K. Anderson Jumpstart AIP: Autoimmune Remission Lifestyle

K. Anderson Jumpstart AIP:  Autoimmune Remission Lifestyle

I am a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. I help people set visions and plans for wellness, especially chronic disease patients.

I specialize in Hormone Replacement Therapy for reduction of symptoms. Go to www.jumpstartaip.com

Getting the right HRT Higher Dose Works Best For Mental Health: How HRT Works! 07/01/2022

My most watched video on year one on YouTube: Mental Health and the Best HRT for you! 3000 views. It was a busy year. I have 40 videos now. Consider HRT, nutrition, weight loss, mood and mental health, autoimmune, infection, my wild and wonderful results!, brain health, nutritional psychiatry review. I answered all my comments and probably changed 1000 lives. Adding a facebook group for additional support. Coaching women to health and wellness. Sharing the science. It works!


Getting the right HRT Higher Dose Works Best For Mental Health: How HRT Works! I describe how getting my identical transdermal estradiol and testosterone HRT dose boosted my mood immensely! At least 25% of menopausal women get a new me...


Have a beautiful 2022!

My 100% recovery from autoimmune menopause! No autoimmune symptoms. Why we worry about AI dementia 25/11/2021

Autoimmune Recovery at Menopause

We know that women with autoimmune will crash at menopause without HRT and diet. No doctor will tell you this though! No one is communicating how much internal damage is done without HRT.

Autoimmune patients even have 4-8 times higher chance of dementia. This all starts at menopause and it depends on your treatments.

I am 64 years old, using HRT for 14 years and very high dose HRT for the last two years.
All my symptoms are GONE!
I am feeling premenopausal!

My notes in this video:
What causes autoimmune flares?
What do we need to do differently?
Who can help us recover?
Why don’t we get menopause help?

Loving this new life. I am so glad I pushed my Doctor for this. And yes, this was high dose HRT was approved by an inexpensive ObGyn. I got it done.

Email me: jumpstartaip!gmail.com for
Your Initial HRT Appointment Guide: 100 pages of menopause science.
On YouTube: Create A Menopause Recovery

I am an independent Board Certified Coach specializing in Menopause. I don’t sell products. I coach and educate you on this traumatic time of life.

Get happy. Get HRT. Experiment with diet.

My 100% recovery from autoimmune menopause! No autoimmune symptoms. Why we worry about AI dementia This is my first video on autoimmune menopause. We know that autoimmune symptoms and organ damage happen when we lose hormones. Menopause means that our ho...

Wild & Wonderful High Dose HRT result! My surprises! ;-) We should all be this lucky! 25/11/2021

Wild and Wonderful HRT Plus!
My HRT results in the last two years of high doses. Such a good idea. So many gains! I just don’t have to work as hard on
Stress Management
Toxin Reduction
Pharma Reduction
Weight Loss Strategies

All my symptoms are GONE!
I am feeling premenopausal!

My notes in this video:
Boosted Mood! Happy, satisfied.
High energy.
No more wrinkled chicken neck.
No more big, black pores on my face.
Got Covid exposure, but NO COVID FOR ME.
No new diagnosis in 14 years of HRT
Better lipid panel = no cardiovascular disease
More time. Less time eating.
Enjoy music much more…dancing!
Better tan = lower risk of skin cancer.
Lower risk of many other cancers.
More muscle.
Less fat at the waist. Moved to hips.
Less pain!
Better focus!

Loving this new life. I am so glad I pushed my Doctor for this. And yes, this was approved by an inexpensive ObGyn. I got it done.

Email me: jumpstartaip!gmail.com for
Your Initial HRT Appointment Guide: 100 pages of menopause science.
On YouTube: Create A Menopause Recovery

I am an independent Board Certified Coach specializing in Menopause. I don’t sell products. I coach and educate you on this traumatic time of life.

Get happy. Get HRT.


Wild & Wonderful High Dose HRT result! My surprises! ;-) We should all be this lucky! Wild and Wonderful! That's how I describe the last two years on high dose HRT! I quadrupled my doses of estradiol, progesterone and transdermal testosteron...


Why do I keep harping about food?
I felt a huge bump in health based on nutrients in food. Something I had never felt before premenopausal. That’s how critical it has become.

