Rajesh Jain

Rajesh Jain

Indulge in financial freedom by making the right choices and investing your hard earned money in right market.


Securing lives by selling insurance.


*An investor needs only two things to make a lot of money during a crisis; cash and the nerve to invest that cash when no one else is willing to.*


Have you thought about your Golden Years in the decreasing trends of Interest Rate? The Solution to all your Retirement Worries are within your reach. Please register yourself free for an EYE OPENING SESSION on Retirement Soluions with the link below NOW.

Eagerly waiting to see you on *14th of June, Sunday @ 12 PM.*
Please watch this space for more.Registration Link : https://forms.gle/8E22Foau46vzZ2F5A. While registering pl mention location as GUWAHATI branch & my name RAJESH JAIN in the invitee box. Pl do register as this session would add lot of value to your life.

Timeline photos 18/04/2020

Managing your policy is now easier and quicker to navigate

Timeline photos 17/04/2020

Get 24x7 support with our chat bot KAYA, who is here to answer all your queries. Visit our website, click on lets chat and get your queries solved.

Timeline photos 16/04/2020

There’s a certain nostalgia and sentiments when it comes to childhood or family pictures! So let’s relive those moments and cherish it. How to go about this activity:
Step 1: Whisk any coffee of your choice.
Step 2: Gather everyone at home
Step 3: Bring out the old family photo and stationary kit.
Step 4: Start with your collage while sipping yummy coffee
Step 5: Take a lot of pictures
Step 6: Post the picture on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 15/04/2020

There are certain things in life that we want to change within ourselves and the society. Tell us about it by following the below steps:
Step 1: Think of 3 things you want to change
Step 2: Take a nice pic of yourself with family
Step 3: Post the pics on social media with the hashtags
Step 4: Write the 3 things you have resolved to change

Timeline photos 14/04/2020

Let your creative juices flow as the next activity tests your creativity by recycling the best out of waste. How to go about this activity:
Step 1: Fish out some plastic bottles
Step 2: Get the crew together
Step 3: Start your recycle project
Step 4: Take lots of pictures and videos
Step 5: Post the pics on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 13/04/2020

It's been a while since we all have dressed up in our favourite outfits. The next activity gives us the opportunity to get dressed not for others but for ourselves! How to go about this activity:
Step 1: Wear your favourite outfit
Step 2: Make everyone at home dress-up too
Step 3: Do a little family photoshoot
Step 4: Don't forget to take some pictures
Step 5: Post the pictures on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 12/04/2020

At this point, everyone of us are missing our extended family! So how about reconnecting with them. Bulid a stronger bond while at home? How to go about this activity:
Step 1: Gather everyone at home
Step 2: Video call your relatives
Step 3: Take screenshot of the call
Step 4: Post them on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 11/04/2020

never goes out of style! And what better way to spend time with your loved ones than playing this nostalgic game. How to go about this activity:
Step 1: Make a list of your favourite songs
Step 2: Get everyone together
Step 3: Sing your heart out
Step 4: Take lots of pictures and videos
Step 5: Upload the picture on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 10/04/2020

We meet people who make a positive impact in our life. The next activity is about thanking them. How to go about this activity:
Step 1: Think of a person who had a positive impact on your life
Step 2: Post a picture with him/her on social media with the hashtags
Step 3: If you don't have a picture with them, then post a picture of yourself
Step 4: Tag them
Step 5: Write something about that person.

