The Thriving Jedi Women's Wellness Studio

The Thriving Jedi Women's Wellness Studio

Welcome to The Thriving Jedi page! We're so glad you're here! We are virtual health and wel


I am on the hunt for 5 strong and motivated women to join my free 21 day strength training program! Whether you prefer to workout in person, virtually, or a mix of both, this program is designed to help you build muscle, increase endurance, and boost your confidence. From weightlifting to bodyweight exercises, we will work together to achieve your fitness goals and push past your limits đŸ’ȘđŸ‹ïžâ€â™€ïž Don't miss out on this opportunity to challenge yourself and join a supportive community of like-minded women. Let's crush those goals together!

If you're ready to take your fitness journey to the next level, then this program is perfect for you! With a combination of personalized workouts, nutrition guidance, and accountability, you'll be well on your way to becoming the strongest version of yourself. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned gym-goer, this program is adaptable to meet your individual needs and help you reach new heights in your fitness journey. Join me and let's make these 21 days the start of a lifelong commitment to health and wellness đŸ’–đŸƒâ€â™€ïž

Click here to get started:


Strength train with me-in person or virtually!


Are you being honest with yourself?

Are you allowing yourself to feel your emotions or are you pushing them to the side with the belief that you'll "get to them later?"

Acknowledging your emotions isn't weak or selfish. It's actually a sign of great strength, self-worth, and self-awareness.

But what does it actually mean to "acknowledge" your emotions?


In the moment, when you sense an unsettling emotion rising up from within you, you pause and allow yourself to experience that emotion or slew of emotions.

đŸŒŒ You allow yourself to feel whatever sensations they evoke in your body.
đŸŒŒ You allow yourself to think whatever thoughts they bring to your conscious mind.
đŸŒŒ You allow yourself to experience whatever unpleasant memory is dug up from the past.

Why is this important? Because without giving yourself the space and freedom to acknowledge your emotions, you will inevitably bottom them.
Bottling or suppressing emotions is extremely detrimental to your health and wellness.

In fact, VeryWellMind says that bottling emotions can actually be dangerous to both your health and your life, including your physical health and your relationships.

Give your emotions some space and freedom to be experienced.

A good rule of thumb is 5-minutes in the moment and if necessary, extended self-reflection later on in the same day.

Do your best to not allow this acknowledgement to bleed into the next day. The danger of overly sensationalizing your emotions can also be a damaging.

So, pause, but don't pause for too long.
Give them space, but not too much space.

The key to successfully acknowledging your emotions is also knowing when to let them go and move on.


So, it's been Spring for a few weeks in some places and still very much winter in many other places!

Depending on where you live, the weather is either extremely temperamental or totally predictable. I'm stupendously fortunate to live in a place where you never know what the weather will be like and typically it changes within the hour.

More often than not, it's cloudy and/or rainy with the occasional sunny day.

As someone who struggles with Seasonal Affective Disorder, temperamental weather and a great lack of sunshine can really do a number on me.

Here are a few ways I motivate myself to overcome this temperamental weather and my own personal emotional ups and downs:
1. Wind down with a relaxing cup of tea (chamomile or linden) and read for a book before bed.
2. Sleep in a fully darkened room with as few electronic lights as possible.
3. Drink at least half my body weight in oz of water daily to keep myself hydrated.
4. Drink a nutrient dense protein shake daily to boost my nutrition and keep me regular.
5. Sit by a window with the curtains open allowing as much natural light during the day as possible to flood the room I'm in.
6. Go outside and allow the sun to hit me directly for a few minutes every day (on days that I'm home).
7. Do 30-minutes of low-intensity cardio to sweat and boost my whole mind, body, and soul!

Motivating yourself is not easy, but it is worth it. By setting up an evening and morning routine, you can simplify things a lot.

Plus, when you determine WHY doing these things is important to your health and life, they become more of a ritual for lasting wellness and less of an obligation.

I like to look at my routine as a prescription for my own wellness.

What do you do keep yourself motivated with the weather or your own emotions are getting the best of you? Do you have anything that you consider a ritual for your lasting wellness? I'd love to know what you do to help motivate yourself!


