

Welcome to the life of twins


As Tsundzu would say "tadaaaaaaa"


We lost my fur baby and life has been nothing but hard since we let her go. This is one of the most painful things I have to live through.

Muffin had so much poise and calm. She lived a good 10 years, I will forever carry her in my heart.

She stopped eating two weeks before we had to let her rest, and had a failing liver.

I love you so much Fifi and I miss you dearly.


I call him Rhu bear winnie the poo bear, then he blushes and says "Thats Dulula". I see a lot of my self in this one. And oh my, dealing with yourself is hard.

But I have learned patience and breathing exercises. They work, most of the time. Rhu is string willed, pedantic about how things are done and takes care of his brothers.

But the crying all the time... thats his dad (or maybe I dont want to accept that I am quiet emotional and cry at every little incident, sorry lol).

Its beautiful watching him become a big brother (being the first twin). I love his soft deep voice and that he is still refers to himself in the 3rd person.

My sweet Rhu bear

Photos from ndhambi_twins's post 14/03/2023

I learn so much from my kids and Nsuku has been such a great example to building my emotional intelligence. I am shocked every single day at his maturity and love.

He had measles last week and he just handled everything like a champ.

Before you ask, yes all the kids are fully vaccinated and even got the recent booster.

Him and Kurhula always want the same thing, which is impossible sometimes, but the other day there was only one pizza circle left and I told him Rhu took it and maybe he can share, then he said its ok mama. I nearly drowned in tears. That small voice and understanding was just... too much.

I am enjoying this age definitely.

Photos from ndhambi_twins's post 29/01/2023

I don't know about you but in a life where fuel is high, repo rates are higher, and electricity tariffs are being taken up, feels like life is getting a bit way more expensive.

products are gentle, effective, and affordable. Making life easier and more affordable.

I love that all products cater for all skin types, even the most sensitive and eczema prone skin.

Want affordable, products that actually work and the luxury feel, try out the range.

products are available at Portia M Beauty Stores and Major Retailers.

Photos from ndhambi_twins's post 12/01/2023

It is back to normal routines for most of us and no friends for Tsundzukani. The twins are back to crèche, and trying to keep the youngest ones entertained is proving to be harder than I thought.

Good thing Tsundzukani loves the outdoors and park.

Tsundzukani enjoys the shared play ground which means "bacteria and viruses". baby wipes are well moist and easy to pull out and they are always with us to wipe down the high touch areas and those little hands to reduce infections.

For us this means less visits to the doctors, pharmacy, and less worry, it means more time doing what Tsundzukani loves the most when his brothers are not around.

Am I the only mom that also uses wipes to clean the whole house πŸ˜‚?

products are available at all Portia M beauty stores and major retailers.


Happy Holidays ❀️

Photos from ndhambi_twins's post 22/12/2022

Happy Holidays πŸŽ„

Gifts can also come in skin care products.

Bigger and better petroleum jelly for the whole family.

Staying safe during the festive time means taking care of that delicate skin from the harsh weather.

Wishing you an early Merry Christmas and a Happy New year🎊.


My short hair season is coming to an end πŸ˜‚, I have enjoyed this stage very much. I might come back to it in a few years.

Do you believe in new year resolutions?

I believe in setting goals and working towards that for as long as I need to. I have put pressure and time frame for my goals and it has broken me and stirred up negative feelings.

Whats the saying, "small progress is still progress" neh?

Just a reminder for anyone who is looking to do things differently, do not put pressure on yourself and keep getting up to try. Your path and race are yours, be content with what you are blessed with in this phase, keep working on the next.


Its been such a long year.

So many changes, lots of lesson learned, going back to work and actually keeping kids 3 and under all safe.

Maybe its the flu and year end fatigue talking but I am tired πŸ˜‚.

Ive been a working mom for a few months now. As much as being a SAHM is hard work, I prefer that life.

Comparing the two, in my experience and personal opinion that life is harder but more fulfilling. I miss it, doing the laundry all day everyday, cleaning, having time for my side hustles, playing with kids, taking naps when they nap, etc.

But lets keep it moving πŸ˜‚.

Photos from ndhambi_twins's post 12/12/2022

Happy holidays 🎊

No doubt most of us are planning trips away from home, filled with pools, beach vibes and lots of water entertainment during the warmer days.

Dry skin from all that fun water stuff can lead to rashes. It is important we put back that moisture in that skin.

The Baby oil and petroleum together help replenish the skin of all the goodness because prevention is better than cure. Dry baby, put on some baby oil, followed by petroleum jelly for great results.

products are available at Portia M Beauty Stores and Major Retailers.


My mini people and I have been having so much fun with this rainy weather.

