Sharing knowledge and spreading the teachings and philosophy of Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacké and Mame Sheikh Ibrahima Fall's philosophy.


By Talibe Rek
Muḥarram the first month of the Islamic calendar; is one of the four sacred months of the year. It is held to be the second holiest month after Ramadan. The 10th day of Muharram is known as the Day of Ashura which has many historical particularities that we will mention shortly.
It was Serigne Mouhamadou Lamine Diop Dagana which reported that Serigne Khadim Rasoul has said, "Whoever sets his/her eyes on these lines on the night of Ashura will not die this muslim year." [Lines pictured below]
In the writing of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba entitled Massalik al-Jinan (lines 224-266) there is a section on Fasting which mentions the month of Muḥarram and the Day of Ashura among the sacred months and sacred days.
Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba referenced some recommendations to benefit those that follow his teachings in relation to Ashura.
The scholars are nevertheless unanimous in granting preference to the day of 'Ãshurã. Because the reward attached to its fasting is far more considerable, that we as talibe should strive well to fast during the days called our by Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba during our lifetime!
There are certain recommended practices to do during the day of 'Ãshurã according to what has been taken from the head of mankind, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), as well as his family, his companions and all that are upright...
Some of the recommended practices are:
1. Fasting
2. Praying
3. Consolidating family bonds
4. The ritual bath
5. Giving charity
6. Cutting the nails
7. Applying antimony around eyelids
8. Visiting the sixk
9. Visiting the Righteous
10. Kindly rub the head of an orphan
11. Reciting Sura Al-Ikhlãs 1000 times
12. Making a copious meal for your family
The day of 'Ãshurã is endowed with certain historical particularities as well:
1. The LORD forgave Adam, the forefather of
mankind and the first messenger,
2. Noah's Ark drew alongside Mount Judi ...
3. The Red Sea cleft for Prophet Moses
4. Pharaoh was drowned
5 The miraculous birth of Prophet Jesus/isa
6. Prophet Jonah was withdrawn from the
entrails of the fish
7. Prophet Joseph was taken out of the well
he had been thrown down by his brothers
8. Abraham was not burned by the fire
9. The Prophet Idris was elevated, ascended
10. the Prophet Jesus ascended
11. Complete remission was granted to David
from all that he had committed in the past
12. The ritual covering of the Sacred House, the
Kaaba is periodically performed
We pray that ALLAH send peace upon the prophets and preserve us from deceit, delusions and anything that may cause harm...
Yahya related to me from Malik from Hisham ibn Urwa from his father that A'isha, the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The day of Ashura was a day the Quraysh used to fast in the jahiliyya, and the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used also to fast it during the jahiliyya. Then when the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, came to Madina he fasted it and ordered that it be fasted. Then Ramadan was made obligatory, and that became the fard instead of Ashura, but whoever wanted to, fasted it, and whoever did not want to, did not fast it."
Book 18, Number 18.11.33


Few advises for the Faithful Murids
It is important that all faithful Murids who are willing to reach the state of gaining the Almighty’s full Satisfaction and Mercy, those willing to reach the highest levels of spiritual stations with the Lord of Creation take [careful] note of what follow:
In fact, these directives ensure virtues and happiness for the one that complies with them. And, the one that neglects them is at risk of being misled by his passions.
There are seven recommendations [for you] and no more; the one who fastens himself to these seven recommendations will be a Master of the Way:
Khidma (strive), to serve an Authentic and true Shaykh for the Face of the Eternal One, that sent his Prophet to us.
Not to question the capacities of your Shaykh on the exoteric plane as well as on the esoteric plane. Always have good intentions and trust; and they should be pure at all times.
Learn what is obligatory for the practice of the religion.
Have a good opinion of your neighbor, because suspicion leads to misfortune.
Have a spiritual junction with a healthy heart that is without fault and far from any doubt or perplexity.
Have a sincere love which makes the Will of the Shaykh prevail on your desires.
Never hope for a benefit apart from him, not even of those that may introduce you to the best of services.
These are the preliminaries for the one that hopes for immunity against anguish (anger) and incredulity (disbelief)


Eîd El Fitr 2023
Serigne Khadim Gaydel LÔ Borom Ndame à Bakhdad - Thies


An authentic Sheikh is also someone who solves a problem you didn't know you had in a way you don't understand...


