Jack Subel, Chagrin Falls Councilman

Jack Subel, Chagrin Falls Councilman

This is the Official page of Jack M. Subel, Village of Chagrin Falls Councilman


Sorry the Council meeting update is a day late. Yesterday was busier than I expected! Here is what happened at our last Council meeting of 2022. As always, any characterizations or mistakes in the information below are entirely my responsibility.

Mayor's Report:
We have a new officer in the Chagrin Falls PD! Mayor Tomko swore in Officer Allison Fletcher. She comes to us after many years in Fairlawn. If you see her around town, please welcome her to the village. I'm sure she will be a great addition to our safety forces.

Committee Reports:

Parks Commission Council Representative Brian Drum presented two items. First, the Popcorn Ball Drop Committee applied for use of the park for their now annual event on New Years Eve. This was approved by Council. Second, Council Rep Drum asked for clarification on the meeting schedule for the Grove Hill Park Committee as the latest meeting was cancelled suddenly. An administrative update on 2023 plans for Grove Hill has been posted to the Village website. I will link that in the comments as I know it is an item of interest for many residents.


1. Planning and Zoning Council Representative Nancy Rogoff introduced an ordinance regulating "mobile food units" (Food Trucks) in Chagrin Falls. I will link the proposed legislation in the comments. There was significant discussion on the approaches proposed - both for and against. We left the legislation on readings, so it will be discussed again at the January 9th meeting before any action is taken. Please feel free to reach out to Council with your opinions.

2. Safety Committee Chair Andrew Rockey introduced an ordinance that would amend our traffic pattern at the intersection of RIver Street and North Main. Safety Committee is proposing that prohibit left turns from River onto Main. This would improve pedestrian safety at the mid block crosswalk in front of the Hardware Store, and prevent traffic incidents that result from difficult sight lines. This was also left on readings and will be heard again on January 9th.

3. Jack Subel, Chair of Administration and Compensation introduced a one-time inflation adjustment payment to staff. Each year, our administration analyzes local government pay in the area and the national cost of living inflation trends and presents a Cost Of Living increase to us. At the end of 2021, we adopted a COL increase for 2022 that was much lower than what actually came to pass during the year. This year, administration proposed that we adopt a one time inflation adjustment payment to help the employees "catch up" to the living expense increases that happened in 2022. This was supported and adopted by Council.

4. Admin and Comp Chair Jack Subel also introduced a new healthcare package for 2023. This was outstanding news for us, as the new plan saves us $250,000 in cost and actually increases coverage for our employees while retaining the same doctors. This was supported and adopted by Council.

5. Finance Chair Erinn Grube and CFO Angela Gergye introduced a required ordinance amending our final appropriations for 2022. This was reviewed by Council and adopted.

The next meeting of Council will be January 3rd. This is our organizational meeting, in which Council will choose leadership, adopt any new rules and Council Reps will be appointed to committees. Our next Regular Meeting will be on January 9th.

I hope everyone can enjoy a small break from the ordinary as we head into 2023. We have a promising and busy year ahead.

10 U.S. Towns Stuck in Time 23/08/2022

Go Chagrin!!

10 U.S. Towns Stuck in Time Next time you have the urge to escape the modern, fast-paced cities, consider these wonderful towns scattered across the country.

Photos from DRONE OHIO's post 17/05/2022

What awesome pictures of Chagrin from the air!

Village of Chagrin Falls: Riverside Park Playground Feedback 06/04/2022

Would love to hear some feedback from the community on the proposed new playground in Riverside Park!

Village of Chagrin Falls: Riverside Park Playground Feedback COMMUNITY FEEDBACK REQUESTED The Village of Chagrin Falls is presenting a design concept for the Riverside Park playground re-design and is requesting community feedback. We encourage residents to rev


Road work continues!


Really looking forward to serving on Chagrin Village Council!!

Big THANKS to all those who supported me!


Amendments #22 & #23 focus on transparency and processes that would allow a zoning code to change. As I mention in my comments, more transparency and a formalized process for changing something as important as zoning in-and-around our Village, is something most of us can get behind. I support these.


This one is easy, in my view. An affirmative vote on Amendment #21 would allow Council and their supporting committees use virtual technologies to attend and participate in meetings.


Here's my take on amendment #20 which addresses staggered terms for the 7 Village Council positions.


This year, there are 5 amendments to the Charter or "rules" that dictate how Village Council operates. They range from a newly proposed succession plan for the Mayor in the event the position becomes vacant & staggered terms for Council positions in the future to allowing Council the ability to participate in meetings virtually if necessary.

I'll be providing my insights and how I plan to vote on these issues as we progress toward the election on November 2nd.

Also, you can meet me at Chuck's Beverage next Saturday - from noon to 3:00pm to discuss them in person with me.

There are MANY other issues to discuss. Come out and say "hi"!


My name is Jack Subel. I am running for Chagrin Falls Village Council.

I have been a member of the Chagrin Falls community for the last 45 years. I graduated from Chagrin in 1984, then Ohio State in 1989, and ultimately moved back after a few years away for work to attend graduate school at Case Western Reserve and raise our family in Chagrin.

I have been an active member of the community through CAA and the high school as my two kids – TJ and Lily grew up. Both also graduated from Chagrin. My wife of 28 years – Laura –has worked at Geiger’s in Chagrin for years.

In my view, the preservation of our downtown, integral greenspaces, and historical landmarks are critical for Chagrin. A healthy Village will ensure that Chagrin maintains its vitality for our present residents and the next generation. Ultimately, the proper and progressive management of the Village infrastructure will ensure our merchants and property owners – both commercial and residential – have the economic incentive to continue investing here.

I think I would bring a very useful skill set to Council. I have held leadership roles in business throughout my career. Additionally, I started a 501(c)(3) foundation that ultimately donated almost $3MM to the Cleveland Clinic for ALS research. Now, I’d like to give back and serve this outstanding community.

My family and I are all passionate about our unique village. We love it here.

I would be honored to serve on the Village Council if elected.

Please "Back Jack" on November 2nd!!