I boosted my nutrient-level 7-10 times by moving to whole, nutrient dense foods like liver, oysters, 6 item salads, green smoothies, herbs, fermented foods. I dropped all allergenic foods that irritate the intestinal wall, causing mucus buildup that blocks absorption. A recipe for success.

What’s wrong with vitamin and mineral supplements? I share my research in this YouTube video at my channel: Create A Menopause Recovery.

We wish supplements would work. It’s easy to pop a pill. What could be wrong with that? Well, when we go for convenience, we get left empty-handed.

Some of the reasons:

The International Olympic Committee recommends against supplements because it does not improve performance. Real food works.

What does a supplement do to your microbiome? Do those bacteria like it? Unlikely. Supplements just aren’t natural.

Too much of one nutrient can block others. We’ve known this for decades.

Fiber and phytonutrients are missing in supplements. These are anti-viral and anti-cancer.

And on…and on…

See my other videos on nutrition that becomes so critical at menopause! Try the AIP experiment for 30 days and see what it does for you.

I am an independent Health and Wellness Coach. Board Certified. Specializing in Menopause. I post weekly on menopause topics.
Email me at [email protected] for
Your Initial HRT Appointment Guide: 100 pages of menopause science! Let’s get you back to your premenopausal life!

HRT Plus: Includes testosterone for women! This is critical for 20 Reasons! Try the experiment! 22/10/2021


HRT Plus: Includes testosterone for women! This is critical for 20 Reasons! Try the experiment! Testosterone is key to women's health. I call this HRT Plus! Get some at perimenopause and during menopause, and solve 20 problems! Without T, you have fa...

You asked: How do I help my teens during my menopause? How do we have better conversations? 22/10/2021


You asked: How do I help my teens during my menopause? How do we have better conversations? You are wondering about the stress on your relationships during your hormone loss. You are wondering how to get through to your young adult children. You w...

HRT-enhanced SLEEP at menopause! Sleep pills cause dementia! I was desperate! Here's what works! 22/10/2021

We can get a beautiful sleep with HRT plus other helpers. Check out my latest video on Create A Menopause Recovery.
Happy sleeping! ZZZZZZZ.


HRT-enhanced SLEEP at menopause! Sleep pills cause dementia! I was desperate! Here's what works! Of course my sleep was destroyed by menopause! The sleeping pills they gave me hurt my memory. I stopped them! I fought my way back to health by studying ...

My client says: "MY HRT doesn't work!" Let's troubleshoot common problems! Let's get you on track. 01/09/2021

MY client says, "My HRT isn't working!" Let's consider 15 things that may need to tweak to optimize hormone health.

My client says: "MY HRT doesn't work!" Let's troubleshoot common problems! Let's get you on track. What do you do when your HRT doesn't seem to be working? Consider these 15 things. Your body is a beautiful system. Everything affects everything. Let's ...


Let's talk about Brain Health! Our brains are affected by hormones and nutrition! I talk about my radical healing journey. I started menopause not being able to remember a 7 digit phone number. Now I can excel at university coursework. I give you 10 practical helpers for brain health after menopause and hormone loss.

The rules have changed. Your body is craving hormones, movement and nutrition.

Please share if this is helpful for you. Only 3 % of menopausal women are getting the hormones with HRT! This is a problem. HRT will reduce your risk of dementia by -30%! Such a huge impact! There are no drugs that do this.

Let's prevent dementia and all the other cognitive problems. Restore your hormones. Enhance your hormones.

I talk about HRT plus other brain helpers.

Helpers: transdermal estradiol, micronized progesterone, transdermal testosterone, low dose naltrexone with endorphins, pregnenolone/allopregnanolone, thyroid hormone T4, T3, T2 in natural desiccated thyroid, melatonin hormone for sleep onset, movement, anti-inflammatory and nutrient dense diet. These are all communication molecules to kick off work within the body! When estradiol is low -- other hormones are also LOW!

I don't diagnose or prescribe. These are the non-toxic things that can possibly work for you. Check with your doctor. You want full recovery.

I am an independent coach. I don't sell any products. I work with you within a coaching session to help you chart your menopause recovery.

