BLOOM with Adrea K.

BLOOM with Adrea K.

Self Development- Bible Based.


Slow. Down.

Bake something
Go outside
Rest and Enjoy Today.


Don’t underestimate the QUIET power moves.

Power moves aren’t just for the girl at Corporate!

They can also be the ability to sit and read the Bible when you don’t feel like it.

They can be telling your kids no- they can’t play every sport known to man.

It can be walking barefoot outside to boost that seratonin.

It can be ignoring the dishes in the sink for the 2nd day in a row because “you just can’t” tonight.

It can be cooking from scratch because you want to eat healthier and also having balance with some sugary cereal once/week for dinner because well- you’re freaking tired. (🙋🏼‍♀️ Hi, it’s me)

It can be taking away your kids technology.

It can be drinking more water.

It can be going to church when you need a day to rest.

It can be having a girls day with your daughter and a father/son day fishing at a pond.

It can be sacrificing what seems like so much but gaining more than you can imagine.

It can be choosing a life no one else understands but you and God…

Those kind of power moves, in my opinion, outweigh the pat on the back most people get from winning awards or promotional achievements.

You can spend your whole life in the runners lane wanting to win approval from the crowd but sometimes we have to stop and ask ourselves- WHY are we running? Maybe the power move is walking the race and at the end, to be able to say you enjoyed the scenery and you were in the right lane.


🌻💻 🏔️ ☕️ ❤️❤️🩷

Your purpose in this life isn't tied to some goal you have for a future achievement....Maybe read that again!

Try not to equate your purpose with a goal that you one day hope to achieve. Your purpose is in this moment. It's in how you love and care for others. It's in the quality time you spend with loved ones and on yourself. A goal for the future or a plan to learn something new so you can do something else is awesome, but don't forget the most important things are what you're doing or not doing right now. ~Amy~


I got a word that’s BUBBLING up in my Spirit! 🫧

Cannot Wait To Share in Our Next BLOOM Meeting

🌻 BLOOM 2024.


Meal Prepping for Tomorrow.

A little green smoothie to try!

We’ll see if the kids like it. 😉

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”


✨ ✨♥️


Slow down a little… and BAKE something! 😍


Chocolate Zucchini Bread in the making! 😍


And sometimes my friends… ya gotta make the best iced coffee, turn on a good podcast, and use the nighttime hours to clean evvvverything!


I’m in the fireplace, baking, and Christmas Mood!
🔥 🍪 🎁

I need to know.

What is your FAVORITE
Hallmark Christmas Movie?!



Need a coffee replacement?!

I’ve been on this journey of finding one for YEARS! 🤦‍♀️

Other than drinking decaf or just bone broth to satisfy a drink in the morning, this one takes the cake!

Dandelion is EXTREMELY good for you and packed with all kinds of goodness.

Not sure my chocolate milk I added in is helping the nutrients but hey… we’re getting there! 😉

It truly has that coffee taste with NO CAFFIENE!!
💯 WIN.


Follow God’s plan for your life.
Ask him for the next step.


Prep it UP on a Sunday!

Snack time at home is just as easy as opening a bag of chips!

This option is just better.


A reset.

I think there is such beauty in the quiet.

God tells us to go into our inner room and pray.

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
Matthew 6:6

We also have to get real with ourselves and what we want.

But shouldn’t it be what God wants?


I believe he has put some of the desires in our heart (that line up with the Word of God) so that He can give us those desires!

Ps 37:4
“Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

Think about it. 😉

I feel called to do certain things and I see a lot of obstacles in my life right now that are not making that path easy.

Should it be easy? Not necessarily but there should be peace.

If you talk to me for long, you know I am all for the slowness and peace in life. Yes, life can actually be slow if you make room for it.

I enjoy walking outside barefoot 🦶 and taking in some fresh air, watering my plants, 💧 and sitting by a cozy fire 🔥 while reading a book.

It puts my mind at ease.

When I feel like the things that I know are essential are being taken from me, I HAVE to redirect.

👉 I have to take account for where my life is headed.

I don’t believe we are meant to just survive- but thrive! We can’t do that in a place that is unkept and full of weeds.

I encourage you to take a rest. Take some time to sit and process your schedule, how you are living (or surviving) life and what you can do to create more peace and stillness.

Just because the world functions a certain way doesn’t mean you’re supposed to walk like that!

I’ve always been one to take a different route. I will go where God is calling and where there is peace.✌️

So should you.

What can you do to change NOW so that 5 years down the road, you’re proud of that woman who took a different direction?

What weeds can you cut out?

What steps can you take?

💕- Adrea




From a girl who wants caffiene…. and is struggling with her flesh…

“I don’t need caffiene. I don’t want caffiene.”

Say it out loud.

Let the moment pass.

Realize you didn’t ACTUALLY need it that bad.

Realizing you can win this war!!

