Arthritis & Joint Pain Reliever

Arthritis & Joint Pain Reliever

Allow The Body To Move Freely. Live A Painless And Healthy Life


Spondyloarthritis defines a group of inflammatory diseases that affects both the joints and the locations where the ligaments and tendons attach to the bones.

Forms of Spondylitis includes:
Causes due to inflammation of the Vertebrae and the Sacroiliac Joints at the base of the spine.

It is an autoimmune disorder caused due to itchy or scaly rash. It is common in smaller joints and may also affect the spine.

Often occurs in the lower back and tends to go away on its own.


Back pain is a most common symptoms seen in all age groups. Some may experience pain even before arthritis which can be observed in X-rays. Eye inflammation may occur causing pain watery eyes and Blurred vision.

Symptoms of back pain may include:
a. Back and neck pain especially in lower back
b. Stiffness and loss of flexibility in the spine.
c. Swelling and tenderness over affected vertebrae
d. Feeling of grinding when moving the spine.
e. Pain, swelling and Stiffness in the body.
f. Whole body weakness and fatigue
g. Pain and numbness in the arms or legs if the nerves are affected
h. Headaches


Osteoarthritis is the most common type of Arthritis that affects the spine. Arthritis can occur anywhere along the spine but occurs more frequently in the lower back and neck. The pain and stiffness are the most common symptoms of Spinal Arthritis.

Treatment may include pain medications, Steroid injections, Physical therapies and Surgeries in severe cases. Risk factors involved when a patient suffers from Spinal Arthritis are:
a. Age
b. Genetic Disorders
c. Excess weight or obesity
d. Presence of certain conditions such as Diabetes, Tuberculosis, Irritable bowel syndrome and Lyme disease


Occupational Therapies treat injured, ill or disabled patients through Therapeutic use of everyday activities. They help patients to recover, develop, improve as well as maintain the skills needed for daily living and working. It evaluates and improve their ability to self-regulate emotions and participate in social interactions.

Occupational Therapies is recommended when a condition or illness affects the ability to do various day-to- day tasks including:
a. Recovery from an injury or surgery
b. Pain management
c. Neurological conditions or recovery from a stroke
d. Joint conditions such as Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
e. Developmental conditions such as Autism, Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disorders and Intellectual disabilities.
f. Psychological conditions such as Depression and Anxiety.
g. Dementia or Alzheimers disease


Different kinds of Physical Therapies proves to be effective in reducing inflammation. It won't reverse arthritis but can help slow the process and decrease symptoms. It will prescribe targeted exercises and stretches that will keep joints and pain- free.

Physical Therapies is recommended when a condition or illness affects any surgery or injury. Movement or range of motion can be used for:
a. Improving mobility after an injury.
b. Recovery following a surgical procedure.
c. Pain management and Urinary incontinence.
d. Joint conditions includes Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing spondylitis.
e. Neurological conditions such as Schlerosis, Parkinson's disease and recoveries after stroke.
f. Lung conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Cystic Fibrosis.
g. Heart conditions and Cancer


Spinal arthritis is treated through non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids to reduce pain and swelling. Physical therapies improves back muscle strength and range of motion in the spine.

Spinal Arthritis defines the inflammation of the facets joints present between the spine and the pelvis. It may be related to wear and tear, autoimmune disorders, infections and other conditions.


Chiropractic care involves taking medications or undergoing surgery. It covers many health conditions for all age groups focusing on the Musculoskeletal and nervous system.

Chiropractor may:
a. Evaluates symptoms based on physical examination and tests.
b. Provides adjustments to other body areas or use techniques to decrease pain and inflammation.
c. Recommend doing certain exercises at home to reduce pain and inflammation.


Chiropractors aren't licensed physicians but they receive specialised training which focuses on the relationship between the Musculoskeletal system and overall health.

Chiropractic care primarily focuses on disorders of the Musculoskeletal and nervous systems. They use manipulations and adjustment to help body heal itself. This may treat patients having Back pain, Neck pain, Headache and Joint pains which include knees, hips and elbows.


Physical Therapies focuses on improving the ability to move and function without pain and in turn helps boost a person's quality of life. It evaluates and guides a person's stretches and exercises educating alternative ways to stay active and healthy.

a. Improves movement, strength and ranges of motion.
b. Decreasing pain
c. Preventing your condition from getting worse.
d. Educating a person about different ways to maintain overall fitness and functionality.


Physical Therapy and Occupational therapy are two different things though they both sound similar.

a. Focuses on helping improve body movement, mobility and function.
b. It uses a variety of exercises, stretches or other physical activities.

a. Focuses on helping a person carry out his daily tasks more easily.
b. Improves a person's dine and gross motor skills so that you can carry out specific day-to- day activities.


