David Oghenerobor

David Oghenerobor

Lead Steward of Newbreed Christian Community Also known as (The Perfecting Church)


Fri: 5PM - 8PM
Sat: 6AM-11AM,1PM-3PM, 5PM - 8PM
8AM - 12noon


This is that day we have waited for!
This is that day we have prepared for
Tonight 5PM, The Immersion Camp, Port Harcourt kicks off

Please don’t miss this camp meeting if you are in Port Harcourt

If you’re out of Port Harcourt, follow online
Facebook: Newbreed Christian Community

December 1st - 3rd, 2023
Bridge the Gap Hall, 16 Chief Ogbonda Ejims Str, Off Stadium Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers State

Fri (5PM), Sat(6AM - 11AM, 1PM, 5PM), Sun (8AM - 12PM)
The Spirit and the Word says come


As a minister improve yourself, but stay away from statements like; He is the “BEST” teacher, the “BEST” worshipper. When you say “BEST” that means there’s a competition! Who is the judge?

Photos from David Oghenerobor's post 21/11/2023

The Immersion Camp 2023 is very significant because of the issues that will be addressed such as:

1. Mastering the Gospel (What exactly is the gospel of Jesus and how does a man make Heaven?)
2. Mastery over Sin and Habits
3. Mastery Over Sickness and Demonic Operations
4. Mastering Joy
5. Mastering Faith
6. Mastering The Ministry of the Spirit
7. Mastery over Spiritual Inconsistency

And many more, you don’t want to miss this. Please do everything to be there and invite someone

Also God has prospered you, Partner with us for the up coming camp meeting, that more souls will be reached and it will be done excellently to the glory of Jesus Christ alone!

We trusting God for 4.5Million Naira for the entire camp meetings in Abuja, Port Harcourt, Lagos and Lagos Island

Thank you so much. God bless you. See details in the posters above or below

Pastor David Oghenerobor
Lead Steward, Newbreed Christian Community

Photos from David Oghenerobor's post 20/11/2023

Thank you so much ABIDING WORD OF LIGHT CHURCH, Wuye Abuja
I consider it an honour to have spent my 30th birthday weekend with the Patriach and Father, Big Daddy Bishop Daniel Okayi
Mighty Graces came on me!
Thank you Big Brother Jeremy Dan-Okayi for this prophetic divine orchestration. Thank you for YBG2023 (Youths Backed By God). It was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

David Oghenerobor - YouTube 17/11/2023

9 mins to premiere (HAVE YOUR WAY) video

David Oghenerobor - YouTube Through this channel Pastor David Oghenerobor communicates the message of the gospel in melodies and short Bible studies that births intimacy, fellowship and...


Still our series of Consecration!


Today we will be learning about something crucial to our consecration to Jesus


Come ready to receive something fresh

Bridge the Gap Hall, 16 Chief Ogbonda Ejims Street, Off Stadium Road, Port Harcourt


YouTube & Mixlr & Facebook

Newbreed Christian Community



Photos from David Oghenerobor's post 16/11/2023

🎯In 2004-2005 the pain of my late father (a pastor and missionary) who was assasinated on the mission field in 1997 plagued me seriously! And I began to rethink Christianity and “everything about Jesus”

🎯I was very young but my struggle was very real. It was so strong and I shared it with NO ONE. Some where middle of 2005, I made a very serious choice that would change my life forever

🎯I decided that I will study the Bible for 5 years and if after 5 years Jesus Christ isn’t real, I will dump the Bible and move into something else.

🎯This decision I made, no one knew about it. So I began by reading the book (The Bible) again and again. It led me to the point of “sorrow for my sinfulness”. I came out of altar calls again again in August 2005, till I was advised to stop coming out but to go the church’s foundation school.

🎯I went through the foundation school and in class 3, they taught us about the HOLY GHOST AND TONGUES. This was were something erupted in me that has never quenched. I spoke in tongues and read my Bible till I began to hear God speak to me about things that I saw happened.

🎯It’s been 18 years since I genuinely got born again and I look back to say Jesus is worth it all

🎯As a turn 30 years of age this Saturday! (Nov 18) My love for Jesus remains my greatest asset and treasure! Any thing good in my life is all Jesus
It’s a privilege to be the lord’s servant

🎯Don’t let anything and anyone distract you
Stick with Jesus!

Photos from David Oghenerobor's post 15/11/2023

Genesis 19:26 But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.

The Bible says in Romans 15:4, "For whatsoever things were written afore time were written for our learning".

This means the secrets of the future are in the past. We look into the past from the scriptures and learn what we must do today!

In Genesis 18-19 God, when he judged S***m and Gomorrah, rescued Lot and his family because of Abraham.

However, as the angels of God rescued them, they were given an instruction not to look back. But Lot's wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt.

