Nixa High Class of 2002

Nixa High Class of 2002

NHS Class of 2002--
Look here for reunion updates and events.


Former band members - Mr. Finger would love to see you! If attending Friday night’s game (September 16th), please congregate at the track gate on the south side of the field after the halftime show. He has offered dinner with the band during 3rd quarter and possible other festivites.


We’re 4 weeks out from the 20 year reunion - please join us! Details within the feed and as an event.

Please share with your ‘02 Nixa friends!


Friday, September 16th (night before the reunion) Nixa is hosting Branson for football, 7pm. Dig out those vintage Dirty Bird shirts and come cheer on the eagles!


Hope to see you there!


Save the date! We hope to see lots of you there.

20 Year Reunion Survey 19/04/2022

Hey everyone! We're sorry the February post including the survey disappeared (not sure why or how that happened), but Whit just shared it again for everyone to take. Please spread the word as we are planning a 20 year reunion and we would like your input on dates, venue, and your availability to help! We are looking at the months of August, September, October, and November. Please share the survey with anyone not on the page. Thanks!

20 Year Reunion Survey Can you believe it's been 20 years? We are working on the 20 year reunion, and we would love to have your feedback. Please take this short survey to help us out.


11 years...but who is counting?!


Can't wait to see everyone this Saturday at Nixa Park and/or Affinity!


What songs bring back high school memories?


Well, it's the final countdown - 2 weeks! Please be mailing those RSVPs in so we have plenty of food. Who are you excited to see and catch up with?


You better be sending in those RSVP cards! Even if you are not attending, at least let us know what you have been up to. If you are attending, we need to get a final headcount to make sure there is enough food, so come on procrastinators...


Updated list of names: We still need addresses.....please tell these people to send an updated address to [email protected]
Aycock, Melissa
Ballard, Bret
Bean, Kyle
Bolin, Andrea
Bolinger, Stephanie
Bradley, Rebecca
Braughton, Rebecca
Brinkley, Jeffrey
Brooks, Forrest
Brucks, Matthew
Burke, Kyle
Cauthon, Clay
Chambers, Nathaniel
Charron, David
Clary, Jacob
Clevenger, Stephanie
Clinton, Sheree
Colboch, Jason
Cook, Joshua
Cooper, Bradley
Cotter, Lindsey
Daniels, Kelsie
Davis, Wesley
Dawson, Jarrett
Denney, Melissa
Dent, Tom
Dunaway, Brad
Elbe, Amber
Elwell, Timothy
Farley, Melanie
Fisher, Hadley
Flood, Misty
Foster, Melody
Galbraith, Justin
Gallant, Dawn
Gardner, Brooke
Gates, David
Gates, Michele
Greene, Andrew
Griffin, Brandon
Groeteke, Ryan
Haas, Amy
Halpain, Seth
Hampton, John
Hasler, Teresa
Hatfield, Anthony
Henry, Nicolas
Herrera, Marcela
Herring, Drake
Herrmann, Travis
Hipp, Robert
Hirsch, Justin
Hoffman, Brandon
Huff, Shane
Iles, Eric
Johnson, Christopher
Johnston, Scott
Jones, Jennifer
Kasperski, Lauren
Kavanaugh, Timothy
Keenoy, Karolyn
Knox C. David
Knox P. David
Kohler, Benjamin
Kuhs, Matthew
LaMacchia, Cerina
Larche, Katie
Larson, Lora
Lassiter, Elizabeth
Lewis, Landon
Loftin, Jennifer
Long, Shanna
Loveland, Clint
Lukavsky, Mary
Mabe, Brandon
Mabe, Denton
MacLaren, Carey
Maidlow, Robin
Major, Shannon
Marcink, Christine
Marrs, Jennifer
Martin, Kelly
Mason, James
Matthews, Kathryn
May, Miguel
McElwain, Justin
McMellen, Sara
Melville, Carrie
Metzker, Michael
Moore, Jacob
Moore, Royce
Moore, Trey
Murray, Justin
Neal, Laura
Neff, Brandon
Nelson, Melody
Newman, Jessica
Olson, Glenn
Piktelis, Sarah
Platou, Alicia
Rapp, Tiffany
Reynolds, Amanda
Richardson, James
Rossmann, Paulanthony
Rountree, Kristy
Scroggins, Colin
Seibert, Brooklyn
Shaon, Trista
Sherman, Jesse
Simpson, Matthew
Smothers, Frank
Steenstra, Jennifer
Stephens, Nicolase
Stewart, Amy
Stone, Cassandra
Street, Matthew
Swenson, Lauren
Tate, Ricky
Trexel, Crystina
Vetter, Joshua
Victor, Meghan
Walden, Sherwin
Weiss, Andrew
Weltha, Donald
White, Catherine
Whitmore, Kyle
Whitney, Kristen
Williams, Amanda
Williams, Grant
Wimberly, Aaron
Woody, Michael
Zihala, Joel


Reunion Invitations are out and we are missing addresses for several classmates. If you have contact witht the following graduates, please ask them to e-mail their current address to: [email protected]. We would love for everyone to come!

