One Church One Day- Bristol
Our vision is to see a canopy of prayer over Bristol. 24-7-365. Building Bristol as a city of Hope.
OCOD theme for June. Go for it!!
April’s theme… from Isaiah 53 and all things Easter.
January’s OCOD theme
September’s Theme for our prayer over Bristol. Let’s ask God for faith that moves mountains.
Let’s rest in God’s peace this August and pray for peace to reign in our homes, communities, churches and in our city.
July’s theme. As we start to make plans and dream a little - let’s keep our eyes and ears open to the Lords plans and direction for us. They are always good.
June’s OCOD theme. Bless you all as you allow the thankfulness and praise to rise...
OCOD theme for June. “Enter His gates with thanksgiving. Go into His courts with praise. “ Psalm 100:4
We have so much to be thankful for - let’s pause from petitioning and praise and thank Him for who He is and for all He has done.
Praying this over Bristol this month. Do join us...
April’s Theme: Pray for the Peace of the City.
Jeremiah 29:7
Work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord, for its welfare will determine your welfare.
Here’s a little video to introduce the theme for February.
Abide in Me as I abide in you. Jn 15v4
OCODs theme for January 2021. This is both an eternal truth and one we can stand on and pray into being each day. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
He Leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul.
“Open up the doors and let the music play, Let the streets resound with singing”
2Chronicles 20v21
October’s Theme!
Getting ready for October’s theme....
Thankfulness for people that have shaped our lives. 1 Thess 1:2-3.
Lance and his church have been prayer walking their area for 3 years. Here are some top tips and encouragements for us as we walk and pray in our neighbourhoods.
Let’s walk the roads around our homes and churches, praying for the city. Tell us your stories of what the Lord says and what happens!
“Uproot and tear down, plant and build up”
A song for our times. Written by Minnie Crawley. Sung by Minnie and Tallulah Crawley, filmed and recorded by Mo Vernon.