

WeProsper, a global coalition for women's economic empowerment

Economic Empowerment and Self-Reliance | Women's Refugee Commission 20/06/2023

🌟🌍 Celebrate by empowering women refugees! 🧡

Humanitarian programs by the Women's Refugee Commission empower refugee women by providing them with access to cash assistance opportunities. To learn more, click here ➡️ https://bit.ly/3PdbWyM

Other notable programs include the DREAMS for Refugees model created by Village Enterprise and Mercy Corps which equips refugees with skills, resources, and markets to start sustainable businesses. Read more about their impact here 👇 https://bit.ly/3NcbEp0

Economic Empowerment and Self-Reliance | Women's Refugee Commission The Women’s Refugee Commission works to ensure refugee women and youth have access to cash assistance and opportunities and to help them safely earn a living. This increases refugees’ self-reliance and resilience.

WeProsper Newsletter Sign Up 02/06/2023

👉 Sign up for our and join a community of global changemakers! 🌍✨

📅 Our monthly newsletter will help you stay engaged with important advocacy moments, the latest research, and upcoming events!

To subscribe, click the link below ⬇️

WeProsper Newsletter Sign Up

Photos from WeProsper's post 31/05/2023

🌍✨ This month let’s celebrate Village Enterprise and their amazing work on improving the lives of women in Africa through entrepreneurship, innovation, and collective action! 👏

👉 Through their , they promote gender equity & empower female entrepreneurs to take on greater decision-making roles. Read more here! ➡️ https://bit.ly/3WIZUis

📅 In the coming months, Village Enterprise will be evaluating the DREAMS for Refugees program, an innovative new model for supporting refugees in partnership with Mercy Corps!


Happy Menstrual Hygiene Day! ❤️
👉 management can contribute to increasing female empowerment at a critical stage of a girl's life.

However, more than 500 million women & girls lack access to adequate facilities for menstrual hygiene management across the globe.

🌍✨ Check out the two-day Symposium on Menstrual Health by the African Coalition for Menstrual Health where they explore menstrual justice and engage with leaders, innovators, and changemakers! ➡️ https://bit.ly/45xbP6H

Photos from WeProsper's post 15/05/2023

On this , let's recognize the importance of , including care for the elderly, those with disabilities, and children.

👉Did You Know?
Women carry a disproportionate portion of unpaid care work & spend 2 to 10 times more time on unpaid care work than men!

How Can You Make a Difference?
✊By advocating for greater investments in the which can reduce gender pay gaps & empower women in the workforce.

Photos from WeProsper's post 28/04/2023

This month, let's celebrate ForGood Vietnam and their amazing work in promoting women's entrepreneurship! 👏

Through their , they handpick 40 women to undergo six months of training, mentorship, and networking to get their businesses up and running. Graduates go on to run the Women's Entrepreneurship Community Vietnam (WECV), where they share knowledge and network with other women entrepreneurs.

WECV currently has over 600 members! We can't wait for the impact report, which will be presented in May 2023.

WeProsper Newsletter Sign Up 27/04/2023

👉Sign up for our WeProsper and join a community of global changemakers!

📅 Our newsletter is released every month so that you can stay engaged with important advocacy moments, the latest research, and upcoming events!

To subscribe, click the link below ⬇️

WeProsper Newsletter Sign Up


Happy International Girls in ICT Day! 🎉 🎉

👉Did You Know? Only 3% of female students in higher education choose to pursue studies in the field of (ICT).

Empowering girls to choose a career in ICTs will not only provide greater for women but it can also be a major accelerator of socio-economic development at the national level!

On this day, let’s all support young women and girls pursuing careers in ICT! ✊

Photos from WeProsper's post 04/04/2023

This month, we are featuring the amazing work of the WORLD Policy Analysis Center in our . For more than a decade, WORLD has been working with partners to ensure that data can support evidence-based action in areas central to women’s economic empowerment. 👏 👏 👏

Recently, WORLD released a book, , which provides global policy data from 193 countries on topics including girls' education, workplace discrimination and sexual harassment, caregiving needs, and more. A powerful call to action, Equality within Our Lifetimes reveals how gender equality is urgently needed to address some of the greatest challenges of our generation.

