The VisionKeepers

The VisionKeepers

The VisionKeepers Community is a circle of leaders, facilitators and visionaries in service to this time of great change on the planet.

Our mission is to nurture each other; To seek ways to care for Mother Earth and to assist in the healing of humanity


"Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky."
~ Kahlil Gibran


An important lesson about it only taking one person to alter a relationship dynamic.

Attend a Foundation Training...

Photos from ZACH BUSH MD's post 08/08/2023

Some beautiful wisfom shared by wonderful global honours vision keeper, thought leader and contemporary sage, Zac Bush.

Give thanks to country for holding you. Hold and feel the vision of being One with Mother Nature.

So much gratitude πŸ™πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈπŸ’“


Amazingness! Do not allow your faith, focused dreaming and pathway to completion to be interrupted or diminished!!!!


β€œThe person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person doing it.”
- Chinese Proverb

Artist: Andre Samador


Loving watching my recent Byron Lovefest Heart Mandala live on through this FB medium and spread its energy far and wide.

The dreams and wishes, crystals, stones, water and flowers in the Blessing Well have been released to the ocean. The love hearts and memories are safely being held in a dedicated Memory Book.

Perhaps you might like to help with that too? Please Share The Love β™₯οΈπŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’›πŸŒˆ


Feeling grateful and loved. πŸ’œπŸŒˆπŸ™

Arriving home last night after a long day offering intuitive guidance with my DCC Cards at the Nourishing Nest, and quickly set up space for a late mentoring session.

I realised last night when holding space for a long term graduate SPP student and Mentee that Space Holding is such an art and a powerful language of love. It involves multiple communication skills for sure, when the objective is to support the person into a space of self exploration while opening to and searching for inner wisdom to surface.

It is easier for both parties when the space holder is detached from the outcomes and is not invested in the exploration taking place. Space holding can be both passive and active.

Hearing from my mentee this morning that she is now clear and has already taken actions toward her next steps, I feel grateful that she has chosen me to turn to support her on her journey.

I also heard from one of yesterday’s intuitive reading clients. Grateful for my space holding as she too navigated a new path.

For me personally, I am fortunate to have a number of friends and professionals who lovingly hold space beautifully for me to explore my life and it’s lessons. I have mentors and guides in other dimensions too who always holding space for me to learn and grow. A Sacred Mandala or Journal can also offer a safe place and space for discovery and expansion. The. There are favourite trees, rocks, crystal and mountains and Country itself who listen beautifully. Sacred Drum, Brother Wind and Eagle too.

Space holders are everywhere. Love is everywhere.

Thankyou dear friend for holding space right now by reading this. I pray someone is holding space with unconditional love and positive regard for you today. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Love πŸ’œ Heather


Happy Full Moon # # #

Happy Full Moon in Capricorn July 3, 2023

This bountiful Full moon in (down to earth, factual, hardworking, high achieving) Capricorn is at 11 degrees and opposite across the chart to the Sun shining fully upon the Moon at 11 degrees in Cancer. This creates a stunning and powerful 11:11 code.

Close to this degree and the Sun we fine Jupiter at 9 degrees in Ta**us (ruled by Venus with her generous and transformative gifts of beauty, bounty and unconditional love), blessing us all when we combine all energies from the planetary placements of the Sun and Jupiter and this trine in the sky with a powerful sense of responsibility, discipline, abundance and expansiveness. The moon itself coupled with the sensitive and somewhat intuitive nature of Cancer, this energy is softened with the qualities of empathy, nurturing and nourishment. It is remarkable how the position of planets can at times balance and enhance the extremities of the gifts they otherwise bring if they would be on their own in their influence.

Despite the dominance of a Capricorn Moon at this time, it is a time to follow your TrueHeart and Soul wisdom, rather than outside influences that are based on mainstream, dictorial governance and illusion. This full moon is a time when you are called to discern the difference between natural law, based on gentleness, kindness and support for each other as a humanistic, harmonious way to move in the world, or human law based on fear and power.

The crystals in the mandala have been carefully chosen to clear negative and amplify positive energies at this time and you can find out more about them and the messages from The 8 Ways and our Daily Co-creation Cards on my website. Follow the link in the comments.

