

PLATform with ONline Interventions for Children Families will not have to need the help of an expert while monitoring the development of their children.

The following objectives are set within the frames of this project proposal:
- Creating evidence-based practices in the area of Early Intervention for children with developmental delays;
- Digitization of the early intervention practices by creation of platform for Early Intervention;
- Creation of a milestone tracker app for tracking the children’s development;
- Enabling access to the pla

Early Intervention Home Visits 29/12/2023

🎬Watch the following video to understand the logistic of early intervention home visits.

Early Intervention Home Visits This video shows what families in Connecticut's Birth to Three System can expect during a home visit. It includes explanations about a primary provider mode...

Your child, your family and early childhood intervention: Family Perspectives 15/12/2023

🎬Watch the following video and listen to family perspectives about early childhood intervention.

Your child, your family and early childhood intervention: Family Perspectives


According to WHO, “psychosocial interventions to support maternal mental health should be integrated into early childhood health and development services”.

Strength of recommendation: Strong

Quality of evidence: Moderate

Photos from Platonic's post 28/11/2023

🌟 Evento Multiplicador do Projeto Platonic: Explorando Inovações para a Intervenção Precoce! 🚀📊

E no fim do projecto celebramos o evento multiplicador do Projeto Platonic, onde mergulhámos nas conquistas e desafios da intervenção precoce! 🌈💼

A presença e colaboração das entidades e instituições foram fundamentais para a compreensão profunda do projeto e para garantir sua sustentabilidade futura. Agradecemos a todos por serem parte vital desta jornada de inovação em prol da intervenção precoce. 🙌🏽🌐

Durante o evento, abordámos todos os Resultados do Projeto, destacando especialmente:
1️⃣ Guias para as melhores práticas de exercícios de intervenção precoce e monitorização do desenvolvimento.
2️⃣ Criação de uma plataforma online com instrumentos de triagem e exercícios de intervenção precoce.
3️⃣ Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação móvel para monitorização do desenvolvimento.

Explorámos um caso prático, permitindo aos participantes mergulharem na aplicação para identificar desafios e oportunidades, relacionando-os com os 6 pilares presentes na APP. Foi uma experiência envolvente e educativa para todos os envolvidos. 🧠📱

O Agrupamento de Escolas D. Carlos I teve o previlégio de ser parceiro oficial deste projeto inovador. Juntos, estamos a moldar o futuro da intervenção precoce para um mundo mais inclusivo!


Early Intervention Families Share Why Early Help Matters 17/11/2023

Click on the link below and listen to testimonies from families about early intervent‍ion 👇

Early Intervention Families Share Why Early Help Matters The Early Intervention Program provides help for babies and toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities.For more information, visit

Why does early intervention matter? 27/10/2023

🎬 Watch the following video to understand why the early interventions are so important.

Why does early intervention matter? All children deserve the best possible start in life. Too many children face the kind of disadvantage that affects their development and threatens their futu...

What is early intervention? 13/10/2023

Watch the following video to understand what is early intervention 🎬

What is early intervention? Early intervention means identifying and providing effective early support to children and young people who are at risk of poor outcomes. Effective early int...


Did you know that the Nurturing Care Framework for early childhood development was launched in 2018 ❓
This framework provides a roadmap for action in this context. If you want to learn more about it, check out the WHO Guidelines for Improving Early Childhood Development.

Source: Improving Early Childhood Development: WHO Guideline, 2020

Improving early childhood development: WHO guideline, WHO ECD guideline 15/09/2023

In order to improve Early Childhood Development (ECD), WHO developed guidelines based on scientific evidence. According to WHO, the aim of these guidelines is “to identify ECD -specific interventions and approaches that are effective in improving developmental outcomes in children”.

To learn more about it, click here👇:

Improving early childhood development: WHO guideline, WHO ECD guideline Enabling young children to achieve their full developmental potential is a human right and an essential requisite for sustainable development. Given the critical importance of enabling children to make the best start in life, the health sector, among other sectors, has an important role and responsi...


Speech, language and communication skills are crucial to young children's overall development.
Being able to speak clearly and process speech sounds, to understand others, to express ideas and interact with others are fundamental building blocks for a child's development.
Children need to develop across all four aspects to reach their fullest potential in life and learning.
Speech, language and communication skills are closely linked to educational attainment and future employment prospects, the ability to play a full role in society and form lasting friendships and relationships.

There are may ways to promote speech, language and communication development.
To learn more about support and developmental milestones, stay tuned to our App and Platform activities.