As children, we often imagined what life would be like when we grew up. Would we be a superhero, a rich and famous celebrity, or would we live a simple life?

Of course, as we grew up, we learned that there’s more you can become than just those three options (thank goodness!) Somewhere along the way, life gets rough, we experience puberty, discrimination, and disappointment. And whatever dreams we held on to as a child just sort of begin to drift away.

We enter our 20s and we are disillusioned with the societal norms we’ve grown accustomed too. We are filled with worries, doubt our own abilities, and wonder if we’ll ever make anything of ourselves.

This all sounds super sad and pessimistic, I realize. But unfortunately, it tends to be the reality of so many of us.

For those who never had to experience this, more power to you! But, I’m not one of them. I got my dream squashed, my imagination squelched, and my curiosity pulverized by school, unkind teachers, and the ravages of life itself.

After years of wondering what I was going to make of myself and years perceived wasted time and money in the “logical” next step after high school if I wanted to have any kind of success, I found myself in a mound of debt the size of Texas, no paper to say that I’m qualified, and virtually no options, barely hanging onto my mental health.

I am here, though, to tell you that I came out of it. I got the help I needed to become a functioning human being, I threw my middle finger up to anyone and anything that tried to tell me I couldn’t do it my way, and I began along my merry way working towards my long-lost dreams.

I share all of this to hopefully encourage you, that if you’re currently in the trenches of disappointment, self-doubt, and simply frustrated with little hope, you can come out of it.

You just have to decide to stop surviving and start Thriving one day at a time, one step at a time. Choose to never give up the thing you can’t go a day without thinking about and make every possible effort to create your own happiness and dream life.

You can do it. It is possible. If you want to know more about how I did it, send me a message and I’ll give you more details.


Today is Friday! For a lot of people it’s the last day of the work week.

It means that the weekend is just around the corner. It’s a day to celebrate the week, to celebrate whatever happened good or bad because we made it.

We made it through and here we are, better and stronger as a result. Every day that we live, we have experiences. Some of them aren’t ideal and others are quite lovely.

To know that we survived those 5 days that usually involve a lot of stress, very little rest, and a lot of expectations is a great accomplishment.

So, regardless of when your weekend begins, allow yourself the moment to recognize all that you’ve accomplished this week and give yourself a big hug and a treat for all your efforts.

We all deserve to be celebrated. We all do far more than we realize. As women, we have the tendency to work so hard and still lack satisfaction in our efforts because we have such high expectations of ourselves and our performance.

So whether you’re a corporate woman, stay at home, work from home mom, or any combo of those, please know that you are amazing and worth being celebrated!


Spring is in the air!

I think the number one thing I love about Spring is that it brings a warm breeze and sunshine with it.

Albeit, in North Carolina, the weather always tends to be a bit all over the place. It’s still quite enjoyable.

When I think about Spring, a few things come to mind.

1) A new beginning

2) Cleaning

3) Things to look forward too.

For me, Spring is a sign of new beginnings because the plants that were dormant during winter are now beginning to grace us with their colorful and fragrant presence.

The warm breezes always inspire me to clean up, declutter, and make my home fresh and ready for the festive season of cook-outs, gatherings, and warm Summer days.

Since my family is military, we typically move every few Summers. So Spring is an exciting time to learn where we are going next and get everything in place for that Summer move to a new and exciting place.

I also know that some places, like where we are now, have terrible pollen and I definitely won’t miss the inconsistent temperatures.

What does Spring mean to you? What is Spring like where you live?


I’ve been on my health and wellness journey for some time now.

The more I learn about health and wellness, fitness and nutrition, the more I understand the importance of non-scale victories.

I first learned this term back in 2017 when I was a part of this online fitness program where the coach would often ask the group participants, “Name 1 non-scale victory you’ve had this week.” I really appreciated that because it inspired positive awareness of what I was doing differently that was working.

Too often, we rely on the scale to tell us if we’re doing well or not. But the truth is that the scale is only one type of way to track your progress.