May Allah protect humanity from ignorance to knowledge, hatred to love, darkness to light, arrogance to humility and savagery to fraternity!


The qualities of a Baye Fall are measured by his personality before all. The Baye Fall is a personality in itself, in which we find loyalty, courage, maturity, the capacity to love and above all, above all, his uprightness. All this, embodies the true Baye Fall represented by the Example given to us by the people educated by Mame Cheikh Ibrahima Fall: upright people, who have never deviated from the right path.


*Few advises for the Faithful Murids*
It is important that all faithful Murids who are willing to reach the state of gaining the Almighty’s full Satisfaction and Mercy, those willing to reach the highest levels of spiritual stations with the Lord of Creation take [careful] note of what follow:
In fact, these directives ensure virtues and happiness for the one that complies with them. And, the one that neglects them is at risk of being misled by his passions.
There are seven recommendations [for you] and no more; the one who fastens himself to these seven recommendations will be a Master of the Way:
• Khidma (strive), to serve an Authentic and true Sheikh for the Face of the Eternal One, that sent his Prophet to us. Not to question the capacities of your Sheikh on the exoteric plane as well as on the esoteric plane.
• Always have good intentions and trust; and they should be pure at all times.
• Learn what is obligatory for the practice of the religion.
• Have a good opinion of your neighbor, because suspicion leads to misfortune.
• Have a spiritual junction with a healthy heart that is without fault and far from any doubt or perplexity.
• Have a sincere love which makes the Will of the Sheikh prevail on your desires.
• Never hope for a benefit apart from him, not even of those that may introduce you to the best of services.
These are the preliminaries for the one that hopes for immunity against anguish (anger) and incredulity (disbelief).


Magal 2019 : Mouridism, the way to salvation in a troubled world.
By Serigne Khadim Lô
Humans are used to worrying about two things, namely material possessions and the length of life. Now it turns out that daily subsistence is already well written and the end of life also determined. Faced with this state of affairs, placing your trust in God is the only attitude that allows you to silence these concerns. As Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba did on the morning of 18 Safar: let us know how to trust God to hope for a total victory.
Moreover, it is important to point out that Mouridism is indeed at a crossroads. As who would say, a wind started from Baol with Touba to irradiate all of Senegal before ending up enveloping the entire territory from Dakar. This is the meaning of the inauguration of the Massalik Al Jinaan Mosque as a symbol. Bamba is now everywhere in the hearts, Alhamdulillah! This same wind is ready to continue on its right path by bringing clean air, blowing the rest of the world. By this we mean the fact that the only valid societal project is Mouridism, because putting God at the center of all activity, and helping man to perfect himself through "jihadul Nafs". Neither capitalism nor socialism, let alone communism, have been able to meet the aspirations of humans. Yet, the ideology of exclusive worship of God and community service, developed by Sheikhoul Khadim can change the face of the world.
In this, it requires the sincere Mouride, to spare no effort for the radiation of the way. Let us be true Mourides, committed behind the exceptional Caliph Serigne Mountakha mbacké for a complete endogenous development which will then tend towards an international Mouridism, because Serigne Touba is universal. This is the occasion, moreover, to magnify in the last analysis the extraordinary work that the Caliph General is doing at the head of the community.
Excerp from the speech of Serigne Khadim Gaydel Lô, Magal 2019


“18 Safar” is the day of dignity; the day of victory; the day of salvation; the day of sacrifice; the day of rising truth and the fall of deceit. "18 Safar", is the day of departure of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke to exile in Gabon according to the Muslim calendar. After the French colonizers had worried about his activities, they decided to exterminate him and demolish his teaching, the Murid brotherhood. But their dreams turned into nightmares; the Sheikh was as the sun. Nothing could prevent him from rising above everything; everywhere. Finally, they decided to return him back to Senegal in 1902. In addition, the Sheikh chose the day of 18 Safar to thank Allah for the privilege and urged his followers to celebrate this day by virtue.
"They accused me of doing the Jihad (Struggle), which I fully agree with. But the weapons through which I am doing it are science and piety. The Lord by excellence is my witness.”------ Sheikh Ahmadu Bamba Mbacke!


Sheikh Ahmadu Bamba Xaadimur Rasuul said that whoever read/recite 7 times the Surah Quraish (Î'lafi qurayshi) plus this prayer will never encounter/experience what they fear.

