HEAT, Inc.

HEAT, Inc.

Community Tennis Association located in Hartford, Wisconsin


Calling all who graduated from a Wisconsin Little Ten Conference school --- Defend your alma mater's pride. A great day to renew some great memories, friendships, and rivalries :)

HEAT, Inc. Community Tennis Association located in Hartford, Wisconsin


3pm - 5pm today at the HUHS courts.
-It's the first of 2 opportunities to set your spot on the ladder ffor our "doubles ladder league". The other opportunity is Saturday, June 10 (9:30 am-11"30) am.
--No matter which event you attend, you will play 4 games each against 5 randomly chosen people. Your partner (we can help you find one if needed) will do the same. Your combined winning percentage will set your initial rung on the ladder.
The season thaen starts the week of June.
We hope you consider joining the "doubles ladder league". Again, the advantages include:
-flex scheduling (you have 6 daus to schedule, play, and report your match.
-Because of yje ;adder format, you end up playing people at or near your ability leve;.
-It;'s a great way to exercise, enjoy our summer weather, and make new friends.
So consider joining us. RSVP';sare appreciated but not needed. I'll be there to answer questions and guide people through the seeding event.
I hope to see you there.


78 and sunny tomorrow for our first :ladder league seeding event" - We hope u make it! -Sunday, June 4 (3pm-5pm) - The attachment shows an example of how a ladder "season" goes. RSVP not needed but appreciated.


You DON'T have to live in Hartford to join us!
Join us for some summer fun and some social, friendly competition against players at or near your ability level. Sign up for one of our two "ladder seeding" events, where you will play 4 games against each of 5 randomly chosen opponents. They are Sunday, June 4 (3-5 pm) and Saturday, June 10 (9:30-11:30 am). The combined victory percentage of you and your eventual partner will help determine your initial spot on "the ladder". To sign up, please leave a message in the comments below (please state which date(s) you would like to attend) or email us at hartfordheattennis.com -You can also email questions if after reading on, something still doesn't make sense to you. *Also, read the attached flier and "fictional" ladder league season document. They may help you understand how our "ladder league" works.
--While the league is a doubles league, the seeding events are singles. Why? ...because not everyone will have a partner secured yet. Speaking of partners, they can be same gender or you can play as a mixed doubles team. We can also help find you a partner.
---Contrary to popular belief, HEAT's "Doubles Ladder League" doesn't mean you and your partner will be playing tennis on a ladder. That would be slightly dangerous 🙂 -What it means is you will play an opponent at or near your ability level. If you win, you move up a rung on the "fictional" ladder. Plus it includes flexible scheduling. You have six days to set up the day and time of your match (Tuesday thru Sunday afternoon), play your opponents, and report your score. Every Monday, the ladder is reset, and your new weekly opponent is announced. There is also one "social event", the afternoon of Sunday, June 25, where you could climb up to 3 rungs on the ladder. *Don't fret if you can't make it that day. The worst that could happen is you drop 2-3 rungs on the ladder.
---It all leads up to our :Championship Saturday Morning" on July 15. More details on that are available on the attached fliers.
----We hope you consider joining HEAT's "Doubles Ladder League". Also join us for "Aerobic Tennis" from 8-9 am on Saturday mornings from June 10-July 29. It's a low-pressure, non-competitive, great cardio event. Aerobic tennis is a great way to meet people and get a great workout while having a LOT of fun. We even have a :themed" music playlist each week.
---We hope to see you on the court this summer! All of our events are at the Hartford Union High School courts (805 Cedar Street, Hartford), and the new 8-court facility should be completed and playable by late June. The HEAT is definitely on in Hartford this summer!