Since going back to work, I have to be extra intentional about the things I do with them. Creating memories like these and spending time with them is free and so much fun.

Who else has "muddy puddle" lovers ?


One of the things that make parenting easier, is having my kids use the same products regardless of their different skin needs. πŸ‘ΆπŸ½πŸ‘¦πŸ½πŸ‘¦πŸ½

PortiaM_Baby] products have been a part of the kids skin routine for almost 3 years. Each of them have different skin needs which PortiaM_Baby] products all cater for. From newborn, sensitive, normal, and dry skin conditions. 🫧


The sun is out, warmer days are most welcome.

For some people, they come at a cost. Children do not regulate their body temperature well. So what do we do to help them when it is very light.

-bright and light material clothing
-avoid the sun at its harshest hours
-and use light and moisturising creams like the new gentle moisturising lotion.

Light, gentle, can use even on the most sensitive skin. I love that it is a very moisturising lotion that is not greasy, leaving the skin to breath more and during these warm day.

Have you tried the Baby Gentle moisturising lotion ?


Need a trip to this place again.

Its only monday but wow, the early mornings are dealing with me.


Ive learned to be grateful for the picture.

The imperfections are the realities most of us have lost on this platform.

Bring back the skew belts, no breathing in, kids not posing posts.


They say when you are enjoying something, it takes more priority than other things.

Ive been enjoying work so much. But also getting home so beat up I forget to say hi.

How have you guys been?


So, I did a thing

Back at the office, full time after over 3 years of being a stay at home mom.

Early mornings are normal, the office is a bit far from me (pta east-Randburg) and it does take away from maximising my time with the kids. I don't have mom guilt about this, I just miss them.

Will have to put some routines in place to make up the time.

Ive been loving adult interactions πŸ˜‚ but also realised Ive been doing a lot of baby talking and baby care I actually dont know what to talk about 🫠.

The twins speak in full sentences, they are trying out tenses, its hilarious but cute. They are fully day potty trained, never is a million years did I think this would happen. Potty training is rough, a decider if you will be a parent again πŸ˜‚. Tsundzu is gaining confidence to stand without support.

Some pretty exciting stuff happening.

A reminder that when you are granted a prayer, they do come with their own challenges.

Photos from ndhambi_twins's post 08/10/2022

Celebrated 9 human years with my first baby.

Part of overcoming my depression had a lot to do with Muffin.

To many more. Love you fifi


Church has been such a good constant in my life.

Reminder that a few mins out of the house, time with the Lord, no matter how crazy it is with kids, it might be worth it.

Have a good evening friends


I did not know this little cute place existed and it is 10 min walk from my place.

Now I am obsessed with finding cute coffee shops, away from the busyness of the city, and a new routine I am adding to my life.

Maybe I will share it with Voni and the twins once in a while. For now its a Lizz thing.


I would like to believe that I am easy going.

So I dont mind questions like, Do you want more kids? Ehhrrrr yes I do.
Do you want to try for a girl? I just a big family with healthy kids.
Dont you want multiples again to sp*ed up the process? Never, no, nooooooooooo, please no.

That farm life, all you hear is birds singing, kids playing and the trees whistling.

There is something about staying home, taking care of kids, making homemade bread everyday that just fills me with sooooo much joy.

Anyway, this is just me day dreaming for future Lizz.

For now, we work... to make those dreams come true.


Wow, nine months into 30 and I have had to be born again, rewire my mind, let go of so many things and people and rediscover everything. I've heard that these 30 streets are insane. I did not see this coming.

Being a mom can be consuming, over the past few months I have been working on finding my passions again, loving myself and where I am, sheesh loving my body after 3 kids and rewriting my story.

I figured its ok to change my mind and not be the Lizz everyone has known you to be, its ok to disagree with your friends and family about certain things, its ok for your friends and family not to agree with me either. Its ok that I hated something yesterday and today I preach it to everyone.

I feel more open minded, a little more freeier that I am not afraid to speak my mind, I might look back at this time and think that was wild, but I will deal with it if ever that time comes.

There were certain people I looked up to, and suddenly I disagree with so many of their views... I think this is a good thing, I cannot ever see myself not questioning something like God didnt create me this way.

To rediscovering who I am in between motherhood, being a wife and not being a SAHM anymore (i miss it though). πŸ₯‚


I tried feeling bad about my insta and YT inconsistency but the guilt...its not coming πŸ˜‚.

Ive come to appreciate that my life has better and more exciting priorities. Since I started working full time too, I kinda had shift my free time to my kids and husband, not forgetting .

