Jeks Properties

Jeks Properties

This is a real estate company. We sell lands and houses.





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Become A Property Investor Today And Reap The Benefits Tomorrow


To build wealth with property investments,“Buy at the right
price,at the right time, and in the right place.”


Real Estate Can Be a Stable Investment with Ongoing Income

Unlike stock market investments, real estate investment does not wildly fluctuate on a daily basis. It is a stable investment that provides you with an income. You simply collect your ongoing income (known as Cash on Cash Return) on a periodic basis and hope to sell when the price appreciates substantially and the market is high. Of course, the market isn’t the same in every city, so opportunities to buy and sell can vary substantially across the country. Many people compare real estate investing to bond investing, because real estate provides stable cash flow for the owner. However, bonds are more sensitive to market fluctuations. Real estate properties won’t immediately change in price based on capital contributions or because of political volatility. This makes real estate a safe and stable investment. In many cases, real estate investments offer attractive tax benefits to the owners too.


Owning Property Generates Wealth

Everyone should own at least one house or a piece of property. One of the many benefits of investing in real estate is being able to generate wealth through appreciation, building equity, and hedging against inflation. It can also provide cash flow with passive income from rental properties. These are the reasons why real estate should be a key component of your investment portfolio.


It Can Be an Alternative Means of Saving for a College Education

Real estate investing can be an alternative vehicle for college savings. It is recommended that young families invest in the purchase of one property for each child they believe will attend college. The property can be financed with a 15-year mortgage, thus being paid off prior the child’s 18th birthday. It allows families to actively save through the renters’ payments. When the property is paid off, they can either sell or continue to use it as a source of cash flow.


There are different reasons to invest in real estate. It is a proven way to build wealth over time and can help generate cash when leased. It can also provide you with tax benefits through depreciation, and this can help increase your returns.


Real Estate Investing Is a Hedge Against Inflation

While most people fear inflation, this is not the case with real estate investors. Investing in properties is an excellent hedge against inflation. As the price level goes up, so does the rental income you get from your property and your investment’s value. This means that real estate investors are protected against both the immediate and the long-term effects of inflation. Although this might not be the first benefit of real estate investing that comes to mind, you should take it into consideration because for real estate investors, an increase in the cost of living is associated with a growth in their cash flow. The average annual real estate appreciation rate nationwide has been nearly 6 percent in recent decades, while the inflation rate rarely reaches 4 percent.


You Can Enjoy the Portfolio Diversification Benefits of Owning a Physical Asset

Investing in real estate offers inflation protection as well as the portfolio diversification benefits of owning a physical asset. Real estate is a tangible asset that can always be monetized through renting or residing in the property, regardless of financial market conditions. This makes it far more resilient against asset market swings compared to traditional stocks or bonds. Real estate is part of the broader category of alternative investments, which include everything from art to collectibles and physical gold. The tangibility of real estate also affords property owners with a sense of stability during bear markets or short-term stock sell-offs.


You Can Indulge Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

There are many ways to invest in real estate and become an entrepreneur. You can buy a home, fix it up and put it back on the market for a profit. Buy a property to hold and let the appreciation create wealth. Perhaps you become a landlord and start purchasing rental homes, multi-family homes, or even apartments. Maybe land development is for you. You are the boss.


Real estate investing, when done right, is a stable way to increase wealth over a period of time. Among the many benefits of real estate investing is that it can provide cash flow for retirement. This means it can help supplement your retirement years with income from your rental properties.


Is Land Banking a Good Investment option?

Land banking is something that major developers and retailers have been doing for decades because it happens in every major city in Nigeria, most especially Lagos State - one of fastest growing mega cities of the world.

Look at your nearest major metropolitan area and compare how it looks today to what it looked like ten years ago.

If a city is growing, there will be a constant new development of residential neighborhoods and commercial subdivisions.

New retail establishments are always being created or revitalized, no matter what the real estate market looks like.

All it takes is for an investor to go in and buy land on the outskirts of a city and then they wait for the population to grow to them. They’re buying a property at today’s low prices (before anybody else perceives the value) and waiting until the city grows to them. When this happens, the land prices spike in value and they’re able to cash in on their land investment.
MANY multi-millionaires have been created from this one strategy, and you can do it too.

One way to scope out which areas may be ideal is to use Google Earth to see the historical satellite imagery of the area you’re interested in.

Look for areas that are in the path of growth. These areas exist in literally every metropolitan area in the world and they are often overlooked by the 98% of real estate investors who are only in this game for fast cash. If time is on your side (and let’s be honest – unless you are terminally ill, time is almost always on your side), this is a strategy you should be active in.


