

Live coverage of the worldwide Covid-19 vaccination campaign. We collect our statistics from over


European countries vaccination race.


Germany has vaccinated 84.000 people in one day.
The total is 842.455 or 1% of the population.

There are still 7 federal states below 1% of population vaccinated.

In the EU, Germany is #2 for total vaccinations but only #7 for percentage of population vaccinated.


Turkey started today a massive vaccination campaign against covid19.
The Ministry of Health reports that 281.688 people, have already received the Chinese vaccine SinoVac.

It's the strongest start registred according to our data.

Toplam Aşılanan Kişi Sayısı: 281.688


68.968 Personnes ont été vaccinées en Belgique. A l'échelle du pays, cela représente 0,60 % de la population belge adulte.
#17 dans l'UE

In Belgium 55.740 have received the first dose of the covid-19 vaccine. Which is equal to 0,60% of the population.
Belgium is only #17 among the EU countries.

VaxStats: Updated Covid-19 vaccinations statistics 14/01/2021

V ČR bylo naočkováno proti covidu-19 zatím 70.680 lidí.
#10 v EU.

In the Czech Republic there are a total of 70.680 people vaccinated against covid19.
#10 country in the EU for total vaccinations and #15 for percentage of the population.

VaxStats: Updated Covid-19 vaccinations statistics offers updated Covid-19 Coronavirus vaccination statistics.


Från och med 10 januari har 79095 människor i Sverige vaccinerats mot COVID19.

In Sweden 79.095 people have been vaccinated agaist Covid-19.

VaxStats: Updated Covid-19 vaccinations statistics 12/01/2021

México ha vacunado a 87.060 personas según las cifras más recientes del Gobierno (12/01). Hoy inicia la vacunación masiva para adultos mayores.

In Mexico 87.060 people in total have been vaccinated, according to this morning data. T
oday the country starts vaccinating the elderly population.

VaxStats: Updated Covid-19 vaccinations statistics offers updated Covid-19 Coronavirus vaccination statistics.


In Italy more then 1% of the entire population has been vaccinated according to this evening update.

In Italia è stato vaccinato oltre l’1% della popolazione. L’ultimo aggiornamento infatti, porta il totale a 628.000 persone


În România, număr total de persoane vaccinate împotriva COVID-19: 102.301.

In Romania, a total 102.301 people have been vaccinated against covid19.


Israel adds 115.000 more people vaccinated.
A total of 1.700.000 have been inoculated as of today, it's 20% of the entire population.


L'Italia oggi riporta +107.000 vaccinati in un solo giorno. Seconda solo agli USA nel mondo.

Italy adds a record 107.000 more vaccinated . Only USA did better today.


Ultimas noticias. Más de 200.000 españoles vacunados.
#4 en Europa

Latest report from Spain: there are now more then 200.000 people vaccinated in the country.
#4 in Europe


San Marino, che ha il primato mondiale per mortalità da Covid19, non ha ancora iniziato a vaccinare, ultimo in UE. Non è neppure chiaro quando cominceranno.

San Marino, the country that suffered the highest mortality rate from Coronavirus, hasn't started yet to vaccinate the population.
It is the last in the EU and it's not clear yet when they will start.

VaxStats: Updated Covid-19 vaccinations statistics 07/01/2021

In Italia è il Veneto regione che ha vaccinato la percentuale più alta della popolazione: 0,75%.
E' anche la regione col più alto incremento giornaliero.

La Lombardia è ultima davanti solamente a Sardegna e Molise.

VaxStats: Updated Covid-19 vaccinations statistics offers updated Covid-19 Coronavirus vaccination statistics.


The United Arab Emirates' Government has just reported that 826.301 people have been vaccinated.

It is the 8,35% of the entire population and the 2nd fastest country in the world.


Boris Johnson says in the UK 1.3 million people have been vaccinated.
"That includes over 650.000 people aged 80 or above which is 23% of all over 80s" for all statistics

VaxStats: Updated Covid-19 vaccinations statistics 04/01/2021

We have data from Spain at last: 90.000 people vaccinated.