: Majmouha Nourayni


The Legacy of Serigne Touba (Holy Man of Touba)

Shaykh Amadou Bamba passed away in 1927 without having seen the French leave his country. He was successful, however, in his pacifist revival of the Senegalese Islamic identity. He was buried in Touba where the Great Mosque of Touba was built.
Today, the city of Touba is home to nearly a million inhabitants. All avenues of sins are prohibited in the city. The city attracts millions more during the Grand Magal, a celebration of the beginning of the Exile of Shaykh Amadou Bamba, that helped the Senegalese Islamic revival to boom. During this several-day celebration, lectures are given, Qurʾān is read, and group recitations of his poems are performed, similar to Mawlid celebrations.
A large portion of Senegal follows the Mourīdiyya order and Mourīdiyya communities exist all around the world today.
In a poem dedicated to Touba, Shaykh Amadou Bamba wrote: “My lord has blessed me with a place that rid me with all obstacles the minute I entered it.”

What did others say about him?

Muḥammad Ibn Mualla, an eminent Moorish mystical poet, said about him: “There is but kindness in his sayings, but peace and nobility in his dwellings (Touba).”
Shaykh Sidia Baba, one of the premier scholars of Mauritania, said after his death: “This man is an ocean. God has given him as much science and knowledge as He gave foam to the sea. His kindness resounds deeply in the world. He has no shortcoming, if it is not to always do good. When he appears, wisdom can be seen.”
Antoine J.M.A Lasselves who initially wanted to destroy Shaykh Amadou Bamba, said in 1919: “Sheikh Bamba certainly holds an inner power whose source cannot be grasped by reason and whose capacity to arouse sympathy cannot be explained…
It would appear that he possesses a prophetic light and a divine secret, similar to what we read in the history of Prophets and their people.
This one however, distinguishes himself by purity of heart, by kindness, by magnanimity of heart and soul and by love of good for both friend and foe;
These are qualities for which his predecessors could have envied him, irrespective of their great virtue, piety and prestige.”


"Do not sacrifice the hereafter [next life] for this world, O Son of Adam! It is clear whoever trades light for darkness will regret it."....-Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke.
وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ ۙ لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَةٌ وَأَجْرٌ عَظِيمٌ
"Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds [that] for them there is forgiveness and great reward."
Quran: Surah Al-Maaida / Verse 9


The Murids are able to do all their activities freely with no fear all around the globe. But nevertheless, our secret is Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke.
We are capable of doing that by following his legacy. However, the Cheikh's teaching is nothing more than to remain calm, be courteous, obey the laws, respect everyone, and if someone steps on your feet FORGIVE him. This is the best doctrine that can save the fragile world today and forever.


Secrets of Allah's Mercy in forgiving sins though Hardship/Tribulations
A person's life goes through alternating periods of happiness and dismay, strength and weakness, wealth and poverty, health and sickness, etc. A true believer is one who maintains a clear level of Iman-faith throughout the worldly fluctuation. He continues to remember Allah and ascribe the bounties to Him; and he turns to Him in submission, asking for relief from his affliction.
This is described in a tradition "Indeed amazing are the affairs of a believer ! They are all for his benefit; If he is granted ease of living he is thankful; and this is best for him. And if he is afflicted with a hardship, he perseveres; and this is best for him."
"Certainly, We shall test you with fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits; but give glad tidings to the patient - those who, when afflicted with calamity say, "Truly to Allah we belong, and truly to Him shall we return." it is those who will be awarded blessings and mercy from their Lord; and it is those who are the guided ones." [S2: V155-157]
Holy saying of Allah‘ Oh Son of Adam if you are patient and sacrificed for Allah's reward when you receive the first shock of an affliction I wouldn't accept less than Paradise for you as a reward for you.
So a believer needs to display patience and submission during sickness and hardships, hunger, or other afflictions. And shows gratitude and thankfulness for all the wonderful blessings that Allah grants him.
Prophet Ayoub (Job) told his wife when she asked him to ask Allah for a relief from his sickness, I'm shy from my God to ask him because I haven't spent in this difficult situation except a short time if compared to the time I was in good.
Hardships Benefit the Believer
Allah has decreed that, in this life, hardships and disasters strike both believers and non-believers. For a non-believer, they are inconveniences that hinder him from proceeding with his normal involvement in the worldly life.
For a believer, on the other hand, they are instances of rest and remembrance, tests that promise great rewards, and indications of atonement and expiation/pardoning of sins. Regardless of how little is the harm that strikes a believer, it carries with it good news of forgiveness and elevated rank in heaven. The righteous predecessors used to be pleased when a hardship afflicted them, seeing it as a token of Allah's forgiveness and benevolence.
"Verily with every difficult situation there is a relief." Surah 94: Verse 6
Reward of Sins and Sign of Allah's Love:
Some traditions say: "Hardships continue to befall a believing man and woman in their body, family, and property, until they meet Allah burdened with no sins."
The amount of reward is in accordance with the amount of suffering. When Allah loves some people, He tries them with affliction. He who then is content with Allah's decree has achieved the acceptance of Allah, and he who is dissatisfied (with Allah's decree) will attain the anger of Allah. Whenever Allah wills good for a person, He subjects him to adversity.


