Jennifer Lahmayer- Ranier City Councilor

Jennifer Lahmayer- Ranier City Councilor

Everything Ranier. Right here

ParkPlanning - **NEW** Civic Engagement Public Comment Report and Public Comments 04/11/2023

A link to the comments made regarding the proposed frozen lake surface plan by VNP. A lot of good comments. And it is easy to see how the general population feels about the proposed plan (as long as the comments generally represent the public at large). There is a link to the letters and one for a general grouping of comments.

ParkPlanning - **NEW** Civic Engagement Public Comment Report and Public Comments ParkPlanning - **NEW** Civic Engagement Public Comment Report and Public Comments


I saw this on a recent trip to Florida. How interesting to put a price tag on a tree. But I think it brings to attention the multiple aspects you should think about when considering a tree and its removal. The erosion factor is huge, especially those living near water, especially moving water. Many trees take a quarter of the time you are alive to mature and provide all those positive aspects. Next time you think about removing large trees for the view---maybe give it a second thought.


Happy Fall!

You may be wondering why some ash trees in the Ranier Park are marked with pink tape and spray paint! These trees have been identified for removal as they have become a hazard and are in major decline in their health. They are scheduled to be removed Nov. 1st!

The removal of these trees are part of a DNR grant to prepare the area in case of emerald ash borer, which are an invasive species that decimate ash tree populations. We do not have infestations here yet--but this grant is here to help us remove unhealthy or dead trees and diversify our tree populations in case this ever happens! 20 new trees will be planted in the park next fall!

Major thanks to K***h County Soil and Water and the DNR for their help in ID of trees needed for possible removal---as well as our Tree Committee!

If you are interested in learning more about identifying EAB on our own property, see the link below!

Council hears of short-term rental nightmare - The Timberjay 13/10/2023,20734?

Council hears of short-term rental nightmare - The Timberjay TOWER— Short-term rental horror stories are hardly unusual, but they had been relatively uncommon in Tower—that is until now. At Monday’s council meeting, residents from North Star …

Anyone hoping to make an easy buck off vacation properties must contend with an 'Airbnbust' and a growing number of places looking to regulate short-term rentals 10/10/2023

Great article. Lots of different ways to look at short term rentals. They bring money into the community and give people a chance to visit the area----studies also show they can affect the cost of affordable housing.

At tonight's city council meeting we will be discussing our own possible short term rental ordinance. If you are interested in giving feedback please consider attending. Tonight at 6:30!

Anyone hoping to make an easy buck off vacation properties must contend with an 'Airbnbust' and a growing number of places looking to regulate short-term rentals These 26 cities and towns have or are considering regulations or restrictions on short-term rentals, which may be a boon for existing owners.

DRAFT Short Term Rental Unit Regulations Ordinance 18/09/2023

Happy Fall!!

This is an informational post regarding short term vacation rentals within the city of Ranier. The council is currently considering a brand new ordinance that deals specifically with operating a short term rental within city limits. Please note that this is a DRAFT. Pending comments from the community and from those that operate a STR within the city is being sought. We want your input! Please submit comments to the city by October 3rd or come to the City Council meeting. These are held the 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of each month.

There are hundreds of small communities and cities across the United States currently enacting ordinances on short term rentals (STRs). Two of the top reasons for doing so is to create legal authority for the city to monitor those in operation as well as capping STR's due to shortage of long term housing lost to STR's. There are many other socioeconomic questions to consider in a rural community such as ours. This is an important topic and one that contributes to the strength and longevity of the place we call home.

DRAFT Short Term Rental Unit Regulations Ordinance DRAFT Short Term Rental Unit Regulations Ordinance Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 11:35 AM DRAFT Short Term Rental Units Ordinance


This past summer Ranier hired two AMAZING local girls to work with our Public Works Department! Piper Tomczak and Kylynn Glennie--both 16 years old--worked 40 hours a week beautifying our parks and helping our guys catch up on some major projects! Never have I met two more energetic, witty and positive teenagers!

This is their last week before they head back to high school as juniors. Piper stays busy during the year playing volleyball, basketball and track and Kylynn with volleyball, hockey and track! We will be sad to lose them but hope to get them back next year!

I asked Piper and Kylynn a few questions about their summer working for the City of Ranier.

1. What was the most enjoyable part of the job?

ANSWER: Both energetically answer mowing and making runs to the dump, or as they call it "dump run".

2. What was your least favorite part?

ANSWER: Again, both energetically answer that w**d whacking was the worst. Additionally, emptying the Ranier Municipal's trash was also their least favorite. (I am laughing as I type this),

3. How was your experience with your boss and other city employees?

ANSWER: Everyone was great! Nick was awesome and felt like a friend even though he was our boss. Sherril was great too!