Timeline photos 09/04/2020

Let's be generous towards the ones who always has our back in keeping the house together! The next activity is to help them back by following the below steps:
Step 1: Reach out to your household help
Step 2: Help them out in any way you can
Step 3: Take pictures with the family
Step 4: Post the pictures on social media
Step t: Write a few words about how you helped

Timeline photos 08/04/2020

Reading stories has been a part of every person's childhood. The next activity takes back to your good old times. How to go about this activity:
Step 1: Gather the family
Step 2: Bring out the snacks
Step 3 Start sharing
Step 4: Take pictures of the narrators and listeners
Step 5: Post the pictures on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 07/04/2020

There's a well know proverb... cleanliness is next to godliness. Our next task is for you to clean your house!
How to go about this activity:

Step 1: Pick a corner at home that needs tidying
Step 2: Gather the family
Step 3: Bring out mops, dusters, etc.
Step 4: Let the cleaning begin
Step 5: Post the picture on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 06/04/2020

In this activity put on your dancing shoes and dance your heart out. How to go about this activity:
Step 1: Gather the family
Step 2: Blast some good music
Step 3: Get moving
Step 4: Take some crazy pictures and videos
Step 5: Post the pictures on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 05/04/2020

Money does matter. The next activity is about discussing financial matters with the family over a cup of hot tea. How to go about this activity?
Step 1: Brew a pot of tea
Step 2: Make some yummy snacks
Step 3: Gather the decision makers of the family
Step 4: Discuss about your finances
Step 5: Take pictures while snacking and of the snacks, you have made
Step 6: Post the pictures on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 04/04/2020

Everyone is competitive about games. The next activity will take you to the good old days. How to go about this activity:
Step 1: Pick games of your choice
Step 2: Get everyone together
Step 3: Get gaming
Step 4: Take pictures while playing
Step 5: Put pictures on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 03/04/2020

It's time to spread smiles with this activity. In the time of crisis let's help others who are in need by donating something. How to go about this activity?
Step 1: Choose your act of good
Step 2: Do it wholeheartedly
Step 3: Take pictures with family
Step 4: Post the pictures on Social Media with the hashtags
Step 5: Write about it

Timeline photos 03/04/2020

A filmy task has arrived, Are you ready for a movie marathon with your family?
How to go about this activity:
Step 1: Pick your 3 favorite movies
Step 2: Pick out a snack to go along with it
Step 3: Settle in and begin!
Step 4: Say cheese! Take a picture.
Step 5: Post the pics on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 01/04/2020

Start a course or learn something new online. From creating origami swans, to making gobhi ke kofte, to speaking Espanol, there are tons of choices that you can pick from. Maybe, just upskill with a course you've always wanted to do but never had time for. How to go about this activity:
Step 1: Choose what you want to learn
Step 2: Dive right into it
Step 3: Learning a small session take a picture of final result
Step 4: Take a picture of you learning a longer course
Step 5: Post it on Social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 31/03/2020

There's nothing more rejuvenating than creating something on your own. Yes, the task for today is a DIY project. Decorate a bottle, make a scrapbook, sketch something or paint a t-shirt. Go with whatever can be managed with the resources you have. Knock yourself out and don't worry about the end result. How to go about this activity:
Step 1: Bring out crayons, paints or pens or whatever your weapon of choice is
Step 2: Go all out with your masterpiece
Step 3: Take a lot of pictures of you in action and your masterpiece
Step 4: Post it on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 31/03/2020

Life Insurance is a must to provide a financial cushion in case something happens to the breadwinner. Provide your family’s expenses through Life Insurance.
To know more about Life Insurance, kindly contact 9435104895

Timeline photos 30/03/2020

This may be the task for the day but we suggest you do it every day. There’s nothing like yoga for strength, flexibility and mind-body awareness. And this 20 minute home workout is sure to leave you feeling great. The expert yogis and yogins are welcome to do the asanas of their choice. How do go about it?
Step 1 - Bring out the yoga mat
Step 2 - Start the limb bending poses
Step 3 - Ask someone to take pics or do it yourself
Step 4 - Post the pics on social media with the hashtags

Timeline photos 29/03/2020

Cook a meal with the family. Get your kids involved in easy stuff like adding salt, etc. If you live away from your family cook with your roommates. And if you live alone; nominate a friend to cook the same meal as you. How to go about it?
Step 1 - Pick a dish that’s a hit with the family or one of your choice
Step 2 - Wear your aprons
Step 3 - Cook a storm
Step 4 - Take lots of pics of everyone and the food too
Step 5 - Post the pics on social media with the hashtags
