Dedicated Threat Solutions, LLC

Dedicated Threat Solutions, LLC

Dedicated Threat Solutions, LLC provides realistic and practical solutions to the worst-case scenario.


It is both and honor and humbling to receive such positive feedback.

If you are a code enforcement officer, fire inspector, environmental inspector, animal control officer, building official, zoning inspector, housing inspector, by-law officer, park ranger or other similar job then the Code Official Safety Specialist (COSS) training along with the International Code Councils Credential of Learning Achievement (CLA) is a must have combination for your personal safety and professional development.

Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation
International Code Council

🦅 Code Official Safety Specialist (COSS) Training Program 🦅

We are thrilled to hear the feedback 📣 from COSS Graduates about the COSS training! This training has been taken by 1,200+ professionals and is the prerequisite to earn your ICC Credential of Learning Achievement - Code Official Safety.

🧡 This is what people are saying:

"Scott was awesome and I liked the way he presented the 5 modules. I found that I practice tactical mindset and verbal de-escalation tactics daily" - Senior Code Inspector (CA)

"Mr. Kirshner is very educated and experienced in both mental and physical measures needed before someone enters the field for any type of code enforcement job. His explanations make sense and I can relate to all of the situations he describes. The longer the class continued, the more invested I became in the course." - Chief Building Inspector (TX)

"I like the instructor's, stories and examples to allow the student to learn and understand the material. The visual presentations were helpful also." - Deputy Fire Marshal (CA)

"The instructor had extensive knowledge and experience. He presented in a meaningful way that was relatable, relevant, and mindful of the challenges to the safety of code enforcement professionals." - Code Enforcement Manager (IA)

"I think it was an amazing safety course, the instructor gave exact examples of many things I had been doing in which I put myself in dangerous situations. The tactical mindset, fear management, and verbal de-escalation, well actually all of the chapters are going to help me tremendously. Thank you." - Code Enforcement Officer (WY)

These are just some of the comments received recently! We have professionals from California, Georgia, Montana, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wyoming, Indiana, Iowa, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Alaska, Maine, Pennsylvania, Idaho, Colorado, Nevada, and Michigan attend!

📲 Learn more at:


REST IN PEACE: Today marks 20 years since former ASU and Arizona Cardinals star Pat Tillman gave his life defending our country. Tillman gave up his football career to enlist in the U.S. Army. He was killed by friendly fire at just 27 years old.

Thank you for your service 🇺🇸


Seattle police sh00t and un-life a 67-year-old pedoph*le who showed up at a hotel to meet up with two girls, 7 and 11 years old.

Incidents happen fast and if your training is not occuring at the speed of vi0lence then you may not be prepared.

Photos from Dedicated Threat Solutions, LLC's post 24/03/2024

Great day of training at the Concealed Carry Combatives course with Tony Blauer. I’ve been following Tony’s work since about 2003 and consider him to be one of the world’s best and most knowledgeable combative instructors. It was an honor to finally meet and train with him in person.



This is a unique video on a host of levels. There was quick thinking by the intended victim and a lack of awareness by the threats. Clearly the goal was to un-life the intended target by the predators and his options were limited. Yet, he prevailed on this day.

So, the question is why did all of the predators miss the target?

➡️ Situational Awareness vs. Selective Perception
➡️ Cognitive Tunneling
➡️ Confirmation Bias
➡️ Emotional Hijacking

The target in this video is in grave danger. He had limited options and not a lot of time to make a choice. Time and distance were not in his favor. But he did take advantage of the environment in a unique manner. Watching this video you may think, “how could all of them miss him?”

What are some ways this can be explained?


People selectively focus on certain aspects of a situation while filtering out other information. Oftentimes they miss the obvious.


Under stress our attention narrows and we become hyper-focused on immediate threats. This tunnel vision is not just visual but also mental which prevents us from considering alternatives or noticing obvious solutions.