4. What were some of the bigger jobs/accomplishments during your summer here?

ANSWER: Sanding and repainting all of the picnic tables. Painting all of the curbs as well as helping put the new outdoor Ranier Municipal grain silo together!

Thank you Piper and Kylynn for your great work ethic and senses of humor! Have a great school year!




UPDATE: Water service was restored around 9 o'clock! Thanks to our hard working public works guys!


Due to this unexpected water line break in the DNR parking lot behind Cantilever, water looks like it will be shut off in the coming hours for that corner of Ranier. City has notified businesses--if you have a home or rental in that area, please be advised of water shut off. Hoping this can be resolved in a few hours. Will update when line is repaired!

Please share.

Ranier Days: Fun and history – Rainy Lake Gazette 08/08/2023

A historic treasure right along the shores of Rainy Lake! As a small girl I remember walking down to the local store with Clara Finstad to pick out a bag of skittles. I did not know then the history of the little old lady who lived above the auto marine shop!

Ranier Days: Fun and history – Rainy Lake Gazette Photo-Credit:CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Photo-Caption:Historic Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop in Ranier will open its doors during Ranier Days.


Take advantage of a great program in our area! Dark skies are unique to our area!

5pm this Thursday at the Community Building as part of Ranier Days 2023 “Let’s Go Fishing!”


Please spread the word. I know this year has been one for the books in terms of rebuilding docks due to last year's flooding, but Ranier is still in desperate need of someone to rebuild the dock at Ranier Beach. We will be reposting the advertisement for bids for this job in the future. This dock provides a place for residents and visitors to fish, sunbathe and provides protection from erosion along the beach. Keep an eye out for this and I will notify when posted! Thank you!


Ranier Days! The weekend of August 12th!

Photos from Ranier Days's post 20/07/2023

Please share! Ranier Days! August 12th!


Ranier Days planning committee is compiling a list of vendors. Please message if you are interested in a space this year!

Vendor fee will be nominal and can be made as a donation to the Ranier Recreation Club!

More info to follow!



Just an FYI that the exposed rebar noted by beach goers has been removed and problem areas marked to warn swimmers! Please be mindful of floating markers!

Have a great rest of the 4th!

Photos from Jennifer Lahmayer- Ranier City Councilor's post 03/07/2023

This will be a longer post.......

Time off for the holiday has given me a chance to review some updates the City of Ranier has in regards to a very large project that has been in development for several years. The pier project. I will try to keep this as informational as possible----many of you who know me, know that I am deeply concerned about the size, scope and cost of this project. Namely that it is too big and does not fit in line with the character of Ranier. I realize this is an opinion, but it is one I will own and gladly speak on.

Now on to the information piece. Back in April of 2021 Representatives Ecklund and Sundin authored a bonding request bill in the amount of 2,100,000. These things take time and edits. Per the City's communication with newly elected Senator Grant Hauschild:

"I was able to secure 3.5 million for the construction of a marina in the City of Ranier, which I trust will be a great development for the City."

This 3.5 million is in addition to 2 LCCMR grants totaling 1.762 million. Much of the LCCMR grant has been used for engineering costs and soil borings. Below will be pictures of the pier project as they have been provided to the public as this process has occurred. The schedule of expected events will be included in some of the photos below. Pending the permitting process, these dates could change, as could the design.

There is a lot to unpack here. If you have questions, feel free to message me or connect with the city. We will be having open meetings regarding this. I do not have a date for that yet.

I also ask that if you have any corrections to the information I have provided, please feel free to contact me or comment below.

Keep things civil. I am free to speak with anyone who may have questions. But my goal here is to try to provide easily understandable information to my constituents. I know you all have very busy lives---social media can be helpful in this regard.

I will be adding to this post as information becomes available or if edits need to be made!

Thank you all for your time and attention!


Earlier than expected! Thank goodness! City Beach is open!

Photos from Rainy Lake Guiding's post 25/06/2023


Locals---please take the time to read and educate yourself regarding the DNR's position on VNP's current fozen lake access proposal. The DNR is holding FIRM that they retain the jurisdictional rights to the waterways within the park. They are taking a public stance for our rights as Minnesota citizens. This is GOOD news. However, the "fight" is not over. Dept. of the Interior is a federal agency with a lot of control.

Photos from Jennifer Lahmayer- Ranier City Councilor's post 21/06/2023

I know it's been a loooooong while! But our lovely little Ranier Park is almost put back together after a 2 year hiatus! Lots of love, work, volunteers and sweat were invested to get the park back to its former glory! Just in time for summer!