Source of photo:


Erasmus+ Platonic project and results were presented at the 6th International Conference "Multidisciplinary Approaches in Education and Rehabilitation", which is being held from May 9th to 11th, organized by the Association of Defectologists, Educators, and Rehabilitators "STOL" and co-organized by the Faculty of Pedagogy UNSA in Sarajevo.


The focus group that we held for the needs of the Erasmus+ Platonic project in the Dv More ( DV Cvit Mediterana, Split) enriched us with another new experience.
Many thanks to all the participants

Photos from Platonic's post 28/08/2023

Another opportunity to present the ERASMUS + PLATONIC project.
At the international scientific and professional conference - ''What kind of education do we want?'', we participated with a poster and presentation, and met acquaintances, colleagues, professors, and new potential collaborators.
And showered everyone with our flyers and "bookmarks".

And it's only the first day


Estamos a traduzi para Português todo o conteúdo da nossa APP. Obrigado à equipa da Form2you parceiro associado do Agrupamento Escolas D. Carlos I que irá proporcionar termos um APP de qualidade em PT.

Fique atento aos nossos resultados do nosso projeto.


Follow us to know more about our project and results.

Milestones in Brain Development and Cognitive Growth: Curious Learners 01/06/2023

The first years of life are crucial for the cognitive development of the child, who quickly acquires complex skills through dynamic and continuous interaction with the physical and social environment.
The child is not a passive subject, but is capable of actively constructing its own knowledge thanks to the exchange with the environment, both physical and relational: the data it gathers through experience is assimilated by its pre-existing mental schemata, which are modified to adapt to the new information received. In everyday communicative exchanges, the child learns to give an intention to its own actions and to understand those of the other.
Many studies have also emphasised the importance of affective relationships for a child's cognitive development.
Affective and cognitive factors interact and influence each other: development is a relational process in which proximal care and interactions between the child and the caregiver play a fundamental role. This will help the child interpret information and attribute meaning to reality, understand the behaviour and reactions of others and relate to the outside world.

Milestones in Brain Development and Cognitive Growth: Curious Learners Physical growth easy to see, but you can't open up someone's head to observe mental growth. With this video on milestones in brain development and cognitive ...

Photos from Platonic's post 04/05/2023

Short-term Joint Staff Event in N. Macedonia
Period: 24.04 - 28.04. 2023


Osim prilike za timski rad na ciljevima projekta, planiranje budućih aktivnosti i cjeloživotno učenje, ovo putovanje omogućilo nam je i upoznavanje kulture, znamenitosti i predivne prirode naših domaćina.
Skopje, naša prva postaja i glavni grad Sjeverne Makedonije mjesto je uvažavanja različitosti, što je i vidljivo u arhitekturi i brojnim spomenicima i znamenitostima koje možete susresti na svakom koraku:
• Bizantska crkva Svetog Pantelejmona u Nerezima, podignuta u 12. stoljeću. Poznata po svojim freskama;
• Crkva Svetog Spasa, djelomično građena pod zemljom zbog turskog zakona po kojem crkve nisu smjele nadvisivati džamije. U njenom dvorištu je grob makedonskog heroja Goce Delčeva.
• Kameni most u centru grada preko Vardara, sagrađen u 15. stoljeću;
• Katedrala (Saborni hram ) Svetog Klimenta Ohridskog
• Katedrala Presvetog Srca Isusova,
• Konzervirane ruševine starog željezničkog kolodvora (sagrađen 1941.), na kojem se sat zaustavio u 5:17, točnom trenutku potresa 1963. godine. Danas je u zgradi Muzej grada Skoplja;
• Milenijski križ na planini Vodno (visok 67 metara);
• Stari orijentalni dio grada Bit Pazar(s džamijama, bezistanima, hanovima) podno tvrđave Kale, predložen za listu UNESCO-a;
• Tvrđava Kale.
• Skopski akvadukt arheološko nalazište 2 km sjeverozapadno od Skopja kod sela Vizbegovo blizu nalazišta Scupi
• Arheološko nalazište rimskog naselja Scupi

Nismo imale dovoljno vremena za sve posjetiti, ali ono što smo vidjele ostavilo je dubok utisak. Djelić našeg doživljaja možete vidjeti na slikama, a u nastavku donosimo priču o kanjonu Matka

Photos from Platonic's post 20/04/2023

Erasmus Courses Croatia in cooperation with Teacher Training Center Maksima
(OID number: E10102402) is the largest organizer of teacher training in the framework KA1 of the Erasmus+ program in Croatia and one of the largest in Europe.

