Clodagh Rose Virtual

Clodagh Rose Virtual

VA Services

Photos from Clodagh Rose Virtual's post 08/05/2023

Investing in your business at the beginning can be scary.

I’ve felt the fear.

My clients have felt the fear.

But the difference is we feel the fear and do it anyway.

And I can honestly say I haven’t regretted any of my investments.

🔑They are the reason I
# have the mindset of a business owner & not an employee

🔑They gave me the exact roadmap I needed to be successful.

🔑They have accelerated my business growth exponentially.

Investing into your business feels scary.

But for me and for my clients we’ve realised that being in the same place three months from now is much scarier.

This is your last week to Join VVA! If you know you are ready to move past the fear and actually get the strategies you need to build a fully booked VA business sign up for VVA now through the link in my bio ⚡️

Photos from Clodagh Rose Virtual's post 06/05/2023

My client signed three new clients, developed insane confidence & has everything in place to take her business to the next level…

Can we get a 👏👏👏 for VVA student Lea

During VVA Lea had an insane transformation in her business & her mindset and achieved some amazing results:

🔑She got clear on the bigger vision for her business and set achievable goals to start working towards that vision.

🔑 She identified her niche & who her dream client was so she finally knew who to target with her lead gen & content.

🔑 She got a full onboarding process in place & built out client management systems to create an excellent client experience and removed the fear around signing clients and then not looking professional.

🔑 She got her content strategy & lead gen strategy DOWN so they could start doing the heavy lifting for her when it came to attracting clients.

🔑She booked three clients during VVA and is continuing to grow her business!

All of this progress happened in a matter of WEEKS, and it is because Lea took ACTION.

⚡She was initially afraid to invest as she wasn’t earning enough from her business to pay for it, but she pushed through the fear and did it anyway.

⚡She pushed herself out of her comfort zone every single week, moving past her mindset blocks and taking messy action!

⚡She attended the calls & made the absolute most out of all the support I provide in the program (hot seat coaching, workbook reviews, slack support) because she was determined to succeed.

If you are ready to start landing clients and growing your business just like Lea has…

If your ready to take action, nail your strategies, processes and start working towards the bigger vision for your business

Instead of staying where you are and feeling lost, unsure or overwhelmed

I have packaged up ALL of my knowledge, skills and strategies into one INSANE program…

The VA Vision Accelerator✈️

The doors are currently open for VVA 2.0 where you will be able to go through the exact framework Lea went through to achieve these insane results.

Are you in?

Sign up now through the link in my bio or send me a DM if you want to have a chat about the program x

Photos from Clodagh Rose Virtual's post 21/02/2023

Yes, your business is about landing clients & making money, but its also about you and developing your knowledge, skills and confidence so you can land clients and create a sustainable business that you love waking up to every day!🔑🔑🔑

So that’s why I embed into my clients how important it is to celebrate every win in your business, ESPECIALLY the ones not related to landing clients or making money.

Here are some of the main non-economic wins my clients have seen from working with me:

1️⃣ Building insane confidence!

2️⃣ Pushing out of their comfort zone

3️⃣ Having strategy BREAK THROUGHS!

4️⃣ Working with DREAM clients

5️⃣ Content Clarity

There are so many more and my clients are definitely not short of monetary/client signing wins. But the above wins are what builds a business, and gets you to that stage where you can sign clients with ease and actually enjoy the business you run!💡

It’s totally possible for you to achieve all of these wins and more, you just need the right accountability and support to get you there. To learn more about working with me DM me to chat about my coaching options.🤍



The VA Vision Accelerator - The 8-Week Hybrid Coaching Program to help you build a wildly successful Virtual Assistant Business, get fully booked & achieve your vision of freedom & flexibility!

✔️Build a sustainable & aligned virtual assistant business that you can’t wait to wake up to every day.
✔️Achieve clarity around your niche, who your dream client is & how YOU can help them.
✔️Develop a stand out personal brand & become an authority in your area.
✔️Master attraction marketing strategies & learn how to bring dream clients TO YOU!
✔️Create your signature sales strategy that CONVERT followers into long term clients.

