordinary content!


🤩 SHOP NOW at SASA’s Bazaar!

💕Designed by SASA volunteers, the Bazaar collection was created as a fun way to support our mission to Save Ancient Studies. A portion of every purchase on the Bazaar goes directly back to SASA!

➡️ Shop NOW:

✨We use funds to support our volunteer staff, as well as for software subscriptions, online advertising, and general administrative overhead. A donation of any size makes a significant impact on the running of SASA, and the work we do. We volunteer with SASA out of our own love and respect for Ancient Studies, but also deep concern about its future.


🎮CALLING ALL EDUCATORS! Check out all 6 of our FREE Archeogaming Education Modules ( ) for your classroom now!

AEM’s are produced in conjunction with educators and scholars, and contain custom videos and full lesson plans centered on specific Ancient Studies topics and themes.

These modules include a video, projects, homework, quizzes, and a teacher pack. We are proud that AEM’s have been used to great effect in classrooms across the USA and around the world!

~ Introduction to Ancient Pottery: The Material World of Ancient Greece
~ Building the First Cities: Urbanism in Egypt and Mesopotamia
~ All Roads Lead to Rome: Making and Maintaining the Roman Empire
~ Introduction to Medieval Ireland
~ ‘Raidin’ and Tradin’: The Viking Diaspora’
~ Medieval Medicine

➡️Click here to learn more and sign up for your FREE download:


✨Don't know where to start on your research related to Ancient Africa and Ancient Egypt? Check out SASA's database for all things Ancient Studies! Created by our Access Team, it features 1300+ entries of verified sources on topics related to all fields of Ancient Studies, and is continuously being updated.

💻Find articles, sources, and exciting new projects and topics. Search by keyword, category, and cost. Most sources are free!



📣 Check out Ink of Ages Fiction Prize contest from our partner,World History Encyclopedia! ()

Submissions open 1 August to 15 September 2024

✨If you write historical or mythology-inspired short fiction, you can enter a story under 2,000 words to win some great prizes from World History Encyclopedia and Oxford University Press!

Our contest is free to enter and we accept submissions in English from anywhere in the world.

Ink of Ages Fiction Prize is run by World History Encyclopedia and generously sponsored by Oxford University Press.



📚Grab your copy and find discounts on all the books and novels featured during SASA Book Club livestreams!

💕10% of every book purchased through SASA's bookshop comes directly back to help us Save Ancient Studies!

➡️Shop NOW:


🌟 Join Us for SASA's Trivia Night in August!

Get ready for an exhilarating evening of fun and knowledge at our Ancient Studies Trivia Night! This August's theme is all about Mythical Creatures. Dive into the world of mythical creatures and monsters from ancient folklore and mythology, including the Hydra, the Griffin, the Phoenix, and the Minotaur.

🗓 Thursday, August 15th @ 8 PM EST via Zoom

Theme: Mythical Creatures


💸Suggested Donation: $5 (Supports our mission to Save Ancient Studies)

✨ Everyone is welcome, whether you're a seasoned historian or just curious about the ancient world. Gather your friends, form a team, or join solo—this event is perfect for all knowledge levels.

-Engage with fellow history enthusiasts and expand your knowledge.
-Challenge yourself with intriguing questions on this month's theme, "Mythical Creatures".
-Support a Cause: Your participation helps promote and preserve Ancient Studies and the Humanities.
-Win Bragging Rights: Compete for bragging rights! Winners will be listed on the Save Ancient Studies Website!

We can’t wait to see you there and test your ancient studies prowess. Let the games begin!

📢 Spread the Word: Tag your friends and share this post!

Stay tuned for our next Trivia Night every third Thursday of the month, each with a new exciting theme!


❗️Ignore our post from yesterday! There is still time to RSVP to our FREE Master Class: 'Herodotus in Egypt: a Greek in a Land of Wonders' with Dr. Kate Minniti!!

🗓RESCHEDULED: Wednesday, August 14th @ 2 pm EST

✨Which land had 'the most wonders' and flying snakes? Were cats truly venerated as gods? And why were mummies invited to dinner? Greek historian Herodotus, 'The Father of History', visited Egypt and was equal parts amazed by its incredibly ancient history and imposing monuments, and puzzled by religious and social customs that seemed totally foreign to him. His description of Egypt, the earliest remaining text in a long tradition of travel accounts written by foreigners visiting the land of the Nile, is one of the most influential - and sometimes befuddling - literary sources of antiquity. This masterclass will guide participants through some of the best-known sections of Herodotus' description of Egypt: the description of the land, the 'upside-down' social customs, tyrannical pharaohs, and a lot of animal worship. Alongside reading the text in translation, we will also try and make sense of (or debunk) Herodotus' claims by looking at Egyptian art and archaeology.