The length of this month’s guidance (full encounter can be had by visiting my website as in comments) reflects the abundance and generosity of the energies of this Full Moon. These blessings will flow forward for some time and continue to bless you through to the New Moon. Take time to rest in the fullness of this light and guidance to balance potent energies that will motivate you to persist and succeed in your pursuits. As the planets play their significant roles and fulfil their promise to continue to support you in your roles here on earth, remember to step back, become the Witness and trust yourself and your capacity to navigate whatever comes your way. Always be ready to Dive Deep, as you have the magical tools of the Shamanic Way at your fingertips – reach out to master teachers to guide you if you don’t feel this is true as yet. Remember that Mother Nature and your Cosmic Family and Ancestors are all Master Teachers, as are many trees and animals who cross your path.

πŸ’– Look with Eyes that see beyond what is imaginable.
πŸ’™ Listen with Ears that hear the faintest whispers of sublime wisdom.
β™₯️ Feel with a compassionate and kind Heart unrestricted in its capacity to love fiercely and fearlessly.
πŸ¦‹ Touch in a way that heals and transforms, gently and strongly at the same time.
πŸ’œ Imagine and allow all that is possible and seemingly impossible.
⭐️ Shine your light so brightly that you and those in your company instantly see what is there to be revealed, and can no longer hide in shadow.
πŸ’ Love generously and joyfully, and with a smile at every opportunity. A smile will set your free.

Bountiful and Beautiful Love-filled blessings from My Heart Dear Friends

Heather Price πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


Welcoming Summer and Winter Solstices today πŸŒ·πŸŒ„πŸŒŽπŸ¦…πŸ’“πŸ™πŸ’•πŸŒˆπŸŒ…

We have the opportunity to welcome the Summer and Winter solstices today.

As the earth tilts to its extreme limits at this time and begins an opposite pathway to rebalance light and dark, we might find ourselves tested to our limits and called to new pathways.

This time is an opportunity to allow our body, mind, heart and spirit to find equilibrium and adjust anything out of balance.

Yesterday I found myself in harmony with this energetic pull to rebalance my energies in body, mind heart and spirit as I felt I was being tested to my limits. It was incredible to feel at peace and trusting as I sat in the centre of one of the greatest losses of my life, as my limit of holding on to and fighting for a treasure was reached.

At the time I couldn’t fully understand what was happening during this experience. I’ll do my best to explain what was occurring in that moment of my limits being reached.

My body instinctively wanted to escape to safety. And yet it stayed. I physically felt the tilt of my internal soul axis when this inertia settled and the Earth pulled me back to Her. 🌎

My heart opened fully beyond my own experience and reminded me to remain open and love fully and unconditionally, and urged and supported my body to stay. πŸ’”

My mind reminded me that I had fought to hold onto something incredibly precious to me three times, and that now it was time to let it go. I had done all I could do to keep this treasure safe. πŸ’œ

My spirit urged me into the safe and loving realms of the Divine, keeping my light strong and shining, despite the grief and loss calling me into the darkness. πŸ’–

The word solstice reminds us that light is returning, both within and without.πŸŒ…πŸŒ„

If you feel trapped in a dark place today, if you have been pushed to your limits remember to trust yourself and your journey.

Take good care of yourself and those you love, treasure and serve. If you can’t do that physically, you can do your best to do it energetically. Be forgiving of those who have contributed to any suffering you may be experiencing. Ask for forgiveness from those for whom you may have contributed to their suffering. Be forgiving of yourself and your humanness. All of this can be done at high self levels. You know how to do this as you walk the shamanic path.

Clear all entities from your field. If you are not able to do this then reach out to a shamanic practitioner to help. You know you are carrying entities when your behaviour is radically different to its norm. When you feel incredibly heavy and tired in your energies for no obvious reason. Your thoughts may be scattered.

Remember to embrace rather than resist change. This is the prophecy of the age of Aquarius we are fully held by. The Aquarius way is to embrace rather than resist change. To expect the unexpected. This way we are called to is the way of the feminine.

The feminine body knows how to nurture a seed into a fully formed physical being. It also knows how to fully trust and despite the agony of loss to naturally expel a beautiful half grown being when unknown circumstances prevent it from being fully formed. A feminine heart is able to hold all feelings that accompany such a responsibility. A feminine mind is creative, flexible and innovative and embraces change and the opportunity to recalibrate and grow. A feminine spirit shines unashamedly, even when the pain of being shamed seems unbearable.

The Divine Feminine Way exists within all beings and moves with the rhythms of Mother Earth and the Cosmic forces that energetically hold us in shamanic practice.

Sending love and blessings to you today.