WeProsper is excited to see WORLD's future work on improving women's economic outcomes!

Click the link to read more. ⬇️


Join WeProsper, Center for Global Development, and the World Bank for a discussion around the World Bank Gender Strategy Update!

This event will feature a panel discussion bringing together experts from the WBG and civil society to develop strategic approaches for centering in the update.

Join us in-person or watch our livestream! ⬇️


We are excited to welcome Mobile Creches, Banyan Global, ATHENA Network, and Alliance For Community Initiative as our newest members of WeProsper! 🎉 🎉

Since March 2022 WePropser has rapidly grown to include over 60 member organizations from civil society, academia, and the private sector. We look forward to working with our on advancing women’s rights and breaking down barriers to women's economic empowerment, justice, and rights. ✊

2023 G7 and G20 Summit Policy Papers and Recommendations 23/03/2023

📢 InterAction just released its 2023 G7 and G20 Summit Policy Papers and Recommendations!👏 👏 👏

These papers include recommendations for addressing global challenges ahead of the fast approaching and Summits. The policies look at climate, democracy & human rights, development finance, food security & nutrition, gender equality, and more.

The G7 and G20 are critical for tackling global challenges! To read the full recommendations, click the link below ⬇️ https://bit.ly/3nbcY21

2023 G7 and G20 Summit Policy Papers and Recommendations InterAction’s G7/G20 Advocacy Alliance, a group of more than 40 U.S.-based nongovernmental organizations, developed sets of recommendations to consider in advance of upcoming ministerial and preparatory meetings of the 2023 G7 and G20.

Access to Childcare to Improve Women’s Economic Empowerment 16/03/2023

📢 Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) just released a new brief on the impacts of childcare on women's economic empowerment! 👏 👏 👏

In 2022, women’s labor force participation rate worldwide was 50% compared to 80% of men. One likely contributor to the gender gap is the disproportionate childcare burden that is placed on women.

Enabling access to childcare can be a crucial support for women's participation and success in the workforce! Read the brief to learn more ⬇️ https://bit.ly/3FmYpPe

Access to Childcare to Improve Women’s Economic Empowerment Access to childcare can increase women’s employment outcomes by enabling their labor force participation, shift to more desirable work, or increase the productivity in their businesses. However, in cases where there are additional barriers to working outside the home, childcare may not be sufficie...

ECDAN Childcare Development Foundation 14/03/2023

📢 Early Childhood Development Action Network - ECDAN just launched their campaign. 👏 👏 👏

Through this campaign, they are sharing partner stories from across the globe to raise awareness around , strengthen childcare systems, inform policy decisions, and advocate for stronger national childcare systems.

Check out the campaign and share your story in the comments! ⬇️

ECDAN Childcare Development Foundation ECDAN is a Childcare Foundation that focuses on providing support, resources, and services to children in need of childcare assistance.

ILO launches Global Care Policy Portal and Care Policy Investment Simulator 14/03/2023

According to the International Labour Organization, two billion potential parents don't have access to adequate parental leave, childcare services, and decent care jobs!

To close these gaps in childcare policies and promote women's employment and earnings, the ILO just launched a Global Care Policy Portal and Care Policy Investment Simulator! Both these tools are designed to support and advance the ILO’s agenda for gender equality.

Care work is essential for economies to thrive! Engage with the portal ⬇️ https://bit.ly/3JrFG7C

ILO launches Global Care Policy Portal and Care Policy Investment Simulator ILO hopes these new tools will encourage the investment needed to support the two billion people still without adequate maternity and paternity support, parental leave and childcare services.

Resilience and Determination in the Face of Global Challenges - Cherie Blair Foundation for Women 14/03/2023

The Cherie Blair Foundation for Women just released a new report "Resilience and Determination in the Face of Global Challenges." This report underscores the need to advance women’s entrepreneurship and draws on responses from over 700 women entrepreneurs in more than 70 low-and middle-income countries.

This report also finds that accessing finance continues to be women entrepreneurs' greatest challenge. Nearly half (44.3%) of respondents felt they did not have equal access to formal investment opportunities. Action must be taken!