💕 SASA Summer 2024 Reading Groups are a generous grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.


📚 RSVP NOW - FREE Reading Group: 'Uluburun: Secrets of a Bronze Age Shipwreck' with James Dean Parnau!!

✨Explore the unique opportunities for understanding ancient civilizations through underwater archeology. Focusing on the Uluburun Shipwreck, I plan to discuss how the artifacts found within the ship’s holds led to an enormous breakthrough in piecing together how extensive and far-reaching trade routes were at the height of the Bronze Age. From there, I would like to lead a discussion on commonly believed reasons for the Bronze Age Collapse, and whether or not the contents of the Uluburun Shipwreck hint at over dependence on foreign trade as a potential reason.

Students will enjoy a thorough look at the insights into the Bronze Age that have been discovered with the Uluburun Shipwreck. In both large and small group segments, students will analyze the artifacts found within the wreck, along with the remains of the ship itself, while also learning about how the information collected has been interpreted by professionals. By the end of the class, students will be able to explain how underwater archeology has contributed to our understanding of otherwise mysterious eras in history, such as the Bronze Age Collapse.

🗓 Tuesday, August 27th @ 3pm EST


💕 SASA Summer 2024 Reading Groups are a generous grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.


☀️Have we missed any ancient studies events for the summer?

We recently created our complied list of Ancient Studies Conferences and Events to help everyone have fun and stay engaged in the community this summer! While we try to keep track of every event, we know we might miss some and that is where you all come in!

If you have an event that you are going to (or even better one you are hosting!) and do not see it on the calendar please fill out the link below to help us spread the word!

➡️Are you hosting an Ancient Studies event or found one on your summer travels? Fill out this form!:


📚LAST CHANCE TO RSVP - FREE Reading Group: 'Herodotus in Egypt: a Greek in a Land of Wonders' with Dr. Kate Minniti!!

✨Which land had 'the most wonders' and flying snakes? Were cats truly venerated as gods? And why were mummies invited to dinner? Greek historian Herodotus, 'The Father of History', visited Egypt and was equal parts amazed by its incredibly ancient history and imposing monuments, and puzzled by religious and social customs that seemed totally foreign to him. His description of Egypt, the earliest remaining text in a long tradition of travel accounts written by foreigners visiting the land of the Nile, is one of the most influential - and sometimes befuddling - literary sources of antiquity. This masterclass will guide participants through some of the best-known sections of Herodotus' description of Egypt: the description of the land, the 'upside-down' social customs, tyrannical pharaohs, and a lot of animal worship. Alongside reading the text in translation, we will also try and make sense of (or debunk) Herodotus' claims by looking at Egyptian art and archaeology.

🗓 Sunday, August 11th @ 2 pm EST


💕 SASA Summer 2024 Reading Groups are a generous grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.


🌟 Join Us for SASA's Trivia Night in August!

Get ready for an exhilarating evening of fun and knowledge at our Ancient Studies Trivia Night! This August's theme is all about Mythical Creatures. Dive into the world of mythical creatures and monsters from ancient folklore and mythology, including the Hydra, the Griffin, the Phoenix, and the Minotaur.

🗓 Thursday, August 16th @ 8 PM EST via Zoom

Theme: Mythical Creatures


💸Suggested Donation: $5 (Supports our mission to Save Ancient Studies)

✨ Everyone is welcome, whether you're a seasoned historian or just curious about the ancient world. Gather your friends, form a team, or join solo—this event is perfect for all knowledge levels.

-Engage with fellow history enthusiasts and expand your knowledge.
-Challenge yourself with intriguing questions on this month's theme, "Mythical Creatures".
-Support a Cause: Your participation helps promote and preserve Ancient Studies and the Humanities.
-Win Bragging Rights: Compete for bragging rights! Winners will be listed on the Save Ancient Studies Website!

We can’t wait to see you there and test your ancient studies prowess. Let the games begin!

📢 Spread the Word: Tag your friends and share this post!

Stay tuned for our next Trivia Night every third Thursday of the month, each with a new exciting theme!