Heather πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ’“πŸŒ·πŸ§šπŸΏβ€β™€οΈπŸ¦œ


Happy Full Moon πŸŒ•

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius

Overall Message for today and the next few days under this Full Moon:
Be courageous and follow your heart, being clear and focused on your grandest Vision, drawing on your Inner Strengths and Deepest Wisdom to guide you. Say or sing positive mantras to support you on this optimistic journey. Take back your power by taking responsibility for your actions and reactions, and for your life, and Trust in yourself and your journey. Illuminate your innate gifts and strengths and all will be well. Let Grace guide you and lead the way.
I can do this (reflecting your inner strength and confidence which may be illuminated further when you remember a time when you have overcome great obstacles).
You can do this (it sometimes is more effective to speak to yourself as a third person. Think of it as you speaking to your Inner Hero).
We can do this (thinking here that you are not alone, that you are supported and loved in your rich Inner World).
This can be done! There are no limits. The Universe has my back. (Inclusive and in Union).
Be sure to complete with the Co-Creation Mantra that I teach:
Let it be So
And so it is
Show me the Way, and The Way to me
Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou.

Follow the link in comments for much greater guidance

Love Heather # #



If you would like to deepen your connection to spirit and country, I highly recommend joining Aunty Babanginy on her journey back to country. There is so much to learn and experience through walking together with Aunty Babanginy and this is a wonderful opportunity to be a part of her journey. ❀️

Photos from Shamanic Path and Practice's post 24/05/2023

Honouring the Sacred Way πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸπŸπŸπŸπŸ¦œπŸ¦œπŸ¦œπŸ¦œπŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸ¬πŸ¬πŸ¬πŸ¬


Milky-Way over the great pyramids of Egypt 🌌

Bees, 5D & the Pleiades 20/05/2023

Blessings Bee πŸ™πŸπŸŒˆπŸ€—πŸ’›

Bees, 5D & the Pleiades Reflecting on the Wisdom of Bees, 5D & the 13 Grandmothers of the Pleiadesβ€” in recognition of World Bee Day.


Beautifully true.

Thankyou Sacred Dreams for sharing this wisdom. πŸ’πŸ¦œπŸ’–πŸŒ·πŸ™

Don't abandon yourself. Not when you're sick. Not when you're tired.
Not when you've lost the thread, the thought, or the thing you thought defined you.
You will die many times in one life and create yourself anew. This is natural. This is a gift.
I've died a few times now here in this world. The person I was: gone.
Throw that older skin into the water. Give it to the sky. Step into what wants to emerge now. Nothing can hold you back when you are willing to be Yourself.~

~ Jeannette Encinias


Do not love half lovers
Do not entertain half friends
Do not live half a life
and do not die a half death

If you choose silence, then be silent
When you speak, do so until you are finished
Do not silence yourself to say something
And do not speak to be silent

If you accept, then express it bluntly
Do not mask it
If you refuse then be clear about it
for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance

Do not accept half a solution
Do not believe half truths
Do not dream half a dream
Do not fantasize about half hopes

Half the way will get you no where
Half an idea will bear you no results

Half a life is a life you didn't live,
A word you have not said
A smile you postponed
A love you have not had
A friendship you did not know

The half is a mere moment of inability
but you are able for you are not half a being
You are a whole that exists to live a life
not half a life.

Khalil Gibran


Deep lasting Healing lies within.

Be sure to follow Tara. Her offerings are truly transformative and divine.

So many of my younger years were spent searching for a way to feel at home in my own body.

So many years being who I thought I needed to be and running from what I truly am.

I remember not knowing why my life kept repeating the same patterns, yet at the same time, being so desperately frustrated by the symptoms of my incessant searching…

- Failed relationship after failed relationship.
- Stuck on the hampster wheel of spiritual development.
- Using sexuality, seduction and manipulation to feel what I hoped was power.
- Comparing myself to sisters and never feeling enough.
- Constantly trying to prove my lovability so that β€˜he would just see me’.

Knowing what I know now, I can so clearly see that my behaviour back then was driven by a nervous system stuck in fight or flight.

We didn’t have the insight into trauma or the understanding of the nervous system back then so I simply didn’t know how, and couldn’t receive the right support, to repattern my internal programming.

And, I couldn’t hear the whispers of my own intuition to heal myself because my nervous system was constantly screaming DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!

All these years on and all too often I see the same situation of a nervous system that has no idea of how to receive love stealing the purpose, joy and passion from a woman's life.

