Volunteer Firefighters of NB / Pompiers volontaires du NB

Volunteer Firefighters of NB / Pompiers volontaires du NB

This is a landing page for residents to learn more about volunteer firefighting in New Brunswick.


Over 6 Million in savings in one year.

In 2020, two out of every three firefighter-hours on emergency scenes were by Volunteer Firefighters. That's 178,000 volunteer hours that do not include training, maintenance or administrative duties. 178,000 hours equates to roughly 85 years of workweeks.

If you're a New Brunswick firefighter and you're proud of these numbers, or if you're a resident who appreciates this important work, please help share this message!

This photograph is from 2018's annual NBAFC / NBCC firefighter workshop, which is a full weekend of live training in Miramichi. The event is attended by roughly 200 firefighters per year.


You're not alone and help is only a phone call away.


đŸš’đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„Fire Fighters WantedđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸš’

Have you ever considered joining a Fire Department?

Not sure what it's all about?

Nervous about taking that first step?

On August 24th at 7pm the Central Valley Fire Fighters Associstion will be hosting an information night at the Hartland Fire Hall.

Instructors, Officers and Spouses of active members will be on hand to provide information and contact points for most departments in the association.

Bring your significant other, have a cup of coffee and learn what it means to start your journey on an amazing career!


Congratulations to Assistant Chief Scott Poupart (St. Anne Regional Fire Department) on his election to the office of President of the NBAFC.

Félicitations au chef adjoint Scott Poupart (service régional d'incendie de Sainte-Anne) pour son élection au poste de président de l'ACPNB.

Photos from NBAFC / ACPNB Public's post 29/01/2022

Check out this great opportunity to support local fire departments, and maybe win some cash too!


NB Firefighters/Pompiers 50/50 Home of the NB Firefighters Online 50/50 Raffle. Funds raised help support local Fire Departments


This coming Monday night, the North York Fire Department will be hosting an online training opportunity. The session will focus on communications for effective incident command.

We will discuss how to establish incident command, how to keep the scene flowing in an organized manner, how to scale up your incident command system as resources arrive on scene, and how effective communications can enhance your response.

Justin McGuigan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Communications for Incident Command
Time: Jan 17, 2022 19:30 Halifax

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 262 639 8870

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...


We are thankful that our province is filled with people who care about their neighbours. Our elderly can be hit especially hard during this cold weather. Today would be a great day to check on your elderly neighbour, or those in need of a little extra help. Checking to see that they're warm, running a few errands for them, dropping off a warm meal, or putting sand on their icy driveway are all great ways to make a difference in their day. Thank you for caring!

Nous sommes reconnaissants que notre province soit remplie de gens qui se soucient de leurs voisins. Nos personnes ĂągĂ©es peuvent ĂȘtre particuliĂšrement touchĂ©es par ce temps froid. Aujourd'hui serait une excellente journĂ©e pour vĂ©rifier l'Ă©tat de votre voisin ĂągĂ© ou de ceux qui ont besoin d'un peu d'aide supplĂ©mentaire. VĂ©rifier qu'ils sont au chaud, faire quelques courses pour eux, dĂ©poser un repas chaud ou mettre du sable sur leur allĂ©e glacĂ©e sont tous d'excellents moyens de faire une diffĂ©rence dans leur journĂ©e. Nous vous remercie pour le soin.


The North York Fire Department has opened up their training for Monday night:

We are opening up tomorrow night's Zoom-based training session to our colleagues! If your training has been cancelled this week, or even if you're just curious, join us for tomorrow night's session focused on Pre-Incident Planning.

Pre-Incident Planning is a key component in our preparedness.

Having key decisions and plans pre-arranged allows us to focus on the variables that pop up during difficult responses. This session will focus on what aspects we should consider, the basics of how to arrange a plan, and ideas for how to manage the plans once they're made.

Topic: Pre-Incident Planning
Time: Jan 10, 2022 19:30 Halifax

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 262 639 8870

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...


here's a great opportunity to support NB fire departments, and maybe win a little cash! www.nb5050.com


Every day, and night, New Brunswick Volunteer Firefighters respond to calls for service. They leave their jobs, their families, their meals, and even their beds. The New Brunswick Volunteer Fire Service is the largest group of emergency first responders in the Province, and they do it for free.

