Jesus Baptism Global Outreach

Jesus Baptism Global Outreach

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What a glorious day ~ A precious 94-year-old woman was baptized in Jesus’ name and received the gift of the Holy Ghost at this morning’s service! We truly serve a miracle working God!


The Bible prophecies a 3rd World War.

1/3 of mankind will die.
1/3 of the sun, moon, stars will stop shining
1/3 of the sea will become blood.
1/3 of all sea life will die.
1/3 of all ships will be destroyed.
1/3 of trees will be burned up.
All green grass will be burned up.

Make sure you are Biblically saved. It’s not too late.

Jesus said you must be born of water and of the Spirit in order to enter into the kingdom of God.

Born of water = baptism in JESUS NAME
Born of the Spirit = receive the Holy Ghost

“...REPENT, and be BAPTIZED every one of you in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins, and ye shall RECEIVE the gift of the HOLY GHOST.” (Acts 2:38)


Jesus commanded His Apostles to baptize " the NAME..." (Matt. 28:19)

of the Father: JESUS (John 5:43)
of the Son: JESUS (Matt. 1:21)
of the Holy Ghost: JESUS (John 14:26)

That's why the Apostles ALL baptized in JESUS' NAME.

There are not 2 contradicting Baptisms after the Resurrection. To Baptize in JESUS NAME is to fulfill Matt. 28:19.

"One Lord, one faith, ONE BAPTISM,"
(Eph. 4:5)

" baptized in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins..."
(Acts 2:38)

"And he commanded them to be baptized in the NAME of the Lord."
(Acts 10:48)

"When they heard this, they were baptized in the NAME of the Lord JESUS."
(Acts 19:5)

"Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other NAME under heaven given among men by which we MUST be saved."
(Acts 4:12)

“He that believeth and IS BAPTIZED shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.”
(Mark 16:16)

If this is incorrect, then the Apostles were all wrong and everyone baptized in the book of Acts would have been ignorantly or purposely baptized incorrectly.


Faith is SUBSTANCE. (Heb. 11:1)

Faith comes by HEARING. (Romans 10:17a)

SUBSTANCE comes by HEARING, whether it be from hearing a lie or from hearing the truth.

The faith referred to in Romans 10:17 is faith IN THE TRUTH, which comes by hearing and believing the Word of God rightly divided.

SUBSTANCE gained by the truth is deliverance, liberation, safety, knowledge.

In contrast, when someone hears and believes a lie, they are putting their faith IN A LIE.

SUBSTANCE gained by a lie is bo***ge, confusion, harm, ignorance.

Thus, the NECESSITY for God’s Word to be preached by a preacher truly called by Him!

Friendships, family, money donations, etc. DO NOT equate to God‘s stamp of approval.

A preacher is not called by God unless he is exactly that - CALLED BY GOD.

Be careful who you listen to, because you are taking in SUBSTANCE.

“Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.” (Ephesians 5:6)



“ not conformed to this world...” (Romans 12:2)

“...come out from among them, and be ye separate...” (2 Corinthians 6:17)

“...keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27)

“...deny...worldly lusts...” (Titus 2:12)

“...My kingdom is not of this world...” (John 18:36)


“...Satan...deceiveth the whole world...” (Revelation 12:9)

“...the whole world lieth in wickedness.” (1 John 5:19)

“Woe unto the world...” (Matthew 18:7)

“And I will punish the world for their evil...” (Isaiah 13:11)

“...deliver us from this present evil world...” (Galatians 1:4)


“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)


“...Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (John 3:5)


“...Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 2:38)

Repent = Turning Away From Sin and Turning Toward God (Death to Sin Lifestyle)

Baptism in JESUS NAME = Spiritual Burial with Jesus Christ

Receive Holy Ghost = Spiritually Resurrected Together with Jesus Christ


Moses’s Mother was pro-life, and pro-freedom. BIBLE FACT.

She didn’t surrender her free will to appease a satanic government’s HUNGER for CONTROL.

Her uncommon sense is the ONLY REASON a nation escaped slavery.


1. Is she SAVED? Has she been Born Again as stated in John 3:5 and revealed in Acts 2:38? Is she keeping her salvation by living holy? 🌊🔥

2. How does she SPEAK to/about others? Herself? Her parents? Her pastor? Does she talk respectfully and humbly or arrogant and rude? 🗣😊😡

3. Does she dress MODESTLY? Does she honor God by dressing appropriately or does she give ungodly men something to stare at? 👁👚👗

4. Is she GROWING in her walk with God or has she become complacent or even backslidden? 🙏🔥

5. Does she KNOW and LOVE the truth? Does she have an understanding of Biblical doctrine or is she currently confused? (Majority of today’s saints both female & male) 📖🧠💡

5b. Does she LOVE the truth or does she view the revelation that God had called her to live by as a burden?❤️😊🙄

Believe it or not ladies, godly men pay attention to these 5 things.

Take it or leave it 🤷‍♂️

A saved man wants a woman who will compliment his walk with God. Not a woman who will fight every single little speck of holiness. 📖💪

He wants to be happy with his wife who he strives to make the Rapture with. 👨❤️👩


This cobra can shoot it’s venom at anything close enough.

You don’t always need to grab a snake to be poisoned.

All it takes is to ignore wisdom.

Just get close enough to feel the “thrill” of adrenaline. The “thrill” of sin.

That “thrill” can cost you everything.

That’s why the Bible says: “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” (1 Thess. 5:22)

Let us call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for strength FOR TODAY!


“The Discerning of Spirits” (1 Cor. 12:10)

The rarest, least popular, and most opposed gift of the Holy Ghost.