People often seek information that confirms their existing beliefs. In stressful situations, this bias can prevent them from seeing alternative viewpoints, solutions, or literally what is right in front of their eyes!


Intense emotions can override rational thought. When stressed, our emotional brain takes over, making it difficult to see things objectively.

I can’t imagine what the target was thinking or how his heart must have been pounding as numerous threats were actively looking for him.


If you are a probation or parole officer this is an absolutely necessary course.

The Justice Clearinghouse

🖥️Level Up Your Skills: Online Course - Community Corrections Officer Safety 🖥️

The profession of “community corrections” often varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Department policies, procedures, training, and safety equipment vary dramatically from one town to the next, and even from department to department.

But regardless of the jurisdiction you work in, there are some core principles that will help you maintain your professionalism, remain productive and proactive during the course of your duties, and most importantly, help you stay safe.

Led by Scott Kirshner, The Community Corrections Officer Safety program is a progressive 5-course series on officer survival principles, concepts, and practices. This comprehensive training program provides Probation and Parole Officers foundational officer survival skills that allow you to be safer in the performance of your job duties.

While this course has been developed with the Community Corrections officer in mind, many in the criminal justice system will find a great deal of practical application to their roles as well. Whether you are a Probation or Parole Officer, out in the community, doing Home Contacts, an Animal Control Officer checking on a neglected dog complaint, or a Patrol Officer doing a Safety Check

👉Click Here to Register for this Online Course:

Dedicated Threat Solutions, LLC


The Left Of Greg Podcast is now The Human Behavior Podcast. Check them out and subscribe. Their content is exceptional.


You think it’s just a [Fill in the Blank] and then you realize you were wrong! That can be a costly mistake.

Photos from Dedicated Threat Solutions, LLC's post 29/01/2024

It was an honor and privilege to present at the Arizona Constable Association conference. A great group of constables from all over Arizona.

Photos from Jack Carr's post 16/01/2024

Five years ago today. Amazing what one highly trained man with a mindset, weapon, and skill can accomplish. We should all be grateful that such men exist for without them the thin veil of society would be pierced. At that point the “woke” crowd of weak pathetic people will quickly understand the world of violence and victimhood!


If you work in Code Enforcement or related field and safety is important to you the sign up for this FREE newsletter through the Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation.


The winter ❄️ issue of the Officer Safety Newsletter is now out! Be sure to subscribe to our emails to get these updates directly in your inbox. This issue wraps up 2023 and looks ahead to 2024. Some of the content includes:

🖊 President's Message
🖊 Annual Award Recipients
🖊 New Representatives, Partners, & Sponsors
🖊 Body Armor Donations
🖊 Driver Safety Article
🖊 Customer Service or Officer Safety Article
🖊 Commitment, Consistency, & Advocacy
🖊 The Baker's Dozen
🖊 Training
🖊 In Memory

Read and download PDF:



The victim observed the motorcycle approaching so why was her phone stolen?

When it comes to SA people often repeat useless platitudes like “keep your head on a swivel” but SA is more involved than just observing. So again, why was her phone stolen considering she was aware the motorcycle was approaching?

Fortunately this was a theft and not an abduction or physical attack.

Situational awareness training is NOT a complete safety system. It is but one component of safety. There is a range of violence and many of those ranges transcend the skill of situational awareness training.


Rest easy Gaston G***k.

Gaston G***k charted the strategic direction of the G***K Group throughout his life and prepared it for the future. His life’s work will continue in his spirit.***K-story




If you find yourself in a shower, ręstráined, with a ma-che-te on your neck it is too late to evaluate the decisions that placed you in that rather dire circumstance.

And some who possess no understanding of the realities of v10lent encounters espouse that you should “just walk away.” Ignore the ill advice of such people. I know for a fact that walking away was not an option in this case. Turn on the news any day of the year and you will see situations where walking away was not an option.

Ineffective one liners is no substitute for quality training!