Mick and I had a conversation about how as parenting there is no off day. You have to smile even when you are at your lowest, answer those new questions that toddlers ask when they start talking. Because it takes that one time you snap, or not answer the question, or just not give them attention to break their mini hearts. Anywho...

My youngest is turning 1 soon, yho the feels. It does not get better lol. Feels new all over again.

Have a productive week


Been a while since i showed my face. Still alive and kicking hahaha.

Also, Tsundzu is always attached to my hip or b**b 😩.


My small big people are reaching big milestones next month.

Twins are turning 3 and baby T is turning 1. I am excited for them, but I keep having bad dreams about doing something nice then they get overwhelmed and not cooperate. The twos have traumatized me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

Happy monday and have a great week.


Standing by the counter, trying to work and breastfeeding.

Been breasfeeding for almost a year, something I never thought would actually happen. I am so grateful for this journey.

Honestly everything about this journey needed guidance, support and lots of practice. Nothing came easy nor natural.

I am glad I spoke out when i needed help, as much as having someone need you all the time, spending all that time sitting and nursing, waking up to feed, engorged breasts, cracked ni***es, pumping, it is all worth it.

Its also fine if he stops now because i am starting to feel like a human pacifier now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ just kidding.

Photos from ndhambi_twins's post 03/08/2022

Before this very long post, alot of you have asked about my glasses recently which Ive had for over 2 years now πŸ˜‚(not sure why they are popular now)

From and the frame is by Micheal Kors.(not sponsored)

Now, where have I been? Took a mini break because my attention needed to be else where. Nothing deep but I just had the kids recovery and work to do. Thats all!

Recovery for the kids, we are still in the process as the stitches have not fallen off yet. But to give you a brief of my experience and some tips:
-the twins are more aware of pain. I'd say do it when they are older and can take care of themselves or just under a year. T was so easy to handle, he did not complain much and just went about his life like nothing happened. The twins, they still wont let us get anywhere near, "No no touch the p***s" insert mini toddler voice.
-everyone has their own way of following instructions, for us no shower/bath for at least 7 days. Sponge bath/basin baths work fine (they are home all day anyway)
-they need to sit still, toddlers dont sit still but while you air out the cut, find calm activities to keep them still or just put on their fav shows.
-lots of their fav fruits and snacks.
-keep on top of the pain meds. If they wear out, you will have some very not so happy on top of not being happy kids.
-and lastly, lots of cuddles, reassurance, coffee, wine, early nights and lounge wear.

Hope this helps πŸ˜‚

Photos from ndhambi_twins's post 31/07/2022

I dont know about you, but as a parent to toddlers and a pre toddler we use a lot of wipes. Tell me you have not used wipes to do a quick counter, table or floor clean up πŸ˜‚.

For this reason I like to make sure that we add more earth friendly products to reduce our carbon footprint.

The wipes are:
-100% bio-degradable
-safe to use on face, hands and babies body
-contain no alcohol
-and are 95.3% water

Last day to use code 2J27 on the website for 20% off your order.

Photos from ndhambi_twins's post 29/07/2022

Ive been meaning to share my thoughts on tje and while this code is still valid... I am till on my little break.

My favorite features about these are
-they are absolutely soft and gentle on babies skin, plus they bio degrade in less than half of the year.
-the have a perfect fit and elastics at the back to accommodate movement and comfortable fit.
-they have a wetness indicator and no inks meaning no wired chemicals.
-very absorbent.

It ticks all the boxes and even goes beyond what we expect from disposable nappies. Ive used many disposable nappies, and ive pretty much gotten leaked from all brands but I have never gotten a leak from these.

Use code 2J27 to get 20% of your order from the website.

They are now available at all Baby Citys too, so exciting.

Photos from ndhambi_twins's post 15/07/2022

How I know the twins love something? When we fight about what they want to do with whatever is occupying them.

I am not fluent in Tsonga, but I have learned a few animals and fruits from Mick when he tells the kids.

Mick himself was so excited to learn some of the fruits and animals that he did not know.

So these are great for the whole family and maybe I should add Sepedi while we are all learning.


Last week this time we thought wow, its been such a normal week and weekend for the first time in while... then we noticed something weird happening.

Nsuku woke up,out of no where and could not p*e. Literally screamed, cried, and just looked like he was in excruciating pain every time he p*ed. Does not help that my Nsuku drinks a lot of liquids.

Doctor told us we will need to see a specialist, I kinda saw where this was going...

Urologist confirms and tells us the same thing the doctor told me, the skin on his p***s was closing his p*e hole and yes ointment and antibiotics will help a bit but we need to get him circumcised asap.

Firstly, we have taught the twins that no one touches their p***s, even we dont. So how in the world do I convince them that I need to push back their skin to clean it. Why was I not even told that I needed to do this 😭😭😭. Secondly, Mick and I were not even thinking about getting this done this soon. Anyway...