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Most investors don’t pay much attention to this opportunity because they don’t have patience. *Always remember that: Patience is the healthiest ingredients of our lives*👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽🥰

People want their money now, they don’t want to wait for decades to realize their gains.

It’s an understandable objection because the land banking strategy does take a long time to implement. It may take decades for the land banking strategy to produce results (if it produces results at all).

In the same way that any investing strategy comes with its fair share of risk and uncertainty, these issues are compounded by the amount of time required for the land banking strategy to work. Many investors would rather have their money today rather than many years in the future, and the “waiting game” is arguably the biggest drawback to land banking.

On the same coin, if a real estate investor understands how to identify a growing market and buy properties in the path of growth, the returns can be exponentially higher than many other long-term buy-and-hold investments. Especially in cases where the land is able to produce some amount of cash flow during the holding period (e.g. – by leasing land out to a farmer, hunter, or any other end-user that will pay a monthly lease payment to the owner).



The term “land banking” implies almost exactly what it is. Rather than putting cash into a savings account (where it will earn a maximum of 1% interest every year) or the stock market (which has become increasingly unpredictable in recent years), some entrepreneurs have taken an alternative approach by acquiring LAND and in doing so, parking their cash in a tangible, fixed asset, one that cannot be broken, stolen or destroyed.

Unlike most residential and commercial buildings, land costs very little to own… no utility payments, no tenant problems, no termite infestations, no leaky faucets, no broken toilets, and if you buy it the way I do, no mortgage payments.

Think about it… you can buy a piece of vacant land today, walk away from it for ten years and when you come back, nothing will have changed. Can you think of a safer investment?

And think about the economics of land… this is a resource with a supply that is always going down (after all, they aren’t making any more of it) and a demand that is constantly on the rise. Given the value proposition that comes with owning land, I often find myself scratching my head and wondering “Why aren’t more investors involved with this??”


Becoming A Land Owner Is Not As Hard As You Think


A wise man once said this 👇👇


We are here to guide you on making the right investment decision.


Investing on properties is one of the best Decisions you can make this year.


Jeks Properties



There is nothing like hidden charges as used by prospects. It is called statutory fees or documentation fees as some may call it and these fees are customary when land is purchased.

*Deed of Assignment Fee* For transfer ownership from estate developer to subscribers

*Survey Fee* This is use for mapping out the portion of land paid for. This goes to the Govt and it's fixed for different locations. Ibeju Lekki is 500k while Eti Osa is N1m per per 1000sqm but most companies collect 250-350k for Ibeju Lekki & 800k for Eti Osa.

*Development fees* This fee is meant for development of infrastructure within the estate.

Statutory fees are not hidden as they are clearly stated in the forms and FAQ/Terms & Conditions of your client interested property.

*_Take a look at this_*

When you buy land directly from Omonile/indigenous land owners, you pay for survey, engage the service of a lawyer to draft an agreement, you pay omonile fees (which is unpredictable, owo foundation, owo decking, owo roofing, owo fencing and even bore hole and Youth will still come over to collect money, which can range from 200k to N3m total package.

Also before you can get electricity you have to pay money to the CDA to connect light into your house, you will do your drainage and also buy an SUV to ply the road to your house because there is no good street roads.

And sometimes if you do not develop your land under six months Omonile can sell your land to someone else and relocate you to the next available swamp.

*What Statutory Fee Will Do For You*

👉🏿 Saved you from the stress of Omonile wahala and unnecessary fees like owo foundation, owo decking, owo roofing, owo fencing, owo bore hole and owo youths.

👉🏿 You get an Interlocked street and well layout estate.

👉🏿 Good Drainage system

👉🏿 Electricity & Street lighting

👉🏿 Secure gatehouse and perimeter fence.

👉🏿 Save you excessive documentation fee. Most lawyer's ask for 5% of the cost of land)

👉🏿 You get your land survey done at a discounted fee.


So many Academicians, Lawyers and Intellectuals have tried to define what a
Governor’s Consent is and they end up confusing simple minded men like me with
their Big Big Grammar, so am going to attempt to do the impossible by breaking its
meaning down and how it operates under the law.
A simple formula to follow is this.The first person on a Virgin Land that has neither
been occupied neither by another person nor under acquisition by the Government is
entitled to get a Certificate of Occupancy on that land.
If that person with the C of O decides to sell his land to another person after so
many years, that person must now obtain the Consent of the Governor before that
transaction can be deemed legal in the eyes of the Government.


