Homeschool with Hussain

Homeschool with Hussain

A platform where i share all homeschool resources i create and love doing with my son.


This is Hussains favourite book. Wev had it since ever. I used to read it to him after all our activity sessions. Slowly he started picking up words from it and now he likes to read it on his own!
Consistency is the key.


This took alot of practise.
It comes under the category of fine motor skills. For us it was one of the hard ones. Specially with the long cylinderical beads as you have to push the string further inorder for it to come out from the other end.
pro tip:
Do not frustrate yourself and your child and start with the small beads. Once those are mastered add the big ones.


Hussain loves chocolates!
And so i used chocolate as a motivator for him. Initially he did not have the temprament to sit through an activity and finish it in order to get chocolate. And i never pushed him. I always went at a pace he was comfortable with.

Trust me, pushing a child to finish a task inorder to get whatever motivator you use, specially in the beginning creates aversion.
So give it time. always.
Today we are at a stage where there are days he completely forgets abt the chocolate throughout a 30 minute session as he is so involved. And thn there are days when its all about chocolate like today😁!


Practising our numbers😊!
Booklet made out of colored chart paper. Number printouts, white velcro dots and numbers cut out of felt on top for matching.
easy peasy!
I ordered self-adhesive velcro dots on daraz.


Activitiess.. he wants to do activities all day and i havent got enoughπŸ˜… oh and we tried the pom poms one again today and he is getting a hang of it.
I am thinking of making some new ones today! Will be sharing soon.


The tong is for tapping and the pom poms for throwing😁.

Timeline photos 05/03/2021

Tong and pom poms!
I created this activity and was really excited about it but it didnt go really well with Hussain. Looking at the pom poms he gets all excited and throws them away. So i decided to not enforce it on him and put it on hold for a while and try after a few days!
Cant blame him though. Pom poms get kids all excited and you want to throw them all over.

Timeline photos 27/02/2021

Magnetic fishing game activity converted into a shoebox task!
So basically what i did was, all such activity based toys that we had and Hussain somehow didnt really show interest in them, i converted them into task boxes, as tax boxes work for us!
The biggest benefit of an activity in the shape of a task box, according to me is the clarity it provides of what is requried to be done. Gives an instant sense of achievement once done and the box is put aside, moving on to the next task.

Timeline photos 27/02/2021


Hussain LOVES this matching activity. Out of all the things we do, the activities that involve these cards, he likes them the most.
So we started with matching identical cards. Pictures on a plain white background. That was the first step. And we continued using those cards for a good 1 month before we moved to these 'similar object cards'. Items that are similar, not identical and placed in more natural backgrounds.

Timeline photos 24/02/2021

A Visual Task Schedule!
It helps to prepare the child for the next acrivity, next step of a activity or a sequence of activities. For example as you can i see i am using numbers because Hussain just wantd to count all day long. So this helps him in number recognition too. Plus he knows when 5 is done, its over!

When the child comes and sits on the table he right away knows whats expected out of him.

Timeline photos 23/02/2021

An early morning project of ours!
We painted a wall in our room with green chalkboard paint!
While Hussain chilled with pancakes and one of his favourite books, me and Hassan, his elder brother carried out our little project and to my surprise the paint dried out within 20 mins!
You can easily do it by yourself plus also a super fun activity for kids who enjoy painting!


Ok so we had this toy for a very long time but i could not get Hussain to play with it properly. He would always use the monkeys elsewhere while playing with other animals and so i thought of converting it into a task box and it just did the trick!
Sometimes just restructuring something can make it work.

Timeline photos 22/02/2021


When you want to get rid of all the coins at the same timeπŸ™ƒ!
Easy to make and super fun to do.

Timeline photos 21/02/2021

Timeline photos 20/02/2021

Somedays are only for looking at our favourite books. This being Hussain's top favourite he knows all of it and can read it on his own.
As wev been reading it daily, clarity in speech has really improved with this book.
If your child is not into books much i wouls suggest try and surround them with books as much as possible. Musical books, touch and feel books, books of their favourite characters. Dont try and force them into reading as that clearly never works!

Timeline photos 20/02/2021

Waiting for my class to begin be like..
He actually looks forward to our sessions which makes me SO HAPPY😁


Even if your child has some verbal abilities, i would suggest on having these noun cards to prompt language. It is a great tool. The more opportunities you provide for your child to communicate the happier you both will be!
Step 1:
Learn to match identical cards. Clear images of an object on a plain white background (2 same cards of the same item) for identical matching.

Timeline photos 19/02/2021

Language Builder Picture Noun Cards.
This 350 card set includes stunning, child-pleasing, bright images from nine basic categories: animals, foods, vehicles, furniture, clothing, toys, everyday objects, shapes, and colors.


He loves this activity and we have mastered it and so its now used as an ' inbetween motivational activity' to avoid getting him overwhelmed with new stuff.

Timeline photos 18/02/2021

Always try and start with something your child is already aware of as with Hussain it was colors. 'Orange' used to be his favourite color. This activity made him learn the names of more colors and icreased sitting span too along with the other benefits mentioned.

Timeline photos 17/02/2021

Me and my little boy welcome you to be a part of this wonderful jouney of ours. We will be sharing whatever activites we do, with you guys.

Hussain is 3.5yrs old and he has speech delay. I had not enrolled him in a school due to covid-19. Due to the same reason we did not start with any speech therapy but i believe this age upto 5yrs is very crucial for a childs development and so i did not want to waste anytime. I started working with him, created activites for him that would help in his speech and overall skills. It has been an amazing experience so far and an equally learning one for me along with him!

Videos (show all)

This is Hussains favourite book. Wev had it since ever. I used to read it to  him after all our activity sessions. Slowl...
This took alot of practise. πŸ’™It comes under the category of fine motor skills. For us it was one of the hard ones. Speci...
Activitiess.. he wants to do activities all day and i havent got enoughπŸ˜… oh and we tried the pom poms one again today an...
Even if your child has some verbal abilities, i would suggest on having these noun cards to prompt language. It is a gre...