As a matter of my (now) professional opinion, I would actually go so far to say that the scale is part of a set of tools to collect data along your wellness journey, but it definitely shouldn’t be the primary piece of data you’re relying on.

Here are 3 other ways you can collect data on your wellness journey:

1) Measurements

2) Pictures of different angles in different outfits

3) Your cravings and/or fitness level.

With your measurements, you should take measurements of your arms, legs, waist, hips, and neck before you begin your new program.

Then, take pictures in an outfit that is comfortable but shows your shape—this will allow you to see your progress more clearly overtime.

Lastly, as you hit milestones on your wellness journey, you can take new measurements, new progress photos that are preferably in the same outfit as the original photos, and lastly you can track your eating habits.

As you feed your body healthy and nutritious foods, it will naturally begin to crave those foods and repel the unhealthy foods.

Additionally, as you build the habit of exercising, your body will begin to crave movement and you will find that your ability to perform certain exercises becomes more efficient and perhaps less challenging.

Those last two are things that will happen over the course of consistent, daily efforts.

Either way, you can use measurements, pictures, and food cravings/fitness levels to track your progress in addition to or in place (for the most part) the scale.


I created a mini-course called The Confidence Booster. In it there is a lesson all about Setting the Foundation to Build Self-Confidence, I share about the 3 keys to building self-confidence or as I now like to call them, The 3 Keys to a Happier Life.

1) Love Yourself

2) Accept Yourself

3) Respect Yourself

All three are vital parts of the whole. But I will say that the first step to beginning to heal from traumas and hurts is to begin by accepting yourself for who you are, the way you are, where you are in life right now.

The best part is that you don’t need to have “arrived” in order to learn to accept yourself.

Once you’ve begun practicing self-acceptance, you can begin to learn how to respect yourself, and then ultimately learn how to love yourself.

With loving yourself—The reality, though, is we can’t help anyone until we’ve helped ourselves.

With accepting yourself—The reality is that you don’t need anyone else to accept you. All you need is your own acceptance and the rest will fall into place.

With respecting yourself—The reality is that others will begin to respect you when they see that you respect yourself.

But ultimately, it’s the people who matter the most that will support your new found self-respect.


đŸ’„The Power of Small Steps Taken Consistently!đŸ’„

Too often we feel that to make progress our steps have to be more like leaps and giant catapults over massive chasms.

But the truth is that while those types of progressions are great, they aren’t the daily reality of progress. See, progress is created, maintained, and sustained when it’s done gradually.

It has to be done little by little in order to stick and become a part of our routines, become second nature, become something that feels so natural like it’s always been there.

That’s why I want to encourage you today, it doesn’t matter what size your “steps” to progress are because no amount of positive progress is insignificant.

Keep in mind that to make your progress become something that lasts the tests of time and hardship, you need to have taken steps to build up habits and routines that feed your life, your mind, body, and soul.

Habits and routines that bring you life no matter what circumstances you find yourself in. Small steps taken consistently are the true power of progress.

For every day that we engage in those small steps, we experience great victory!

It’s vital that each victory also be celebrated!


The purpose of this post is to inspire self-reflection and to remind you that you’re not alone. We all have suffering and struggles.

I want you to know that I’m here for you. If this post resonates, feel free to send me a message. I’d be happy to spend a few minutes chatting with you.

Here’s a few reflection questions for today:

On a scale of 1-10, how often do you find yourself saying you’re sorry?

On a scale of 1-10, how often do you say no and actually follow through with it?

On a scale of 1-10, how often do you find yourself feeling like you have to defend your reasons for doing something?

I hope these scale questions provide some insight into who you are and how you can give yourself the freedom to just be you.


Have you ever wondered why people may not want to be around you as much as you think they should or would like? Maybe you have a great group of friends, but you often get shut down during conversations and wonder what you said that made them annoyed with you.

The reality is that sometimes we aren’t aware of how we are presenting ourselves to others, especially those we’re closest to and with whom we feel the most comfortable. And while we know they like us and we’re all friends, sometimes the way we speak or our attitudes can accidentally cause division in friendships, or any kind of relationship for that matter.