Unfortunately, much of the social conditioning convinces women to think that our satisfaction comes from the outside world, from the way we serve others at our own expense and from the striving to meet misguided masculine ideas of what it means to be a woman.

Sisters, please hear me clearly when I say this…


It was for me all those years back and it still is now.

For every woman I support to land in the grace of who she truly is, it’s an inside job.

And, so it should be!

There is truly nothing more powerful and fierce than a woman who remembers who she is.

So with that, I send a big hug to my younger self who struggled to find the right tools and a big prayer for the sisterhood as we reclaim our bodies, recentre our nervous systems and embody being the earth.


Dear Friends we have a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio in our night Sky.

Here is a little info from my website where i recently posted what to expect and prepare for at this time of potent energies.

Remembering it will affect us all differently - with influences coming from our personal astrological placements.

Overall Message

Be prepared for your (and others) shadow aspects to arise and secrets to be exposed under this full moon eclipse in Scorpio, particularly if you have planets in this sign in your birth chart. Have your crystals and other medicine tools close by and fill your energy tank ahead of time, during, and after this Full Moon with regular drumming, or other sounding, and intention setting. Take time to create ceremony and practice healing mantras. Be clear in your intention at this time and call in support when needed. Talk to the Planets prominent in the night sky and ask for their assistance. Be the Witness and Observer of major events whenever you can. Rather than seeing yourself as a Victim or taking on the Rescuer role to bale someone else out who has been triggered. Enjoy the many blessings of a Scorpio full Moon and Eclipse.

Trust is on the menu and you may find yourself tested and having to decide whether to continue path you are taking, or choose another one, using discernment and self-worth as your compass. If you find yourself in doubt, remember to ask for signs to reassure you, and be clear in your invitation to the Universe. Be authentic and honest as there is nowhere to hide under the light of this Full Moon – pluck up the courage to speak up and out against anything out of alignment with your truth, aware of course that another person’s truth may conflict with your version of events.

The link to my website and more info is in the comments. Please help me out by commenting to get the word around as it helps when interest is shown. Thank you.πŸ™πŸ’–

Much love to all

Heather # # # # #


Greetings on this new day beautiful Ones

I want to share with you all that at 8am and 8pm each day I am tuning into the Planets, and Earth and Moon spirits guiding us at this time to assist me, and us all, to move through this potent time. I intend to do this until the eclipse energies have rebalanced.

Please join with me in your own way if you feel the call.

This explanation of the cosmic alignment leading up to the Full Moon and Lunar eclipse on Thursday May 5 may be helpful. I’ll post it below my prayer.

My prayer that I am inviting my Drum to put out to the Cosmic spirits is:

Dear Cosmic Beings of Light and Love, guardians of the World Above

Please assist me, and all those I serve, to Trust our Selves and ourJourney at this time. To lead from the TrueHeart, with compassion and love for The Wounded Heart.
To Master my and our mind and emotions to be able to be clear and steady in my and our visions and service through this time. To connect with the infinite wisdom and possibility of my Soul and our collective Soul as we dive deep together at this time.

To find delicious Ways to Nurture and Nourish Country and my and our beautiful body through this potent alignment of energy medicine.

To create Joy at every possible moment (Hei Le’a )the fourth of The 8 Ways I teach).

Hāmama Pu’ uwai - to keep my and our heart open no matter what ( 6th Way).

Ku Ala - tbe be present with all that is, and mindful of my and our thoughts ( 5th Way)

Mana Wa Hele - to stand in my and our power, and be the light and in flow with this planetary shift and deconstruction and reconstruction of Divine consciousness ( 3rd Way).

Let it be so and do it is…show me and us the Way and May the Way be shown to me and us

Thankyou πŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

This From Tania Gabrielle:

β€œThis is powerful time of the year when many astro-numerology forces come together at once.

Mercury is retrograde in Ta**us.
April is culminating the 11 Universal Month activation.
Pluto is at a standstill at 0Β° Aquarius
Jupiter is about to leave Aries and move into 0Β° Ta**us.
We are in between two powerful eclipses that propel you to TRUST your deep eternal spiritual source.
Your life is unfolding with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose.

Take a deep breath…

With the first of two eclipses behind us, we are building up to one of the powerful climaxes of 2023 – the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on 5.5. – creating a quadruple 5:5:5:5 code (more on that eclipse coming soon!).

This is a time to pivot – to turn things around.