It was our honor and pleasure to present our institution DV CVIT MEDITERANA at the Networking Event which gathered over 100 participants from the educational sectors of the following countries: France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Denmark,
Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Bulgaria.

It was great opportunity to share our experiences in ERASMUS+ projects and connect with other institutions for posibble future cooperation.

Time: 20.4., Thursday, 17:00–19:00
Location: UNIST Technology Park, Antuna Gustava Matoša 56


While our ERASMUS+ PLATONIC event in North Macedonia is approaching we are preparing content for our dear colleagues.

See you soon.


Nos próximos dias 15 e 16 de maio de 2023 o
Agrupamento D. Carlos I irá estar presente na conferência internacional: "Creating Early Childhood Intervention Together", a realizar em Praga, República Checa. 👦🏽👧🏼 O objetivo da conferência é a troca de informações sobre a
investigação recente e a importância da Intervenção Precoce no sistema de cuidados para crianças com necessidades especiais e as suas famílias. 🇨🇿
Irá ser um momento para aprender mais sobre o tema e disseminar a investigação realizada até agora ao abrigo do nosso projeto PLATONIC! 🇪🇺💪🏼


O Agrupamento continua, ao abrigo do projeto, a pensar no superior das crianças ao abrigo da Intervenção Precoce ! 💪🏼

Desta forma, os educadores irão ter á sua disposição o “Kit Família” 🤩 👥 Este Kit é composto a fim de desenvolver as competências nas áreas:

• Sensorial;
• Jogos de estratégia: Sensorial;
• Jogos de estratégia: Linguagem;
• Jogos de observação e de lógica;
• Jogos de exploração: Tocar, Mover;
• Jogos de exploração: Atarraxar, Montar.


Teachers in early childhood and preschool education institutions are often the first to notice concerns about children's development. Part of the cooperation between professional associates (psychologists, speech therapists, educational rehabilitators, pedagogues) and teachers is the exchange of knowledge and experience with the aim of quality early intervention in the child's natural environment.


Parents of children with developmental disabilities and developmental difficulties need additional support in their parenting.
The modern approach in early intervention emphasizes the importance of family-centered care, where one of the goals is the empowerment of parents.
One of the ways in which family support is provided in Croatia is through group workshops for parents ''Growing up together Plus'', which are free for participants.

Three cycles of these workshops were held in DV Cvit Mediterana - Split Croatia.

Photo source:
Image by prostooleh on Freepik

Photos from Platonic's post 18/10/2022

The DV Cvit Mediterana team (Split, Croatia )celebrated , and one of the topics was the PLATONIC project.
During the presentation on the topic "Our Erasmus+ Journey All aboard!" we tried to bring our way closer from
- initial interest,
- including,
- participation i
- creating projects.
The PLATONIC project was an important part of our story.
We would like to thank everyone who expressed interest, spared their time and shared it with us.
Our partners were not physically with us, although you are always with us in our thoughts and hearts.

Signs of Developmental Delay at Age 5 | Child Development 10/10/2022

Child ignores other children?
Child doesn't show a wide range of emotions?
Child doesn't play a variety of games and activities?
These are just some of the signs that children may have when there is a developmental delay. This video presents a list of possible delays a child may be subject to at an early age!

Progetti Europei
Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti per lo sviluppo e la comunicazione

Signs of Developmental Delay at Age 5 | Child Development Full Playlist: more Child Development Stages videos:

Training for caregivers of children with developmental delays and disabilities 10/10/2022

The child's psychomotor and cognitive development is the result of an interaction between several factors but the psychomotor developmental delay is evidenced when the child does not acquire developmental milestones according to the expected ages in both language and motor skills. To overcome these problems, the World Health Organization developed an open-access programme for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities. Watch the video for more information!

Progetti Europei
Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti per lo sviluppo e la comunicazione

Training for caregivers of children with developmental delays and disabilities Growing up in a nurturing family environment is important for every child’s development and well-being. Yet, caregivers of children with developmental delays...

Photos from Erasmus+ Cvit Mediterana, projekt Platonic's post 19/08/2022

In addition to the preparation, two more team members are important to us for the meeting: coffee and biscuits 😉


Apesar do calor que nos faz querer ir para a praia, as reuniões online são muito imporatantes para aferirmos procedimentos.
O nosso 1º resultado do projeto está quase pronto, e agora é tempo de planear os passos seguintes.

Brevemente teremos a nossa reunião transnacional e iremos estar juntos na "Bella Itália".


We continue to work so that we can deliver a great project and with real results.

Videos (show all)

Follow us to know more about our project and results.#ErasmusPlus #erasmus #Echoing