📚LAST CHANCE TO RSVP - FREE Reading Group: 'Horror in the Ancient World' with Kenneth Connally!!

✨ This Reading Group will explore the roots of modern horror fiction in ancient Greek and Latin literature, specifically in ancient tragedy and epic poetry. Questions we will discuss include: How much of what scared people in antiquity still spooks us today? How did ancient authors understand the appeal of frightening art? What can the horror fiction of the past teach us about ancient cultures? And what does its continuing relevance tell us about our own?

🗓 Thursdays @ 2 pm EST, August 8th - 22nd


💕 SASA Summer 2024 Reading Groups are a generous grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.


🤩Want to take a deep dive into an ancient studies topic, but don't know where to start? Check out the SASA Intro Guides project to get basic overviews of general and complex topics (large and small)!

The are thematic, geographic, or time-period based introductions to various topics in Ancient Studies. Each Intro Guide contains basic background information, lists of key terms and definitions, brief summaries of previous scholarship and important works in the field, lists of relevant online resources, and a bibliography–all written in plain language for non-specialists.

✨Current available Intro Guides:
Greek Sculptures
Greek Vases
Greek Funerary Sculpture
Athenian White-ground Lekythoi
Mesopotamian Religion

We also want your feedback–use the Google Form found at the link below to help us improve existing and future Intro Guides!

➡️ Check out our NEW Intro Guides, here:


🏆Female athletes such as Simone Biles at the Paris 2024 Olympics have been taking the world by storm.

But it is only relatively recently that gender equality in the Olympics has been established.

📜In the original games all the way back in Ancient Greece, women were not allowed to compete, and married women were not even allowed to be spectators!

🐎Kyniska of Sparta was the first woman to become an Olympic victor in the ancient games, as although she was not allowed to compete, her chariot (steered by a male driver) won in the four-horse chariot race not just once but twice, in 396 BCE and 329 BCE!

However, women in ancient Greece could compete in another athletic competition as part of the Herean festival, dedicated to the goddess Hera.

🏃The 2nd century BCE Greek traveller Pausanius wrote of the girl’s foot races, saying that the Olympic course was ‘shortened for them by about one-sixth of its length’ and claiming that the winning maiden was awarded an olive crown and a portion of cow to sacrifice to Hera.

🎾When the games were revived in 1896 in Athens, women were not allowed to compete. By 1900, women could only compete in five sports: tennis, sailing, croquet, equestrianism and golf. Imagine how many more medals could have been won if they had been allowed to participate in every sport!

Luckily at Paris 2024, 50% of all athletes are women according to the International Olympic Committee, meaning that for the first time, full gender equality at the games has been reached! 🎊

📖To find out more about the history of women in the ancient Olympics, visit


🎮CALLING ALL EDUCATORS! Check out our FREE Archeogaming Education Module ( ) - Medieval Medicine

This AEM, created in collaboration with Dr. Fabrizio Conti, examines illnesses in Medieval Europe, how they were treated, what people of the time believed about disease and medicine, and how medicinal knowledge spread. The video will outline the evolution of medicine, different diseases and
treatments, the study of medicine, and the societal response to the sick.

These include:
● The work of Galen, a Greek physician.
● The Black Plague, herbal and religious remedies, and social response.
● The University at the center of early “modern medicine.”
● Knowledge transmission between Europe and Western Asia.

This video reviews the evolution of medicine in Europe, drawing from remedies in ancient Rome, the Middle East, and all the way up to the Black Plague in England. As such, this module is designed to serve as an introduction to Medieval Medicine in Europe. No prior knowledge of Medieval Europe is needed, and introductory materials will be provided. All materials are provided for your convenience.

➡️Click here to learn more and sign up for your FREE download:


✨Struggling to begin your research? Explore SASA's database, curated by our Access Team. Discover over 1300 verified sources covering various Ancient Studies topics. Access articles, sources, and new projects.


💻 Search by keyword, category, and cost, with most sources available for free!


📚 RSVP NOW - FREE Reading Group: 'Herodotus in Egypt: A Greek in a Land of Wonders' with Dr. Kate Minniti!!

🗓 Sunday, August 11th @ 2 pm EST


# Egypt

Videos (show all)

📣We are so excited to celebrate and highlight some great African American scholars/inventors/studies and more from then ...
THANK YOU for helping us reach 1000 subscribers on Youtube!Check out our channel for content like Ancient Kitchen with r...