Thankfully we were able to get an early appointment for the surgery and me being me I decided to include all the kids.

Although he was fine and he was on pain meds, he was still very scared to p*e and would literally scream and cry but to p*e.

The healing process is the worst, more for us than them. I could go on about this but I am so scared of having more kids,traumatised from my kid being in pain and I could not help.

I know a lot of us dont share this (not sure why either) but I wish I knew what to expect, I will share the healing process after they have healed fully but I am seeing some light after day 5.


This little miracle in a bottle just makes sense. Its natural, works almost immediately, baby likes the taste (one less thing to worry about) and I love products that are not just a one trick pony but help with other stuff.

These teething drops from also help with :
-Boost immune system
-may help calm restlessness and improve sleep.


I had such a good weekend celebrating my best friend ( )and the girl we have all been waiting for.

Firstly, I realised that I know nothing about her because baby shower games will catch you off guard. Secondly, I realised that I need more time away from the kids.

As full as my breasts were, some adult company, and big people juice was such a vibe. Im pretty sure Mick is so tired of hearing stories that dont make sense to him and are pretty funny to me (thanks to ) I feel rejuvenated and a sense of happiness.

I will be sharing the process of how I made this backdrop. The one thing I am taking away from this project, Someone should have told me there were so many different pink's. Choosing a paint was so hard but it ended up being the perfect shade.

Have a lovely super week


Remind me to retake this in 20 years ❀️


One of the sweetest days ever...

Nsuku kept leading me somewhere and I was not understanding what I needed to do, where i had to go till we got the red scooter.

I was forced to get on it because he thought I could ride with him. I was truly honoured that he thought I could ride and he wanted to play with me.

And I am not a perfect parent, I make mistakes, sometimes I yell a little too loud, or resort to smacking in my frustrations. But I breathe, apologise and work on my demons and get very happy when They ask me to play with them.

And, obviously being too big, I fell and it was such a good 5 mins of trying to ride and play with him, that stuff takes technique.

Mick thought it was funny but thank you for getting these pictures.


You are truluy God sent. I love you

Happy fathers day my love.

PS: this is a picture of me pregnant with the twins.


In a world where everything is in english and our mother tongue is fading, I want to help my kids know more of our language and hopefully keep passing it on to their kids.

I was so excited when Gugu from asked me to review these cards and I cannot wait.

The twins already use a lot of Tsonga terms and phrases, I am excited to add on to what they already know.


My skeem

Words cannot begin to explain how grateful I am for always being encouraging, and supporting everything I do.

For correcting me and building me to be a better version of me. For the little people we are raising together and allowing me to have my sanity by staying home.

I might not convince you to have the 10 kids I want, but I certainly convinced you to do this forever thing with me.

Happy birthday my love. To many more...


My cloth nappy journey

I can speak for most of us that are/were on this journey that it is not an easy one. We all have our own reasons why we get into it, most influenced by social media, or because they are cute or to save money.

After the excitement of starting cloth wears out, you start hating the damn things. Yoh, the p**p cleaning, the stink issues, the stuffing, before you blink you have more nappies to wash to wash.

To be honest, there were times I did not touch them for weeks. And if you are thinking about starting cloth or have started and are starting to loath the tiny cute things that cost you thousands, its ok. If you feel like you need a break, ITS OK. If you are mixing cloth and disposables, its really OK.

Dont feel like you have anything to prove to anyone, some of you will stick to disposables and chile, I promise its ok. Cloth diapering is a journey. There will be moments you will regret it, moments of hate, and sometimes you will give up.

But if you are like me and you started this journey because you care about the environment, you care about tomorrow, let this be your motivation. And there are many ways to lessen your carbon footprint. Like:
-reusing your shopping plastics bags
-using earth friendly cleaners
-refiling your groceries, the list goes on.

Sorry this is not a lecture, just sharing with you how this journey is going and how to navigate the bumps.

What I have learned is:
-cleaning the p**p is not as disgusting and difficult, there are easy ways to dispose the p**p.
-there will always be laundry, cloth diapers or not. Its just one more load πŸ˜‚
-its not for the faint hearted, like i said, its a journey filled with bumps and bruises.
-its about keeping those landfills controlled and a better tomorrow, not just for you but your kids and kids kids(i know you care about them)
-you get used to it and build a routine around doing your cloth, laundry and other chores.

I hope this post lessens your guilt, and makes you feel better about your journey or not journey 😘.


Videos (show all)

A good wash is important to lay a great foundation for the next steps.The @portiam_baby wash is a great for head to wash...