Chaque jour et chaque nuit, les pompiers volontaires du Nouveau-Brunswick rĂ©pondent aux appels de service. Ils quittent leur travail, leur famille, leurs repas et mĂȘme leur lit. Le Service d'incendie volontaire du Nouveau-Brunswick est le plus grand groupe de premiers intervenants d'urgence dans la province, et ils le font gratuitement.

While our community members are sleeping, our Firefighters attend emergency calls when the need arises. That was the case last night at appx 3:15 am our crew was called to the TCH and remained on scene until 7:30 am. Some showered and headed straight to work after clearing scene this morning. We are here for our community and it's residents. You may not always see us but we are here. Note due to privacy we will not post other pictures of this scene.


October 3-9, is Fire Prevention Week-Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety”. Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms save lives!

When a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide (CO) alarm sounds, respond immediately by exiting the home as quickly as possible-Test your smoke and CO alarms monthly.

If your alarm is chirping, your batteries may need to be replaced!

A working, properly installed alarm remains the best way to protect yourselves from fire and carbon monoxide.


Volunteer firefighters training their peers is a longstanding practice in the New Brunswick fire service. To do this properly and safely, volunteer firefighters need to enroll in additional training to obtain the proper certifications. This is yet another way that volunteer firefighters go the extra mile for their communities, and to save the Province money.

If you're a volunteer firefighter and would like to submit photos to be used on this page, please send them to [email protected] . All photos will be screened by our team to respect considerations for privacy and safety.

Les pompiers volontaires qui forment leurs pairs sont une pratique de longue date au sein des services d'incendie du Nouveau-Brunswick. Pour le faire correctement et en toute sécurité, les pompiers volontaires doivent s'inscrire à une formation supplémentaire pour obtenir les certifications appropriées. C'est encore une autre façon pour les pompiers volontaires de faire un effort supplémentaire pour leurs collectivités et d'économiser de l'argent à la province.

Si vous ĂȘtes pompier volontaire et que vous souhaitez soumettre des photos Ă  utiliser sur cette page, veuillez les envoyer Ă  [email protected] . Toutes les photos seront examinĂ©es par notre Ă©quipe pour respecter les considĂ©rations de confidentialitĂ© et de sĂ©curitĂ©.


With the change to the green phase of our Covid recovery plan, some fire departments may no longer be using masks unless they feel they're necessary. However, if you are receiving care from a firefighter, and you'd feel more safe if they used a mask, please feel free to speak up. We will work together to ensure you're as safe and comfortable as possible.

Avec le passage à la phase verte de notre plan de Covid, certains services d'incendie pourraient ne plus utiliser de masques à moins qu'ils ne le jugent nécessaire. Cependant, si vous recevez des soins d'un pompier et que vous vous sentiriez plus en sécurité s'il utilisait un masque, n'hésitez pas à en parler. Nous travaillerons ensemble pour que vous soyez aussi sûr et confortable que possible.


New Brunswick Volunteer Firefighters responded to over 1100 wildland fires in 2020. This includes a wide range of fire types, ranging from grass and brush fires to fires in forestland. The New Brunswick fire service supports the Province's forest firefighting program.

Les pompiers volontaires du Nouveau-Brunswick ont ​​rĂ©pondu Ă  plus de 1 100 incendies de forĂȘt en 2020. Cela comprend de nombreux types d'incendies, des feux d'herbe et de broussailles aux feux de forĂȘt. Le service d'incendie du Nouveau-Brunswick appuie le programme provincial de lutte contre les incendies de forĂȘt.

~ ~ ~

If you're a volunteer firefighter and you're proud of these numbers, or you're a resident and you appreciate this important work, please share this post to help others learn more about volunteer firefighting in New Brunswick!

If you're a volunteer firefighter and would like to submit photos to be used on this page, please send them to [email protected] . All photos will be screened by our team to respect considerations for privacy and safety.

Les pompiers volontaires du Nouveau-Brunswick ont ​​rĂ©pondu Ă  plus de 1 100 incendies de forĂȘt en 2020. Cela comprend de nombreux types d'incendies, des feux d'herbe et de broussailles aux feux de forĂȘt. Le service d'incendie du Nouveau-Brunswick appuie le programme provincial de lutte contre les incendies de forĂȘt.