Caffeine has a few pros. More negatives.


Photos from BLOOM with Adrea K.'s post 07/10/2023

Family Movie Night!


I do my best writing and searching in the kitchen floor. 🩷 💻 Don’t ask why. 😂 I don’t know.

I’m most creative at home.

I feel Alive!
I feel restful and understood.
I also Worship God in my kitchen… dancing and praying! 💃

God is so good to give us a roof over our heads to dream and to go into our closets and pray.

Make your home a cozy place, even if that just involves one corner full of a vision board, some string lights, and your Bible! ❤️


Today, I give you permission to chase those wild dreams! Go after them!

I am.


Photos from BLOOM with Adrea K.'s post 03/10/2023

It only takes a few minutes… (she tells herself)

You have a whole tray ready to go for when your kids tell, “I’m hungry!”


If you struggle with anxiety and depression…

Coming again next year!
Here’s a piece of my ❤️…


When I think of all I want to do in life… I know it won’t all happen. I think that’s part of the beauty in it.

It’s the realizing you’re only human and only have so much to give in this lifetime.

I can however appreciate the beauty everyday.
The way I look out in our front yard and see the shape of the leaves and appreciate the fact that God brought us HERE.

I know how to place my feet in the dirt and walk in the stillness of the day.

I know how to dream with God.

Maybe that’s enough?

I won’t be up to everyone else’s standard of “the grind.” I’m more of a stop and smell the roses kind of girl and I’m okay with that. ❤️ 🌸

My quiet time with the creator of this beautiful earth is worth more than my name high on a list of people who “get stuff done.”

So today, I’m okay with being still while laundry isn’t done, dishes are in the sink, and I still don’t know what’s for dinner.

Today, I appreciate my ability to just not care. 😆


These are just a few things I like to say to myself every morning as I begin my brain detox and morning preparation (with some good coffee!)

What would you add to this? How do you like to start your morning?


Not my favorite snack but healthier version of a pop tart. ;)) 😆🩷


Check In Time:

For those who are on this
‘not eating processed sugar’ journey with me…

How’s it going?

Are you baking more or just eating less processed sugar?

I’ll go first. I’ve given in a few times for some chocolate KIND bars stashed in the back of my cabinet- that I was really craving 😬😬 but for the most part I’ve been BAKING!

I’ve made banana bread and berry muffins so far.
They’ve been a GREAT alternative but maybe a little too convenient 😂 I’ve got to reel in the sugar intake this week.

Let me know how it’s going for you!

Photos from BLOOM with Adrea K.'s post 17/09/2023

Grab what ingredients you have and experiment!

The kids ended up LOVING this dish and so did my husband and I.

I eat gluten free and that means I have to learn to cook new things.

For my baking brain where everything is so precise, this can be challenging.

Although, I’m surprisingly finding it fun and exciting.

New recipes leads to new favorites! 😍


Cutting out sugar?

From some research online…

You can see results in as little as 72 to 96 hours!

Your skin will appear less oily and dry.
Eye circles reduced.
You will have a beautiful GLOW! 🤩
And you will feel better!

I’ve personally experienced all of this just by drinking more water.

Let’s get to consuming LESS sugar and more water! 💦



Most of our packaged snacks and drinks are sweetened with fructose. 🥤

Did you know?

👉 Your liver turns it into fat.

If you regularly pump fructose into your system, tiny drops of fat build up in your liver and could create non alcoholic fatty liver desiese.

I am NOT against sugar. I just think we need to eat/drink sugar in MODERATION and therefore, gain more in our overall health! ❤️

I made muffins tonight. It took a me a total of maybe an hour and they tasted better than any store bought or pre mix!

*I know the ingredients
*It will last for days for breakfast
*Feeding my family
*Still get a sweet treat


Making from scratch- berry muffins!


Over these next couple of weeks, I’m going to be talking about SUGAR!

Not in a way that will give you a “boost” for your 2:00 slump but rather in a way that will keep you FROM your slump.

It may make you want to unfollow this page.
If that’s the case, we will miss you.
Otherwise, if you dare to better yourself, hang on.

I’m going to be unpacking what exactly sugar does to the human body and brain.

Have I given up sugar? NO.
Have I tried? Yes. And Failed.
Will I keep trying? I don’t know. My goal this month is to not eat “processed sugar” so that eventually, my sugar intake will be less and less, leading to a diet with VERY LITTLE sugar.

This is a train 🚂 to get me there along with others who are willing to take this journey with me!
For that, I am grateful! ❤️

Feel free to chime in on the posts telling me how ridiculous it is ✌️or how much it’s helping. 🧗‍♀️Feel free to include your weak moments (I had one yesterday with chocolate granola that I did not make in my kitchen 😐🙃) and how it’s going. We are all human. Not robots.

It’s all about Small Steps.

Let’s take them together and B.L.O.O.M.!! 🌻