"I saw a man who is clearly handsome and with a beautiful face. He is well-built. He is neither blemished by a big belly nor disfigured by an unusually small head. The pupils of his eyes are very dark, the edges of his eyelids are long and the area around the pupils of his eyes is so white. His eyebrows are perfectly close. He has a very dark hair, a rather long neck and a thick beard.
When he kept silent he is always contemplative and when he speaks eminence and splendour show in his words. His words are like sliding stringed pearls. He is a gifted orator whose words are neither too few nor too much. He has the clearest wand and the most audible voice when he speaks. When you look at him from afar, he is the most handsome of all people, and when you move closer to him he is the most pleasant of them.
You will never be tired of looking at him. He is like a branch between two branches.
He is the most handsome of the three (she means: the Prophet Muhammad PBUH) Abu Bakr ana Amir ibn Fuhayrah) and the most important of them. He has Companions who honour him. When he speaks they listen to his words and when he commands they hasten to carry out his order. They serve him and rally around him. He does not frown or nag."
"By Allah, this is the Quraysh man. If I see him, I will follow him."
Umm Ma'bad describing the Messenger of Allah ~


“The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is that of a grain of corn: it groweth seven ears, and each ear hath a hundred grains. Allah giveth manifold increase to whom He pleaseh; and Allah careth for all and He knoweth all things. Those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah and follow not up their gifts with reminders of their generosity or with injury, for them their reward is with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. Kind words and the covering of faults are better than charity followed by injury. Allah is free of all wants, and He is Most Forbearing.” --- Quran -- Al-Baqara - 2:261-263


Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba, a peaceful opponent of French colonialism, was exiled by the French authorities to Gabon (1895-1902) and then to Mauritania from 1903 to 1907 before being allowed to return to Senegal, where he was placed under house arrest at his home in the north of the country[Diourbel]. He transitioned in 1927.
What is mind-blowing is that, despite His phenomenal work and achievements, the Sheikh have always been in captivity.
The colonialists admitted that for the seven years He was under their captivity in Gabon, they never saw Him eating or sleeping. The only three thing they saw Him doing was Praying, Reading Quran and Writing qasaids.
He said in Assiru Mahal Abraari:
"I was in fact,walking, on the way to the Exile, in the company of the good people of Badr while my persecutors were convinced that I was their prisoner ..."
"I was actually walking to ALLAH (SWT) in the company of the Prophet and his excellent Companions because my walk could have no other objective other than ALLAH Himself ..."
SHEIKH AHMADU BAMBA is not a national hero but a WORLD HERITAGE. He seems to have simply lived among us without us being able to measure the infinite chance that He represents and the model that He embodies in all the domains of our life.
The rank of Serigne Touba is not measurable, so do not even try to know him, (for it is to him that the words of Allah refer to): "And He created what you do not know." [S16; V8]
A world without Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke would be a world without hope. He is the light to the universe, the medicinal potion of all diseases, the diamond of humanity, the source of knowledge, the ocean of wisdom, the path to the All-knowing blessings.
Knowing him is a benefit, following him is a good fortune, ignoring him is a setback.