3 Ways You Can Become a More Likable Person:

1. Practice active listening - position your body squarely toward the person who is speaking. Give them gentle, direct eye contact. When in a conversation, show you are making every effort to understand what they’re saying by repeating back to them, in your own words or in their words, what you understand them to be saying.

2. Think before you speak - this one is huge because we often enjoy sharing our opinions with our friends, but our opinions aren’t always welcome or necessary. Use the acronym T.H.I.N.K. to determine whether what you’d like to say is actually worth saying.

3. Stop being so defensive - being defensive when in a conversation does nothing to promote camaraderie. It really doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong.

The thing with friendship is that if you want to keep that friendship healthy and happy, you have to be willing to agree to disagree and compromise.

Both are difficult things to do, especially if you're the type of person who firmly believes they are right most of the time or because you hold credentials that should “prove” you’re right.

Trust me when I say this—no one appreciates a no it all and no genuine friendships can last when communication is constantly being obstructed by ego and pride.


Another great quote that I think of often is Einstein’s definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

The reason these come to mind often is because I’ve had the tendency to be inconsistent with the small, daily tasks that are needed to build a successful online business.

For years, I’ve inadvertently and sometimes consciously done the same thing over and over again, all while hoping for things to change or progress. I’ve done this with my health and wellness too. The point here is that if you want new or different results, you have to do things differently. You have to change your methods and your processes.

That’s just how things work. No scientific or medical advancements were made by repeating the same, exact process over and over again. So, yeah, if you want change or progress, you have to change your approach.

That’s what I’ve been doing and it’s actually working (what a concept).


In health and wellness, there tend to be a lot myths running around, especially online. So, here's some busted myths brought to you by

1. Eating fat makes you fat. — In fact, fat (in moderation) is necessary for health. Excess weight is more a matter of taking in more calories than you expend. “There’s no proof that eating a moderate-fat diet causes weight gain; in fact, fat offers flavor and satiety in the diet to make you feel more full.

You should include moderate amounts of healthy fats—olives, nuts, avocados, olive oil—in your diet every day,” says Sharon Palmer, R.D., the author of The Plant-Powered Diet.

2. Carbs make you fat. — In fact, not all carbohydrates are created equal. A chocolate cupcake and a banana both contain carbs, but one also has necessary nutrients and healthy fiber (hint: it’s the yellow one).

The pro- and anti-carb battle has been raging for decades, but there’s no doubt that your body needs carbs in order to process energy. “Try to choose carb-rich foods that are minimally processed and high in fiber, such as whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables,” says Palmer.

3. If you’re skinny, you’re healthy. — In fact, people store fat differently, and mere thinness is not an accurate measure of health. Even if you’re naturally slim, you still need to exercise and see your doctor regularly.

An article in JAMA recently reported that while obesity brings a higher risk of death, being thin also has a higher mortality risk than being slightly overweight, according to one study. Some researchers hypothesize that this might be due in part to some thinner people not monitoring their health as carefully.


I love quotes. When I read a good quote, I want to post it everywhere and memorize it because it becomes so life changing.

I’m also able to relate experiences to that quote and that same quote can simply encourage me when I’m down. I highly recommend finding several quotes that speak to you and keeping them in a place where you can see them everyday.

It’s amazing how your mindset can begin to shift when you are surrounding yourself with words that uplift and affirm you.


Regardless of your faith practice, being sure to take the time to give thanks and count your blessings is a vital part of living a healthy life.

In fact, “In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships” (Harvard Health Publishing, 2021).

Today, I thank God for all the blessings He has provided for me and my family. When I write a list of gratitudes, I’ll sometimes list 2-3 people and things I’m grateful for and why.

This allows me the opportunity to explore the gratitude and dig a little deeper to see how it has truly impacted my life. What are you grateful for today?


While everyone’s schedules can vary and some people may be working on a Saturday, you can definitely take the Self-care Saturday concept and apply to any day that you are off from work or have a break from daily responsibilities.