Merry Christmas from Dedicated Threat Solutions. 🎄🎁



When traveling it is required that you use a TSA approved lock if you are going to secure your luggage. A TSA approved lock will have a red diamond shaped logo. If you use a non-TSA approved lock while traveling and your luggage needs to be physically searched the TSA will cut off the lock. So when traveling the use of a TSA lock is a necessity. But never use these locks for other purposes like lockers or workout bags. You can purchase a TSA master key from Amazon for $5-$10.

Most locks are incredibly easy to pick with a little practice. Even locks from name brand companies that are advertised as pick proof or give a “security rating” are pretty pathetic.



This unprovoked attack is avoidable with a little knowledge on:

➡️ Awareness
➡️ Time
➡️ Distance
➡️ Environment
➡️ Decision-Making

Often these are ignored because of:

⚠️ Complacency
⚠️ Faulty Assumptions

It’s all good until it isn’t!

Personal safety is a full time responsibility.



This short clip from The Left Of Greg Podcast episode #225 with Dr. John Peters hits the nail on the head.

Two main points:

1️⃣ Instructors need ongoing training and a lot of it. This should be obvious but…

2️⃣ Just because someone attends a train-the-trainer course doesn’t mean they have enough experience to be a legitimate and qualified instructor.

There are too many examples of someone who takes a measly 8 hour “instructor” course and then portrays themself as more qualified than they actually are. Attending a 40 hour or even an 80 hour train-the-trainer - with no practical experience - doesn’t make an instructor an expert.

When it comes to officer safety and survival training, experience matters. Those attending the training may one day rely on the information provided and their life may be the cost of instructor deficiencies.

Unfortunately there are “trainers” who collect certificates and then sell their soul for money and/or ego. Their need for relevancy overrides the safety of students. They have failed to think through the ramifications of their deficiencies. Such deficiencies will be highlighted every night when their head hits the pillow and the face of an injured or killed student invades the psyche every single night. That will be an inescapable hell with no reprieve.

Facilitating courses to make a few dollars or to feed your ego is just not worth it! Be better. Do better. Experience matters!


People often say there are no rules in a fight and that you should not fight fair. On the other hand people will watch this video and say a sucker punch is a low blow. Which is it?

Either way:

1️⃣ You can’t respond to an attack you do not see.

2️⃣ A strike from a sucker punch can result in serious injury or death from the initial strike, the head hitting the ground or another object while falling, or a combination of both.

The legal consequences and medical ramifications are significant.


Chances are this fight results in death. Chances are it was completely preventable. Chances are ego and pride were involved.

While one will probably not survive the other will be impacted for the rest of his life. And for what? I don’t have any backstory on this incident but the outcome is one we should all learn from.

The body position after the kick is called decerebrate posturing which is indicative of severe brain 🧠 injury and is often fatal.

According to the Cleveland Clinic:

“Decerebrate posturing involves a reflex movement of muscle groups throughout your body, causing your limbs to extend and hold rigidly. These movements can happen automatically when there’s severe damage to your brain or major disruptions in brain function. Some conditions that cause it are treatable, but most people with this symptom don’t survive.”



This short clip from my appearance on The Left of Greg are:

1️⃣Get training from Dedicated Threat Solutions
2️⃣ Get training froArcadia Cogneratiti
3️⃣ Beware of training certificate mills. Knowledge and competency are more important than a piece of paper!

Watch the full episode at:



There are not many f1rearms safety rules. It is wise to follow them. And this is NOT training. It is pure ego induced stupidity. But credit to the human target who took a round like a boss!


It was an honor to be a guest on the The Left Of Greg Podcast. If you haven’t subscribed to their podcast and YouTube channel I highly recommend that you do. Greg and Brian provide excellent insight and you will learn valuable information. I also recommend their Patreon page for behind the scene information.


Receiving praise like this from Greg Williams is meaningful and humbling. It lets me know that I am putting out high-quality training courses. I’m honored to call Greg and Brian friends. Check them out at The Left of Greg Podcast.

