Heavenly Bodies

Heavenly Bodies

Holistic Health Practice, offering Cleansing/Detox Therapies. Natural Nutrition Education/Workshops. Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultations and Exams.


There is nothing stronger or more natural than Turmeric, to help with inflammation, the root cause of many physical ailments. Finding a reliable source of Turmeric is crucial - organic, sourced in the U.S, is top choice, if possible.
In addition be sure to buy a Tumeric supplement with 'Black Pepper' added. The pepper is crucial to help our bodies easily absorb the Turmeric.

Stay Happy and Healthy with
~Heavenly Bodies.💫💥🪐🌙


#2 Limit sugar intake -
The earlier we begin a healthy brain diet, the
happier and healthier our bodies and brains
will be, in later years!

Nutrition & The 9 Health Benefits of Maple Syrup - Maine Maple Producers Association 25/01/2024

It's coming upon that time of year, here in New England - when golden maple sap drips deliciously, from the awakening trees.
Maple Syrup is the premium alternative to processed sugar.
Here are a few good reasons why you should put sugar on the back shelf and substitute it with delicious healthy Maple Syrup!

Nutrition & The 9 Health Benefits of Maple Syrup - Maine Maple Producers Association Pure Maple Syrup contains several benefits, including 24 natural antioxidants that can reduce the damage of free radicals causing inflammation and reduce various chronic disease.

10 Day Sugar Detox (To Reset Your Mind And Body) 16/01/2024

We have heard the term 'Dry January',
Let's take that a step further -
Rejuvenation January.
Yes, alcohol is loaded with Sugar -
and many of the folks, who are following a
'Dry January', will find on February 1 that they have shed a few pounds - just from abstaining from sugar laden libations, for a month.

For anyone looking to take a sugar cleanse a step further, the following cleanse, is an easy, gentle
Sugar cleanse that most people can follow without upsetting their daily routine.

Dry/Sugar free January (or any month) will be one of the best decisions of the New Year!
Your body will thank you - in so many ways!

To Good Health and Happiness!

~ HB

10 Day Sugar Detox (To Reset Your Mind And Body) These days, sugar is found in almost everything, but it can be detrimental to our health in excess. Here's a 10 day sugar detox to reset your mind and body...


A Happy Healthy Peaceful New Year - is our wish for all the Earth in 2024! Let's all do our own part to help make that happen! 💞💫💥✌️ ~HB


Wishing everyone a peaceful New Year,
full of Inner Enlightenment and Heavenly Healthy Bodies!

💞 💥💫✌️

Embrace the wisdom within, cultivate mindfulness, and watch as your inner light guides you towards a profound sense of peace and understanding.

Gardeners Are Using A Strange New 'Tool' On Their Plants And Getting Amazing Results 23/07/2023

CINNAMON and CLOVES... these favored spices are not just for Apple Pie and Strudel!
Explore all the amazing health benefits of these two common spices. Many of us leave these potent Bacteria and Fungal fighters, lingering in the spice cupboard, only to be brought out into the light, on holidays and dessert baking.
But elsewhere these 2 powerful medicinal herbs have been used for centuries, to help heal a slew of health conditions. An easy add to your daily diet, these are 2 of the most potent spices to take,
while still enjoying the taste of the world's most cherished spices! Next time you eat a slice of Apple Pie, you can eat it with a little less guilt, knowing Cinnamon and Cloves are in there fighting some of the the ill effects of all the sugar!
But of course there would be the absolute minimum amount of Sugar, if any, in a 'Heavenly Bodies' Apple Pie ;) because around this Site... Sugar is the enemy!

Check out many of the Cinnamon and Clove
Super Powers here...

Gardeners Are Using A Strange New 'Tool' On Their Plants And Getting Amazing Results According to many gardeners, a common kitchen ingredient is the answer to one of the most pressing problems in horticulture.

The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) on Threads 14/07/2023

Some tips to beat the heat! Stay safe and cool.

