Dear Almah

Dear Almah

Helping you bloom while you wait.
You are a bouquet of different flowers.💐
Just how many⁉️

Photos from Dear Almah's post 06/02/2023

Dear Almah,

Is it too late to say Happy New year? I hope not cause her it is.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! (and Happy New Month too!)
I hope your year has been good so far.

January has been quite busy for me. Got a lot of project going but I guess there's no better way to start the year than to hit the ground running. How was January for you? (Please let me know in the comments)

I could give you a million reasons to explain why I haven't been in touch but none will suffice. In simple terms, I thought I didn't have much to offer but at the turn of the year, I realized that I need a bigger community of friends. Friends who are in the same season of life, facing pretty much the same challenges as I am. It shouldn't solely be about what I have to offer but what we can learn from each other. How we can thrive together.

For this reason, I'm extending a hand of friendship with the Dear Almah E-Convo. It's a weekly letter that will be delivered to your inbox every Monday when you sign up.

I'd love for you to know me and for me in turn to know you. I want to share, gist, and grow with you. Let's talk about all things life and singlehood.

You can click the link in the bio to join.

P.S. When you sign up for the E-Convo, you get a free preview of a book I have been working on: Adorned for Isaac. It's a book birthed both from personal experience, lessons from the elders, and the Holy Spirit through Bible study. I promise it's worth your time.

P.S.S. You can still download the book if you do not want to join the E-Convo (it's a gift anyway 🤷)

P.S.S.S. I'd be posting here too. So please check in as often as possible.


As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout, So is a beautiful woman who is without discretion [her lack of character mocks her beauty].

Proverbs 11:22 AMP

Photos from Dear Almah's post 10/09/2021

Joy is to:
- Be foolish with God
- Be irresponsible and let God take responsibility
- Obey
- Trust
- Walk in identity.

Photos from Dear Almah's post 09/09/2021

The bible is full of foolishness.

This story is proof.

How does a wall come down with a shout?

If I was Joshua would I have believed?

If I was Israel would I have obeyed?

Foolish... Senseless...
To men, it won't work.

But with God all things are possible.

Confront obstacles with joy.
The foolish side is the winning side.


Joy is not an emotion.

It's not activated automatically.

YOU have to activate your joy.

Then your joy activates your faith.

Have you rejoiced today?


Photos from Dear Almah's post 06/09/2021

Joy is underrated.
It carries much more power than we can imagine.

“The joy of the Lord is your strength”

But do you know? Joy is not just strength to overcome. It's a stronghold.

Nehemiah 8:10:
“ not be worried, grieved or depressed for the joy of the Lord is your strength and your stronghold.” (AMP)

Fear is a mirage, the devil's strategy to steal your confidence in God's love, and ultimately steal your joy.

Fear itself is not the attack, it's only a barrage to weaken defences.

In the same way, joy itself is not the actual defence, the assurance of God's love through the promises of the scriptures (put on your lips) is. But joy is how you activate your defence.

So when a motorist or bolt driver takes an unfamiliar route, when you hear gunshots in the middle of the night, or that someone was kidnapped a few blocks from your house, remember to run into joy: your strength and stronghold.

Give no place to fear; choose to meditate on God's love, choose joy.

Joy protects.


Photos from Dear Almah's post 30/07/2021

The world celebrates achievements and very rarely celebrates the process. How can it when you're hidden in that season?

The pressure to be and do mounts everyday, our world enlarges with more possibilities and more expectations each passing moment.

You've probably been frustrated a few times, shed a tear or bawled your eyes out. You've faced life head on feeling so small and weak.

In those moments let the Father teach you joy. Let Him sing His promises from the pages of His written word.

When it seems you're failing, He's dancing for you because you haven't given up. When you're ready to throw in the towel, He'll twirl with you in His arms. He's not only proud of your achievements, He's proud of your 'unproductive efforts'

So sing through the tears, dance through the fear, laugh through the anxiety. He sees, He knows, He cares, He loves.

If you will choose to perform foolishly before an audience of One, you will realize that the truly strong women are not independent, they trust Him senselessly.


Photos from Dear Almah's post 28/07/2021

Dear Almah,
The One who knows the future is for you and in you.


