Diaz Energy Consultants LLC

Diaz Energy Consultants LLC

Providing homeowners with free, no obligation, solar consultations to give you your options.


Off to help homeowners save money off their electric bill. Utility companies increased rates by 64% this month here in Massachusetts so I'm just trying help people keep more of their hard earned money in their pocket.

Message me now and I'll give you your free, no obligation solar assessment just to better inform you about the options you have that no one is telling you about.


Let me help you avoid these crazy rate hikes and save lots of money off your electric bill at no cost.


Save yourself from these crazy rising electricity rates.

Message me today and let me give you a free solar assessment and show you how you can start saving money.

The best part is that it doesn't cost you anything and you'll start saving money immediately.

Ask me about my $1000 incentive offer.


Let me help you lock in a better rate for your electricity by going solar at no cost.
Eversource and National Grid are about to raise your rates by about 62% Just because they can.
Call, Text, or message me here asap and let me help you out.


Helped another Homeowner to save a ton of money every month by getting solar panels.
The best part is that it costed them absolutely nothing to start saving money. Message me and we can see if your home qualifies and let's get you saving ASAP!


Let me give you information on getting solar panel at no cost and eliminating your electric bill, all while getting paid to go solar.


Happy September Everyone!!

Have you had your free solar assessment yet?

With the rising rates of electricity, now is the time to lock in some huge savings and help create a planet run by the sun. Ask me how to receive a $1000 incentive for going solar this month!!