The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) on Threads If you’re trying to beat the heat this summer, you might want to reconsider what you’re eating and drinking. A punishing summer heat wave is baking large swaths of the country, exposing millions of...


Now this sounds like a Carrot Cake, the Easter Bunny would hop Farmer MacDonald's fence, to nibble!

This Spring, of Rebirth and Renewal
Is a perfect time for us all to recommit to keeping sugar, in all its commercial forms, out of our Heavenly Bodies!

There are so many more delicious and healthy alternatives and recipes, since we started this page. Although still difficult, processed sugar is in everything, we really do have many alternatives to avoid the poison, more than ever before.

I know I know... bad timing HB -
It's Easter/Passover week... which is fueled by sugar, candy eggs and Chocolate bunnies and my greatest temptation of all... PEEPS!

Of course we can not possibly cut sugar out of our diets completely but when confronted with the aroma of Cotton Candy, wafting in the air... or the pop of a soft drink can...
try the Stop. Breath. Count to 3, method...
Having just those few seconds to pause/think, helps me stay clear of the temptress PEEP, and other sugar laden products, that I know are detrimental to my health. We will never rid the world of all its processed sugar, but we can take charge of how much of it and what type, we ingest!
Be the Boss of Sugar!

I wish everyone Brightest Spring Blessings!
May your long days be full of Light and Love
And your nights... free of sugary snacks! 😏💞


This Healthy Carrot Cake Loaf is perfect for spring! It’s naturally sweetened, spiced with a dash of cinnamon, moist, and tender, and topped with a light and sweet maple glaze.

Recipe: https://lexiscleankitchen.com/carrot-cake-loaf/

15 Natural Antibiotic Alternatives - The Grow Network 27/12/2022

Happy Healthy Holidays! Here are some good, natural tips, to protect yourself and your pocketbook, this New Year and flu season!
For an extra layer of protection, keep Masking Up, in large crowds... it works! Add a dash of Vitamine C and D and Elderberry and Tumeric tabs, to your daily routine, this Winter and you will have a powerful armor of protection, throughout this dangerous triple threat, of Flu-Covid+ season!
Keep Safe, Keep Healthy, Be Kind.
Happy Healthy and Peaceful New Year to All!

15 Natural Antibiotic Alternatives - The Grow Network These 15 natural antibiotic alternatives will help you fight off bacterial infections—without destroying your immune-supporting gut bacteria!


A Fruitful, Safe and Healthy Summer to All!
Soak up that Vitamin D and enjoy all the healthy Summer Fruit and Veggies!


9 Practices for Seasonal Detoxification 29/01/2022

A Fall and Spring cleanse are most beneficial.
Periodic fasting is also a great way to give your over-taxed digestive system, a good cleanse of the daily build up of toxins.
Stay safe and warm this Winter...
Spring will be here in 2 shakes of a lambs tail!

9 Practices for Seasonal Detoxification Many traditional cultures give particular significance to the changing of the seasons by organizing celebrations and rituals around these times. The practice of honoring these times of transition is an opportunity for people to reflect on the prior months and look forward to what lies ahead.

9 Practices for Seasonal Detoxification 11/01/2022

Time to Cleanse... Time to Re-Evaluate our priorities... especially in these days of Covid.

Stay safe for yourselves and for others.

9 Practices for Seasonal Detoxification Many traditional cultures give particular significance to the changing of the seasons by organizing celebrations and rituals around these times. The practice of honoring these times of transition is an opportunity for people to reflect on the prior months and look forward to what lies ahead.

Cancer and Sugar 28/12/2021

Cancer and Sugar

5 reasons to wear a mask even after you’re vaccinated 21/01/2021

Please take heed! We must all be on the same page, if we are ever going to crush this deadly and highly contagious Virus!
Please Mask Up...😷 to save your love ones and our fellow Americans!

We will only get through this Together!

Stay Safe!
- HB

5 reasons to wear a mask even after you’re vaccinated Health experts say the best hope for ending the pandemic isn’t to choose between masks, physical distancing and vaccines, but to combine them.


