JoAnn Walker for Sheriff

JoAnn Walker for Sheriff

27 year Veteran Police Officer JoAnn Walker for Alameda County Sheriff in 2022.


Today is the day. Let's get to the polls. Thank you all for your support.

ELECT 1st African American Female, JoAnn Walker for Alameda County Sheriff! Approved by JoAnn Walker 04/06/2022

Three more days until voting day. We can do this. Vote JoAnn Walker for Alameda County Sheriff.

ELECT 1st African American Female, JoAnn Walker for Alameda County Sheriff! Approved by JoAnn Walker


In honor of those who sacrificed it all.

Why we support JoAnn Walker for Alameda County Sheriff 29/05/2022

Why we support JoAnn Walker for Alameda County JoAnn Walker for Sheriff!

Under the current sheriff, the department has been plagued with a myriad of problems that have been ignored and continue to be exacerbated:

The increasing rate of su***des among inmates, low staff morale; the increasing rate of sexual assaults between staff personnel and inmates, as well as sexual assaults between inmates, and
Releasing prisoners, particularly the female inmates, at unreasonable hours of the night when public transportation is unavailable.

Ms. Walker is an award-winning volunteer su***de prevention crisis counselor and a 2016 recipient of the United States Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Community Policing.

Why we support JoAnn Walker for Alameda County Sheriff Eddie Dillard details the reasons why JoAnn Walker and Pamela Price deserve your votes.


I am profoundly grieved and saddened by the tragic news in Uvalde Texas. I am pained beyond measure to see this type of violence happen…once again. We. Must. Find. Our. Way.


Almost two years ago, I decided to put my name in the hat and do what was unheard of: I launched a campaign to run against a long-time sheriff. Many issues have been raised during this campaign, one of which is my qualifications. I thought it would be appropriate to explain why I believe I am capable and more than qualified to be the next Sheriff of Alameda County.

I am a 26-year law enforcement veteran.

My understanding of how law enforcement agencies are run and what the public asks of its sheriff's department is accurate and current.

Below are a few things specifically related to my managerial experience:

• Healthy Streets Operations Center (HSOC)
• Terrorism Liaison Program (TLO)
• BSU/Peer Support
• Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
• Hostage Negotiator Certified (LLRMI)
• (Former) Field Training Officer (FTO)
POST Master Instructor Certified
• Focus: Police response to emotionally disturbed individuals
• Police academy teacher - 7 years
2016 – United States Attorney General’s Award - Distinguished Service in Community Policing
2012 – Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation (Focus: Domestic Violence)

I want to highlight a few things specifically related to my managerial experience:

I am a POST Master Instructor:

As a POST Master Instructor, I can create and facilitate any training course sponsored by POST. Training courses are for any law enforcement officers who work throughout California. I have over seven years as an academy instructor putting these skills to use. I am one of only a few San Francisco Police Officers to hold this title.

I am also a University Adjunct Professor. I have been a professor for over twenty-seven years. I have managed multiple curricula and all of the administrative duties that come with teaching at the university level. Thousands of students have come through my courses, graduated, and are productive members of society.

I think it goes without saying that my ability to manage large operations is transferable to the task required by the Sheriff.


I have placed my logo on this post to allow residents in Alameda County to vote for the person of their choice for Sheriff of Alameda County.

I am the ideal candidate. I am committed to improving public safety, decreasing fatalities at Santa Rita Jail, and providing employees with the tools, training, and supervision needed to do their jobs effectively.

For more information, visit my website, For now, share my logo with everyone you know! And remember, actual change must be voted into the position by voters like you!


JoAnn Walker,
Alameda County Sheriff


When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.

Help me celebrate Asian American & Pacific Islanders' heritage month.

JoAnn Walker

JoAnn Walker for Sheriff 2022 10/05/2022

I am honored to have received an endorsement from Former Oakland Mayor Jean Quan for Alameda County Sheriff.

My goal is to make all of Alameda County a safe place to live, work, and play. If you want to help me improve the Alameda County Sheriff's Department, please visit my website

JoAnn Walker for Sheriff 2022 Alameda County residents deserve a choice! JoAnn Walker will be a strong reform-minded option for voters in a race for top cop against an opponent who has never been challenged.


Happy Mothers Day.


"A recent investigation of Santa Rita by the U.S. Department of Justice concluded that poor treatment of incarcerated people with mental illness there violated the Constitution and the Americans with Disabilities Act. “Clinicians often provide seriously mentally ill prisoners nothing more than handouts that list coping skills or describe deep breathing techniques that may help reduce stress."

The current Sheriff has little desire to truly address the conditions at the facility. The forced effort brought on by the content decree will have some impact, but only if the reforms are truly embraced by the Sheriff and the executive staff.

Unfortunately, that's not the current case.


Deaths and Neglect Behind Bars Magnify Oakland's Sheriff Race - Bolts 30/04/2022

Have you read this article?

"Ahern is now seeking a fifth term, and somehow this is the first cycle he has faced challengers: he initially ran unopposed in 2006 and became sheriff by default."

Between Ahern and his predecessor, it's been over thirty years of "Default" Sheriffs. It is time for you to have a CHOICE.

Although this article highlights the issues at Santa Rita Jail, I believe the issues at the jail are symptoms of more significant problems.

We currently have a Sheriff who refused to take responsibility for a jail culture that is overly punitive. He often blames the County Board of Supervisors for lack of funding yet always finds money for this pet "equipment" projects.

Although this article highlights the issues at Santa Rita Jail, I believe the problems at the jail are symptoms of more significant issues.

As Sheriff, I will:

* Work to be accountable by being transparent in department operations and, when possible, decision-making processes.