Imagine driving on a beautiful meandering country road in one direction and, in returning back on the same road, experiencing a completely new perspective…

Cross the 11 threshold in these final days of April.

Embrace the double new beginnings energy of the 11 Portal.

Use your fantastic imagination to feel the goodness life has to offer.

Let your imagination soar!

You have everything it takes within you.

Test yourself… 11 is a β€œMaster number”, asking you to step up and master something.

Between the two eclipses you are poised on a suspension bridge – part of everything and nothing all at once.

Do you choose to discover the surprising depths that life will inevitably bring - or do you fear the new inevitable adventures your soul is poised to explore?

Your perspective defines how this special time feels.

How do you expect reality to meet you?
Let your heart be your guide.

Joyful Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle”

Blessings and Love
And GRACE beautiful Ones

Heather πŸ¦…πŸ™πŸŒ·πŸ’•πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ¦’πŸ’“πŸ§Žβ€β™‚οΈπŸŒˆ

Heather Price


Waiting to see Joe Dispenza in Melb… along with sooo many others. Sold out event. I’m looking forward to once again remembering who we are and what is reality and what is available to us at a whole deeper level!
And I love the scientific research he backs it up with!!! Thanks Dr Joe!


Respecting our Elders indeed!

Love the description of our old women πŸ’“πŸŒ€πŸ’›

β€œAs a culture, our failure to understand or embrace aging is also related to the fact that we are increasingly and profoundly cut off from nature, and thus from the natural cycles and rhythms of our human life. And yet the old women in our old stories, without exception, are forces of nature, and of the ancestral Otherworld which is so beautifully entangled with this world. There are no twice-removed, transcendental star-goddesses here; no twinkly fairy queens, reluctant to sully themselves with the dirt and mess of physical incarnation. Our old women are the dark heart of the forest, the stone womb of the mountain, immanent in the living land itself. They’re elemental beings: storm hags, fire keepers, grandmothers of the sea. They show us how to live when everything we thought mattered to us has been stripped away; they teach us how to stay rooted in the face of inevitable death. They teach us how to stand firm in the face of all the culture’s bu****it, and laugh.”

~ Sharon Blackie, β€œHagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life”

Art by Dorrie Joy Artist


Nicolas post event

We are all so grateful to the director of our amazing recent New Earth Dreaming~ New Way Walking Expo Journey - Nicolas Perrin.

Nicolas joined and expertly guided all teams behind this incredible production.

He masterfully managed to offer two wonderful presentations and to join the Thought Leaders Panel as well as coordinate the event in the studio over the weekend.

Thank you and Bless you dear Nicolas, we treasure and love you and value all that you have to offer our beloved VisionKeepers Tribe.

You can find out more about Nicolas by following the link in the comments.

Nicolas post event

We are all so grateful to the director of our amazing recent New Earth Dreaming~ New Way Walking Expo Journey - Nicolas Perrin.

Nicolas joined and expertly guided all teams behind this incredible production.

He masterfully managed to offer two wonderful presentations and to join the Thought Leaders Panel as well as coordinate the event in the studio over the weekend.

Thank you and Bless you dear Nicolas, we treasure and love you and value all that you have to offer our beloved VisionKeepers Tribe.

You can find out more about Nicolas by following the link in the comments.

Photos from The VisionKeepers's post 23/03/2023

Honouring our beloved fellow VisionKeeper Boorroo who welcomed us to Country and acknowledged The Ancestors - introduced to you in her own words:

β€œWarami I’m Boorroo.
I’m a Walbunja Wawarrawarri woman from the East Coast, a Mother and Grandmother.

I have 20 years in Community Services, Juvenile Justice, Mediation, Disability and Carers, Aboriginal Circle Sentencing and Cell Support.
For the last 17yrs I have dedicated myself to the Spiritual, from Psychic Mediumship work to Energy and Entity Clearings, Business and House Blessings, Spirit Investigation Medium & Ghost Tours at QStation, to Energy & Sound Healings and Massage- both locally and around this Country.
I am also an Artist and have recently included Activation Art into my Dillybag of Healing Tools.
I have been a part of many Circles and Ceremonies, both Indigenous and non-indigenous, as my Heart and Soul is for Healing, for Mother Earth , Family and Community.

I was born with many of my gifts, but also hold Knowledge and Wisdom that has been handed down through the generations of my Ancient Ancestors, I am a Spirit and Medicine Woman with a deep Connection to Country and my Ancestors.”
Boorroo is a longstanding member of the VisionKeepers leadership community.