The city of Ranier is in search of bids to rebuild/repair our docks from recent flooding. This includes Ranier Beach dock! I know post flood that contractors are very very busy with work up the lake but consider the good that a new dock can bring to the local community and the surrounding area residents! We need your bids by June 19th! Please ignore the May date! June 19th by 4 p.m.!

Please share!



Good afternoon Ranier residents (and surrounding Rainy Lake users). Our lovely Ranier Beach dock was severely damaged during the flood last year. There has been some talk during meetings as to what exactly should be done with it. Do we:

A) Rebuild to its former glory in keeping with its historical layout?

B) Remove the dock (or what is left of it) to add more beach and simplify dealing with high water?

C) Remove the dock but then also add a swimming pier?

I am looking for constructive feedback from you, the public. This will help us as a city make an informed and connected decision as to the future of the dock.

My personal opinion as your representative? I think having and maintaining as many public docks is a public GOOD. Having access to Rainy Lake through public beaches and public docks is something Ranier can take pride in providing, as it has done for years. There are issues with high water to be sure, but there are changes that can be made to ensure a more solid construction that would give the structure a better chance at survival during those times of high water. Please message me or comment (keep it civil please). This is valued feedback for me.

Thank you so much for your time and feel free to share this post. Have a great day!

ParkPlanning - Documents Open For Comment 25/04/2023

ATTENTION: Those wishing to comment on the recent proposed Frozen Lake Surface Access and Use Plan please do so. We have until June 3rd, but do not procrastinate as (if you're like me) it will never get done. Please also consider reaching out to your Senator. This is our back yard----please do your part to engage.

Thank you.

ParkPlanning - Documents Open For Comment ParkPlanning - Documents Open For Comment


FYI: Tonight's Ranier City Council meeting is CANCELLED and will be rescheduled to next Tuesday (4/25) at 6:30 p.m..

International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board’s Water Levels Committee to host virtual public information session to provide an update on basin conditions | International Joint Commission 29/03/2023

For those interested in current water levels and follow-up from previous public meeting.

International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board’s Water Levels Committee to host virtual public information session to provide an update on basin conditions | International Joint Commission Rainy River, Rainer (MN) - Photo Credit: International Joint CommissionTh



Join us for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt and pictures with the Easter Bunny.

Voyageurs National Park Hosts Open House and Opens Comment Period on Frozen Lake Access Preliminary Proposal - Voyageurs National Park (U.S. National Park Service) 28/03/2023

An informed populace is good for policy making. Especially when it comes to our back yards........ Please consider attending one of the 3 open forums regarding this.

Voyageurs National Park Hosts Open House and Opens Comment Period on Frozen Lake Access Preliminary Proposal - Voyageurs National Park (U.S. National Park Service) INTERNATIONAL FALLS, MN: The National Park Service (NPS) will be developing a Frozen Lake Surface Access and Use Plan at Voyageurs National Park and is seeking your input.

Public Comments - Water Levels Committee’s Draft 2022 Post Flood Report - International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board | International Joint Commission 17/03/2023

FYI for those impacted.

Public Comments - Water Levels Committee’s Draft 2022 Post Flood Report - International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board | International Joint Commission The International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board (IRLWWB) welcomes comments on the Water Levels Committee’s draft 2022 Post Flood Report​.



We have a missing dog here in Ranier! Fonzie is one of our Ranier dogs. Please! If you know anything or know someone who has him please contact me and I can facilitate his return to his owner who misses him very much!

Hi I have a lost dog in Ranier, last seen yesterday afternoon around 3pm near city beach. He’s an Australian shepherd mini. Fonzie, he's male.


You're looking at Ranier's newest Tree Inspector! I recently enrolled in the Tree Inspector certification course through the University of Minnesota and passed my exam! Ranier was able to secure money through a DNR grant that will help diversify its tree inventory as a way to combat future disease processes and invasive species that may one day make their way to our area. As part of being a good steward of this project and grant money they ask that we have a certified tree inspector on board during this program. I strongly believe in placing value in the green spaces and trees we have here in our community. Very excited to see this project evolve!

2023 Council Meeting Agenda and Minutes 10/01/2023

REMINDER: Ranier's Committee of the Whole City Council meeting will be held tomorrow at 6:30. Attached below is the link to Agenda/info.

2023 Council Meeting Agenda and Minutes


Happy winter in Ranier!


Please share!

After many wonderful years, our current Deputy City Clerk is moving to the next stage of her life and so we will be looking for someone to fill her incredibly big shoes! This will be a part time position in an office setting. If you know someone who would love to come and work in Ranier, please fill out an application our call our office for more information. Thank you!!


Looking for someone to help with our rink this winter!

Ranier is looking for help at the Rink!!!