There are a million and one ways you can relax your mind. Albeit, not all of them are healthy choices, but here are a few that you may find helpful especially in times of great emotional stress.

1. Go for a walk
2. Enjoying your favorite non-alcoholic beverage—such as a relaxing tea—while you take a bubble bath
3. Spend 10 – 30-minutes meditating with relaxing music, candles, and your favorite affirmations.


Every Friday, we will be inviting you to share your ups and downs of the week.

Let’s start today by rating the week on a scale of 1-10.

“How closely did this week go according to your plans?”

“How happy are you with your current lifestyle?”

“How likely are you to celebrate the weekend like Monday will never come?”

When we look at our lives, our choices, and our circumstances, and begin rating things on a scale, it helps our minds to process both positive and negative emotions on a quantifiable level.

Basically, using scales gives us important data to help us see where we are falling short of our goals and where we are absolutely rocking it!

The purpose of this type of exercise is to train our minds to view negative experiences and emotions as data to be learned from, rather than a trauma or negative association to be stored as the definition of any and all related experiences.


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Today is all about THINKing. Is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, and/or Kind?

The reason this concept has its own day every week is because too often we get so caught up in our daily routines, our busy schedules, and our own issues and stressors that it becomes so easy to forget that we aren’t the only ones with struggles, stressors, and poopoo hitting the fan.

So, every Thursday, I want to share a friendly reminder to ask yourself if your attitude and words are reflecting T.H.I.N.K.

A simple way to diagnose your attitude and words is to ask yourself, “am I treating others how I’d like to be treated?”

If the answer is no, then it’s time to pause and reflect. If the answer is yes, then you’re in good shape and the goal is to keep pressing forward with this habit of kindness.


It’s super important that we practice self-reflection on a regular basis.

Getting to know ourselves is key to becoming a healthier, happier person and ultimately to becoming the person we want to be. By asking yourself questions and keeping a record of your accomplishments, you are showing yourself that progress can look like anything you want.

Progress does not always have to be making huge leaps and bounds. Progress is usually small, simple, and over time, life-changing. The 3 things that are different about me today is I’m married to my best friend, I’m a Health Coach with a great business partner, and I’ve reached a level of mental stability and health than I’ve ever had before.

Suffice to say, I’m extremely proud of my accomplishments, even and ESPECIALLY the tiny ones—like waking up early and going to gym, eating healthy, and prioritizing my self-care.


Losing weight, preventing/reversing diseases, easing the effects of age related health issues, and being able to do the things you love are all reasons to strive towards living a healthy life.

Society and the 30+ billion dollar health and fitness industry like to make it sound like healthy living and achieving health goals is so hard. When in reality, the recipe is simple.

All it truly takes is Hard Work + Consistency + Support to achieve success in health and wellness. Now, I know that may sound too simplistic. And in a sense it is. The point I’m trying to make here is that you don’t need overpriced products, hack weight-loss pills, and special equipment to achieve your goals.

When you combine healthy eating habits, healthy exercise habits, and healthy lifestyle habits, you get the perfect recipe for successfully achieving your health and wellness goals.


All the experts say that the key to building a successful online business is to build an email list.

But how do you get people to give you their highly coveted email address to begin with? The simple answer—show up to build influence, create a simple and free digital product that relates to your offer, and share it regularly with your audience.

As you build influence by showing up regularly, your audience gets to know you better. They begin to value whatever you share. Once they value what you’re sharing, then they are more likely to give you their email in order to gain access to the free value-packed digital product you’ve been sharing. And voila, you have now begun the snowball effect of growing your email list.

The more people who access your free product, the more testimonials you can gather and share. This creates social proof, which in turn provides value and continues to grow your list!


A doctor told me that I was prehypertensive (developing high blood pressure). This was in December '21.

Fast forward to 5 weeks ago when I started my lifestyle nutrition program and then jump forward to Monday when I started going to gym to do 30-45 minutes of cardio 5 days a week.

I'm now on day 3 of incorporating exercise into my healthy living routine and to my absolute astonishment my blood pressure is back to normal as of today!

