Birth Keepers of Illawarra

Birth Keepers of Illawarra

Birth Keepers of Illawarra is a unique and independent collaboration of local women who walk with birthing women in Wollongong.

We have come together to be the catalysts for positive change in our local birth culture.

Eventbrite 04/01/2020

Having a baby in 2020 and worried about the Wollongong Hospital upgrade?

Want to know about ALL of your options to achieve your dream birth?

Come along to this community circle, and arm yourself with the information you need to BIRTH IN POWER.

- Meet local Doulas and learn about how a Doula can support you in your hospital birth
- Learn about birthing your baby at home with the support of a Private Midwife from women who’ve done it.
- And hear about why and how you can choose to freebirth without medical assistance

We’ve got all your options covered in this supportive and informative forum. You'll also discover what 'Birth Belongs to Women' truly means.


Birth Keepers of Illawarra is a unique and independent collaboration of local women who walk with birthing women in Wollongong. We have come together to share with you this inherent truth and be the catalysts for positive change that our local birth culture needs.

This is a Revolution, one to support you in remembering your power and wisdom on your journey of self responsible pregnancy and birth.

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