Celtic Canada



Vitamin D Deficiency in COVID-19 Quadrupled Death Rate

Vitamin D is essential even without a pandemic...
especially in Winter when we are unable to get enough Vitamin D rich sunshine!

Vitamin D is a powerful tool to add to our Covid 19 war chest.

Please be safe this holiday season.
And let's all be part of the solution to make 2021 a Happier and Healthier New Year!

medscape.com Patients admitted to hospital with severe COVID-19 and vitamin D deficiency showed a 3.7-fold increased odds of death. Men in the advanced stages of COVID-19 pneumonia had the greatest deficit.


10 Incredible Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water With Lemon Every Morning

A simple yet powerful boost to your immune system. A morning ritual we all should adopt, especially in these times of Covid.

Stay Healthy, Stay Safe, Stay Home!

powerofpositivity.com Drinking water first thing in the morning is great. In this article, we’ll go over the many benefits of drinking warm water with lemon each morning.


Curejoy Recipes

Ghee, the golden miracle!
You wont believe it IS butter!

The Amazing Wonders Of Ghee ☑️ ReadMore Benefits>>>


AARP Massachusetts

Just THINK about it! Vaccines can not give you the Flu or COVID! Stay safe! Be responsible! And keep your friends and family safe!

Flu Season Fact Check: The contents of a flu shot cannot give you the flu virus. Here's what you should know. http://spr.ly/6185HKYqt


10 Ways to Increase the Dopamine In Your Brain

In these trying times, we can't help but feel more stressed and 'down'. And that is completely normal. Here are some proven ways to help ease the stress and boost your mood, while boosting the immune system.

Stay safe and healthy and please help your fellow citizins do the same...
by wearing masks and social distancing.
It is a win win for everyone!

powerofpositivity.com Our brains require dopamine in order to stay happy and balanced. Certain activities and habits will help you keep your dopamine levels high, including these:


12 Benefits of Drinking Warm Lemon Water to Never Ignore »

A small change can make a big difference!

powerofpositivity.com Drinking warm lemon water brings with it myriad health benefits you cannot afford to ignore. Take a look at how this morning drink builds better health.


10 Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Water - WomenWorking

This simple addition to your morning routine will bring some major health benefits!

Kick starting the immune system, in this time of Covid, should be front and center of our daily wellness practices.

womenworking.com Lemon water is one of the most known body detoxes out there. There are so many benefits proven by science that some people have started to incorporate it into their daily diets. But why drink warm or hot lemon water instead of cold? Quite a few studies have uncovered many reasons as to why it works....


An Easy Golden Milk Latte Recipe (Espresso Optional)

A sure fire way to boost your immune system while enjoying a delicious, healthy, morning libation.

organifishop.com An easy golden milk latte recipe you can whip up in under five minutes, to get all the health benefits of turmeric in one tasty morning treat.


I'm a Doctor and Here's How to Never Catch COVID-19

Some important reminders. This plague is far from over. We must stay the course, until a Vaccine is created.
Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Patient...
We are all in this together.



The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them

From the mouth and mind of a relible source and brilliant scientist.
This is the best, conscise information I have read, to date.
Bottom line... stay outside and wear a mask!
I guess one advantage of global warming: we will have more hot Summer days this year... to enjoy the outdoors safely.

Be safe, Be smart and we will get through this despite our untrustworthy, incompetent government. Just listen to the scientists like Dr. Bromage.

erinbromage.com Please read this link to learn about the author and background to these posts. It seems many people are breathing some relief, and I’m not sure why. An epidemic curve has a relatively predictable upslope and once the peak is reached, the back slope can also be predicted. We have robust data from t...


I Support Farmers Markets


How Vitamin D Protects Against Respiratory Viruses

Vitamine D is more crucial now than ever.

usbiotek.com Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of infection by viruses or other pathogens, but evaluating and managing vitamin D status may improve overall health and decrease the risk of infection from influenza or other viruses.


Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 17:00
Thursday 11:00 - 17:00
Saturday 11:00 - 17:00