SuperPower Sense: The Emotions Mentors

SuperPower Sense: The Emotions Mentors

We offer home or clinic classes. We offer a course of 5 weeks which can be done on video chat or in


Do something good for yourself. Ah!

It’s not Thursday, but a day like today definitely deserves some fancy hot chocolate! If you can’t make this, you can always add peppermint or cinnamon essential oils to whatever cocoa you like!

I Am Not An Angry Mom. I'm An Overwhelmed Mom. 08/01/2022

So right on!

I Am Not An Angry Mom. I'm An Overwhelmed Mom. We aren’t angry parents. We are just parents with unmet needs, lagging skills, and lots of overwhelm - both sensorially and emotionally.

Photos from Dr. Laura Ricci, PT, DPT, WHNC's post 24/10/2021

An everyday capsule for me!


Do you know the power of taking a breath? It actually can change your neurochemistry!!
So if the summer day is long and you need to get a grip- just breathe! Take a breath and hold for two seconds. Then slowly. As slow as you can breathe out long ➡️longer ➡️and longer !


Summer beach days and pests- biting nagging kind- how to get rid of them


Thought you might like to know this! Enjoy!

People with depression exhibit decreased brain serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) levels and function and elevated cortisol levels in the bloodstream. Serotonin deficits are often treated by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) drugs with significant side effects, such as weight gain, sexual dysfunction, insomnia, anxiety, agitation or restlessness, and stomach disorders.

An experimental model of depression evaluated whether basil essential oil could correct abnormal serotonin and cortisol levels in depressed subjects. The study compared serotonin levels in three groups: 1) control, non-depressed, 2) depressed, no treatment, and 3) depressed, oral administration of basil essential oil for four weeks. Oral administration of basil essential oil decreased cortisol in depressed subjects, however it didn't decreases levels fully back to normal. Remarkably, basil oil significantly increased serotonin levels, which exceeded that of the depressed (untreated) group and the normal group. The results suggest that basil essential oil may help support a healthy mood.

Good Night, Sleep Tight 07/04/2021

Good Night, Sleep Tight Our CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® essential oil products offer natural solutions for you and your loved ones. With responsible and sustainable sourcing, our mission is to improve the lives of your whole family and families around the globe with every doTERRA purchase.

Good Night, Sleep Tight 05/04/2021

The new Respiratory monthly wellness kit.

Good Night, Sleep Tight Our CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® essential oil products offer natural solutions for you and your loved ones. With responsible and sustainable sourcing, our mission is to improve the lives of your whole family and families around the globe with every doTERRA purchase.


Campylobacter jejuni is the most commonly reported cause of foodborne infection (food poisoning) in the U.S. and human infections by this bacterium are increasing worldwide, including multidrug-resistant strains. Cardamom has been used for centuries to aid digestion and reduce digestive disturbances. Researchers found that oral administration of cardamom essential oil reduced C. jejuni pathogen load in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and reduced GI inflammation. Remarkably, the researchers also noted that cardamom EO reduced the secretion of pro-inflammatory molecules outside the GI tract and in systemic organs as well.


I love the studies approach to leaning. Give me data and I’m happy!

Many essential oils users diffuse essential oils when faced with a respiratory infection. One study found that bergamot, eucalyptus (E. globulus), geranium, cinnamon leaf, and lemongrass essential oils actively inhibited the influenza virus (H1N1; Influenza virus A1/Denver/1/57) when in v***r phase. Bergamot and eucalyptus were effective in 10 minutes, while geranium, cinnamon leaf, and lemongrass were effective in 30 minutes.

You can release EOs in their v***r phase when you use a nebulizing (waterless) diffuser.


I am awed each time as we enter into bedtime and so many complaints! Then I remember my Serenity Blend Essential Oil bottle and i offer a connecting moment and rub down the feet and the spine and deep positive breathe and light love conversation. Statements of affirmation and an invitation to join. I can say miracles do happen! This strategy NEVER fails!
Click on the link to learn a little about the nervous system:


Aromatic influences to the body?

I love how diffusion enhances the atmosphere of my home. All I have to do is pick a favorite oil or two or three and combine them to set the tone for my day. I feel like a mad scientist as I’m getting my diffuser all ready to go!
Why do you like to diffuse oils?


Have you see. This!!

Say Hello to Health Made Simple 31/10/2020

I’m on board. Simplify things fir me doTerra. And. THANK YOU!

Say Hello to Health Made Simple Our CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oil products offer natural solutions for you and your loved ones. With responsible and sustainable sourcing, our mission is to improve the lives of your whole family and families around the globe with every doTERRA purchase.