The Sheikh and Peace
Faith gave Sheikh Ahmadu Bamba complete peace, whether in this world or the next, for He had absolute trust in Allah and his Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He completely ignored fear and feared no one except his Lord. This has always been the attitude of righteous saints.
Abu Talib al Makki said: “Apprehension is a spiritual state of reverential fear which is an aspect of true godliness. Sheikh Ahmadu Bamba donated his life to Allah to serve his Prophet (pbuh). He guided his disciples on the same path." The Sheikh expressed his satisfaction and his contentment, which manifested the peace of his soul, in significant verses:
"I have been told that princes' courts are frequent, and You will obtain profitable rewards on all occasions.
I replied: "My Lord is sufficient for me, he is my guarantor.
And I only have a passion for science and religion
I only hope and fear my Lord Transcendent
He provides for my needs and He is my protection "
Security is precisely the feeling which allows human beings to be free and independent, and which allows them not to humiliate themselves in the search for material needs. Being satisfied with what the Lord has decreed allows the believer to live usefully by spreading good guidance. Freed from all temptation and without fear, the Sheikh will achieve what the virtuous of all times wanted to achieve. He established peace and security in his society and affirmed the faith of his contemporaries.
He said, "I am satisfied with my Transcendent Lord who has instructed my being. God has sufficed me in everything. What a wonderful Lord!"
In these verses, Sheikh Ahmadu Bamba synthesized the teaching of Abu Talib al Mekki in Qut-al Qolub, concerning the state of contentment (Ridha): "Contentment is the joy of the heart regarding all that Allah has decreed. The soul is satisfied in all conditions. The heart is pacified, detached from the vagaries of life. The believer is fulfilled and satisfied in every need by the providence of his Lord, and he is delighted with his benevolence."
This state allows the Sufi to experience the happiness which is the quest of all blessed. Any intelligent man must seek this state, whatever the path taken. It is security that allows you to devote your energies to working in Allah's way and serving mankind through wisdom and good guidance.
Sheikh Mohammad Bashir in the biography of his father Minan al Baqi al Qadim says: "He revived bo***ge through love, which enabled him to surpass weariness or fatigue in the service of his Lord. Bo***ge became his pleasure and his joy There was no overwhelming or foreboding or hope in his actions, but everything about him inspired veneration and happiness to be the Servant of the Prophet Muhammad [pbuh]."
Thus, Sheikh Ahmadu Bamba was the apostle of peace and harmony, far from all violence. His love for humans enabled him to endure all injustices and to work for the conversion of disbelievers and the repentance of sinners.


''It became perfectly clear to me that there is no other God but ALLAH and that the Prophet MUHAMMAD (pbuh) overcomes all creatures in perfection′′
Sheikh Ahmadu Bamba Xaadimul'Rasuul
The path of truth Islam.


"The entirety of my wealth, my ink and my pen I have made them all pious gifts for The Chosen One (Muhammad al Mustafā), the door of good fortune." || Shaykh Ahmadou Bamba in Futūhul Mukarrimi


"Whether you conceal what is in your breasts or reveal it, Allah knows it. And He knows that which is in the heavens and that which is on the earth. And Allah is over all things competent."
Surah Al-Imraan; Verse 29


Muhammad PBUH
"And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds." Surah Al-Anbiyaa, Verse 107
Glory to Allah. He created man and taught him eloquence. Prayers and greetings on our prophet Muhammad PBUH whose morality was the expression of the Quran.
He was a Mercy offered to humans, a divine blessing for believers and a witness for generations. He is the sun of heavenly secrets, the center of gravity of Majesty and the pole of the sphere of beauty. He made the truth triumph and he guided to the righteous way. May the Lord be pleased with his companions and their disciples, as well as all those who walked in their footsteps until the end of times.


Unity is the power that could overpower the power of diversity. So as Muslims, we must stop fighting against each other; stop pointing out fingers; stop assuming. Muslims, let us be united, forget our differences and face as one body our common enemy in life. That is the only arm we have now; otherwise we will fall in the gap right in-front us, during the darkest night in the history of humankind. The flashlight that can be helping us to see where to put our feet back on the ground and move to the light is right on our right hands, its name is "Unity", while fighting for one cause. Let's turn it on and walk freely through the night to the shining light.