Age is a major factors found in occurance of Arthritis problem. Osteoarthritis is commonly found in people ageing more than 50 years whereas Rheumatoid Arthritis is observed in people ageing between 35 to 50 years. Fractures and Dislocations are found common among the most common injuries that lead to Arthritis. Mostly Arthritis is first sign seen in hands in the form of Bin, Swelling, Changes on surrounding joints, warmth, Crepitation, Looseness and cysts.
Joint issues that includes Joint infections, overuse, loose ligaments and poorly aligned joints can also lead to hand or wrist Arthritis


Many studies have proved that there is a deep connection between lack of Vitamin D and Rheumatoid Arthritis. The bright side of the sun helps the body get Vitamin D which is essential for bone health and a well-functioning immune system.
Vitamin D is essential to help prevent thinning of the bones especially where they have a high risk from a long term chronic illness such as a type of inflammatory Arthritis.


People suffering from Joint problem often have low levels of Vitamin D in their body. So, in order to maintain their body, they should focus on foods intake and have to be careful in what foods to avoid.

These are the list of foods that one can eat in order to fight with Rheumatoid Arthritis. These include:
a. Citrus foods or the foods rich in Vitamin C are good sources of inflammation fighting antioxidants.
b. Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids rich foods such as Fatty Fish Salmon, Mackerel and Tuna.
c. Vitamin E and C rich foods such as Dark leaf Green vegetables.
d. Nuts and Berries
e. Garlic and onion
f. Olive oil
g. Green tea


Arthritis can develop and become worse spreading from affected areas but it can't be contagious. If a person is suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis, he or she needs to balance rest and exercise carefully. Therefore, rest more in order to reduce inflammation, pain and fatigue whereas, exercise more when you are normal.
Risk factors of Arthritis include:
a. Family history or Genetic Disorder
b. Depends on a person's age.
c. Previous Joint Injury
d. Obesity


Although there is no cure to Arthritis problem occurring globally today, Regular exercises can help keep joints flexible. Swimming and Water aerobics may be good choices to start with as it reduces the stress on weight-bearing joints.
Treatment of Arthritis could include rest, Occupational or Physical therapies, Hot or cold compresses, Joint protection, Physical exercises, Drugs and sometimes Surgeries to correct Joint damage. Heating pads or ice packs may relieve Arthritis pain in a faster way.


Orthopaedic physiotherapy is the most common form of physical therapy. Sports physiotherapist use Orthopaedic therapy to treat Sports injuries most common side effects of physiotherapy includes soreness, stiffness, bruising, swelling,and Redness.
10 knees strengthening exercises for senior citizens includes
A) calfraises
B) knee extensions
C) standing knee flexion
D) leg raises
E) wall Squats
F) stepups
G) side steps
H) resistance band Squats steps


Osteoarthritis is observed in senior citizens because when the cartilage cushion knee joint starts to wear down. This can happen as you get older or because of an old injury or other stress on the joints. Although there's no cure you can treat the pain.
Older people can definitely regain good leg strength if they do regular strength having exercise and increase the intensity of their exercise in a slow and safe way.
Self - care measures of an injured knee include rest, ice, heat, compression,and elevation. These measures are the fastest way to relieve knee pain.


One of the most common ailments during ageing are joint and knee pain. Basic tasks such as walking, sitting and supporting smaller physical movements depend on the mobility of the knees and legs. Top recurring knee problems include Tendonities, Osteoarthritis, Sprains and Falls.

Preventive Tios for knee strengthening exercises include:
a. Maintain a healthy weight
b. Avoid injuries
c. Have a regular workout routine
d. Stretching and Mobility


Osteoarthritis commonly affects weight bearing joints such as knee but it affects any Joint of the body. Osteoarthritis of the knee is one of the 5 leading causes of disabilities among elderly men and women. The risk for disability from Osteoarthritis knee is as great as Cardiovascular disease. There is a saying that the most effective way to alleviate pain in knee joints is simply get moving. Walking is considered to be a low impact activity that doesn't put too much stress on the knees and help them strengthen the muscles in that specific area.


Do you know why arthritis is so painful for people ageing above 40 years in winter season? It is because of a fall in barometric pressure which often occurs as a cold front approaches causing Joints expansion which results in pain.

There is no cure to this arthritis pain but the Joint and knee pain could be limited through medicines, weight reduction, doing Physical exercises regularly and surgeries. The most promising alternative remedies for arthritis pain include Accupuncture, Glucosamine, Chondrotin, Fish oil, Yoga and Taichi and Proper Joints Massage.


According to the American College of Rheumatology and the Arthritis Foundation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the one of the most effective OTC remedies for managing Osteoarthritis pain. A simple home remedy to elevate Knee pain could be get off your feet and apply a cold compress bag of ice to the knees. Frozen vegetables such as peas will also work if you have no ice handy. Wrap your knee with a compression bandage to prevent swelling but not so tightly it cuts off circulation while you're resting, keep your foot elevated.


Joint pains, Knee pain and Arthritis problems are commonly seen in people ageing between 40 years and 60 Years. Both the Centres for Disease control and Prevention(CDC) and the Arthritis Foundation recommend Exercise programs for Hip and Knee Arthritis that include flexibility, strengthening, endurance and balance.

Yoga has been the most effective physiotherapy recommended by most Health experts. It contains 4 components making it a perfect tool for reducing Arthritis and disability. Pranayam like Bharamari, Ujjayi, Anslow vilom, Kapalbhati, Sh*tili and Sh*tkari besides Surya namaskar that are effective in curing Joint Pain.