How to Reduce Stress During School Closures 08/06/2020

Health Tip

Stress and anxiety can trigger psychosomatic symptoms like headaches (including migraines), stomachaches, neck and back pain, and feeling run down. It can negatively affect sleep, immunity, moods, concentration, and relationships.

How to Reduce Stress During School Closures Disruptions to routine can trigger stress and anxiety for kids.


What are the specific needs in your family?

Do you have a whiny, clingy, needy toddler or preschooler? Likely their nervous system is hungry for some vestibular and proprioceptive input!
 Holding them upside down and flipping them right side up can change their mood, wrapping them up tightly in a blanket and pretending they are a baby or a burrito, bouncing games on your knees like Trot Trot to London, pretending your fingers are a little mouse? Ladybug? walking across their back, head, body... more purposeful than tickling but providing the sensory input that many toddlers and preschoolers crave, try it!


I watched this and my heart broke. What i want to say to you is this: never underestimate the POWER of honesty. Sharing with your kids the reality of your own emotions VALIDATES their own confusion in the midst of this traumatic world state we are in. There is no perfect way to live. Just live honestly. And age appropriately. WArd off the power of the pull 'down' by engaging in the power 'ups'== speak out loud the lovely truth of which you see in your child's beautiful face.. even overdo it right now because they really need to hear it....

Kids Feeling Stressed? Try This Mental Health Checkup & Toolkit! 09/05/2020

Recognize that Kids manage in a Kids version.. their world is not an adult world.....

Kids Feeling Stressed? Try This Mental Health Checkup & Toolkit! Who would have ever guessed that words like coronavirus, COVID-19 or pandemic would become part of our daily vocabulary? When stressful times occur, like now, it’s just as important to make sure we are feeling good emotionally as it is physically,


I love the power of simplicity, dont you?


You decide how you look out onto the landscape of your life. You can choose to focus on what you love OR you can focus on what gets in the way of what you love. One leads to freedom : the other to bo***ge. Take a moment, sit quietly, inhale a calm deep breath, feel the body get fed the Oxygen it needs to thrive, and breath out that which holds you captive in the negative. Breath again , same way, slow and deliberate, and release the need to control. Feel the freedom wash over you. Breath again, same way, slow and deliberate, hear your body thank you for the oxygen it needs to hold you up. Release the need for perfection. Feel the peace wash over you: accept it as a free gift. Know its a gift and doesn't need to be repaid.

This is mindfulness.
This is progress.
This is love for your intention for your day.
This is you caring about you.
Pass on the love.

In love, Patti Frohloff, PhD

Photos from SuperPower Sense: The Emotions Mentors's post 03/04/2020

We are experiencing trauma on a global scale and naturally, reacting to that. Below is information on grief and tools that can be used to support your brain in being able to process the gravity of our current situation. Please feel free to post any questions and we will do our best to find you reputable resources that can help. Our hope is to start posting more information while balancing our own mental health needs so please be patient with us.

Know you are loved and supported and we will help in whatever way we can. ❤️
***Search the titles at the top of each section as the links will not work in the image. If you would like a copy of this document please contact us and we will gladly share with working hyperlinks.


Take a stance. Then a breath. You are listening- speak Your words of strength! Create that affirmation that you want to walk into next.

Smart Hearts | Emotional Super Powers Weekly Education Series Part 2 01/02/2020

Part 2: Emotions have frequencies and can actually be measured... shame is the lowest vibration experience ......

Smart Hearts | Emotional Super Powers Weekly Education Series Part 2 Topic: Super Power: Love - "The Comfort Code" Free live webinar recorded 10-22-2018. To learn more, visit us at


Emotional Literacy is important! It helps you choose and act on the life you want! Stay tuned for more information on how to manage your emotional health!

Smart Hearts | Emotional Super Powers Weekly Education Series Part 1 28/12/2019

Part One the Intro::::::

Smart Hearts | Emotional Super Powers Weekly Education Series Part 1 Topic: What is Your Super Power? Free live webinar recorded 10-17-2018. To learn more, visit us at

My Own Superhero - A Song to Empower Every Child 28/12/2019

My Own Superhero - A Song to Empower Every Child We are so excited to post this original composition written to accompany our book, Emotional Super Powers - Empower a Child - Heal the World. Learn more at h...

Emotional Super Powers Program 28/12/2019

Emotional Super Powers Program With Super Smells and Super Tools, empower your family into sustainable emotional wellness! Our mission is to instill empathy by helping children recognize d...

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Beach Time
