Wholeness of Life

Wholeness of Life

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13 Amazing Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlics are related to onions, eschallots and cloves to name a few.
Today, garlic is grown in many parts of the world, given that the climate is cool or it is grown in shady areas. Garlic is Highly Nutritious and contains Compounds With Potent Medicinal Properties.
This makes it an ideal herb for inclusion in numerous meals, and also use as an herbal remedy for various conditions.

1. Help Control Blood Pressure
2. Garlic Enhances Your Immunity
3. Reduces Levels of LDL Cholesterol
4. Help Prevent Neuro-Degenerative Diseases
5. Remove Heavy Metal Toxins From The Body
6. Beneficial Effect On Bone Tissue
7. Help Optimize Microflora Cultures
8. Prevention Of Blood Clots
9. Help Treat Vaginal Yeast Infections in women
10. Can Reduce Asthma Episodes
11. Beneficial To The Eyes to reduce intraocular pressure, a popular contributing factor for glaucoma.
12. Garlic Is Good For Your Liver
13. Can Help Treat Eczema

Garlic is an invaluable herb with a ton of health benefits for you to take advantage of. It has a solid nutritional profile as well, even though you are unlikely to eat a large portion at any one time. Try to include it in as many foods as you can, and supplement with an aged garlic supplement for extra boost.


Quality of life
Obesity can diminish your overall quality of life. You may not be able to do things you used to do, such as participating in enjoyable activities. You may avoid public places. People with obesity may even encounter discrimination.

Other weight-related issues that may affect your quality of life include:

Sexual problems
Shame and guilt
Social isolation
Lower work achievement


OBESITY Overview
Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity isn't just a cosmetic concern. It is a medical problem that increases your risk of other diseases and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers.

Obesity is diagnosed when your body mass index (BMI) is 30 or higher. To determine your body mass index, divide your weight in pounds by your height in inches squared and multiply by 703.

People with obesity are more likely to develop a number of potentially serious health problems, including:

Heart disease and strokes. Obesity makes you more likely to have high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol levels, which are risk factors for heart disease and strokes.
Type 2 diabetes. Obesity can affect the way your body uses insulin to control blood sugar levels. This raises your risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.
Certain cancers. Obesity may increase your risk of cancer of the uterus, cervix, endometrium, o***y, breast, colon, re**um, esophagus, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney and prostate.
Digestive problems. Obesity increases the likelihood that you'll develop heartburn, gallbladder disease and liver problems.
Gynecological and sexual problems. Obesity may cause infertility and irregular periods in women. Obesity also can cause erectile dysfunction in men.
Sleep apnea. People with obesity are more likely to have sleep apnea, a potentially serious disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep.
Osteoarthritis. Obesity increases the stress placed on weight-bearing joints, in addition to promoting inflammation within the body. These factors may lead to complications such as osteoarthritis.
Severe COVID-19 symptoms. Obesity increases the risk of developing severe symptoms if you become infected with the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). People who have severe cases of COVID-19 may require treatment in intensive care units or even mechanical assistance to breathe.

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2 more tips:
Consider your meal times. When you eat is as important. “Don’t skip meals, or you will get hungry and tend to overeat later,” Zumpano says.

“Eating late at night is associated with elevated sugar levels in people with prediabetes, so we recommend you make lunch your largest meal and eat nothing starting three hours before bed.”

Make it easy on yourself. If you follow these guidelines, your blood sugar levels should drop, along with your weight. But making changes to lifelong eating habits can be difficult.

If you need help understanding exactly what you should and should not eat, take a close look at a Mediterranean-style diet. Following this type of eating plan is likely to put your blood sugar levels back on track. “There are plenty of books, articles and recipes for this healthy eating plan,” says Zumpano.


What else to eat
Protein slows the rate that carbohydrates enter your bloodstream, keeping blood sugar levels steadier. Eating protein at every meal can help you feel full and reduce the urge to snack.

Healthy proteins include:

Lean meats.
Dried beans and peas.
Part-skim cheese and cottage cheese.
Nuts and seeds.
If you have cardiovascular disease, limit red meat and stick with skinless poultry and fish. “Load up on vegetables, particularly non-starchy veggies. The fiber in vegetables and legumes will help you feel full and satisfied,” Zumpano says.

Because fiber slows down digestion and absorption, you are less likely to get hungry between meals and reach for a sugary snack.

Enjoy in moderation
Fruit. Fruit is a natural source of sugar that you can enjoy in moderation. “Limit portion size to one cup or less at a time,” Zumpano says.

Choose lower-sugar fruits, such as berries and kiwi, most often. To slow the rate of glucose entering your bloodstream, pair fruit with a source of protein, such as a handful of nuts or seeds, 2 tablespoons of nut butter, plain yogurt, cottage cheese, a boiled egg or a cheese stick.

Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are a form of carbohydrate and should be consumed in moderation.

“If you are going to drink, choose spirits with a no-calorie mixer, light beer, spritzers or dry wine. They contain the fewest carbs,” Zumpano says.


What not to eat
Rethinking your diet to reduce the risk of diabetes doesn’t mean giving up the foods you love. It means eating less of them. The first rule is to cut down on simple carbohydrates like sugar, a quick-release carb.

Eliminate sweetened beverages. “They have no fat or protein to prevent the carbs from rocketing your blood sugar,” Zumpano explains.

Similarly, cut back on:

Sweet tea.
Fruit juices.
Coffee drinks.
Next, look at foods that have added sugar:

Jams and jellies.
Baked goods.
Then cross off empty “white foods”:

White rice.
White bread.
White pasta.

Make smart substitutes
“Begin choosing whole-grain breads and pastas, brown rice and wild rice. Focus on the first ingredient ‘whole’ and at least three grams of fiber per serving,” Zumpano says.

Experiment with other grains and starches:

Sweet potatoes, yams or redskins.
“Limit your carb intake to about 1 cup (or two slices of bread) per meal,” Zumpano suggests.


Diagnosed with Prediabetes:
The diagnosis of pre-diabetes should set off alarm bells. It means you’re on your way toward developing type 2 diabetes, a disease that greatly increases your risk of heart attack and early death.

But there is good news: Diabetes isn’t inevitable. Dietitian Julia Zumpano, RD, LD, says making lifestyle changes can actually prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

The goal is to reduce your carbohydrate intake by choosing more complex carbs and exercising to burn them off.

🧐Watch out for my next post on what she explains about foods to avoid, what to eat instead, what to enjoy only in moderation — and tips for making changes.

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Wholeness of Life
where your health becomes your wealth