Addison, Jessica
Agnew, Hugh
Aguayo, Katherine
Allen, Brandi
Anderson, Amanda
Averett, Nathan
Aycock, Melissa
Bailey, Kandis
Ballard, Bret
Barcomb, Lindsay
Bassett, Charlotte
Bean, Kyle
Beckner, Aaron
Blevins, Jerrod
Bolin, Andrea
Bolinger, Stephanie
Bradley, Rebecca
Braughton, Rebecca
Brinkley, Jeffrey
Brooks, Forrest
Brucks, Matthew
Burke, Kyle
Cauthon, Clay
Chambers, Nathaniel
Charron, David
Clary, Jacob
Clevenger, Stephanie
Clinton, Sheree
Colboch, Jason
Cook, Joshua
Cooper, Bradley
Cotter, Lindsey
Daniels, Kelsie
Davis, Dustin
Davis, Wesley
Dawson, Jarrett
Denney, Melissa
Dent, Tom
Dunaway, Brad
Eaken, Jason
Elbe, Amber
Ellis, Andrew
Elwell, Timothy
Farley, Melanie
Fisher, Hadley
Flood, Misty
Foster, Melody
Galbraith, Justin
Gallant, Dawn
Gardner, Brooke
Gates, David
Gates, Michele
Gideon, Chad
Greene, Andrew
Griffin, Brandon
Groeteke, Ryan
Haas, Amy
Halpain, Seth
Hampton, John
Hardy, Erika
Hasler, Teresa
Hatfield, Anthony
Hayes, Glennon
Henry, Nicolas
Herrera, Marcela
Herring, Drake
Herrmann, Travis
Hipp, Robert
Hirsch, Justin
Hoffman, Brandon
Huff, Shane
Iles, Eric
Jackson, Clayton
Johnson, Christopher
Johnston, Scott
Jones, Jennifer
Kasperski, Lauren
Kavanaugh, Timothy
Keenoy, Karolyn
Knox C. David
Knox P. David
Kohler, Benjamin
Kuhs, Matthew
LaMacchia, Cerina
Larche, Katie
Larson, Lora
Lassiter, Elizabeth
Lewis, Landon
Loftin, Jennifer
Long, Shanna
Loveland, Clint
Lukavsky, Mary
Mabe, Brandon
Mabe, Denton
MacLaren, Carey
Maidlow, Robin
Major, Shannon
Marcink, Christine
Marrs, Jennifer
Martin, Kelly
Mason, James
Matthews, Kathryn
May, Miguel
McElwain, Justin
McFall, Jessica
McMellen, Sara
Melville, Carrie
Mercado, Noel
Metzker, Michael
Moore, Jacob
Moore, Royce
Moore, Trey
Murray, Justin
Neal, Laura
Neff, Brandon
Nelson, Melody
Neuburger, Bradley
Newman, Jessica
Olson, Glenn
Piktelis, Sarah
Platou, Alicia
Rapp, Tiffany
Reynolds, Amanda
Richardson, James
Rossmann, Paulanthony
Rountree, Kristy
Russell, Shanna
Schultz, Christopher
Scroggins, Colin
Seibert, Brooklyn
Shaon, Trista
Sherman, Jesse
Simpson, Matthew
Smothers, Frank
Steenstra, Jennifer
Stephens, Nicolase
Stewart, Amy
Stone, Cassandra
Street, Matthew
Swenson, Lauren
Tate, Ricky
Towe, Jessica
Trexel, Crystina
Troyer, David
Vandenberg, Nick
Vetter, Joshua
Victor, Meghan
Walden, Sherwin
Weiss, Andrew
Weltha, Donald
White, Catherine
Whitmore, Kyle
Whitney, Kristen
Wilcox, Kory
Williams, Amanda
Williams, Grant
Wimberly, Aaron
Woody, Michael
Wrench, Katheryn
Young, Tessa
Zihala, Joel


In the process of mailing out invitations - please send your mailing address to [email protected].
It doesn't matter if you are not interested in seeing anyone from high school, it is that we all want to see you! So come on, send that quick little email...


Class of 2002: I am sorry, but after a problem with the venue that is beyond our control we have had to move to a new location. Unfortunately, the new location was unavailable on August 4th, so we have moved the reunion date to July 28,2012. I have faith that the new location will fit us well and things will go smoothly. Please pass the word on the date change, and you should expect a formal invitation by the end of May (Thanks to Whitney Wilson Shrock for heading up the invitations)! I apologize for any problems this may cause, and I look forward to a great reunion with all of you. Don't forget to send your current address information to [email protected].
Brandi Emory Gump


We will be building a "book" to recognize each classmate. We are looking for sponsors to help cover the administrative and printing costs. If you own your own business or know of a business that may be interested please let us know. We will add sponsor logos and contact information to the printed books.


Please send your current e-mail and mailing address to our reunion e-mail @ [email protected]. Include your first and last name, current e-mail, and current home address.

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Hope to see you there!