An excerpt from 'The Vicinity', by Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba.
"I was diverted from Satan (Iblis) and from all the germs of corruption. And, in the Name of God, the Benefactor, the Merciful - I endeavored to follow the Messenger (Envoy) of God; to perform good works for the Messenger [that God gives blessings and salutations]. There is no force and there is no power if it is not God, the Almighty One that illustrates it. I have accessed The Vicinity of God by means of His Book (Quran) for my entry to Paradise.
O ye who believe! Do your duty to Allah, seek the means of approach unto Him, and strive with might and main in his cause: that ye may prosper. Sure 5:35
"If Allah touch thee with affliction, none can remove it but He; if He touch thee with happiness, He hath power over all things. He is the irresistible, (watching) from above over His worshippers; and He is the Wise, acquainted with all things." Say: "What thing is most weighty in evidence?" Say: "Allah is witness between me and you; This Qur'an hath been revealed to me by inspiration, that I may warn you and all whom it reaches. Can ye possibly bear witness that besides Allah there is another Allah?" Say: "Nay! I cannot bear witness!" Say: "But in truth He is the one Allah, and I truly am innocent of (your blasphemy of) joining others with Him." Those to whom We have given the Book know this as they know their own sons. Those who have lost their own souls refuse therefore to believe. Sura 6:17-20
Thanks to the Quran, I came to the Vicinity of my Lord. I have also removed Iblis.
2. I restricted this world as my passport for the journey to Djannah (Paradise). I controlled my nafs.
3. In the Akhirah, the Holy Men (Saints) will be my friends and Allah has granted me the means to welcome my host in Djannah.
4. The Quran will be my Companion in the eight (😎 kingdoms of Djannah and the rejected ones have been moved away from me and sent to be with others.
5. My shield against shaytan and the impious ones is because the Creator of the Worlds is close to me.
6. Allah has honored me and protected me from any trouble (unpleasant occurrence).
7. I will not know anything but goodness from the Sublime One, the Distributor of Benefits, until the moment that I enter Djannah.
8. I have not been the object of any remonstrance actions or entreats either, my life will be felicitous (very pleasing) until I enter Djannah
9. By the love and testament of “There is no god but Allah,” Allah has hidden my well protected secret
10. Allah will be my guide and He has given me all receipts of a good word, for He is the Creator
11. The Creator has preserved me from everything which is not Him. The One who does not have an equal put me on the right path
12. The Book of my Lord is with me and I am with it. It has helped me have [more] trust in Allah.
13. It has distanced me from all that causes wrong, it constitutes my shield against troubles and misdeeds
14. Allah has honored me with the recitation of what is pleasing to Him from the Quran, in my work. He has caused crowds to flow towards me.
15. Allah has made me have the honor of being the closest (nearest) of the elected pious ones and He is happy for my availability [of Service] to the Prophet
16. The Possessor of Majesty and Bounty has always granted me offerings, because he gives hope to noble souls
17. Allah has granted me gifts that He never gave to anyone [in the past] and that He will never give to any other human being [in the future]
18. I have never doubted being close to the Creator although I was amazed by the Universe
19. The favors that I’ve obtained did not exist in the Universe [before me] and for that reason I have succeeded
20. Allah has utilized me as a guide toward Him without illusions (deception) and He has approved my actions (life)
21. Those that have hatred towards me and that are jealous (envious) of me are disillusioned in their attempts because I have obtained my prize without any failure
22. By the grace of the Quran, the Eternal One has prevented hardship from me and I have not experienced any loss in my commerce
23. By the grace and consideration of the testament of the Profession of Faith - “There is no god but Allah,” Allah diverts the misrepresentations intended to harm ones reputation (calumny) away from me
24. The one with me that gave me the prize without intercession, has purified our time period (age)
25. I have always been in the Vicinity of my Lord through the Arabic Language and my nearness with Allah has been with excellence
26. He illuminated my country and facilitated my relationship with Islam during my exile, on the island
27. The Light of the Arabic Language and the Book (Al-Quran) flew towards me during my Service to the Prophet, in spite of the presence of the People of the Book (the Colonial Administration)
28. The One that has sent down [the Quran] permanently to the Intercessor (the Prophet), shields me from the persecutors and their weapons
29. Allah is my guide! He is the Best Helper and He has caused Shaytan to be [moved far] away from me through out my life
30. All praise to Allah, the Almighty One, is in agreement with the salvation that I bring to you. Glory to Allah, Lord of the Worlds".

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Eîd El Fitr 2023 Serigne Khadim Gaydel LÔ Borom Ndame à Bakhdad - Thies
Khassida Lisaanu Shukree, sung by an American disciple of Serigne Khadim Lô Gaydel.Chicago, Illinois. August 2021.
