Kendrick Sims - Author

Kendrick Sims - Author

Writer of the Waterford, Michigan based children's series "Lazar & Jingles with Bunson."

Waterford's Requiem: A Second Sequel to The Fallen Snow 01/10/2023

Waterford's Requiem by Kendrick Sims - Author

Fate is not without friends. Sitting alone on a sunny day Bunson Bear is to find this out. The intrusion of a temporal tinkerer is not an unwelcome one to the eight-year-old bear. Bunson, having lost his best pal Topper still grieves greatly. Of the visitor, a formal introduction is begun while Bunson sleeps. At first Bunson does not know that anyone has arrived. Much smaller than himself, even if Bunson were awake he could not be blamed for missing the little ones entrance. It is not until the entrant speaks that Bunson knows that he has made a new friend, and know he does for the sound of the speaker is unmistakable. The sounds he makes are not words but they do communicate and they say much. Bunson fully awakens and sees who is before himself and instantly knows what The Good Lord demands of him. Bunson's new friend is a kitten. A little cow kitten, black and white all over and the little one is hungry. Someone unseen has placed this little life in Bunson's paws to care for and nurture. Bunson went to sleep quite alone in the world and woke up with a gift. A special gift, one of friendship and all that the gift of friendship entails. Responsibility, diligence and trust. These things and more Bunson must give to the little one he will name Freddy.

Waterford's Requiem: A Second Sequel to The Fallen Snow Waterford's Requiem: A Second Sequel to The Fallen Snow

Lazar & Jingles present: The Fallen Snow: A Su***de in Waterford 26/06/2023

Lazar & Jingles present: The Fallen Snow***de-Waterford-ebook/dp/B0BQZFXTMB/

Lazar and Jingles have known many adventures over the course of their short lives. They've been in space. They've crossed over into other dimensions. They've saved the world. Presently, a new mission calls for brave and caring duo. One that has struck far closer to home. She sits waiting in the community tree house. Waiting. Weeping. Wondering what the world has in store for her. For her world has come to a screeching halt.

Lazar & Jingles present: The Fallen Snow: A Su***de in Waterford Lazar and Jingles have known many adventures over the course of their short lives. They've been in space. They've crossed over into other dimensions. They've saved the world. Presently, a new mission calls for brave and caring duo. One that has struck far closer to home. She sits waiting in the c...

Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present Found Among You: A Sequel to The Fallen Snow 19/05/2023

Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present Found Among You:
A Sequel to The Fallen Snow.
Kindle Edition.

Not even a memory ago, Waterford lost one of her daughters. Under circumstances not understood, a daughters friends search for answers. Those friends are few. Their questions are many. In this time and place help is in short supply. He whom holds the key to the answers has been secured away himself. As Jingles might say, circumstances are not conducive to revelation. Fortunately, Jingles is never alone in his search for truth. As always, his best friend Lazar is at his side. Also, lurking about is Lazar's younger brother, Nipsy. An inquisitive little lion who has offered to lend a hand. Present, helpful and courageous is Mama Bear's Bunson. His invitation has been sent and he is late to arrive, but Bunson will play a vital role in what amounts to a haunted house tale. Welcome to Waterford, ladies and gentlemen. If you should find a rose don't pick it up. It very well might turn blue.

Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present Found Among You: A Sequel to The Fallen Snow Not even a memory ago, Waterford lost one of her daughters. Under circumstances not understood, a daughters friends search for answers. Those friends are few. Their questions are many. In this time and place help is in short supply. He whom holds the key to the answers has been secured away himse...


A sequel to Lazar & Jingles present The Fallen Snow is just about finished. It will be titled Found Among You. It's a Christian book, kind of like an old-fashioned haunted house yarn. Something to be read during the runup to Halloween. The book will have good Christian values set down within its pages, but it will also be spooky fun as well. I'm hoping to get it finished within the next two weeks. We'll see!

Lazar and Jingles with Bunson in: Showers of Sorrow 26/04/2023

Amazon has Showers of Sorrow on sale for $6.74.
This is the sixth book in the series.

