Zojax yoga

Zojax yoga

All about yoga

5 Basic Yoga Poses For Beginners 11/07/2023

5 Basic Yoga Poses For Beginners Learn the relaxing discipline of Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners as a means of achieving balance, lowering stress levels, and improving general health.

Incorporating Yoga Into Your Life 27/05/2023

Incorporating Yoga into Your Life can bring numerous benefits to your overall health.

Yoga, a time-honored and revered practice originating from ancient India, offers an extensive array of benefits that positively impact various facets of your well-being. You can adopt yoga into your daily routine, and you can begin on a transforming journey that extends beyond the physical realm and includes mental, emotional, and spiritual growth.

Incorporating Yoga Into Your Life Discover the transformative power of incorporating yoga into your life. Explore nine compelling reasons to embrace this practice and experience profound physical, mental, and spiritual benefits.

5 Basic Yoga Poses For Beginners 22/05/2023

Learn the Power of Simple Yoga Pose for Beginners to Reduce Stress, Improve Health, and Develop Inner Balance.

5 Basic Yoga Poses For Beginners Learn the relaxing discipline of Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners as a means of achieving balance, lowering stress levels, and improving general health.

The Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Stress Relief 07/05/2023

Because of the rapid speed of today’s world, we are all under stress. Whether it is from a professional connection or a personal issue, stress can have an impact on our physical or mental health. “Yoga for Stress Relief” is a tried-and-true method for de-stressing.

The Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Stress Relief Consistency is key when it comes to reaping the benefits of yoga for stress relief. Yoga is an effective way to minimize stress that can improve your mental and physical health.

Warrior II - How to do Virabhadrasana II 14/04/2023

Warrior II - How to do Virabhadrasana II Warrior II represents a strong warrior who stands firmly on the ground with his thousand legs and has a thousand arms to defend himself.

5 Protein Smoothie Recipes without Protein Powder 16/03/2023

In the preparation of protein smoothies, whey protein is one of the basic ingredients for many people, but this does not mean that without whey protein powder you cannot make a high-quality smoothie with high protein content.

5 Protein Smoothie Recipes without Protein Powder Whey protein is one of the basic ingredients for many people, but you can make high-quality smoothie with high protein content without whey protein powder.

How to do Boat Pose 13/03/2023

How to do Boat Pose Boat Pose requires you to balance on both your sit bones and your tailbone. Parpiurana Navsana helps to build mental and physical focus, encouraging awareness of the whole body.

9 Reasons why you should start doing yoga 09/02/2022

Yoga is a system of exercises originally from India. Yoga poses create balance and strengthen the body. Here are top 9 reasons why you should try yoga:

9 Reasons why you should start doing yoga Yoga is a system of exercises originally from India. Yoga poses create balance and strengthen the body. Here are top 9 reasons why you should try yoga: 1.Yoga might help you feel rejuvenated People…

4 yoga diet recipes for energy and strength 03/02/2022

The yoga diet from a long time ago provided individuals with inner serenity, health, and balance. It is natural and does not burden the stomach; it helps build tissue and is rich in proteins that provide energy. The yoga diet is ideal for those who want to lose weight healthily. With it, you can achieve a slim line without hassle and sacrifice. According to the Indian skill of cooking, pak shastra (which is one of the 16 basic vidyas or knowledge), the whole science of the effect of food on the body has emerged. With proper cooking and the use of food, it is possible to keep the body and consciousness healthy, get rid of fatigue and stress, and improve immunity and concentration.

4 yoga diet recipes for energy and strength The yoga diet from a long time ago provided individuals with inner serenity, health, and balance. It is natural and does not burden the stomach; it helps build tissue and is rich in proteins that p…

Hatha and Vinyasa yoga – what are the differences and which one is best for you? 31/01/2022

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is, as described in the yoga scriptures, originally a process that includes body exercises (asanas), breath and prana exercises (pranayama), locking exercises (bandha), yoga seal exercises (mudra) and withdrawal exercises, body purification exercises and nadis (shat-karma kriya), and working with the energy body (chakras and nadis). When defining Vinyasa practice, it’s important to first define Vinyasa and Vinyasa practice as a yoga style. Vinyasa means “to connect something in an intelligent sequence with a specific goal and intention,” according to the definition. It can refer to a variety of things in yoga practice, including:

Hatha and Vinyasa yoga – what are the differences and which one is best for you? Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga is, as described in the yoga scriptures, originally a process that includes body exercises (asanas), breath and prana exercises (pranayama), locking exercises (bandha), yoga s…

Yoga pose – Fish Pose (Matsyasana) 30/01/2022

How to boost your energy and fight fatigue. Fish are always moving, with fish yoga pose, or Matsyasana in Sanskrit, while building confidence with stretching in the shoulders. If you perform the Fish yoga pose regularly, you will be able to float like a fish.