* Establish systems that promote diversity at all levels within the Sheriff's Department. This includes executive leadership, mid and first-level supervision, specialty units, and patrol/custody operations.

* Conduct a top-down review of all policies, training practices, and internal procedures to make the department more efficient and effective.

* Convey trustworthy motives and ensure that the idea of Community Relations is the responsibility of all personnel, not just the Community Relations Unit.

Deaths and Neglect Behind Bars Magnify Oakland's Sheriff Race - Bolts Challengers and organizers have blamed Alameda County Sheriff Gregory Ahern for deaths and dangerous conditions that have occurred on his watch at the local California jail.

Photos from JoAnn Walker for Sheriff's post 28/04/2022

I had a great time connecting with Roy Cornelius, the Founder, CEO, and Visionary of the “Marketplace” at 1680 E. 14th Street in San Leandro. The vendors were so kind, engaging, and very interested in my campaign for Sheriff. I thoroughly enjoy meeting with community members and informing them about my plan to improve the Alameda County Sheriff's Department.

JoAnn Walker for Sheriff 2022 24/04/2022

"Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent ex*****on; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. Choice, not chance, determines your destiny."

On June 7th, CHOICE is precisely what we have. If there has ever been a time for a change, it is now. Residents of Alameda County have not had a real opportunity to CHOOSE the leader of the Sheriff's Department in over 30 years. You currently have a CHOICE.

Make this a reality; donate $100 today to elect JoAnn Walker as the next Alameda County Sheriff.

JoAnn Walker for Sheriff 2022 Alameda County residents deserve a choice! JoAnn Walker will be a strong reform-minded option for voters in a race for top cop against an opponent who has never been challenged.


New leadership must be voted in. It requires a new Sheriff to have a different vision of how the Alameda County Sheriff's Department delivers services and how those services are paired with community resources.

I represent the change Alameda County needs. I look different, my life experiences are different, and my understanding of the needs in Alameda County is different. The differences are neither good nor bad. They simply allow me to see a broader vision for the Alameda County Sheriff's Department.

If you are tired of the status quo in Alameda County, vote for me, Joann Walker.

I am the only candidate who has worked through a mandated consent decree and who is committed to addressing the long-standing problems at Santa Rita Jail, WITHOUT EXCUSES.

I will work to make the Alameda County Sheriff's Department:

Accountable to its residents and visitors. Responsive to their needs and committed to the safety of the diverse communities and law enforcement personnel in Alameda County.

Donate 10/04/2022

Perspective matters! How you see a situation can determine how you feel about it; how you feel about it can determine what you do, and what you do can affect the end result. Law enforcement has undergone a litany of changes in the last year. Senate and Assembly bills, County and City regulations, and a loud outcry from the community have shifted the expectations of law enforcement agencies.

Compared to law enforcement's perception of what the public wants, the public's perception of law enforcement isn't always the same. Unfortunately, this last year has shown us the danger in extreme perspectives. Therefore, diversity and balanced leadership at the Alameda County Sheriff's Department is what's needed. As Sheriff, diversity in cultural representation, skill, ability, and most importantly, diversity of thought will be a priority of my administration.

The goal is to make all of Alameda County a safe place to live, work, and play. If you want to help me improve the Alameda County Sheriff's Department, donate, volunteer, and spread the word.

Will you help? Can you donate $100 or even a few dollars to help elect a Sheriff who will finally be responsive to the needs of ALL Alameda County residents?


You finally have a choice! Your contribution of any amount is sincerely appreciated.

JoAnn Walker

Donate We LOVE recurring donors! If you are willing to sign up to show a little bit (or a lot) of love each month, please go to our "Recurring Donor" page and select Monthly!

Alameda County DA, Sheriff Candidate Forums Planned Next Week 07/04/2022

Next Wednesday, April 13th, I will participate in the NOBLE San Francisco Bay Area chapter and Merritt College's Administration of Justice program town hall candidates forum starting at 6 pm.

I will be discussing why I am running for Sheriff, issues within the Department, including the state of the Santa Rita Jail, and other public safety issues.

This is an opportunity for you to get informed about the issues facing the Alameda County Sheriffs' Department and how I believe, as your next Sheriff, we can make the Sheriff's Department more responsive to every resident in Alameda County.

Register here to join:

Alameda County DA, Sheriff Candidate Forums Planned Next Week


I want to remind everyone that early voting begins on May 9th, 2022. Make sure you are registered to vote.

JoAnn Walker for Sheriff 2022 30/03/2022

As a 40~year Alameda County resident, 27~year Law Enforcement Officer, and 27~year college adjunct professor, I have made it my mission to positively impact my community and improve the lives of generations to come.

Over the last few weeks, I have participated in forums, conducted interviews, and spoken to many Alameda County residents. Here are some things I have learned or confirmed.

1. Alameda County residents want a Sheriff's Office that is responsive to their concerns.

2. Alameda County residents are tired of the lack of transparency of the Sheriff's Office.

3. Alameda County residents are tired of hearing about the deaths and lack of services programing at the Santa Rita Jail.

4. Alameda County residents finally want the opportunity to have a CHOICE in who leads the Sheriff's Office.

I entered this race because I believe the residents of Alameda County need an opportunity to choose their next Sheriff. For over thirty years, Alameda County has settled for Sheriffs who have been tone-deaf and dictatorial.

My goal is to make Alameda County a safe place to live, work, and play. If you want to help improve the Alameda County Sheriff's Department, please visit my website and donate.

JoAnn Walker for Sheriff 2022 Alameda County residents deserve a choice! JoAnn Walker will be a strong reform-minded option for voters in a race for top cop against an opponent who has never been challenged.