Caius Living Wage Campaign

Caius Living Wage Campaign

We are a campaign to ensure that all staff at Gonville & Caius college are payed the Real Living Wage.

Caius Living Wage Open Letter.docx 01/02/2021

Thank you so much to everyone who has signed the open letter so far, we are nearly at 130 signatures!

We have recently updated some of the figures in response to changes made to the Real Living Wage, which has increased from £9.30 to £9.50 per hour. This figure continues to represent the lowest level of income required to to reach the minimum acceptable standard of living, and has been changed by the Living Wage Foundation in response to changes in the cost of goods and services.

As the costs of living rise, and the wages of some Caius workers stay the same, it is more important than ever for us to urge the college to pay all of its workers the Real Living Wage, and to seek accreditation to ensure that this remains the case.

Please continue to support this cause by signing and sharing the open letter with all Cambridge Students and Caius alumni.

Caius Living Wage Open Letter.docx

Caius Living Wage Open Letter.docx 24/01/2021

Within Cambridge Queen’s College, Girton College, Cambridge University Students Union, Cambridge City Council and Anglia Ruskin are all accredited Living Wage employers.

All an institution that is wealthier than all of these, it is time Caius gave the people who make it such a great college decent pay.

Join us, sign the open letter.

Caius Living Wage Open Letter.docx

Caius Living Wage Open Letter.docx 23/01/2021

But why should Caius pay the Living Wage?

The Living Wage Foundation reports that 93% of Living Wage businesses have benefited since becoming accredited.

When staff feel valued and fairly rewarded they are generally more motivated, resulting in less staff turnover, and absenteeism.

Specifically, 86% say that it has improved the reputation of their business, and 75% say that it has increased motivation and rates of employee retention.

Paying the living wage is not only good for the workers at Caius, it is good for the wider wellbeing of the college.

Join us and sign the open letter!

Caius Living Wage Open Letter.docx

Caius Living Wage Open Letter.docx 22/01/2021

Did you know that The Real Living Wage is the only income standard that is calculated based upon actual living costs? It gives a real measure of the wage needed to meet the basic costs of living.

The National Minimum Wage has been labeled by the government as a ‘national living wage’, but this does not ensure the basic needs of all workers are met.

Join us in calling for Caius to ensure all of its workers are paid the Real Living Wage! Sign the open letter:

Caius Living Wage Open Letter.docx

Caius Living Wage Open Letter.docx 20/01/2021

We are the Caius Living wage campaign.

Please sign our open letter:

Caius Living Wage Open Letter.docx

Caius Living Wage Open Letter.docx 13/01/2021

Did you know that out of all of the Cambridge colleges, Caius has the highest percentage of workers (39.9%) paid below £9 an hour (the 2018/19 Real Living Wage). As the fourth wealthiest college in Cambridge by endowment, this is an unacceptable way for Caius to treat its workers. Will you stand with us to demand Caius pays the Real Living Wage to all of its staff?

Sign our open letter:

Caius Living Wage Open Letter.docx