Los datos de España están finalmente disponibles: 90.000 personas se han vacunado contra el covid19.

VaxStats: Updated Covid-19 vaccinations statistics offers updated Covid-19 Coronavirus vaccination statistics.

Oxford man, 82, first in world to get Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine 04/01/2021

Oxford man, 82, first in world to get Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine

Oxford man, 82, first in world to get Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine Dialysis patient Brian Pinker received jab at Oxford’s Churchill hospital on Monday morning


In Italy 80.000 people have got the first pfizer jab.
Though just 3% of the total were done in Lombardy the region hardest-hit by COVID19

In Italia 80.000 vaccinazioni. Di queste solo il 3% effettuate in Lombardia, la regione maggiormente colpita.

1,090,000 Israelis inoculated says Edelstein 03/01/2021

Israeli Health Minister reports that 150.000 people more have vaccinated between Friday and Saturday. The total is now 1.090.000

1,090,000 התחסנו בישראל

1,090,000 Israelis inoculated says Edelstein

1,090,000 התחסנו בישראל: 5.3% מהבדיקות אתמול חיוביות - המחדש 03/01/2021

More then 150.000 people vaccinated during the weekend in Israel. The total is now 1.090.000 or 12,6% of the population.

1,090,000 התחסנו בישראל: 5.3% מהבדיקות אתמול חיוביות - המחדש משרד הבריאות עדכן כי 729 מהחולים במצב קשה, מהם 179 מונשמים. מניין המתים עלה ל-3,391. כ-4,000 רופאים ואחיות מבודדים. אדלשטיין: "הגענו ל-1,090,000 מתחסנים - אנחנו מקום ראשון בעולם"

Russia inoculates over 800,000 people against COVID-19, issues vaccination certificates 02/01/2021

800.000 vaccinated in Russia. The Government issues vaccination certificates

Мурашко сообщил, что более 800 тыс. жителей РФ вакцинировались от коронавируса

Russia inoculates over 800,000 people against COVID-19, issues vaccination certificates More than 800,000 people in Russia have been inoculated so far against the new coronavirus and more than 1.5 million vaccine doses have been dispatched, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said on Saturday.

VaxStats: Updated Covid-19 vaccinations statistics 02/01/2021

In Romania a total of 13.242 people have received the first jab of Pfizer vaccine

În România, număr total de persoane vaccinate împotriva COVID-19 cu vaccinul Pfizer BioNTech: 13.242.

VaxStats: Updated Covid-19 vaccinations statistics offers updated Covid-19 Coronavirus vaccination statistics.


In Argentina more then 32.000 have already received the vaccine.

En argentina más de 32000 personas ya han recibido la vacuna SputnikV.


Poland has vaccinated more then 37.000 people.
Only UK and Germany have done better in Europe.

India Grants Emergency Approval to Astra-Oxford Covid-19 Vaccine 02/01/2021

After Uk also India granted emergency approval for the AstraZeneca

India Grants Emergency Approval to Astra-Oxford Covid-19 Vaccine India has followed the U.K. and granted emergency approval for the coronavirus vaccine developed by AstraZeneca Plc and the University of Oxford, the first step in its plan to inoculate citizens in the country that’s home to the world’s second-largest Covid-19 outbreak.


In 3.500.000 have been vaccinated.
20% of the total in Texas and California


6093 people has been vaccinated in .

6093 en Cataluña.


In 3,5% of the population has been vaccinated.


Europe is missing from this chart. Israel leads world in vaccines per capita.

VaxStats: Updated Covid-19 vaccinations statistics 29/12/2020

BREAKING: Israel is the country with the highest percentage of citizens vaccinated against Covid-19 . Today the number of vaccinated people has surpassed the number of infected ones.

VaxStats: Updated Covid-19 vaccinations statistics offers updated Covid-19 Coronavirus vaccination statistics.