HEAT, Inc. Community Tennis Association located in Hartford, Wisconsin


There's going to be a lot of HEAT this summer, folks. It all starts Saturday. Nay 27 at the Hartford Union High School courts with our "Summer Kickoff Event" (8-11 am)---- Right after (11 am - 1 pm) will be the first of two "ladder seeding events", where you can create determine your original rung on the ladder of our new, flex schedule, "doubles ladder league". Your second opportunity is Sunday June 4 (3-5 pm).
One advantage of on our "ladder league" is you have 6 days to schedule and play you match (Tuesday-Sunday- The ladder is adjusted on Mondays and your next opponent is generated and published. Another advantage is you end up playing others at or near your ability level . See how high you can climb the ladder before our "Championship Saturday" on July 15.
You DON'T have to live in Hartford to enjoy our ladder league. Why is it singles for the seeding event, yet a doubles league? Because not everyone will have a doubles partner set. We can even help you find a partner.
Check out the fliers. No RSVP for our FREE "Summer Kickoff Event" If you'd like to join, or inquire about our "doubles ladder league", send email to [email protected]. You can also check out our website at hartfordheat.com. We'd LOVE to have you join us!

HEAT, Inc. Community Tennis Association located in Hartford, Wisconsin

Photos from HEAT, Inc.'s post 01/05/2023

Happy "National Tennis Month" from HEAT. Watch for posts during May with more details about the exciting opportunities we have in store this summer for people of all ages, experience, and ability levels. *Join us on May 27 at the HUHS courts for our "Summer Kick-off: Event, including a guest appearance by Vince Vitrano of WTMJ radio. Proceeds from the event will be divided between HEAT and Special Olympics. See you on the court!


Join us on the court this summer! We’d LOVE to have you (tennis pun intended)! :)

HEAT- slideshow 19/03/2023

Learn all about HEAT (Hartford Enjoying and Advocating Tennis).
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1S05lUQAvsZowikVwW3cvXKN5kXt295Om3wQlxcFCI3Q/edit =id.p
-Tap "Slideshow" near the upper-right hand corner of screen.
-In the drop-down menu, tap "Start from beginning"
(It will look like nothing happened.)
-Hover over bottom-left hand corner of screen. (A pop-up menu will appear)!
- Tap the 3 dots. (A pop-up menu" will appear)".
-Tap "Auto-Play". (Another pop-up menu will appear).
-Tap "Play"
*The 4-minute slideshow should start, with some instrumental music

HEAT is a Community Tennis Association (CTA), formed in 2020. We are located in Hartford, Wisconsin. *We are affiliated with the USTA (United States Tennis Association), the WTA (Wisconsin Tennis Association, and are recognized by the state of Wisconsin as a 501c3 organization. We also recently re-united with the Hartford
Chamber of Commerce!
* Most of our activities are located at the Hartford Union High School courts, with new courts being finished this summer.
---Our mission statement includes the words, "...to provide social, educational, and competitive opportunities to people in the community of Hartford and the surrounding area. We welcome people of all abilities and experience levels".
Click on the video link to learn about our founding and our early years. Also learn about opportunities we are planning for 2023, including:
- 2023 "Kickoff Event" (May 27) *Specific details to come!
- Summer Ladder League (June/July) *Doubles- weekly match with flexible scheduling (June 25 & July 15 social events.)
- Social Events (including "Drop-in-and Play" events - very laid- back)
- Little Ten Conference Alumni Tournament (2nd Annual)
- Annual Community Doubles Tournament- (July 15) *Don't let the name fool you. You don't have to live in
- Hartford!!- USTA "World Team Tennis Event" (July 29)
- Tennis Aerobics (dates TBA) - a great cardio workout to some lively, inspirational music
- Family and Youth events (dates TBA)
-USTA Leagues (ongoing June/July)- *Play against other teams from the Greater Milwaukee area.
**Check us out at the following:
-Website- www.hartfordheat.com
-Facebook- HEAT, Inc.
-Email- [email protected]
**The best way to contact us with inquiries/questions is to drop us an email. -In your email, you can also be added to an email list as a way to be added to a group to receive updated details on activities and events.
Whether you are an experienced player, want to be re-introduced to a sport you used to LOVE (tennis pun intended), or have never touched a racket, we have something for you! We hope to "See you on the court"!

With LOVE (again, "tennis pun intended).
-The HEAT Board


HEAT- slideshow The story of … “Friends” -Joe Satriani


A variety of events this summer- something for all ages and ability levels. If you are interested in helping at any of the events (concessions, etc), please let us know.


It looks like the rain is through for the afternoon. Our "drop-in and play" mixer event is on at HUHS courts (2 pm). All ages and experience levels welcome. It's a very laid-back format. *We'll provide water and gatorade. See you on the court.