Bless dear Boorroo to have you open our wonderful expo journey dear Boorroo, Didjorigor - thank youοΏΌ. πŸ™πŸ’œ

You can find out more about Boorroo and her offerings by following the link in the comments. πŸ™

Photos from The VisionKeepers's post 22/03/2023

This wonderful mandala held the energy for our beautiful expo on the weekend. So grateful to Etty Ayalon and Alison Petrie for co-creating this mandala that was initially the inspiration of Caitlin Wood who unfortunately became unwell and had to step back at the last minute. πŸ™

Thank youπŸŒΈπŸŒˆπŸ’•πŸŒ·πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’“πŸ€—πŸ’—πŸŒ€πŸ¦‹

It was wonderful watching the production team for the New Earth Dreaming New Way Walking event dipping into our Daily CoCreation cards to guide and reflect our CoCreation and personal experiences. πŸ™πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸŒ€πŸŒˆπŸŒ·πŸ¦…

The grass mat in the centre of the Mandala was first woven by Heather Price as a smaller mat with grasses from Cammeragal country to welcome the first women to the founding circle of The VisionKeepers in November of 2016. Since then many VisionKeepers have woven their dreaming into this Mat for this leadership group, their communities and the New Earth.

It is was rather enthusiastically visioned that one day the Mat will be large enough for those who gather in our circles to sit on. πŸ€—

The selenite sphere in the centre is a gift to Etty for her dedicated service to the VisionKeepers community. Many other VisionKeepers have received similar gifts for service. Selenite is a crystal that cleans and purifies spaces and is known to be a guardian and connector, in service to spiritual and etheric, unseen realms. Here we find the element Ether and the Worlds in Between.

Alison collected symbols for each element holding energies for each direction and Etty spoke about each of these as she laid them out. Fire and Spirit on the East. Earth and Body in the North. Water and Heart in the West. And Air and Mind in the South.

For this Expo, guided by medicine woman Boorroo with her traditional wisdom and knowledge, we followed the path from North to South then West to East. From grounding and strengthening from connecting with and blessing and be blessed by Country and our Ancestors in the North, anchored by the Earth element.

We then cross the circle to connect in with the wisdom of the element Air and our Mind to assist in clarifying and communicating and to break through resistance and obstacles to insure and allow the New Earth Dreaming and Visions to be birthed and held in the South.

Our path leads us from here to be blessed and energised in the element of Water and activate full flow and embodiment of the energies of the West, where great transformation can happen when we lead from our Heart.

From here, we cross the circle again to the East to integrate all energies and elements to celebrate with our Light and New Ways with renewed Connection with our Inner Fire and Life force energy - our Spirit.

( Gratitude to Caitlin Wood for dreaming this Mandala and co-creating energetically from her healing bed).

(Daily CoCreation Cards, 2019, were channelled and written by Heather Price with artwork by Gail Grey.)

More information can be found about the Mandala on our website. Link is in comments.


This has been Chat GPT's response to what is Nonviolent Communication...
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a communication framework and process developed by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg in the 1960s. Its goal is to help individuals communicate more effectively and empathetically, while also promoting peaceful conflict resolution.
At its core, NVC emphasizes four key components of communication: observations, feelings, needs, and requests. It encourages individuals to express themselves honestly and openly, while also listening actively and empathetically to others.
By focusing on these four components, NVC aims to foster understanding and connection between individuals, even in the midst of conflict or disagreement. It also encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own emotions and actions, rather than blaming or criticizing others.
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) can also be used as a tool for self-awareness and personal growth. By using NVC to identify and express their own feelings and needs, individuals can become more attuned to their own inner experiences and more capable of addressing their own needs and desires.
In addition, NVC can help individuals become more aware of the ways in which their language and communication style may contribute to conflict or misunderstanding. By learning to communicate more empathetically and non-judgmentally, individuals can cultivate stronger relationships and avoid unnecessary conflict.
NVC can also help individuals develop greater self-compassion and self-empathy. By recognizing and accepting their own feelings and needs, individuals can learn to respond to themselves with greater kindness and understanding.
Overall, NVC offers a powerful framework for improving both interpersonal communication and self-awareness, making it a valuable tool in promoting empathy, understanding, and peaceful communication.
It can be used in a wide range of personal and professional settings. It has been used in conflict resolution, mediation, counseling, education, and many other fields.
Join me for an NVC Foundation Training -