This means God never wants us to live in regret. No matter what we've lost and who we've lost, we must move on.

This is very important because we are gradually moving out of 2023.

For some, 2023 was a great year and for others, it was not. Wherever you stand, please don't look back (See Luke 17:32).

Say after me: I refuse to look back. I will not live in regret in Jesus' name, Amen.

Newbreed Christian Community Lagos


I've just reached 100 followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each and every one of you. 🙏🤗🎉

Photos from David Oghenerobor's post 09/11/2023

1 Kings 18:30,38 And Elijah said unto all the people, Come near unto me. And all the people came near unto him. And he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down. [38] Then the fire of the Lord fell,..

In 1 Kings 18, we see a very interesting story of how Elijah tried to get the people of Israel back to God. To do this, he had to prove that Baal was no match for GOD.

So, there was an open contest between Baal and the God of Abraham. They agreed that the God that answered with fire, let him be God (see verse

The prophets of Baal called Baal for a whole day but there was no response. Then, it was Elijah's turn.

However, before Elijah called on God, he did something very significant. He repaired the altar of the lord that was broken down.

After he did, he called on the Lord and fire fell. I think there's a major lesson for us here! It's time to repair our altars spiritually.

Many of us desire to be on fire for the Lord, but our altars may have been broken down. Perhaps, we have become too distracted to pray or receive the word of God.

It's time to repair the altar. Say after me: Lord I receive strength to rebuild my altar. I reject distractions and I build in Jesus name, amen!

Photos from David Oghenerobor's post 09/11/2023

Luke 12:48...For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

I want to show you a secret of endless lifting in the economy of God. The truth is that God always wants to lift us and take us forward.

However, our promotion or advancement depends a lot on how we handle what he has given us now. Look at the Bible and you will see this pattern.

Joseph got promoted in Potiphar's house and afterward, he was tested and sent to prison! To the natural eye, Joseph seemed to have failed in life.

He was a slave to Potiphar, now he's in prison. But from the lens of God, Joseph was promoted because it was in the prison he met Pharaoh's baker and butler.

Every promotion is a test for the next! Many people are praying to God for the next level but are failing so many tests on their current level!

What are you doing with your current level? How are you handling your tests today? This is the untold story of why so many are stuck.

Say after me: I receive wisdom to pass the tests of my promotion and move into the next in Jesus' name!

Newbreed Christian Community
Camp Meeting is coming

Photos from David Oghenerobor's post 07/11/2023

John 15:3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.

Sometimes your environment can be right, but your heart isn't. As a believer who wants to be accurate with God, you must take seriously the spiritual state of your heart.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:8, "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God".

Also, in Luke 6:45, he said that a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good.

Your life will reveal what is abundant in your heart. I've noticed a pattern among people who have had some sort of addiction or habit (e.g. Po*******hy), they all had a time when they spent long hours either watching or engaging with it.

What are you letting into your heart? Some of us need to purify our hearts. Our opening verse tells us how: we must feed on the word of God. Let's go back to serious Bible reading to purify our hearts.

Many of us need to "BINGE" on the Bible.
Say after me: In the name of Jesus, I purify my heart by the word. Amen.

Newbreed Christian Community

Photos from David Oghenerobor's post 03/11/2023

A lot of people have questioned the authority of the Bible! And it’s a valid question. Carefully look through the pictures below and you’ll see how SOLID & INTELLIGENT THE CHRISTIAN FAITH is!

Photos from David Oghenerobor's post 03/11/2023

2 Peter 1:10 Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure...

Years ago, I heard a quote that changed my life for good. It said," Where carelessness prevails, grace fails". While some may not agree with this, there are some examples in the Bible that we need to consider.

First of all, Saul! Do you realize that God chose Saul? I've seen people claim that God planned for Saul to be destroyed from the beginning and I disagree strongly! (Read 1 Samuel 9-10).

Study the life of Saul and you will discover that Saul was loved and chosen by God to be king, but he failed God. Men can fail God by carelessness and disobedience.

God can invest so much in a person but by that person's careless and sinful actions, God may have to look for another and the grace bestowed will be wasted.

Our opening verse says to give diligence to make your calling sure.

Say after me: I receive wisdom and grace to follow the Lord, reject carelessness, and fully utilize the grace of God on my life in Jesus' name, amen.

Newbreed Christian Community


Please where can I get an ATEM Video switcher or AVMATRIX video switcher

Photos from David Oghenerobor's post 01/11/2023

Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Have you ever tried using an axe to cut down a tree before?

If yes, then you know that a tree won't go down after the first hit. The thickness of the tree is what will determine how many times you may need to strike the tree.

Now, imagine the tree you want to fall requires 200 hits before it falls. However, after 70 hits you are tired and you want to give up.