I coach women with chronic disease, obesity, autoimmune, diabetes, as well as healthy women struggling with hormone loss.

email me at "[email protected]"
Your Initial HRT Appointment Guide (free)
Low Dose Naltrexone ebook (free)
List of 159 Menopause Symptoms (free)
Alzheimer's Research (free)

You asked: "How much estradiol HRT is too much?" "How much is too little?" The latest research. 31/07/2021

You asked, "How much estradiol is too much?" Here's the short (and long) answer. https://youtu.be/23WoG7AbEKY

You asked: "How much estradiol HRT is too much?" "How much is too little?" The latest research. This week I was asked about estradiol HRT symptoms and issues. My answer is research based. I look into what the specialists are using. I cover how your b...

HRT and Personality Changes: What to expect. My story, my clients, and universal laws of hormones! 31/07/2021

Let's talk about he personality changes of menopausal hormone loss and the rebound effect of HRT: transdermal estradiol, progesterone, and transdermal testosterone. Enjoy. https://youtu.be/hbDnBHgHKlA

HRT and Personality Changes: What to expect. My story, my clients, and universal laws of hormones! Women need to know that crashing hormones of menopause will change their personality! They can bounce back with HRT. You are still you, but you are more in...

Come celebrate my 14 years of HRT use and turning 64 years old! Thriving because of HRT, diet, etc 15/07/2021

The ups and downs of 14 years of HRT use. Looking forward to the next 40. Feeling grateful. https://youtu.be/GfRhG-un6EA

Come celebrate my 14 years of HRT use and turning 64 years old! Thriving because of HRT, diet, etc Board Certified-- Menopause Coach. Come along and learn about HRT dosing, HRT benefits, HRT ingredients, emotional impacts of HRT. Other hormone helpers li...


Stay in touch with your kinder self.


Yes, when you help women on Facebook, you get recognized! I assisted on a Menoapuse Summit. Also, guest speaker on the Autoimmune Protocol Summit. And guest speaker on Neuroscience at Wright State University. It's been a good year.

Create A 100% Menopause Recovery 18/05/2021

Need help understanding HRT or motivating health habits? Coaching can help. I am a Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach. Certified by Mayo Clinic. Certified in Immune Strengthening. Specializing in Menopause Recovery. Try it out! Coaching is $99/1 hour. https://jumpstartaip.mykajabi.com/summit-sales-page

Create A 100% Menopause Recovery The various offerings provided to help you Create A 100% Menopause Recovery (What Your Doctor Never Told You)!


Did you see this study? HRT comes through for us. Fatality risk from C is >50% less for HRT users than non-users of the same age. Hmmmm. Love that. ;-)



I've got new research for you. E protects against infection. Love it! email me at "[email protected]" for your Initial HRT Appointment Guide. Wishing you wellness. Kitty Anderson -- Board Certified Menopause Coach

Home - International Menopause Society 25/03/2021

Our courses have been updated with the latest research from the International Menopause Society! Great Organization!


Home - International Menopause Society The International Menopause Society (IMS) brings together the world’s leading experts to study and share knowledge about all aspects of aging in women.


"HRT use reduced the risk of death by -39%"
Lisa Mosconi, PhD
The XX Brain


Digital Overload
Menopause Recovery


The Science of Momentum
To Menopause Recovery


Time In Echo Chambers
Menopause Recovery


If you want to win the day,
You Want to Win the
First Hour of the Day!


Digital Dementia
Menopause Recovery

Home | Menopause Healing: Education & Coaching 22/01/2021

Digital Distraction
Menopause Recovery
(your time online means no time for nutrition, movement, sleep, building resilience, and getting needed HRT)
Visit www.jumpstartaip.com for initial HRT appointment handout.

Home | Menopause Healing: Education & Coaching Healed People Heal People! Your emotional state depends on hormones. HRT Education. 14 Years Experience. Board Certified Menopause Coach. Mayo Clinic Certified. AIP Keynote Speaker: 2021. 100% Recovery of 159 Menopause Symptoms. JumpstartAIP


Coaches live for empathy.


I follow your immediate needs, on the journey together.



This was fun! And creating a flex-point with each step really reminded me of the experiments we pursue on our wellness journey. We are the grid on the floor here. The moving balls are treatments. Every time we take a step forward in wellness it affects us! It can be so empowering! Keeping our eyes open for changes and improvements! Making it fun along the way!


Getting perspective. . . Coaching should flip at least some of your beliefs upside down.

Videos (show all)

The Menopause Diet...few supplements.  Here's why.
I've got new research for you.  E protects against infection.  Love it!  email me at "jumpstartaip@gmail.com" for your I...
Making Joyful, Healthy Plans...