Yoga pose – Fish Pose (Matsyasana) How to boost your energy and fight fatigue. Fish are always moving, with fish yoga pose, or Matsyasana in Sanskrit, while building confidence with stretching in the shoulders. If you perform the Fi…

10 yoga poses that will reduce back pain 29/01/2022

Yoga is considered as an excellent therapy that has a wide range of advantages.
There are a few yoga poses that operate specifically on the spine among the many available.
They help in the relaxation of tense muscles, as well as the reduction of tension and strengthening of such muscles.
Yoga for back pain stretches and strengthens the muscles that support the back and spine, including the para-spinal muscles, which help you bend your spine, the multifidus muscles, which stabilize your spine, and the transverse muscles of your abdomen, which also assist stabilize your spine.

10 yoga poses that will reduce back pain In today’s environment, back and neck pain are the two most common problems. Muscle tension is caused by back pain. Long periods of sitting cause stress in areas that limit spine flexibility,…

Yoga pose – Warrior Pose III (Virabhadrasana III) 27/01/2022

Warrior Pose III ( Virabhadrasana III ) is the third in a series of standing heroes and represents an intense continuation of Virabhadrasana I. As a position on one leg, it harmonizes the body and spirit, improves the sense of balance and concentration, and tightens and strengthens the whole body.

Yoga pose – Warrior Pose III (Virabhadrasana III) Warrior Pose III ( Virabhadrasana III ) is the third in a series of standing heroes and represents an intense continuation of Virabhadrasana I. As a position on one leg, it harmonizes the body and …

Yoga pose – Child’s Pose (Balasana ) 25/01/2022

We’ve been taught that because of their naturalness, calm, and innocence, we often imitate animals in yoga.
For children, the situation is very similar.
They understand how to unwind and let go.
We have a number of positions from the series of children’s poses, and we’ll show you one of the most commonly used ones here.

Yoga pose – Child’s Pose (Balasana ) We’ve been taught that because of their naturalness, calm, and innocence, we often imitate animals in yoga. For children, the situation is very similar. They understand how to unwind and let …

Amazing reasons why you should practice yoga #shorts 04/01/2022

Amazing reasons why you should practice yoga #shorts Yoga is a system of exercises originally from India. Yoga poses create balance and strengthen the body. Here are top 9 reasons why you should try yoga:1.Yoga...



Morning yoga better than coffee: In 10 minutes awaken soul and body 01/01/2022

Morning yoga better than coffee: In 10 minutes awaken soul and body Yoga may gently wake up the body and soul every morning, massage the organs, increase the circulation, and discharge hazardous poisons in only 10 minutes. If you wake up tired and unable to motivate yourself to get out of bed, try these basic yoga postures to help clear your mind, revitalize your bo...

Yoga pose Crow pose (Bakasana) 03/12/2021

The entire weight of the body is supported by the hands in this hard yoga pose, which mimics a crane standing in the water, ready to catch prey (or looking at the baby-see the small picture).

This asana develops the arms and abdominal muscles in particular, as well as improving balance and attention.

Yoga pose Crow pose (Bakasana) The entire weight of the body is supported by the hands in this hard yoga pose, which mimics a crane standing in the water, ready to catch prey (or looking at the baby-see the small picture). This …

Can yoga help your thyroid? 7 yoga poses for thyroid 28/11/2021

Have you noticed that you are suddenly gaining weight, your heart is beating fast, you are sweating too much, you have a bad appetite, you are irritable, constantly tired, and you often wake up at night? These symptoms may indicate hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, or slow or rapid thyroid function. This small but extremely important gland in the lower part of the neck, which looks like a butterfly, is responsible for the function of every cell in your body, so the health of your entire body depends on its health.

Can yoga help your thyroid? 7 yoga poses for thyroid Have you noticed that you are suddenly gaining weight, your heart is beating fast, you are sweating too much, you have a bad appetite, you are irritable, constantly tired, and you often wake up at …

Yoga pose Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana ) 21/11/2021

The greatest challenge and difficulty to practicing handstands, like with most advanced poses (on the head and elbows), is the natural worry of falling.

