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Video: A Strict Buffer Zone Can Wake Us Up

In this video, Tracy talks about why a relaxed wind-down routine filled with things we actually enjoy is more helpful than sticking to a rigid routine before bed:

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Video: A Strict Buffer Zone Can Wake Us Up
In this video, Tracy talks about why a relaxed wind-down routine filled with things we actually enjoy is more helpful than sticking to a rigid routine before bed:

Why Being Awake at Night Might Not Be So Bad...
In this short video, Tracy explains what we can do to help our future selves (and future sleep!) instead of lying in bed tossing and turning when we can't sleep:

Jolted Awake Just When Falling Asleep?
Jumps or jerks right when we're about to fall asleep are common, and not dangerous. Tracy explains more about them in this short video:

Can't Fall Asleep Easily? Here Are 2 Reasons Why That Might Be! (video)
Which is harder, falling asleep or staying asleep? When it comes to falling asleep, here are 2 reasons why falling asleep is so hard:

When I Wake Up at Night and Can't Sleep...This Is What I do
If I wake up and my mind is racing or I am feeling agitated, I will take those wakeful, agitated, mental machinations and move them to another place. Check out the short video to learn how and why:

Why Is Sleep Hygiene So Easy, But So Hard?
For Kelly, practicing good sleep hygiene is the easy part. Waiting for it to make a difference is the hard part:

Hot Tip for a Hot Bath (video)
We often think of hot baths before bedtime as relaxing and part of a winddown routine. But is there more to the science behind why hot baths promote sleep?

How to Build a Buffer Zone for Sleep
What goes in a buffer zone for sleep? How long does it last? In this video, Tracy shares what a buffer zone is and tells us all about her's:

How Does Exercise Affect Sleep Drive?
In this video, Tracy shares how being physically active helps us build up sleep drive: