Ignite Education

Ignite Education

Ignite Education, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 company that promotes homeschooling in Oklahoma and th

Timeline photos 17/02/2022

Do you all get the Homeschool Oklahoma Informer Email News? It comes twice and month and is full of all sorts of goodies. This edition includes a LEGISLATIVE ALERT. Read more here: https://www.homeschooloklahoma.org/legislative-information/legislative-alert/

The Informer is in your Inbox! Legislative Alerts, New Podcast Episode, and New Blog Posts! - https://mailchi.mp/fe6658e54040/legislative-alerts-new-podcast-episode-and-new-blog-posts


Coming this Tuesday to the Tulsa Metro!

CHEER is inviting local home educators to hear Rachael Carman of Apologia Educational Ministries, this coming Tuesday! Can you make it? Rachael has been blessed to travel the world for almost two decades, speaking at conferences, retreats, and Bible studies.

Mobile uploads 28/09/2021

Have you heard?

📣 Where are my Oklahoma people at? Come hang out with me NEXT weekend!!

RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/389625106098298
ALL THE DEETS: HeidiStJohn.com/events

Timeline photos 05/02/2021

Looking for a refreshing day off? Moms Winter Summit is happening in OKC Metro this year! You can find more information and grab a ticket at https://www.homeschooloklahoma.org/hsok-events/moms-winter-summit/

Looking for a break? Come to Moms' Winter Summit 2021! Some speakers are announced on the website, and we hope to announce more soon!

Timeline photos 01/05/2020

The Homeschool Oklahoma ONLINE Conference starts tonight!

The Online Conference starts tonight! You can find all of the information about this event and others at on the Homeschool Oklahoma website at https://bit.ly/2ROKfO7

Timeline photos 14/02/2020

For the next two weeks, get 10% off when you buy two or more seats at the Moms' Winter Summit! Bring your sister or your best friend and join us for a hilarious, restful, encouraging weekend. Use code: GALENTINESDAY

Podcast & Blog: Living a Lifestyle of Feasting with the Father 11/02/2020

Come hear Val at the Moms' Winter Summit Feb 28-29 https://www.homeschooloklahoma.org/hsok-events/moms-winter-summit/

Podcast & Blog: Living a Lifestyle of Feasting with the Father Even as a multi-tasking marathon mama, you know that God has prepared an abundant table for you all along your unique marathon path.


Here is an Invitation to Moms’ Winter Summit in Tulsa! Register now! The Early Bird Discount ends on Friday! www.homeschooloklahoma.org


The Early Bird ticket price ends in 7 days on January 31! Can you believe that January is almost over? Neither can we!

Get your ticket for Winter Summit and take the last two days of February to recharge yourself with laughter, worship, and encouragement to continue mothering well. https://www.homeschooloklahoma.org/hsok-events/moms-winter-summit/

Timeline photos 22/01/2020

Capitol Day begins at 9 am on February 4 in the Second Floor Rotunda and includes entry to the Oklahoma History Museum. Register at www.homeschooloklahoma.org

Are you a Minuteman, a Patriot, or a Warrior?

Minutemen learn about issues in our state and discuss them with several legislators.

Patriots go to Capitol Day and meet their own legislators and attend the HSOK rally at the Oklahoma History Museum.

Warriors pray for the event and for education issues in our state either at the Capitol or at home.

Register for your role at www.homeschooloklahoma.org

Capitol Day begins at 9:00 am on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 in the 2nd Floor Rotunda at the Oklahoma State Capitol


Early Bird price is still good thru Jan 31


One evening, we were throwing around fun ideas for Ignite to bring to the women in the Tulsa area. While talking about seminars and retreats, the idea of a women's tea came up. Wouldn't it be fun to have speakers and worship and food all in one great event? It was talked about dreamily with the future in mind. It wasn't a few months later when Renee met up with Roxanne Parks at a conference. The two discussed Roxanne's Winter Summit and her desire to bring it back to Oklahoma, and now, months later, we're in the thick of planning this event together with Homeschool Oklahoma. We can't wait to share amazing stories and words of encouragement with you at the Moms' Winter Summit 2020!


Laughter, worship, skits, lots of food, and fellowship. Sign up now @ https://www.homeschooloklahoma.org/hsok-events/moms-winter-summit/


Moms’ Winter Summit, Feb 28-29, 2020 in Tulsa, get tickets now @ https://www.homeschooloklahoma.org/hsok-events/moms-winter-summit/