Yoga pose Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana ) The greatest challenge and difficulty to practicing handstands, like with most advanced poses (on the head and elbows), is the natural worry of falling. We first practice this advanced yogic pose a…

Yoga pose Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana) 08/11/2021

Utthita hasta padangusthasana is a more challenging yoga pose that strengthens and stretches the legs and hips.
As we work on one leg while holding the other leg by the toe on the leg stretched in front of us or to the side, it increases our feeling of balance and concentration.

Yoga pose Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana) Utthita hasta padangusthasana is a more challenging yoga pose that strengthens and stretches the legs and hips. As we work on one leg while holding the other leg by the toe on the leg stretched in …

10 yoga poses for deep opening of the hips 03/11/2021

There are also a number of poses that are specifically designed to open the hips, and we’ll highlight ten of them below.
You can make your hips healthier and longer-lasting by practicing often and using patience and relaxation.

10 yoga poses for deep opening of the hips The location of the hips is crucial to all body motions and healthy pose. Because they are important to the body, their superior mobility improves the relationship with the rest of the body. The hi…

Yoga pose – headstand (sirsasana) 01/11/2021

Sirsasana deepens breathing, improves spinal statics, which leads to appropriate posture, and impacts the senses—improves vision and hearing…
Regular practice of this excellent asana reduces stress and anxiety, and expands spiritual dimensions.

Yoga pose – headstand (sirsasana) This yoga pose is known as the “king of all asanas” in ancient yogic texts. There are several reasons for this, the most important of which is the asana’s complete and balancing e…

Restorative yoga: benefits and 5 basic restorative yoga poses 28/10/2021

Restorative yoga is a contemplative practice in which we use props such as bolsters, streps, pillows, blankets, blocks, and other similar items to completely rest the body and stretch passively.
Our mind relaxes and de-stresses from daily stress as a result of our body’s deep relaxation.

Restorative yoga: benefits and 5 basic restorative yoga poses Restorative yoga is a contemplative practice in which we use props such as bolsters, streps, pillows, blankets, blocks, and other similar items to completely rest the body and stretch passively. Ou…

Yoga pose Great Sage Pose I (Marichyasana I ) 23/10/2021

We stretch and bend the body towards the outstretched leg without holding it with our hands in this asana.
The abdominal muscles and organs contract strongly and energetically in order to rest the head on the knee of the outstretched leg, which improves blood circulation and keeps them healthy.
This asana is mostly used to strengthen the upper back.

Yoga pose Great Sage Pose I (Marichyasana I ) We stretch and bend the body towards the outstretched leg without holding it with our hands in this asana. The abdominal muscles and organs contract strongly and energetically in order to rest the …

Mindfulness meditation – what is it and when is it used? 20/10/2021

Mindfulness is a scientifically grounded style of meditation that helps to stabilize a state of psychological health. It is a type of cognitive psychotherapy that focuses on consciousness.

Mindfulness meditation – what is it and when is it used? Mindfulness is a scientifically grounded style of meditation that helps to stabilize a state of psychological health. It is a type of cognitive psychotherapy that focuses on consciousness. Mindfuln…

Yoga for sciatica pain: 10 exercises for relief, plus poses to avoid 12/10/2021

The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back and runs deep into the buttocks, thighs, and along the sides of the legs.
Squeezing, aggravating, or damaging the sciatic nerve or lower vertebrae causes sciatica.
Sciatica can also be caused by tense, overworked, or damaged muscles.

Yoga for sciatica pain: 10 exercises for relief, plus poses to avoid The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back and runs deep into the buttocks, thighs, and along the sides of the legs. Squeezing, aggravating, or damaging the sciatic nerve or lower vertebrae causes …

6 Meditation techniques – a comparison of the techniques and how to choose the best one? 09/10/2021

Is the idea of going to meditate interesting to you?
Many individuals believe that meditation might help them reach a higher goal, find balance in their lives, or relax.

It is often good to explore and test a variety of teaching methods before selecting which one is ideal for you.
First and foremost, we must understand what is meditation.

Meditation is a level of awareness in which we are fully present in the moment.
It must have a purpose, which we will concentrate on.

Here are some techniques:

6 Meditation techniques – a comparison of the techniques and how to choose the best one? Is the idea of going to meditate interesting to you? Many individuals believe that meditation might help them reach a higher goal, find balance in their lives, or relax. It is often good to explore…

Yoga during menstruation: 7 yoga poses that effectively relieve pain 07/10/2021

For many women, menstruation is followed by intense discomfort.
Some of us deal with this condition with painkillers and various herbal remedies, but these aren’t the only options. If you do not have the desire for any movements and activities due to menstrual pain, then these yoga poses (asanas) will help you feel better and return to a normal lifestyle.

