Go Gavin!
Hey Girl Newsom is an artistic collaboration inspired by other Hey Girl memes and in response to the Coronavirus pandemic in California, it’s impact on education, and our governor’s role in managing the pandemic.
New project Coming soon! Sneak snail peek.
Nuff said.
Sorry, California.
Just vote. Gavin Newsom Melissa Jones
Gavin Newsom
Gavin Newsom hey_girl_newsom Gavin Newsom
HEY GIRL!! That Mask!!
Gavin Newsom
Gavin Newsom
HEY GIRL!! I see you. Gavin Newsom
Gavin Newsom
HEY GIRL!! Self care is real!
Gavin Newsom
Stay safe! Stay home! Gavin Newsom
Stay safe on Zoom! Lock your meetings.
Hey Girl! Way to rock google classroom!
Hey Girl Newsom is an artistic collaboration inspired by other Hey Girl memes and in response to the Coronavirus pandemic in California, it’s impact on education, and our governor’s role in managing the pandemic. Plus, we think he is an imperfect democratic fox who is not afraid to take a stand. His key role in the fight for gay marriage is one reason we love him. His marriage to a feminist filmmaker is another. Go Gavin!