You can’t hide from those that have it.

The discerning of spirits is an extraordinary defense for the saint who has it. You cannot hide from them. You cannot deceive them.

They can see things about you that you don’t know about yourself.

This spiritual transparency provides hidden knowledge about others. It exposes the very things they try desperately to hide. It exposes what is hidden from the majority. It exposes what they don’t want exposed.

This opens the door for their needs to be addressed, and for deliverance to be manifested should they desire such.

Unfortunately, most people don’t want to really be told what spirits they have in them.

They would rather have demons and “feel saved” than to be told the truth, get deliverance, and really BE saved.

This gift is extremely rare today. Most people who claim to have it are worldly, blind, and imposters.

It requires God’s choosing and the recipient must continue a life of strict sanctification.


God had a great purpose for Jonah. So great, that it couldn’t be ignored.

Jonah was about to mess his life up. This always happens when a person tries to walk out on God.

So God “prepared” a great fish to bring Jonah back on course. God literally CREATED A SITUATION to boomerang Jonah back into the path of life.

In this moment (the great fish), Jonah came to his senses and returned to God through repentance and worship.

Jonah remembered that life with God is perfect, and he was transparent with Him in prayer.

God was so pleased to see Jonah, whom He dearly loved, choose life, that He spoke deliverance into his situation and brought Jonah back on course.

The fish isn’t pretty, but life sure is when you come out!

“And the LORD spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.” (Jonah 2:10)


God is love, and He gave us the ability to love because love is a “driving force”.

Love causes us to take action when situations need to change for the better.

Love allows us to forgive someone’s mistakes. It motivates us to pray for a better tomorrow.

Love accomplishes what cannot be accomplished by fear, selfishness, or hatred.

Love produces an inner willingness to stand strong in the face of sacrifice.

Love is so powerful, that it cannot rest independently. It “drives” in the direction it is facing, even if it’s subtle.

If we love God, it will drive us toward Him as He draws us in. It will drive us to do His will in the goodness of the Holy Ghost. It will drive us into mental stability, grattitude, a place of hope, happiness, and satisfaction.

On the contrary, if we love darkness, it will drive us away from God. It will drive us into uncertainty, into selfish temporary desires, into a place of fear, anger, sorrows. Even if you do not love those things, the love of darkness will produce it.

There is no better day than today to examine your own heart and direction you’re going.

Let us love God in return to His love for us.

He is only a humble prayer away.


When you pray for God’s will to be done in your life, you will go through more trials than those who don’t.

God brings us into the position to have our flesh tried, because we prayed for it, so the strength of the Holy Ghost becomes our only strength to hold onto.

Thus, the power of the flesh becomes subdued under the power of God. It is in these moments that the glory of God’s power rests heavily upon us.

For this, we should never envy those “living” in pleasure out of the will of God. As they do not seek God’s will, so will they continue to walk toward an eternity absent from it.

The Bible says that it is God’s will that all men (and women) be saved.

We should always be praying for His will to be fulfilled in our lives (our salvation) and the lives of others (their salvation) should they and ourselves yield to His calling.


A hypocrite with their words is a verbal predator.

They recognize, hoard, and consume the trust of others. Be honest & seek honest company.


(Matthew 10:24-26

24 The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.

25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?

26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.


We ought to faithfully respond to God the same day He speaks to us.

Each day has exclusive timing, with exclusive circumstances.


Jesus is with us in persecution, suffering, hardship.


God took a rib from Adam’s SIDE and created woman. Again, Adam’s SIDE.

He did NOT use a bone from UNDER HIS FOOT.

When the Bible tells a man how to properly “rule” his household, it’s talking about properly LEADING.

Husbands, you are NOT a taskmaster. Your wife & children are NOT your slaves OR property.

It’s your responsibility and authority to LEAD, provide for, and protect your family.

They have their own FREE WILL, and their souls have to give their own account to God independently.

They decide whether or not to submit to God’s family order, and it’s your job to properly respond to such.

This is 100% scripturally sound and enforced by both the Old & New Testaments.

God Bless!!


Episode 3 of Let’s Talk Marriage! 💍❤️

Today’s Episode is about the INFLUENCE your spouse choice can have on your walk with God for the better or the worse.

God Bless!


Hunger for God causes us to prioritize. Hope in God drives us to pursue after Him.


Discussing people’s behavior toward truth in the last days.

Here are the timestamps for some topics in this video. God Bless!

1:31 Offenses Will Come
2:21 Born Again Brings Spiritual Revelation
7:00 God is God
9:20 Harvest is Ripe for Witnessing
10:44 People Fight Oneness
13:06 People Fight Holiness
17:34 Must Worship God in Spirit & Truth
18:02 Witnessing to the Lost
20:19 Rapture
21:16 Spiritual Warfare


Praise God!

This is ONLY ONE profile that shared our video “Receiving the Holy Spirit in About 2 Minutes”. I remember praying to God for these “to spread like wildfire” and surely enough He’s ANSWERED THE PRAYER!

These videos have been shared WORLDWIDE on Facebook and have received MILLIONS (plural) of views!

I’m NOT bragging about myself, I’m TESTIFYING to tell you that GOD CAN USE YOU if you remain faithful!!!

DON’T GIVE UP on a vision from God!

Learn More & Find a Church:


Bro. Vince
Jesus Baptism Global Outreach
[email protected]


The ability to love your enemies in spite of adversity is a freedom that only comes from God who “is love”.
(1 John 4:8)

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(Matthew 10:24-2624 The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.25 It is enough for the discipl...