Read the new report here ➡️ https://bit.ly/3Jtvb3U

Resilience and Determination in the Face of Global Challenges - Cherie Blair Foundation for Women Exploring the experiences of women entrepreneurs in low and middle income countries in 2022.

Photos from WeProsper's post 08/03/2023

WeProsper is proud to celebrate our 1-year anniversary on ! Last month, Kelsey Harris, Senior Global Policy Advocate at the International Center for Research on Women served as a U.S. Delegate at the , promoting women-led development and paving the way for gender equality.

The included discussions on barriers that women face to , how women are disproportionately impacted by , removing barriers to , and creating an enabling environment for all women everywhere.

Let’s keep striving towards a better future for all women!

Toward a Resilient Care Ecosystem in Asia and the Pacific - The Asia Foundation 08/03/2023

Celebrate with us!🙌🙌🙌 In just one year, WeProsper has grown to include 65 member organizations advocating for change across Asia, Africa, and the United States. Last year, we partnered with the for the Bali Care Economy Dialogue, which brought together 80 experts from the government, private sector, and civil society to call for policy reform in the . Check out the results of this dialogue by reading the White Paper for a collaborative agenda toward a resilient . Let’s continue to work towards a better future for all.

Click the link to

Toward a Resilient Care Ecosystem in Asia and the Pacific - The Asia Foundation There is growing recognition that care work is both a ubiquitous and critical social and economic activity. Globally, care providers support over one billion people, including children, elderly adults, and people with disabilities. While some are paid for this work, most are women from marginalized....

WeProsper UNGA 77 Event: Fueling an Inclusive Global Economy through Care Infrastructure 08/03/2023

On this , we are celebrating the 1-year anniversary of WeProsper by highlighting our from this past year. 🥳🥳🥳

Last year at , WeProsper successfully held a side-event on Fueling an Inclusive Global Economy through Care Infrastructure. This event included speakers from USAID, UNDP, APCO Worldwide, J-PAL, and the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Mexico. Through a vibrant discussion with policymakers, WeProsper highlighted ways to mainstream in traditional infrastructure and talked about care intersectionalities with climate change.

Watch the recording ➡️ https://bit.ly/3SZDIOX

WeProsper UNGA 77 Event: Fueling an Inclusive Global Economy through Care Infrastructure WeProsper's 2022 United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) side event. Bringing together policymakers, researchers, and CSOs for a vibrant discussion on how to ...


As we celebrate the 1-year anniversary since WeProsper was launched, let’s continue to highlight our from this past year! 👏 👏 👏

This year, WeProsper released the second in a two-series report on Global Assessment of Care-Related Infrastructure: Current Status, Impact, and Policy Recommendations. In this report, WeProsper makes the case for policymakers to recognize and invest in care-related infrastructure.

Historically, the burden of unpaid care work has fallen disproportionately on WOMEN, and this will only be made worse by the climate crisis. It’s time for policymakers to create policies around care-related infrastructure and ensure and working conditions for women everywhere.

To read more, download the link below ➡️ https://bit.ly/3kux5Hl


Global Assessment of Care Services: Current Status, Impact, and Policy Recommendations - ICRW | PASSION. PROOF. POWER. 08/03/2023

March marks the 1-year anniversary of WeProsper since our launch in 2022. 🎉🎉🎉Let’s take this moment to celebrate some of our from this past year!

WeProsper released the first in a two-series report on Global Assessment of Care Services: Current Status, Impact, and Policy Recommendations. This report evaluates existing programs on care services including childcare, elder care, and care for those with disabilities in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs).

In LMICs, 75% of care work falls on WOMEN and affects their ability to participate in the labor force. This report pushes policymakers to invest in and provide paid leave, family-friendly workplace policies, labor protections, and decent work for care workers.

To read more, download the report ➡️ https://bit.ly/3myQk3B

Global Assessment of Care Services: Current Status, Impact, and Policy Recommendations - ICRW | PASSION. PROOF. POWER. Publication Subtitle: WeProsper’s Research and Policy Publication Series on Women’s Economic Empowerment Publication Year: 2022 Publication Author: Mary Borrowman, Erin Leasure, Foteini Papagioti, Kelsey Harris, and Amar Nijhawan


Happy International Women’s Day! 🤩🤩🤩 Since its formation in March 2022, WeProsper has worked collaboratively to together with our 65 member organizations. At WeProsper, we work every day to address structural barriers to , amplify the voices of women, foster accountability, and promote knowledge sharing among our coalition members.

Join us in our efforts to promote equity of thought, leadership, and practice as we look forward to creating an equitable future for all women across the globe.

How are you contributing to this global movement of ? Share your thoughts below! 👇 👇 👇

Photos from WeProsper's post 07/03/2023

📣 Our for this month highlights the amazing work of The Rural Community Development Society (RCDS) in Pakistan. 🎉 🎉 🎉 Since its founding in 1995, RCDS has grown to serve over 750,000 families across 19 districts of central and south Punjab province.

RCDS is making a significant impact in Pakistan by empowering ultra-poor households through human and institutional development, social mobilization, livelihood and employment, and physical infrastructure development.

Last December they also participated in the 16-days of activism campaign to call for elimination against all forms of gender-based violence against women. Click the link to check out their campaign and accomplishments ➡️ https://bit.ly/3SMyB4O


📢 Interested in learning more about ? Click the link to read more ➡️ bit.ly/3S7BQTP

Filling gaps in gender data is critical for expanding advocacy efforts at the regional, national, and local levels. Our most recent brief illustrates how gender data is essential to crafting effective policy decisions for women's economic empowerment (WEE) beyond the global level.

How is your organization using gender data to contribute to WEE advocacy? Comment below and let us know! 👇 👇 👇


Today we celebrate the !

This year's theme is "Overcoming Barriers and Unleashing Opportunities for Social Justice." Let's take this opportunity to advocate for equal pay for women in the workplace and create a better future for all!

Did you know that women on average are paid about 20% LESS than men globally? Providing affordable childcare can be an effective way to reduce gender pay gaps and support women's participation in the labor workforce. To read more, download the brief here ➡️ https://bit.ly/3S6je6A

How will you help empower women in the workforce?

Photos from WeProsper's post 13/02/2023

This month’s member spotlight features the amazing work of KU WEE Hub located in Nairobi, Kenya. Their mission is to provide evidence-based research to promote women’s economic empowerment (WEE) and policy advancements.

Last year, KU WEE Hub held a three-day International WEE Conference which included presentations on measuring WEE, enhancing women’s role in decision-making, and creating an enabling environment for WEE in the formal and informal sectors. This conference was successful in bringing together researchers, partners, stakeholders, and policymakers.

In addition, KU WEE Hub has also engaged in work focusing on women’s participation in management and leadership positions in the public sector. Learn more about their work ➡️ https://bit.ly/3HMoj0A


Happy ! 🤩 Today we are celebrating the incredible contributions of women in STEM across the globe.

A report by The Asia Foundation lists key recommendations for supporting and sustaining Women-in-STEM networks and advancing STEM equity. To read more, download the report here: https://bit.ly/40tEW8I

Let’s support the next generation of women and girls to fulfill their dreams and potential in science!


We are excited to start off the new year with new members! Please welcome Women Deliver, Early Childhood Development Action Network - ECDAN, Uthabiti Africa, and Community Centre for Integrated Development to the WeProsper Coalition!

Since 2022 WePropser has grown to include over 60 member organizations. We look forward to working with our new members on advancing women’s economic empowerment, justice, and rights.


The time is now for policymakers to recognize that care-related infrastructure investments are instrumental for sustainable development and women’s economic empowerment.

WeProsper launched a new report this month that evaluates existing policies and programs and provides policy recommendations for care-related infrastructure with a focus on low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). To read more, download the report here: https://bit.ly/3kux5Hl

Photos from WeProsper's post 06/01/2023

Who else loves a ? Last November, WeProsper partnered with The Asia Foundation to host an incredible three-day summit on the sidelines of the G20 — the Bali Care Economy Dialogue! It was a great opportunity to bring together experts in the care economy and promote policy change. 🤝

Share your thoughts in the comments on how we can work together to further support the care economy!

Videos (show all)

⚠️ *Warning* the following information may result in the acknowledgment of how much unpaid care work YOU do every day. I...
Did you know that 16.4 million hours go toward unpaid care every day? Let’s put that into perspective.This is the same a...