This is for any new Virtual Assistant or Social Media Manager who is determined to create her vision board business & lifestyle in 2023✈️

In the program you will get access to:

🔑VVA Online Course with 10 Modules & 40+ Lessons
🔑8 Weeks of Live Group Coaching Calls
🔑Community Support in slack
🔑My eyes & feedback on all your coursework & content
🔑Templates, Canned Email, Planners & Workbooks

💡Access to the VA Skills Vault
💡Guest Coaches for Podcasting, Pinterest & More
💡Live CEO Mindset Workshops

FAST ACTION BONUSES: For the next 48 HOURS ONLY you can get VVA for £150 off the full price & get a bonus 1:1 Strategy Call with me (worth £197).

Ready to jump in?

Secure your spot now through the link in my bio or send me a DM if you want some more info💗

Photos from Clodagh Rose Virtual's post 03/01/2023

Ready to get fully booked?

As a new Virtual Assistant, it can be so overwhelming.

There are so many things to think about and get organized and learn and on top of it all, you are stressing about finding clients🤯

It can be easy to start feeling lost when it comes to your business and what your next steps should be.

When I started my Virtual Assistant Business, I was in the exact same position that you are in now.

All I had was determination and a vision of where I wanted to be 6 months from now and I knew I would figure it all out along the way.

Only 4 months later I had:

🌟Quit my 9-5
🌟Booked my one-way flight to Thailand
🌟Was a fully booked VA, working with dream clients

It definitely wasn't all smooth sailing, but once I got the right strategies & processes in place, everything all came together.

And now I want to give back and spill all the details in my FREE Masterclass: The Road Map to Fully Booked🤍

I will be spilling all the details:

👉🏻On how I personally got fully booked
👉🏻How to attract dream clients with attraction marketing strategies
👉🏻The exact steps you can take over the next couple of months to become a fully booked VA!

And I would love for you to join me!

If your goal this year is to become a Fully Booked VA, you NEED to be in this masterclass.

There will also be a live Q&A session at the end so you can pick my brain and ask me any questions you have about starting a VA business & getting fully booked.

The link is in my bio to sign up now! Make sure to secure your spot.

P.S. I will be giving away a free 60 Minute 1:1 coaching call LIVE on the call to anyone who shares this post to their stories & tags me!

See you there x


Exciting announcement from my little business today!
I am officially fully booked and opening up my waitlist! 🎉

Big thanks to everyone who has supported me so far and to all my amazing clients I have been working with over the past couple of months.

Excited to see what all the future now holds for Clodagh Rose Virtual! 🤍


Exciting announcement from my little business today!

I am officially fully booked and opening up my waitlist! 🎉

Big thanks to everyone who has supported me so far and to all my amazing clients I have been working with over the past couple of months.

Excited to see what all the future now holds for Clodagh Rose Virtual! 🤍


PSA: We are moving into Quarter 2 on Friday. Can you believe it?

Since April is on Friday I thought it would be a good time to start thinking about goals for Q2.

I think it is really important at the end of one quarter and the start of the next to look back on how much we have achieved in the past 3 months?

Where are you in comparison to where you were on the 1st of January?

In Q1 I:
✨Took the leap and launched my new business whilst still working full time.

✨Set up everything required to make my business run as smoothly as possible.

✨Completed 10 weeks of group coaching and started 12 weeks of 1-1 coaching as well as attending multiple masterclasses & online courses to upskill and become the best VA I can be for my clients.

✨Onboarded my first 4 clients and achieved amazing feedback on my work.

A pretty successful Q1 and I have big plans for Q2 as well✈️

Have you thought about your goals for the next quarter?

Are you planning to invest into outsourcing? Launch a new group coaching programme? Take on more 1-1 coaching clients? Create more passive income? 👩‍💻

Let me know your goals for Q2 in the comments!

Photos from Clodagh Rose Virtual's post 24/03/2022

Are you letting you limiting beliefs stop you from scaling your coaching business to 10k-15k months? 🤔

You've written down the goal, its on your vision board, you have the plan that will get you there, with new coaching programmes, passive offers and a marketing plan to take on more 1-1 coaching clients. 📈

But your still standing in your own way, if you are resisting outsourcing!

There is a good chance that you know you need to outsource to scale, its in every business book and its the advice given by every business coach. But your limiting beliefs have been standing in your way.

Do any of these limiting beliefs resonate with you?

1️⃣"I'm not big enough to outsource yet"

2️⃣ "I should wait until I have consistent 10-15k months before outsourcing"

3️⃣" It will be too much hassle trying to bring someone in now when I am so busy"

4️⃣"I’m finally making money in my business I don’t want to spend it”

Limiting beliefs like this come up and stop you from achieving your goals if you let them!