Be smarter, safer, and harder to kill!

Arcadia Cognerati



But of course not you…

➡️ You are exceptionally skilled

➡️ The field of human factors doesn’t apply to you

➡️ You are a warrior who told Alexander the Great that he was mediocre at best

➡️ You are so safety conscious that doors automatically lock when you are nearby

➡️ You live in Condition Yellow and have night vision capabilities that exceeds current military technology

➡️ You ooze situational awareness causing anyone within a 75 yard circumference to also have situational awareness

➡️ Your martial art skills are so dangerous you are not allowed to compete

➡️ You call Dana White, Dana Snow White with zero repercussions

➡️ You carry a concealed weapon that is undetectable

➡️ You taught Jerry Miculek how to shoot but dismissed him as a student because he was too slow

➡️ You were born already knowing all of Pat Mac’s Basic Dude Stuff

➡️ You are a human weapon outlawed in 14 countries but they can’t stop you

➡️ You are physically fit with a classified VO2 max

➡️ Your cortisol glows in the dark

➡️ You have 20/10 vision

➡️ You can hear an ant crawl from 50 yards away

➡️ You can smell a threat who is sweating 0.00001% PPM of fear from a distance of 2.5 miles through 6 inches of concrete

➡️ You are actually capable of multitasking

➡️ Movies are a made of your exploits and your characters is AI generated because no human is capable of portraying you

➡️ Chuck Norris both admires and fears you

➡️ In December 1503, Nostradamus’s first prediction was that you are the worlds most feared man

➡️ There is no such thing as a non permissive environment when you are around

There is no possibility that a Dedicated Threat armed with a machete and lethal intentions could harm you!

Now, removing ego, pride, bravado, and bias:

What makes you exempt from such an attack?

Honest self-reflection is a safety skill!



This is an easy, yet highly effective, concept to implement which can immediately and consistently increase your safety by avoiding COMPLACENCY. Train to be proactive with your safety.

Modify the statement to fit your needs which can be dependent on your profession or tasks you complete.

If you are struggling to find a saying that fits then go with:


There are many potential meanings to that saying but the one that is loud and clear is that you refuse to be a victim of violence! It can also mean you refuse to be a victim of the past, present, or future.

Complacency is real and rarely benefits you especially when conflict or violence is involved.

Watch the full episode of The Left of Greg Podcast with Greg Williams and Brian Marren at:


Confidence ≠ Competence

This applies to you as well as the threat you face. Therefore respond accordingly based on body language, paraverbal communication, proxemics, prior history, current knowledge, etc.

Never lose the fight in your mind as it will lead to bad outcomes.

Anticipate. Perceive. Sense-making. Critical thinking. Decision-making. Action. Reassess. Act accordingly. Self-evaluation. Self-care.

There is depth and breadth. But, everything starts with mindset!

Videos (show all)

Seattle police sh00t and un-life a 67-year-old pedoph*le who showed up at a hotel to meet up with two girls, 7 and 11 ye...
SITUATIONAL AWARENESS This is a unique video on a host of levels. There was quick thinking by the intended victim and a ...
SITUATIONAL AWARENESS The victim observed the motorcycle approaching so why was her phone stolen?When it comes to SA peo...
EXPERIENCE MATTERSThis short clip from The Left Of Greg Podcast episode #225 with Dr. John Peters hits the nail on the h...
THREE TAKEAWAYS This short clip from my appearance on The Left of Greg are:1️⃣Get training from Dedicated Threat Solutio...
Receiving praise like this from Greg Williams is meaningful and humbling. It lets me know that I am putting out high-qua...
EVERY DAY; EVERY INSPECTIONThis is an easy, yet highly effective, concept to implement which can immediately and consist...
FAULTY MENTAL MODELS LEAD TO FAULTY DECISIONS And faulty decisions can get you killed. Anyone who ardently espouses “tha...