What do you think is the fate of your initial efforts?
WASTED! One reason why you must not give up or quit is that you need to preserve the investments of the past.

This is a word for someone; I know you are tired of everything in your life but please I beg you, DON'T GIVE UP. As long as you are on the right path, just keep pressing forward; your day of victory is not far!

Also, don't compare yourself with other people! Some may seem faster than you, but that's not your problem! Just keep moving and don't quit!

Lord I receive strength not to quit!

Photos from David Oghenerobor's post 30/10/2023

Matthew 20:6-7 And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?

[7] They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.

One time, Jesus gave a very interesting story about the owner of a vineyard. He hired people to work in his vineyard.

The lord of the vineyard kept hiring people from the early hours of the day to the eleventh hour (which was almost the end of the day).

In our opening verse, the master asked them,
"Why stand here idle?" and they said that it was because no man had hired them.

The master still told them to go into the vineyard and he promised them a reward.

Maybe you are already giving up and becoming idle because nothing has worked for you in 2023. Jesus is telling you to still do something. A blessing will come out of it.

This year can still be your best year if you make some moves! 2023 can still be spectacular.

Go into the vineyard and do something! I pray for you, you will not labor in vain in Jesus' name, amen.

Newbreed Christian Community port Harcourt


There is no turning back
The burden of the gospel of Jesus has been committed to me!


Let me stop here. I’ve seen this same traits in music ministers everywhere. I’ve travelled around Nigeria a bit. North, South, east west! Same nonsense. I remember having to discipline a drummer when I was music director in Dunamis Makurdi in 2016 - Repent


How can I invite you and you come and start shouting at the choir, shouting at instrumentalists, shouting at Media People. People who you are not paying and are there to help you. Because of one small issue, you loose your temper on stage? Repent!!


You will invite some and they will tell you that if you don’t bring RANGER ROVER and Soldiers to walk them in, they are not coming. Oya dey your dey! You want Mega Honour, but you don’t want to serve and let God honour you!


We invited a music minister one time, he came on stage and started saying that “the church has missed it” but he will still worship! That day I vowed never to invite him again! A church invited you to bless us, you came & started saying we’ve missed God


Some music ministers NEVER give. When church is doing something or a project! They won’t give. But when they want to hold a program or their concert they will complain that Church didn’t give them anything. But you used their sound and light and instruments


I’ve heard too many complains from fellow pastors like myself. That’s why I’m coming here to rant. Truth be told we need to support our Gospel Music Industry. But they should behave better! Music ministers Repent. There’s a God in heaven who sees


I can talk because no minister who I’ve hosted or groomed in our ministry will claim we didn’t support them. None! Go and verify, except they want to lie. And that’s not my problem. Our new generation of music ministers, REPENT!


Music minister will be forming humble! The day you correct him or her, they will change face for you & claim church doesn’t support. They will even threaten you that they will leave and go to another church. Simply because they were corrected!


You will see a music minister,who claims it’s all about Jesus - no prayer life, no Bible study, in service no notes, no discipleship, no spiritual growth - But will “speak in tongues and fast” when ministrations are close.
Hmmm, repent


You will a music minister, the day he will minister or lead worship! He will come early and set up the sound and ensure the video team are 👍. But the day he is not ministering, he will come late and act like nothing is his business! Repent


A music minister can be passionate about his concert, building his online content, his name and his fame, but when the church is doing evangelism, he will not come except there will be a place for him to sing and show his voice! Repent!!!


Special midweek Service today

Join us as we continue our series on DOMINION

You will be richly blessed

Bridge the Gap Ministry Hall, 16 Chief Ogbonda Ejims Street, Voyage Hotel street, Off Stadium Road, Port Harcourt.


Thursday 5:30PM. Live streaming begins by 6PM


First of all I’m a music minister myself and a pioneering pastor, so I know both sides of the coin! Also my both parents were ministers and missionaries since 1985, so I know what I’m talking about!


If you are a music minister and you’re on any of the tables I will shatter today, see ehn, just repent! Repent and God will honour you


Today is for music ministers
Music ministers keep shouting that the church and pastors should support them, which is fine! But I’ve seen many music ministers who don’t support their churches and pastors!


I want to publicly say thank you to everyone of you who has been there for me!

Thank you 🥹🙏🏽🙇🏽‍♂️God bless you
I will NEVER take you for granted


4. Financial Rascality
(Both in Personal and ministry finances)
Many times, financial irresponsibility is caused by the Spirit of Competition. Stop unnecessary borrowing!

Videos (show all)

Are you in Abuja? Please there is a meeting you must not miss this November 2023 The Immersion Camp, Abuja is coming MAS...
A Closer Look at Romans 6:23