Let me share a beauty secret with you. Be a
Proverbs 31 woman.
Difficult. You think?
Let me simplify the process for you:⁣

I believe all the attributes of the Proverbs 31 woman, can be credited to her making wise decisions per time, which is the Book of Proverbs' main theme.⁣

This book clearly states: “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” so it is not surprising, that after a mind blowing description of who she is and what she does, the chapter concludes:⁣

“Charm is deceptive, beauty does not last; but a woman who HONOURS THE LORD will be greatly praised/honoured.”⁣

And perhaps you do not know that the Hebrew word translated praise in this verse forms the root word for “Hallelujah” ⁣

It means to praise clamorously, foolishly and without reservations, giving honour in its highest concentrate.⁣

Guess another meaning of this word?⁣
It means to shine.⁣


You will glow so much in this dark world you will give glow sticks a run for it. (Cheesy! I know 😁)

But tell me, what beauty on earth can compare to that of God's radiance?⁣

No wonder it is said of her:⁣
“Many daughters have done virtuously, nobly, and well [with the strength of character that is steadfast in goodness], but you excel them all.”⁣

Yours always,⁣





Many poets have tried to capture with words the intentionality and precision with which the creator made you.⁣

They have described every inch and gentle curve with words carefully selected to convey your beauty in the purest form: the rarest and yet most seen form of beauty earth will ever know. ⁣

Still they fall short.⁣

They have put you in the spotlight like you rightly should be. For the creator after He had rested formed you from the finest material He could use.⁣

The world is so fascinated with you, it has stared and focused on your container so much, it has objectified you and neglected to appreciate all the creator put on the inside like it should.⁣

The world fails to realise that the beauty it sees pales in comparison to what you're worth, what's on your inside.⁣

It mistakes your elegance and grace for weakness. Neglecting the strength within that keeps your spine upright and unbending under the expectations you carry, the life on the inside that keeps you blooming, the divine ability to nuture nations and multiply them. ⁣

These are but a few of what the world cannot see no matter how closely it looks at what the eyes can see.⁣

Above all these, you were bought with priceless blood, an heir of the world, worth more than all of creation. This alone tilts the scale.⁣

Like the amaryllis, stand tall and be proud, display your petals unashamedly but be unbending to the world and it's ways as you diffuse the fragrance of Christ with a gentle and quiet spirit.⁣

Never forget to remind the world every moment of each day, in deeds and in words, that your worth is far beyond physical beauty.⁣

Photos from Dear Almah's post 23/11/2020

Influenced by my culture's belief that a young woman is a flower plucked by the groom with permission from her family to plant in his own garden, inspired me to think of you and me as a flower.⁣

So I tried to find one flower among so many that ultimately describes the single Christian lady and every woman out there. ⁣

‘I am a lily of the valley, a rose of Sharon...’ said the Shulamite to her lover (Songs 2:1) and that caught my attention.⁣

The Lily of the valley represents humility, purity, sweetness, chastity and fruitfulness. But for some reason, it wasn't enough. So I started reading about different flowers and their meanings according to different cultures. ⁣

The more I read, the more fascinated and unsure I got about each of them.⁣

For weeks I searched but none of them bracketed every virtue I know has been placed in you.⁣

Then, the night before my birthday, I got the most beautiful compliment ever, the most accurate description of what I know every woman is.⁣

So dear Almah, in the words of my friend who I assure you I got permission to plagiarize, I say to you:⁣

"You are a bouquet of different flowers."⁣

You are created in an endless array of colours, shades, shapes and sizes in the very image of our Father. ⁣

You are a delicate interwoven mass of characteristics, potentials, and limitless capabilities.⁣

You are not to be boxed in. You are allowed to be a lily, a snapdragon, an iris, a daisy, a rose, a ranunculus, a sunflower, a lilac, a jasmine, a gladiolus, a lotus, a freesia, a tulip, a dandelion, an amarylis... you name it; all in one bouquet.⁣

You don't have to conform when you were created to change, adapt, evolve and yet remain ever-increasingly beautiful.⁣

You can blossom in the dark, bloom in a dessert, thrive in winter and still be radiant in summer.⁣

You are allowed to be gentle and bold, compassionate and tough. You are delicate yet strong, humble and resilient, quiet and outspoken, meek and passionate, graceful and carefree... The list is endless.⁣

Continued in the comment section 👇⁣