I bought a home blood pressure monitor. I've been measuring my blood pressure in the morning and evening since last Friday.

This morning's reading showed 111 over 74! Not only am I absolutely proud of myself, but I'm also amazed at how quickly my body has responded positively to the healthy changes I've been making!

See, it's one thing to have the head knowledge and a whole other animal to actually experience it for yourself!

I feel so blessed! Thank you Jesus!


Week 4 of my journey. I'm feeling great! I'm motivated. I'm continuing to education myself. I will weigh-in tomorrow and where I'm at on the scale.

But most importantly, I'm checking in with myself. I'm seeing the non-scale progress that I've made. I'm seeing the curbed cravings. The appetite for wholesome, healthy foods that make my body happy and energized.

I'm also experiencing mental clarity, improved sleep, huge energy, and a great desire to keep going!

I'm so proud of myself! I can't wait to see where I'm at in week 8 of my journey!

I'm so proud to share that as of next week, I will have the privilege of working with a new client on achieving her health and wellness goals!


Can you imagine a life where you no longer crave carbs and sweets? A life where you feel energetic because of a good night's sleep that didn't require hitting snooze or drinking a gallon of espresso?

I didn't think it was possible. I lived off of carbs and when I tried to eat low carb foods and meals, I always stayed so hungry and unsatisfied.

What's amazing is learning that the body is so adaptable (duh, right). But really understanding how when you change the way you eat, it does take some time, but eventually (sooner than you think) the body begins to crave the good foods your eating.

I learned that the body craves whatever you give it. And what you give will determine how you feel and a whole slew of other things.

I'm now on week 3 of my Lifestyle Nutrition plan and to my absolute amazement, I no longer crave sweets and carbs the way I used too.

Because I'm still a normal human, I do enjoy a little bit of ice cream and a small dessert here and there, but my body is actually rejecting 'standard' amounts of sweets and dessert.

I'm literally craving veggies, fruits, my daily superfood shake, and healthier (non-dairy) alternatives to the desserts I used to crave, but now can barely stand to look at.

The best part, I'm amazed at how much more energy I have. I'm losing weight nearly daily, I'm alert, and I'm no longer struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep at night.

Waking up early is actually something I look forward to. Exercising is actually something my body is asking for as a result of changing my eating habits.

What's more, I'm confident that if you try this Lifestyle Nutrition plan for yourself, for 30-days, you will experience what I'm experiencing, 100% money-back guarantee!

What do you feel is biggest health struggle?


Introducing Job 1! Our newest simple fitness and simple nutrition program!

Kelly Hasbrouck Lindh and I are the Co-Founders of The Thriving Jedi Women's Wellness Studio and we will be hosting a group starting January 3rd to kick off the new year with a plan!

Join us and change your life with simple, easy-to-follow 20-minute a day/ 5 day a week workouts! We can't wait to help you achieve your health and wellness goals in 2022!


Breakfast just got a whole lot easier! I drink a delicious chocolate shake every morning! Not only has it helped me lose weight, but I feel more energetic, my body is cleansed, it curbs my appetite, and I no longer crave sweets!

Want to try it? 😄 You can grab a month's worth with 100% money back guarantee if you hate it.

The best part, there's no commitment and I have a bunch of simple recipes that you can try out too! Don't care for chocolate, grab vanilla, cookies and cream, and many other flavors!


Living a healthy life doesn't mean giving up what you enjoy. It simply means enjoying those things in moderation. 😊

đŸ«–đŸȘ Decaf PG Tips with butter cookies.

Videos (show all)

So, it's been Spring for a few weeks in some places and still very much winter in many other places!Depending on where y...
I created a mini-course called The Confidence Booster. In it there is a lesson all about Setting the Foundation to Build...
Have you ever wondered why people may not want to be around you as much as you think they should or would like? Maybe yo...
In health and wellness, there tend to be a lot myths running around, especially online. So, here's some busted myths bro...
While everyone’s schedules can vary and some people may be working on a Saturday, you can definitely take the Self-care ...
Start Today with Confidence Course Preview!!