If scaling was on your goals list this year and you haven't already outsourced, maybe it is time to ask yourself:

Are you letting your limiting beliefs hold you back from achieving your goals?

Send me a dm to discuss how I can help you scale in Q2!


So another month has almost gone by and you still haven't launched that passive income offer?

I see you! 👀

I know you probably have a draft saved in your google drive but it needs to be edited, proofread, and some final touches added before you can launch it.

Although these aren't extremely challenging tasks, they just keep getting put to the back of your to-do list because you are so busy with your current clients that bring in your active income.

However, if you want to meet those economic goals you set at the start of this year, you are leaving a lot of money on the table by not releasing your passive offer!💵

Here are three tips to actually getting your passive offer off the ground to achieve your economic goals this year:

1. Block out half a day a week over the next month as a time to solely work on your passive offer. Chances are you have a lot of the content there and ready and you just need to actually create the final documents and put in place a launch strategy.

2. Start teasing your passive offer on your socials and see how much interest there is in it! The more interest showed the more motivation you will have to dedicate time to getting it out there. This can also double up as the beginning of your launch strategy for this product and gets the ball rolling!

3. Outsource the tasks you have been putting off for this long. If you have done the hard work and all the content is there for your passive offer, you can outsource the rest. A VA can proofread, edit, create documents on Canva and initiate your launch strategy! If you have put it off for this long, outsourcing might be the step you need to actually get it out there, especially if you are extremely busy with coaching clients.

There is still a week and a half left in March, take the steps now so your passive offer doesn't spend another month in your drive when it could be making you extra money now!

Send me a dm to discuss how I can help!☺️


Another lovely client testimonial 🥰

I have been transcribing Aoife’s Podcast and then we create LinkedIn Posts from the topics discussed.

The LinkedIn posts are designed to direct more traffic to her website so she can sell her digital ebooks & guides. 📖

Ensuring we post consistently every week also boosts her profile on LinkedIn’s algorithm so her content will reach more people within her niche and ultimately increase her sales even more over time.

Aoife is extremely busy & had been letting her LinkedIn Marketing slip a little bit and noticed a drop in her sales as a result. She knew she didn’t have the time to take on the transcription, content creation & scheduling herself at the moment so she invested in a Virtual Assistant to do it for her! ✨

She has now been able to focus on other areas of her business & create that consistent revenue from her ebook & online guide sales! 📈

The ways that hiring a VA can help grow your business are endless.

Please dm me if you are reading this and want to achieve more consistent revenue for your business like Aoife has! 😊

Photos from Clodagh Rose Virtual's post 02/03/2022

Are you close to burn out? 🔥

So many small business owners take on so much! They barely have time to squeeze in a call with their busy schedules, nevermind spend time with friends/family and take some well deserved time off.

It is key to notice when you are coming close to burn out and the steps you should take to avoid it!

My top tips for avoiding burnout are:

Organise & Prioritise - Take a step back. It’s easy to become overwhelmed with everything that is on your plate. But if you take some time and organise your to do list & create a list of priorities. Tackle those first. Everything else can wait!

Schedule downtime - I know this sounds counter intuitive. How can you have down time when you have so much to do? By scheduling in downtime throughout your day such as taking regular breaks, going on a walk at lunch, you will actually be more productive when you are working and get more done!

Say No - It is so difficult as a business owner to turn down work opportunities. But if you are taking on work that you don’t actually have the time to complete just because you don’t want to turn down a potential client, you will burn out. You could even set up a waiting list if that helps you not feel as guilty!

Delegate - This is so key! If you are close to burn out you should be handing off the tasks that don’t need to be done by you personally to someone else. Delegating is your best friend when it comes to avoiding burn out. I know it's scary to initially hand over parts of your business to someone else. But it will be so worth it!

Exercise - Exercising regularly will have long term effects on your mood & quality of sleep. If you make this a habit as well it means you will have scheduled in time just for you where you're not thinking about your business!

Socialise - if you feel close to burn out it is a good idea to take a step back, call a friend or family member and talk about how you are feeling. Even better if you can get away from your desk and meet someone for a coffee (or tea) and have a chat!

I hope these tips were helpful and if you feel like you're experiencing burn out at all please reach out to me and we can see how I can help!