Yoga during menstruation: 7 yoga poses that effectively relieve pain For many women, menstruation is followed by intense discomfort. Some of us deal with this condition with painkillers and various herbal remedies, but these aren’t the only options. If you do …

Yoga pose – Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) 06/10/2021

This is the yoga pose in which most yogis make the most improvement, therefore it’s not uncommon for individuals who couldn’t even reach their toes at first to be able to lie totally flat with their chests on their thighs within a few months (as in the picture).

Yoga pose – Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) Because yoga is traditionally done outside and facing East in India, the back of your body should face West (pashas). This is the yoga pose in which most yogis make the most improvement, therefore …


Meditation — health benefits and how to start meditating? 05/10/2021

Meditation — health benefits and how to start meditating? Meditation may not send me to paradise, but in a good setting, during meditation I always feel like I am on the greatest path to get…

Morning yoga better than coffee: In 10 minutes awaken soul and body 05/10/2021

Yoga may gently wake up the body and soul every morning, massage the organs, increase the circulation, and discharge hazardous poisons in only 10 minutes.

If you wake up tired and unable to motivate yourself to get out of bed, try these basic yoga postures to help clear your mind, revitalize your body, and strengthen your circulation.

Morning yoga better than coffee: In 10 minutes awaken soul and body Yoga may gently wake up the body and soul every morning, massage the organs, increase the circulation, and discharge hazardous poisons in only 10 minutes. If you wake up tired and unable to motivat…

Yoga pose – Staff Pose (Danasan ) 29/09/2021

Yoga pose – Staff Pose (Danasan )

This is the most fundamental sitting yoga pose.
This is a self-contained pose that is far more demanding than you might assume.
In the little photographs, you can see its basic shape.
It’s a different way to sit for longer periods of time and can also be used for meditation.
The variety we’ll discuss is the “passing pose,” which is the one we enter in most sitting yoga poses and return to.

Yoga pose – Staff Pose (Danasan ) This is the most fundamental sitting yoga pose. This is a self-contained pose that is far more demanding than you might assume. In the little photographs, you can see its basic shape. It’s a …

Discover yoga, an ancient treatment for modern-day stress. 27/09/2021

Discover yoga, an ancient treatment for modern-day stress.

What do Madonna and the Beatles have in common

What binds them together, aside from promoting happy emotions through music, is their previously enthusiastic encouragement of yoga practice. Yoga, which was once considered a fad among the hippy age in the Western world, yoga is now becoming a part of the lives of the most diverse groups of people. Modern man’s daily routine is faster than it has ever been. As a result, it’s no surprise that stress is a growing problem in our time, one that’s starting to present itself in alarmingly serious physical and mental health issues.

Discover yoga, an ancient treatment for modern-day stress. What do Madonna and the Beatles have in common What binds them together, aside from promoting happy emotions through music, is their previously enthusiastic encouragement of yoga practice. Yoga, wh…

Yoga pose Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana) 19/09/2021

Yoga pose Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana) Sarvangasana is one of the most famous and classic yoga pose. In the small series, Candle-Plow-Fish, she is in the first pose. The Candle is said to be the “Queen of Asanas” (“Kin…

Hatha and Vinyasa yoga – what are the differences and which one is best for you? 13/09/2021

Hatha Yoga is, as described in the yoga scriptures, originally a process that includes body exercises (asanas), breath and prana exercises (pranayama), locking exercises (bandha), yoga seal exercises (mudra) and withdrawal exercises, body purification exercises and nadis (shat-karma kriya), and working with the energy body (chakras and nadis). So Hatha yoga actually includes all kinds of performing these practices and styles, both traditional and modern versions.

Hatha and Vinyasa yoga – what are the differences and which one is best for you? Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga is, as described in the yoga scriptures, originally a process that includes body exercises (asanas), breath and prana exercises (pranayama), locking exercises (bandha), yoga s…

Fish Pose (Matsyasana) 10/09/2021

Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

This pose, like many others, has a lot of variance.
We described the variety where the torso rests on the elbows in the text and a somewhat more advanced version with the arms folded on the chest in the photo.

Fish Pose (Matsyasana) This pose, like many others, has a lot of variance. We described the variety where the torso rests on the elbows in the text and a somewhat more advanced version with the arms folded on the chest i…

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Meditation may not send me to paradise, but in a good setting, during meditation I always feel like I am on the greatest...