A Gazette is an Official record book where all special government details are spelt out, detailed and recorded
A gazette will show the communities or villages that have been granted excision and
the number of acres or hectares of land that the government has given to them.It is
within those excised acres or hectares that the traditional family is entitled to sell its
lands to the public and not any thing outside those hectares of land given or excised to them.
A Gazette is a very powerful instrument the community owns and can replace a
Certificate of Occupancy to grant title to the Villagers.A community owning a
gazette can only sell lands to an individual within those lands that have been excised
to them and the community or family head of that land has the right to sign your
documents for you if you purchase lands within those excised acres or hectares of land.


An excision means basically taking a part from a whole and that part that has been
excised will be recorded and documented in the official government gazette of that
state.In other words, not having an excision means the land could be seized by the
Government any time without compensating you even if you bought it“ Legitimately”
from the Baale or the Original dwellers on the land.


Contents of a survey plan

A survey plan must contain
the following information:

1.The name of the owner of the land surveyed

2.The Address or description of the land surveyed

3.The size of the land surveyed

4.The drawn out portion of the land survey and mapped out on the survey plan document

5.The beacon numbers

6.The surveyor who drew up the survey plan and the date it was drawn up
7.As tamp showing the land is either free from Government acquisition or not.


A Survey plan is a document that measures the boundary of a parcel of land to give
an accurate measurement and description of that land.The people that handle
survey issues are Surveyors and they are regulated by the office of the Surveyor
General. Without this, the measurement of any piece of land can't be known therefore it's very important you take note whenever you are purchasing any land.


It is important to Note that the deed of assignment document is not the only
document indicating transfer of owner.
The following documents are usually involved when you a purchase is made.

1.The purchase receipt
2.The contract of sale and
3.The deed of assignment
4.The survey plan
5.The Building plan for housing investment
6.Any other title document that may apply
Each of these documents can come at separate times in the transaction process.The
seller signs all documents when the transaction is complete and hands over the
documents to the buyer.


Most people have the title documents to their cars intact and in safe places but fail
to ask for the Deed of assignment to their properties which is several times more
valuable than cars.
A Deed of assignment is one of the transactional document drawn up by a real estate attorney between the current title holder for aparticular property and the new buyer.
In real property transactions, a deed of assignment is a legal document that
transfers the interest of the owner of that interest to the person to whom it is
assigned, the assignee. When ownership is transferred, the deed of assignment
shows the new legal owner of the property.
The deed contains very pertinent information for a real estate transaction.It spells
out the date when the ownership of the property transfers from one owner to the other. The deed also gives a specific description of the property that is included in
the transfer of ownership.
It is very compulsory and mandatory for a Deed of Assignment document to be
recorded at the appropriate land registry to show legal evidence as to the exchange
of ownership in any land/landed property transaction in order to make the general
public and government aware of such exchange or transaction.

Any recorded Deed of Assignment at the appropriate land registry will be
authenticated inform of either a Governor’s consent or Registered Conveyance after
it has been stamped at the Stamp Duties office.


General Acquisition

Lands that are under“general acquisition”or“global acquisition”can later be
confirmed ‘free’ or‘ committed’as the case may be.
A land under general acquisition can become free by a process called excision.
“Excision is a process whereby the government releases a portion of an expanse of
land that is not committed” If a parcel of land that was formerly under acquisition
become sexcised; it is then considered free and becomes gazetted.

Gazette then becomes the title on the land and such land is safe to buy because a proper title can be processed on the land.
A second case where lands under general acquisition can be released is if an
individual purchased a land that was under acquisition without going through an excision process.
Such lands can go through another process called “ratification”or“regularization” in
which the land owner pays for the land to be ratified or regularized.The only
conditions in this case are that the land in question must not fall within a committed
area and that the purpose for which the land was bought does not disrupt the original plan of the state.
Conditions for ratification may differ from state to state.


There are two types of acquisition:

1.Committed Acquisition
2.Global/General Acquisition.

Committed Acquisition
A parcel of land is said to be under committed acquisition when the government has
indicated an intention to use that land for a specific purpose such as provision of amenities.
Such lands belong to the government and can never be available for use by
individuals.If you purchase land that is under committed acquisition, it will be
impossible for you to perfect your land title and you’ll only be occupying the land
until the government comes to kick you out.


Land Classification

Land can be classified as either free or acquired.A parcel of land is considered free
if the government has not indicated any interest whatsoever in that land. Such land
is safe to buy because the title on the land can be perfected without issues.
In most cases, suchlands will either have a gazette, a C of O or a governor’s


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Is Land Banking a Good Investment option?Land banking is something that major developers and retailers have been doing f...
Becoming A Land Owner Is Not As Hard As You Think
Becoming A Land Owner Is Not As Hard As You Think
A wise man once said this 👇👇