Si vous ĂȘtes un pompier volontaire et que vous ĂȘtes fier de ces chiffres, ou que vous ĂȘtes un rĂ©sident et que vous apprĂ©ciez ce travail important, veuillez partager ce message pour aider les autres Ă  en savoir plus sur la lutte contre les incendies volontaires au Nouveau-Brunswick !

Si vous ĂȘtes pompier volontaire et que vous souhaitez soumettre des photos Ă  utiliser sur cette page, veuillez les envoyer Ă  [email protected] . Toutes les photos seront examinĂ©es par notre Ă©quipe pour respecter les considĂ©rations de confidentialitĂ© et de sĂ©curitĂ©.


In 2020, New Brunswick Volunteer Firefighters responded to over 2400 fires. The balance of the 8500+ calls for service were motor vehicle accidents, rescues, assistance to police and EMS, hazardous materials events, flooding etc.

If you're a volunteer firefighter and you're proud of these numbers, or you're a resident and you appreciate this important work, please share this post to help others learn more about volunteer firefighting in New Brunswick!

If you're a volunteer firefighter and would like to submit photos to be used on this page, please send them to [email protected] . All photos will be screened by our team to respect considerations for privacy and safety.

~ ~ ~

Durant 2020, les pompiers volontaires du Nouveau-Brunswick ont ​​rĂ©pondu Ă  plus de 2400 incendies. Le reste des plus de 8 500 appels de service concernait des accidents de vĂ©hicules, des sauvetages, assistance aux police et aux SMU, des Ă©vĂ©nements liĂ©s aux matiĂšres dangereuses, des inondations, etc.

Si vous ĂȘtes un pompier volontaire et que vous ĂȘtes fier de ces chiffres, ou que vous ĂȘtes un rĂ©sident et que vous apprĂ©ciez ce travail important, veuillez partager ce message pour aider les autres Ă  en savoir plus sur la lutte contre les incendies volontaires au Nouveau-Brunswick !

Si vous ĂȘtes pompier volontaire et que vous souhaitez soumettre des photos Ă  utiliser sur cette page, veuillez les envoyer Ă  [email protected] . Toutes les photos seront examinĂ©es par notre Ă©quipe pour respecter les considĂ©rations de confidentialitĂ© et de sĂ©curitĂ©.


Curious about that hazy air in New Brunswick today? Well that's smoke from wildfires in Central Canada. We'd like to give a shoutout to DNRED Wildland Firefighters from NB who are currently deployed to help with fires outside of our province. And to their families who are anxiously waiting for their return, thank you for supporting them!


Curieuse sur cet air brumeux au Nouveau-Brunswick aujourd'hui? Eh bien, c'est la fumĂ©e des feux de forĂȘt dans le centre du Canada. Nous aimerions remercier les pompiers forestiers du DNRED du N.-B. qui sont actuellement dĂ©ployĂ©s pour aider Ă  lutter contre les incendies Ă  l'extĂ©rieur de notre province. Et Ă  leurs familles qui attendent leur retour avec impatience, merci de les soutenir !

File photo from GNB's Twitter account.


In 2020, New Brunswick volunteer firefighters recorded over 31,000 hours on motor vehicle accident responses*. These responses include commercial and domestic traffic on major traffic arteries, streets in towns and villages, and throughout rural New Brunswick.

This photograph is from a pre-Covid training session. Based on the training notes, the outside air temperature was approximately -20C. It's important to train in all conditions.

If you're a volunteer firefighter and you're proud of these numbers, or you're a resident and you appreciate this important work, please share this post to help others learn more about volunteer firefighting in New Brunswick!

If you're a volunteer firefighter and would like to submit photos to be used on this page, please send them to [email protected] . All photos will be screened by our team to respect considerations for privacy and safety.


In 2020, two out of every three firefighter-hours on emergency scenes were by Volunteer Firefighters. That's 178,000 volunteer hours that do not include training, maintenance or administrative duties. 178,000 hours equates to roughly 85 years of workweeks.

If you're a New Brunswick firefighter and you're proud of these numbers, or if you're a resident who appreciates this important work, please help share this message!

This photograph is from 2018's annual NBAFC / NBCC firefighter workshop, which is a full weekend of live training in Miramichi. The event is attended by roughly 200 firefighters per year.