Lazar and Jingles with Bunson in: Showers of Sorrow Lazar and Jingles with Bunson in: Showers of Sorrow

Lazar & Jingles present: The Fallen Snow: A Su***de in Waterford 25/04/2023

Lazar & Jingles present: The Fallen Snow: A Su***de in Waterford Kindle Edition
By Kendrick Sims - Author***de-Waterford-ebook/dp/B0BQZFXTMB/

Several hours ago Amanda Henderman took her own life. Her daughter, now feeling quite alone in the world must be made to feel that she is not. In shock, despair and silent, a lonely and confused little elephant awaits an uncertain future. It will arrive in the form of her friends Lazar and Jingles. However, the two are not alone in their task, for they have a great helper who is always with them. They have God. With God, Lazar and Jingles will enter a tree house to aid young Caroline. Whether or not the help will be accepted and received, this is very much in doubt. Caroline, like her mother before her has never been one for prayer.

Lazar & Jingles present: The Fallen Snow: A Su***de in Waterford Lazar and Jingles have known many adventures over the course of their short lives. They've been in space. They've crossed over into other dimensions. They've saved the world. Presently, a new mission calls for brave and caring duo. One that has struck far closer to home. She sits waiting in the c...

Alice: A Kitten's Arrival 11/03/2023

Alice: A Kitten's Arrival.
By Kendrick Sims - Author

My little Alice Sims, born April 29th, 2022. She arrived at my house a little less than five weeks later, on June 1st, 2022. She was less than five weeks old on that sunny day in May and Alice was the runt of her litter. Two of her litter mates as well as her mother had recently passed away, her mom only the night prior, panic had ensued. Alice was still in the nursing phase of her development. She could not poo or p*e on her own and she needed a lot of supervision. Me, being home all day every day, well, Alice's path and mine just kind of naturally came together. Needless to say, I did not get much sleep in the coming weeks. Alice had to be bottle fed every four hours, as well as helped along with answering natures call. I had become her surrogate mother. At the age of 42, I became a mom. In God's world, anything is possible!

Alice: A Kitten's Arrival My little Alice Sims, born April 29th, 2022. She arrived at my house a little less than five weeks later, on June 1st, 2022. She was less than five weeks old on that sunny day in May and Alice was the runt of her litter. Two of her litter mates as well as her mother had recently passed away, her ...

Cubby 03/02/2023

Cubby by Kendrick Sims - Author

In the late Spring of 2015, I met a very skinny kitty. I named him Cubby. He didn't remain skinny for long. Over a short period of time my little Cubby became somewhat chubby, and he became a huge part of my life. We became friends, bonded and became the best of pals. He was just about always by my side. Like Garfield, he was ornery but always the dearest of hearts. He required a lot of care though. You see, I found out Cubby was diabetic and needed a lot of around the clock supervision. Even for a kitty. You better believe he got it.

Cubby In the late Spring of 2015, I met a very skinny kitty. I named him Cubby. He didn't remain skinny for long. Over a short period of time my little Cubby became somewhat chubby, and he became a huge part of my life. We became friends, bonded and became the best of pals. He was just about always by ...

Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present Animals Go to Heaven 22/01/2023

Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present Animals Go to Heaven.
Kendrick Sims - Author

It's a beautiful summer day in Waterford. The sun is shining in all of its glory. The clouds travel slowly along an unseen highway in the sky. The birds follow, singing their pretty song. Yet, as lovely as the day is events under the clouds have cast a dark shadow across Silver Lake. One of its own has passed away.

It is not a voyage that will make the newspapers, for it is a solitary soul that mourns. His name is Bunson Bear. He who Bunson weeps for, it is his dog, Topper. For the last five years the two have been the best of buddies. Perfect pals, if you will. As Ruth once said, where you go, I will go. Such was the dedication of Topper to Bunson. Now, Topper is gone and with that loss so is much of Bunson's spirit.

Fortunately, Bunson is never alone. He has friends. One up high, an eternal one in the sky. There are those close at hand as well. His cousins, Lazar & Jingles. They want to help Bunson. With the help of Lazar's mom, they will. Lazar's mom has given the boys a list if of Bible verses and passages to read and study. As Lazar & Jingles work their way through this list, they will learn just how much God loves animals, and how dogs like Topper make their way to Heaven.

Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present Animals Go to Heaven Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present Animals Go to Heaven

Lazar & Jingles present: The Fallen Snow: A Su***de in Waterford 26/12/2022

Lazar & Jingles present: The Fallen Snow.
A Su***de in Waterford.
By Kendrick Sims - Author***de-Waterford-ebook/dp/B0BQZFXTMB

Lazar and Jingles have known many adventures over the course of their short lives. They've been in space. They've crossed over into other dimensions. They've saved the world. Presently, a new mission calls for brave and caring duo. One that has struck far closer to home. She sits waiting in the community tree house. Waiting. Weeping. Wondering what the world has in store for her. For her world has come to a screeching halt.
She who waits and wonders is one Caroline Snow Henderman. Daughter of Amanda, known to those closest to her as Mandy. Several hours ago, Amanda Henderman took her own life. Her daughter, now feeling quite alone in the world must be made to feel that she is not. In shock, despair and silent, a lonely and confused little elephant awaits an uncertain future. It will arrive in the form of her friends Lazar and Jingles. However, the two are not alone in their task, for they have a great helper who is always with them. They have God. With God, Lazar and Jingles will enter the tree house to aid young Caroline. Whether or not the help will be accepted and received, this is very much in doubt. Caroline, like her mother before her has never been one for prayer.

Lazar & Jingles present: The Fallen Snow: A Su***de in Waterford Lazar and Jingles have known many adventures over the course of their short lives. They've been in space. They've crossed over into other dimensions. They've saved the world. Presently, a new mission calls for brave and caring duo. One that has struck far closer to home. She sits waiting in the c...

Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present: Animals Go to Heaven 01/12/2022

Animals Go to Heaven.
A Lazar and Jingles story by Kendrick Sims - Author

It's a beautiful summer day in Waterford. The sun is shining in all of its glory. The clouds travel slowly along an unseen highway in the sky. The birds follow, singing their pretty song. Yet, as lovely as the day is, events under the clouds have cast a dark shadow across Silver Lake. One of its own has passed away.

It is not a voyage that will make the newspapers, for it is a solitary soul that mourns. His name is Bunson Bear. He who Bunson weeps for, it is his dog, Topper. For the last five years the two have been the best of buddies. Perfect pals, if you will. As Ruth once said, where you go, I will go. Such was the dedication of Topper to Bunson. Now, Topper is gone and with that loss so is much of Bunson's spirit.

Fortunately, Bunson is never alone. He has friends. One up high, an eternal one in the sky. There are those close at hand as well. His cousins, Lazar & Jingles. They want to help Bunson. With the help of Lazar's mom, they will. Lazar's mom has given the boys a list if of Bible verses and passages to read and study. As Lazar & Jingles work their way through this list, they will learn just how much God loves animals, and how dogs like Topper make their way to Heaven.

Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present: Animals Go to Heaven Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present: Animals Go to Heaven

Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present Animals Go to Heaven 10/10/2022

Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present:
Animals Go to Heaven by Kendrick Sims - Author

Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present Animals Go to Heaven Lazar & Jingles with Bunson present Animals Go to Heaven


Friends from birth. A secret comes to light.
A seed recently fallen has taken root. It has grown.
What was once unseen is now all but unquestionable. Almost insurmountable.
It has almost become a divider between lifelong friends.
A secret born of fear must come to light.
A friendship bonded through time must stand the test of hopelessness.
For at the end of this day, friendship must get Lazar through his darkest of nights.
Only his friendship with his best friend Jingles will help Lazar overcome his fear and bring him into the dawn of tomorrow's grace once more.
Jingles can help, if Lazar lets him.
Jingles would help, if Lazar asked him.
The only question remains, will Lazar open up and let the one closest to him help?
Or will he keep the secret of "The Bully" all to himself?


Welcome to the world of Lazar & Jingles. Together, with their cousin Bunson they hope to keep Waterford and the world safe from Captain M.T. I hope you enjoy their adventures.